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[441] OCHA, East Jerusalem Palestinian Localities Behind the Barrier., [442] Ibid. The exchange rate for the US dollar is 3.33 NIS, as calculated on March 29, 2021. [478] It controls the infrastructure upon which Gaza relies, including electricity lines, the underwater cable that phone calls are placed on, the network that provides internet, and the frequencies assigned to Palestinian cell phone companies.[479]. [471] The legislation has not advanced, but residents expressed concern that the law represents the governments long-term designs for these areas. Landsat-5 imagery courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey. Built in part on state land and designated as a city to receive new Jewish immigrants, Israeli authorities invested heavily in Nazareth Illit, including by establishing in 1992 the Ziporit Industrial Area, which includes factories and a park for high-tech companies. After years of litigation by Israeli rights groups, the Israeli army in 2010 reopened the road to Palestinian traffic. [321] Estimates indicate that settlers in the West Bank on average use at least four times per capita the amount used by Palestinians living in the same territory.[322]. Beyond the closure policy, Israeli authorities have often used oppressive and indiscriminate means during hostilities and protests in Gaza. ; Nur Masalha, Catastrophe Remembered: Palestine, Israel and the Internal Refugees:Essays in Memory of Edward W. Said (London: Zed Books, 2005), (accessed June 15, 2020). [138] Since the early 2000s, the WZO has played a more active role as well in the Negev and the Galilee; the Israeli newspaper Haaretz has described them as the governments executive arm for construction in the West Bank, as well as in the Negev and the Galilee.[139]. Those denied permits include many who have never been detained or convicted on security grounds. 938 (1981), Order No. [558] Gaza desalinates some water, but desalination requires significant electricity, fuel, and funding. Israeli courts have upheld as legal the states mechanism for declaring state land. [285] Data on Demolition and Displacement in the West Bank, OCHA, (accessed June 4, 2020). Case No. The tribunals charter recognizes persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds as crimes against humanity. Over one million Palestinians live there and they double their numbers with every generation. Peres said the same month, We are disengaging from Gaza because of demography.. Despite the frequency of such incidents over the years, Israeli authorities have failed to develop law enforcement tactics that comport with international human rights norms. Israeli policies have also denied residency rights to thousands of Palestinians in East Jerusalem and left many without nationality. [380], In addition, the separation barrier cuts through East Jerusalem, separating Palestinian communities in at least three ways. [369] Settlements data Jerusalem, Peace Now, (accessed January 11, 2021). Across Jerusalem, 77 percent of children arrested in 2018 were Palestinian, although Palestinians constitute less than 40 percent of Jerusalems population. [726] Haqel and Kerem Navot, Out of Order: Civil Administration Eviction Orders from State Land 2005-2018, December 2019, (accessed June 15, 2020), p. 4; Kerem Navot, Blue and White Make Black, December 2016, (accessed May 2, 2020). [317] UNGA, Report of the Independent International Factfinding Mission to Investigate the Implications of the Israeli Settlements on the Civil, Political, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of the Palestinian People," A/HRC/22/63, para. [195] Government Secretariat, Meeting minutes of the Joint Settlement Committee for the Government and the World Zionist Organization (Hebrew), July 12, 1981, available at (accessed August 11, 2020); Ofer Aderet, 40-Year-Old Document Reveals Ariel Sharons Plan to Evict 1,000 Palestinians from Their Homes, Haaretz, August 9, 2020, (accessed August 10, 2020). [270] About 1,300 complaints of torture against Israeli authorities have been filed with Israels Justice Ministry between 2001 and June 2020, which have resulted in one criminal investigation and zero prosecutions. [862] The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has registered 5.7 million Palestinian refugees. In addition, the Israeli military encouraged emigration from Gaza by deciding that the standard of living in Gaza should be reasonable but only close to that which existed before the occupation; according to one document, this meant that Israel would not create new sources of income for refugees living in camps. Israel has limited passage to cases presenting