I also asked my mother, who is a teacher in Moberly, what she thought about the topic. This analysis proves that it is the responsibility of the parents to provide reasonable care, supervision, protection and control over minor children. Copyright 2015 NPR. Both parents and teachers must be involved for children to excel in their exams. The central assumption of this argument is that students' performance would improve if teachers salaries depend on how well their students perfom. A teacher can design a class in a fun and engaging way. One's high about half the time. I would like the spotlight to shine on all areas of irresponsibility and incompetence, including ineffective administrators who not only fail to further education in the classroom but act to impede it, through fear, ignorance, or laziness. But I try not to worry about it, as I have enough on my plate. However, some schools today have been considered as failing schools and is in a greater need than other k-12 schools. by JeSoul ( f ): 6:46pm On Jan 05, 2011. I know its a little insensitive to say, but why is that an awful thing? It also stated that this is the reason why younger adults are having premature stress and most of the homework is not productive or necessary (www.greatschools.org). Teachers should attempt to get their students to the highest level possible, but they should not be held accountable for not doing so. Should students be allowed to retake a test that they have failed? Seniority should be, and I think always will be, a factor when deciding a teachers worth to a school, however times are changing and I think that now more than ever is the time to shy away from what weve been doing collectively as a nation in regards to education and start holding teachers more accountable. It's our job to turn those grades into the office on time so the students can get their progress reports and report cards, and so the parents can know with certainty how their child is doing. In the instance, I am of the honest opinion that it is not the right yardstick to measure a teacher's contribution towards students or society. The teacher, the teacher needs to present the material in a way that the students can build upon, also, they should become experts on the topics they cover. Demanding teachersof difficult subjects (like the math teacher in lynn30k's post) usually don't come out looking as good on these students' evaluations as do easy teachers. If a student considers their teacher to be caring and accepting, they're more likely to adopt the academic and social . Ive provided a link to a wonderful article arguing that we should fire more teachers and rely on a more merit-based system. Many people do not realize that bullying is a serious form of harassment that damages both . Even worse, whats going to stop them from focusing on the kids near the pass/fail line and ignoring everyone else? Three authors that will be used in my beliefs, actions/ skills that leaders should be modeling in their schools, and there is not one standard that is more important than another. A teacher must provide a non-threatening atmosphere in which the child can feel challenged, yet comfortable working at their own rate. She says that, "2015 is not the year to mandate measures in schools, but a great time to start investing in, and encouraging, the development of better measures." As for accountability, being held responsible for the degree of each student's individual progress is unreasonable, considering that we have no control over so many other factors, as. If so, are there other requirements that they must meet, such as a tutoring What are some problems teachers face today that were not problems in the past? Unfortunately, I dont think this will happen soon because teachers unions are so powerful. Continued employment? This topic is great! I believe that all individuals should be taught the same curriculum starting from early education in order to success in our society. As for accountability, being held responsible for the degree of each student's individual progress is unreasonable, considering that we have no control over so many other factors, as mentioned here, but it is reasonable to be held responsible for a group of students' overall progress after a year of instruction and guidance in the classroom. I think most of us would agree that schooling is of great importance, and as such, steps should be taken to promote students best interest. Sit back relax and leave the writing to us. GIGO means Garbage In - Garbage Out and kids must learn to overcome that f. That's what's fair. The view that teachers in Australia should be held accountable for the way in which they teach their students - by way of introducing a new cause of action in educational negligence - is a relatively new premise. Grades and scores are a compilation of many elements, some of which are in the teacher's control, most of which are not (i.e., a healthy diet, enough sleep, study time encouraged/enforced at home, a stable home environment). But, the teachers should definitely try to overcome the money factor and professional teaching patterns and build a personal bond with the children so that they can shape the . In exchange, wed get rid of the really bad teachers that do enormous damage to children, thats a pro. why? Some people claim that yes parents should because they are the authority figure in that child's life, while others say no, believing that if the child can choose to do something wrong then they must be held . Everything should be brought clearly when such a thing happens, and a rational view of the matter be approached. Teachers College Press, 2018. If you've followed education in the news or at the book store in the past couple of years, chances are you've heard of "grit." Teachers should be applauded for their efforts to promote knowledge in school children rather than being held responsible for students performance in an examination. Well even meet a 3-hour deadline. Parents never play into this equation any more at least on the national discussion level. Many factors that teachers cannot control. You (and I'm not saying "you" as the question poster) can whip the teachers as they are always the easy target, but kids are still going to fail sometimes. How students engage. One's eight months pregnant and gone about 1/3 of the days so far. I am all for holding teachers more accountable. In regard to grades, my experience tells me that teachers at any level who set high expectations and really hold the line frequently take a lot of flak from students, parents, and occasionally administrators. Any subject. Teachers performance should not be judged on the performance of their children due to various factors that have direct impacts on children performance (Cochran-Smith, etal, pg.30). That didnt change until President Ronald Reagan put out a report titled A Nation At Risk in 1983, is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. This quote describes the responsibilities and standards of teaching children. As my final CI blog post, I would like to discuss my opinions on the issue that President Obama is extremely passionate about when it comes to education. I was in the minority who had never heard of it, so I appreciated your Laymans terms simplification. But that is easier said. eNotes Editorial, 12 Aug. 2011, https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/accountability-395520. The teachers nowadays are held responsible for the all-round development of students. Hold students as well as teachers accountable. She stated that it wasnt her fault some kids were falling behind because she tries to tutor them throughout times of need, gives multiple chances for homework to be turned in, and changes lesson plans if someone is struggling in one, Huachuca Education Corporation Case Study. Many parents do hold their kids accountable, but what do we do with the portion who no longer even have standards or boundaries for their children? It's frustrating, sometimes, to work as hard as I do, when I know others do not. Teachers are forced to chew than they can swallow in students performance. the teacher is just there for guidance and teach whatever they need to do with their students, and so i don't think the teacher should be held responsible for their student performances it still vary with the individuals, if the student is really motivated and works hard and have the interest to learn, a student would perform better with the aid Also, it would be a tremendous drain to make education entirely reliant on the scores on given tests. In the future, grit measures could include some kind of performance task, perhaps in a computer simulation. As I wrote for my last CI blog, teacher quality can make or break a students learning experience. [/ b] Rather the society recognizes and respects those who made lots of money . For example, should teachers be held accountable for habitually truant students? If the accountability is punitive in nature, as I assume it would be, then grade inflation will be the result, just as if it is low test scores, then teaching to the test will be the result. Our current system fails to correct ineffective teaching and fails to reward outstanding performance. Deming, David J., and David Figlio. Evaluations of teachers are often based on student performance data, but regardless of grade level the criteria of evaluations remains the same. Hugely topical issue, isn't it! Students who rated themselves lower on these non-cognitive skills had more absences, got in trouble more and made fewer gains in math. A teacher may create an engaging and simple lesson for a student, but the rest is up to the student. Parents should also take part in their children academic journey rather than letting teachers to bare all the burdens. However, the problem always lies with assessment. We watched it in another class of mine and it inspired me to write about this topic! The current pandemic did not leave a stone turned to hurt every profession, but teaching was most certainly hit hard. Making teachers responsible for students' behavior absolves students of responsibility for their own actions and develops an externalized . In such instances, an instructor cannot be held liable for a student's poor performance. How Are Teachers Held Accountable. Students looking for free, top-notch essay and term paper samples on various topics. They come from naturally from parents and living in society. It would definitely change teacher behavior much more than monetary rewards alone. I don't disagree with the premise of some of the above posters, but "held accountable" is pretty vague. However, teacher pay should depend on students' performance is a hot button. Aspects Our administrators mostly just look at the students' evaluations of our teaching. Of course, we have to do our jobs, and hopefully do them well. What is the difference between product-oriented and process-oriented evaluation? Im not saying I agree or disagree with it, but its something that