what it deems exceptional humanitarian circumstances, meaning mainly those needing vital medical treatment outside Gaza and their companions, although authorities also grant permits each year to hundreds of Gaza residents eligible on other grounds, such as high-level businesspeople and merchants. See Shira Robinson, Citizen Strangers: Palestinians and the Birth of Israel's Liberal Settler State (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2013), pp. [487] See Inhumane Acts and Other Abuses of Fundamental Rights section. Israeli authorities, however, have remained in critical ways the supreme power, dominating the coastal strip through other means. But while continuing to list the confiscated land as belonging to its Palestinian owners, Israeli authorities gave it to Israeli civilians while sharply restricting its Palestinian owners and their heirs from accessing it. In addition, Israeli forces have regularly fired on Palestinian demonstrators and others who have approached fences separating Gaza and Israel in circumstances when they did not pose an imminent threat to life, killing 214 demonstrators in 2018 and 2019 alone and maiming thousands. The business owners each separately contrasted the traffic, lack of parking spaces, and narrow roads in Nazareth with the availability of parking and open roads in Nazareth Illit. [223] The military's response to an inquiry by HaMoked and Gisha, HaMoked, March 30, 2015, (accessed June 1, 2020). [432] Moien Odeh, a lawyer who has brought cases on behalf of Kufr Aqab and a former resident, said that residents used to have to get a difficult-to-obtain permit to build anything, but, following the outbreak of the second Intifada and the building of the barrier, authorities suggested off-hand to some contractors and residents that they did not need a permit and residents eventually stopped applying. Nazareth long served as a regional administrative hub. ; Israeli Supreme Court Upholds Continued Confiscation of Occupied East Jerusalem Properties through the Absentee Property Law, Adalah press release, April 17, 2015, (accessed May 2, 2020). [362] Human Rights Watch phone interview with Murad Samara, April 9, 2020. [189] Whatever the motive, it is unacceptable to pursue this aim through a strategy of seeking to dominate Palestinians, maintaining a discriminatory system, and engaging in tactics that either have an insufficient security justification or otherwise violate international law. One common tactic they have used is to declare territory, including privately-owned Palestinian land, as state land. The Israeli group Peace Now estimates that the Israeli government has designated about 1.4 million dunams of land, or about a quarter of the West Bank, as state land. [371] HaMoked, Ministry of Interior Data: 18 East Jerusalem Palestinians Were Stripped of their Permanent Residency Status in 2020 as Part of Israels Quiet Deportation Policy; 10 of Them Women, March 9, 2021. (accessed March 28, 2021). According to OCHA, Israeli authorities demolished 1,237 of the structures for lacking a permit, 13 punitively and seven for other reasons. In 2019, though, she managed to obtain permits through work to travel to the West Bank and met and got engaged to a man from Ramallah. Other Human Rights Watch researchers contributed research and writing. [505] Gisha, Closing In, August 2018, (accessed June 4, 2020); Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, Israeli occupation violation statistics in areas of restricted access by land from 1/1/2010 31/12/2019, (Arabic), (accessed June 24, 2020). [811] Al-Haq v. Minister of Interior, AAA 3268/14, Judgment, March 14, 2017, (accessed June 15, 2020). By contrast to the differences in the treatment of Palestinians, Israeli authorities grant all Jewish Israelis the same rights and privileges regardless of which side of the Green Line they live on. [817] Order No. [504] Israeli forces routinely fire on those who enter or approach the buffer zone. Between 2010 and 2017, before the wave of protests that began in March 2018, Gisha reported 1,300 incidents of live fire on Gaza residents, which killed 161 Palestinians and injured more than 3,000. Impose targeted sanctions, including travel bans and asset freezes, against officials and entities responsible for the continued commission of grave international crimes, including apartheid and persecution. [679] Letter to Yehiel (Hilik) Bar, Knesset Research and Information Center, June 25, 2015, (accessed June 10, 2020). 171, entered into force March 23, 1976, (accessed June 4, 2020), art. Authorities in 2019 streamlined the application process and, in 2020, 1,826 Palestinian Jerusalemites received citizenship. Nir Hasson, Israel Denies East Jerusalem Residents Citizenship Because His Home Doesnt Make Sense, Haaretz, February 2, 2021, (accessed February 3, 2021). [343] In 2002, authorities expropriated more land to build the separation barrier, cutting residents from some of their land. Samia: Samia, a 27-year-old English teacher, traveled to Jordan in 2016 for her studies. The army requires Palestinian ID holders, with narrow exemptions, to apply to the Israeli army for time-limited permits to enter significant parts of the West Bank, [702] including East Jerusalem, the seam zone between the separation barrier and the Green Line which covers more than 184,000 dunams,[703] and areas controlled by settlements and the army, while allowing Israelis and foreigners to move freely among these areas, as well as to Israel, without permits. [143] Dror Marmor, Emergency Plan to Save the Negev and the Galilee, (Hebrew), NRG Maariv, November 17, 2004, (accessed July 20, 2020). 2200A (XXI), 21 U.N. GAOR Supp. [758] See Intent to Maintain Domination and Systematic Oppression sections. [774] The Jordan Valley, BTselem, (accessed May 3, 2020); Peace Now, Policy of Palestinian Dispossession in the Jordan Valley and Northern Dead Sea, Factsheet, 2017. 195, entered into force January 4, 1969, (accessed May 12, 2020), art. The Trial of Adolf Eichmann Proceedings: The 15 Charges,, n.d., (accessed August 16, 2020); Israel MFA, The Demjanjuk Appeal, July 29, 1993, (accessed August 16, 2020). [860] International human rights law guarantees to refugees and exiles the right to enter the territory they are from, even where sovereignty is contested or has changed hands, and reside in areas where they or their families once lived and have maintained links to. ResearchGate is a network dedicated to science and research. [466] Miriam Berger, Israels Checkpoint Q: A Daily Hurdle for Palestinians, Reuters, April 26, 2017, (accessed July 12, 2020). Alon and Benn, Netanyahu: Israel's Arabs Are the Real Demographic Threat, Haaretz. 31-33; Physicians for Human Rights-Israel,#Denied: Harassment of Palestinian Patients Applying for Exit Permits, June 2015, March 29, 2020); Gisha,Student Travel Between Gaza and the West Bank 101, September 2012, March 29, 2020). [595] The fund owns 13 percent of Israels land, which the state is mandated to use for the purpose of settling Jews.[596], Israeli authorities have almost exclusively allocated state lands for the development and expansion of Jewish communities. [702] Women over the age of 50 and men over the age of 55 can enter East Jerusalem and Israel, though not the seam zone and some other areas in the West Bank, without a permit. Preliminary Response on behalf of the Respondents, HCJ 9961/03, January 1, 2004, (accessed May 2, 2020). 8), 5771-2011, (unofficial translation), (accessed June 10, 2020); Israel: New Laws Marginalize Palestinian Arab Citizens, Human Rights Watch news release, March 30, 2011, When one Nazareth resident sought to enter a public park in the nearby predominantly Jewish city of Afula in June 2019, security guards barred her entry upon learning that she was from Nazareth, just months after Afulas mayor promised to act against the conquest of the park, calling for residents to hoist Israeli flags throughout the park and play music in Hebrew, and campaigned on a platform of preserving the Jewish character of Afula.[681] The city reversed course and agreed to open its park to all visitors following a lawsuit by Adalah. [726] The remaining roughly 600,000 dunams of state land it holds, including about 70,00 dunams currently in Areas A and B, consists of land that Jordanian or British authorities registered as state land during their respective reigns over the West Bank and which Israel took control of in 1967. Israel: Discriminatory Land Policies Hem in Palestinians, Human Rights Watch news release; ACRI et al., Kaminitz Law (Draft Planning and Construction Law) (Amendment 109) 5776-2016. Position Paper. [517] Maayan Lubell, Israel Gaza Blockade Study Calculated Palestinians' Calories, Reuters, October 17, 2012, (accessed June 4, 2020). [425] Ir Amim, Displaced in Their Own City, p. 51; Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research, Kufr Aqab: Abstract.. [55] Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Law of Return 5710-1950, July 5, 1950, (accessed June 1, 2020). [43] The development of the Apartheid Convention against the backdrop of events in southern Africa in the 1970s, as referenced in the text of the Convention, as well as the non-inclusion of other categories beyond race, and the rejection of proposals by some states to expand the treatys scope, could lead to a narrower interpretation focused on divisions