we have to do from Kindergarden to Grad School, we are evaluated on our performance. The findings suggest top-down and bottom-up approaches to improve teaching are unlikely to do much. Particularly when they can get paid the same for taking the easier one. However, this claim is flawed because other factors are responsible for student success, it disincentivizes students from being responsible for their education and teachers may focus on academic success rather than imparting skills. Furthermore, the student is responsible for a major portion of the student's academic accomplishment. Teachers strive to work hard in teaching their students to the best of their ability. For teachers of nontested subjects or grades, evaluations may include supplemental student assessments or school- or department-level student performance. Teacher's can be responsible for failures however; teacher's can not physically force student/parents to do the assignments. How much to creditand blameteachers for student performance is an issue that continues to confound . My favorite teachers in high school were the ones who felt when their students fail, they fail. If anything, we're encouraged to fight grade inflation by not giving out too many A grades. Teachers can not be expected to control a student's life outside the classroom and then be held solely responsible for their students' achievement. If we look at the impact any one teacher has on a student's first 18 years of life, it comes out to roughly 0.5% which is a fraction of a single percentage point. Teachers should be held accountable for what and how well they teach, of course. This is one of the primary reasons why their children do not perform in exam ten instead of being held responsible for their failure to guide their children their blame teachers. Am I responsible for him? Teachers play an important role in nurturing students' sense of belonging. Just like with test scores, there is a lot more at play than simple teacher incompetence when it comes to student success or failure. Teachers who have students with disciplinary issues have a more difficult time day to day trying to get through a lesson, let alone trying to help students get high test scores. On top of that, if the scores do not improve, the government slowly gains more power over the school. Few teachers are free to plan, teach, assess, track progress or indeed do much of anything exactly how they want to. Other reforms, including higher wages, would have to be instituted. A research review of the impact of accountability policies on teachers workplace relations. Educational research review 9 (2013): 16-33. Evaluations? Subscribe to receive weekly updates of MindShift stories every Sunday. And finally, as you note, it could alienate teachers and demoralize them. The purpose of giving and receiving feedback is the enhancement of both teachers' efficacy and students' learning. Nonetheless, I will re-iterate where I stand on merit-based teaching. Open navigation menu. Change those factors and methods used, and kids can overcome any obstacles and what the world does to them. GET CUSTOM PAPER. An ongoing debate at debate.org website shows 66% say that teachers should not be held responsible for their students. A standardized test? Therefore, students must ensure that they have adequate knowledge of desirable performance. Taking a look at standard 1, a leader has to focus on creating visions and goals for students to be successful. Good teaching is hard, bad teaching is the easiest thing you could do. They need to be held accountable for attempting interventions, but not for the success of interventions. As the New York Times reports, Mr. Duncan said during Bloomberg's recent Washington press conference that "Everyone agrees the current system is broken."Those who support basing teacher evaluations on student test scores tend to say that performance-based pay plans will benefit student learning by keeping the best . I really enjoyed reading about your dads first-hand experience on the school board; that definitely offers a new perspective. But, she says, there are "serious limitations" with trying to use those same 12 questions, or something like them, in a high-stakes accountability context. Over large populations and in repeated experiments, Duckworth has found significant correlations between self-ratings on her 12-item "grit scale" and people's actual accomplishments. In conclusion, I disagree with the statement that teachers should be held responsible for the results students attain in the examination. What should a teacher do if a student asks a question that he or she cannot answer? This approach could potentially condition teachers to over-prioritize test preparation, perhaps at the expense of less objective but equally essential topics like communication and creativity. All you need to do is fill out a short form and submit an order. This essay has been submitted by a student. Argumentative essay: Teachers should be held accountable for the results their students attain in the examination, In most cases, teachers are expected to take the blame on the failure of their students, even though its their responsibility to promote high performance in school they may not achieve this. People do not. There are too many factors that affect the scores. Therefore, parents should be legally responsible for their children's activities. However, at the school level the picture reversed. In some extent, teachers are responsible for their students