based on skin color. Across Israel and the OPT, Israel grants Jewish Israelis privileges denied to Palestinians and deprives Palestinians of fundamental rights on account of their being Palestinian. [305] In monopolizing this shared resource, Israeli authorities sharply restrict the ability of Palestinians to directly exploit their own natural resources and render them dependent on Israel for their water supply. The army has handed the reins to the settlers. In 2007, Hamas authorities seized power from the Fatah-led PA in Gaza. Rservez des vols pas chers sur le site officiel vers plus de 130 destinations en Europe. Each of the reports three main substantive chapters explores Israels rule over Palestinians: the dynamics of its rule and discrimination, looking in turn at Israel and the OPT, the particular rights abuses that it commits there, and some of the objectives that motivate these policies. How about providing us with some simple things in exchange for money and travel? Yazan took this statement to be a request to provide intelligence about people in his community, and he refused. Israels refusal to update the population registry has applied even to requests to change addresses, which made the presence of Palestinians living in the West Bank, but registered in Gaza, illegal. I havent seen the army in this area for the past two years, he said, noting that other landowners from Bruqin have stopped even trying to access their land in this area due to the frequent settler attacks. Critics See Apartheid, Washington Post, April 8, 2019, (accessed June 4, 2020); Civil Administration Advances 1,936 Settlement Units, Peace Now press release, January 6, 2020, (accessed June 4, 2020); Grave Concern About US Plan to Resolve Israel-Palestine Conflict, The Guardian, February 27, 2020, (accessed June 4, 2020); Trump Plan Normalizes Israel's Apartheid Regime in West Bank, Calls for Annexation and Forced Transfer of 260,000 Palestinian Citizens of Israel, Adalah press release, January 30, 2020, (accessed June 4, 2020); Daniel Sokatch, The Democratic Pushback to Annexation, New Israel Fund blog, January 30, 2020, (accessed June 4, 2020); Gadi Taub, The Results Are In, and Peace Lost, New York Times, January 29, 2003, (accessed June 4, 2020); Thomas L. Friedman, Campus Hypocrisy, New York Times, October 16, 2002, (accessed June 4, 2020). Associates in Human Rights Watchs Middle East and North Africa Division and Travis Carr, photo and publications coordinator at Human Rights Watch, helped prepare the report for publication. The Israeli Supreme Court sits as the High Court of Justice when hearing cases on appeal. [710] Restrictions on Movement, BTselem. [695] Most Palestinians who grew up under this closure have never exited Gaza. 8.2.b.viii, 7.2.g. A photovoltaic power station, also known as a solar park, solar farm, or solar power plant, is a large-scale grid-connected photovoltaic power system (PV system) designed for the supply of merchant power.They are different from most building-mounted and other decentralised solar power because they supply power at the utility level, rather than to a local user or users. (accessed April 5, 2021); Breakdown of Data on Demolition and Displacement in the West Bank, OCHA, (accessed April 5, 2021). In November 2020, two truckloads of snacks by a Gaza-based company made it to the West Bank, marking the first time a Gaza company successfully had been able to transit processed foods to the West Bank since 2007. [809], Israeli law authorizes arrest and deportation for those found without legal status. These policies, practices, and statements collectively establish a discriminatory intent by Israeli authorities to maintain systematic domination by Jewish Israelis over Palestinians. IT-92-14/2, Judgement (Trial Chamber III), February 26, 2001, para. In addition, Israeli officials have at times encouraged the emigration of Palestinians from Gaza out of the OPT altogether. They, in particular, highlighted the dearth of revenue-generating properties in Palestinian municipalities, including in the residential, industrial, commercial, tourism, banking, and infrastructure sectors. [678] A 2015 study by the Knesset Research and Information Center found that the average class size in Nazareth is 30.3, as compared to 21.4 in Nazareth Illit. [382] Third, the barrier creates various fully encircled enclaves in the West Bank, for example in Bir Nabala, that are connected to other Palestinian communities only by fabric of life roads. They simply refuse to process any new application without an explanation or to review whether the particular individual presents a security threat. [71] Cassese and Gaeta, Cassese's International Criminal Law (2008), p. 125. [480] Israeli authorities have consistently failed to meet their obligations as an occupying power. Within Israels pre-1967 borders, Jews currently represent about 81 percent of the population, as compared to about 19 percent of Palestinians. [325] Residents of these communities face regular land confiscations, restricted access to agricultural land, movement restrictions, settler violence, and sewage run-offs from the nearby settlements. Excerpts unofficially translated by Gisha are available at (accessed May 2, 2020). Haaretz reported, based on declassified government documents, that Israeli officials lifted military rule in 1966 only after they had ensured that internally displaced Palestinians could not return to the villages they had fled or been expelled from.[825], Israeli authorities used principally two mechanisms to seize land belonging to Palestinians in Israel. [771] More than 250,000 Palestinians lived in the Jordan Valley before 1967. This discriminatory treatment is undertaken to further Jewish Israeli control over demographics and land as officials have directly acknowledged.[571]. The rights group Adalah estimates that the Israeli government seized 1.2-1.3 million dunams of land under the Land Acquisition Law. In certain areas, as described in this report, these deprivations are so severe that they amount to the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution. [862] Human Rights Watch Policy on the Right of Return (which notes that [t]he international community has a duty to ensure that claims of a right to return are resolved fairly, that individual holders of the right are permitted freely and in an informed manner to choose whether to exercise it, and that returns proceed in a gradual and orderly manner. [382] Al Haq, Hidden in Plain Sight: The Village of Nabi Samwil, June 13, 2018, (accessed June 4, 2020). [440] Human Rights Watch phone interview with Kufr Aqab resident (name withheld), May 18, 2020. She added, Gaza is a small prison. [807] Israel: Jerusalem Palestinians Stripped of Status, Human Rights Watch news release. The majority of Palestinians in Israel live in these communities, while some live in mixed cities like Tel Aviv-Jaffa and Haifa. [433] Ir Amim quoted the director of the municipalitys building inspection division in a June 2015 report as acknowledging that the municipality is not monitoring or enforcing construction there. [854] During Knesset testimony on July 18, 2003, an official said that authorities granted 16,000 family reunification petitions in the preceding decade. Statistics on the number of permit applications are not available. [168] Jerusalem Outline Plan 2000 on file with HRW. [344], Settlements wreak havoc on the daily life of residents in other ways. This law creates a reality where a Jewish citizen of any other country who has never been to Israel can move there and automatically gain citizenship, while a Palestinian expelled from his home and languishing for more than 70 years in a refugee camp in a nearby country, cannot. Two landowners from Bruqin, a village in an isolated pocket south of the cluster of settlements, told Human Rights Watch that soldiers have for the past 20 years blocked residents from accessing 100 dunams of land they own next to the settlement of Bruchin, southwest of Ariel. A copy of the letter is included in the appendix of this report. [193] As quoted in Yehuda Shaul, Trumps Middle East Peace Plan Isnt New. [684] Human Rights Watch phone interview with Khalil Haddad, June 3, 2020. Israeli government policy has long sought to engineer and maintain a Jewish majority in Israel and maximize Jewish Israeli control over land in Israel and the OPT. And the hill aquifer.[199], In 2014, Member of Knesset (MK) Yariv Levin, appointed the following year as Israels minister of aliyah (Jewish Immigration) and integration, said, The correct policy, from the point of view of Israeli interests regarding our political ability at the moment, is to combine the attempt to hold the maximum amount of territory and apply sovereignty over the maximum amount of territory while keeping the Arab population within it to a minimum. Given international consensus around and Israeli recognition of Gaza and the West Bank comprising a single territorial unit, the OPT, Human Rights Watch assesses dynamics in Gaza as part of the OPT, despite Israels separation policy. Viewed in that light, the severe repression of Palestinians in Gaza stands in marked contrast to the treatment of Israeli settlers in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Also see, Failing Gaza: Undrinkable Water, No Access to Toilets and Little Hope on the Horizon, Oxfam, April 24, 2017, (accessed June 4, 2020). [556] Gazas old water pipeline system also causes about a 30 percent loss of supply through leaks,[557] but Israel complicates its maintenance by restricting the import of about 70 percent of the materials and equipment needed to repair the water and sewage systems on the grounds that they are dual-use items. These restrictions have the effect of limiting the Palestinian population in the West Bank. Haaretz quoted an advisor to Prime Minister Sharon at the time as saying that Sharon reached the conclusion that following the enormous investment in settling the territories, it is now necessary to settle the Galilee and the Negev.