performance, but this should not be based for being held responsible (Mausethagen, and Slvi, pg.20). this thing will be discussed in the upcoming paragraphs. As Im sure that everyone is aware by now, when he was elected in 2009, Barack Obama began a program for school systems called Race to the Top. The goal of the Race was simple, schools who have an abundance of low test scores have the opportunity to receive government funding that is used to raise test scores through various programs, and even raising teachers salaries if their students succeed. America's education woes are caused by inconsistent teacher quality, bad curricula, bad textbooks, and bad teaching methods and ideas. Therefore, effective feedback is two-way communication. Although accountability plays a significant role in producing good results teachers should not be judged based on the performance of their students. The purpose of this assignment is to apply what I have learned throughout the course and present additional information on failing schools. If they do not want to, they should have thought about that in the first place instead of posting harmful things on social media. I enjoyed reading all the posts. Under such enormous pressure, it is no wonder that many teachers choose to be controlling. Therefore, parents should be held accountable for their children's bullying behavior. What is your opinion?" Whats going to stop teachers from doing relentless test preparation? "I'm hearing about school district superintendents getting very interested in things like character and grit, and wanting to evaluate teachers based on them." Cochran-Smith, Marilyn, et al. Alongside growth mindset and self-control, grit is on a short list of not-strictly-academic skills, habits and qualities that researchers have deemed essential. There's so many more factors at play with a student's and a teacher's success than in most other professions. For my future students, my responsibilities as a future educator include supplementing the growth of a variety of students knowledge and creativity, abiding as a role model for students and colleagues, and understanding, advancement of the students. If having a good teachor or a bad teacher only influences up to 14 percent of student performance, then maybe the wake up call here is that teachers don't really matter as much as we've thought, and school districts shoud take a hard look at the factors responsible for 86 . A major problem for me with all this is that the teachers who take on the most difficult students to teach are the ones who are the least likely to "score" well in these systems As a special educator, this is so obvious. Here's the problem. Secondly, if grades are the determining factor of whether or not the teacher is held accountable . doesn't the teacher determine the grades? "Accountability Should teachers be held accountable for the grades of their students? There is certainly a devil in those details. Once those are in place, the teacher has done his or her job. Measurable outcomes of a student cannot and should not be used to make evaluative decisions about the behavior of a teacher because the student may not be able to learn because of out-of-school factors or may choose not to learn. Answer (1 of 16): They don't create stupid children. Absolutely, but apart from the SATs, standardized tests generally do not include a writing portion (I'm sure the ACT does too, but it's my understanding that most state tests-those by which AYPs are determined-do not. In theory, this seems like a great idea. How is an ideal school most likely to be? I'm sorry to say this, but if teacher performance is, indeed, ever linked to student grades, there will be an obvious and marked inflation of student grades. Our students are actively engaged in their own learning with the help of our instructional staff. Students, parents and teachers can make the education system better by students taking control of their own education, parents who care for their kids education and teachers who make amazing learning environment for their students. Seniority should be, and I think always will be, a factor when deciding a teacher's worth to a school, however times are changing and I think that now more than ever is the time to shy away from what we've been doing collectively as a nation in regards to education and start holding teachers more accountable. Should Student Test Scores Be Used to Evaluate Teachers? I do regular checks on their understanding and build in reinforcement where I can. Argumentative essay writing service review, PROFESSIONAL ANALYTICAL ESSAY WRITING SERVICE, In case you cant find a sample example, our professional writers are ready to help you with writing your own paper. In this essay I will give the challenges faced in that standard and the purpose of the standards and how do they impact that educational community. http://learningmatters.tv/blog/on-pbs-newshour/race-to-the-top-teaching-for-dollars-pt-4/5123/. In fact, Olaniyan and Salman (2015) discovered that Table 1. She is a . One, only fix so much. Accountability needs to be more equitable. Also, do you think if this becomes more the case, then grading standards may become relaxed? We have changed how we view these standards as well. Teachers work with students to adjust their learning goals in various subjects based on the feedback and data gained from students and parents. Standards are a certain level of success to reach in an area. 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