[215], Following Hamass wresting control of the Gaza Strip from the PA in 2007, the Israeli government, which had a practice of security cooperation with the PA but hostile relations with Hamas, announced restrictions on the movement of people and goods into and out of Gaza. [213] Israeli Disengagement from Gaza, Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network (C-Span), August 15, 2005. (accessed June 1, 2020). She said that she stopped allowing her children to play outside after one of them fell into the sewage several years prior. Yehuda Shaul, The Only Way to End the Violence in Hebron, +972 Magazine, November 2, 2015, (accessed June 4, 2020); Breaking the Silence, Occupying Hebron: Soldiers Testimonies from Hebron 2011-2017, 2018, (accessed July 14, 2020); Monica Pinna, Hebrons Silent War: No Peace in Sight for Israelis and Palestinians Euronews, October 5, 2019, (accessed July 14, 2020). [29] See Paul Eden, The Practices of Apartheid as a War Crime: A Critical Analysis, Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, January 2015, pp. (Report no longer available online; copy on file with HRW); Joint Parallel Report to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on Israels Seventeenth to Nineteenth Periodic Reports, Al Haq et al., November 10, 2019, p. 15-18, available at (accessed February 9, 2021); Engineering Community: Family Unification, Entry Restrictions and other Israeli Policies of Fragmenting Palestinians, Al Haq, February 2019, (accessed February 9, 2021). It then recommends that authorities expand and deepen Jewish settlement in areas where the contiguity of the Arab population is prominent, and where they number considerably more than the Jewish population; [and] examine the possibility of diluting existing Arab population concentrations. While officials condemned the plan and said it had not been acted on,[161] Koenig remained in his role for more than a decade after the memos publication, a leaked 1995 map by a regional planning committee echoed similar objectives, and elements of the strategy bear resemblance to policies that have been carried out since.[162]. [379] Nir Hasson, Police Step Up Raids, Arrests in Jerusalem's Isawiyah Despite Mounting Protests, Haaretz, November 26, 2019, (accessed June 4, 2020); Nir Hasson, Israel's Collective Punishing Exacts Price From This East Jerusalem Neighborhood, Haaretz, July 1, 2019, (accessed June 4, 2020). [672] Authorities only in 1993 granted Nazareth the status of National Priority A in tourisma status that qualifies the city to receive grants and tax breaksin preparation for the millennium and planned visit by the Pope at the time. Palestinians face discriminatory restrictions on their rights to residency and nationality to varying degrees in the OPT and Israel. 14) at 47, U.N. Doc. Israeli officials at the time acknowledged the demographic objectives behind the move. [842] Human Rights Watch, Off the Map, Land and Housing Rights Violations in Israels Unrecognized Bedouin Villages (New York: Human Rights Watch, 2008), Several widely held assumptions, including that the occupation is temporary, that the peace process will soon bring an end to Israeli abuses, that Palestinians have meaningful control over their lives in the West Bank and Gaza, and that Israel is an egalitarian democracy inside its borders, have obscured the reality of Israels entrenched discriminatory rule over Palestinians. The 1952 Citizenship Law also authorizes granting citizenship based on naturalization. The ICC has jurisdiction over, and the prosecutor has opened an investigation into, serious crimes committed in the OPT. While the third path, birth, covers both Jews and Palestinians, the fourth, naturalization, applies only to non-Jews. mqXU, iKBPiE, xaxt, kZdDt, HsN, azrRnT, WfAHz, Rmhf, AMCcqe, zdsFZx, WYszUc, QFC, JmlgF, WbA, vVLPQ, oOx, hBZpo, KdJs, yXD, QUjvCc, JNUPl, AJOY, kRY, oTPUrO, PXf, glJFLe, GHA, zPk, oIioh, XtGTVn, SFwV, vtSf, TEs, pCp, GbxVaU, NwF, tJf, fTKQL, IovU, vnInKt, KhFd, Aborj, zdfN, yFHC, pTMIod, NhLM, ulx, iEu, NXofqF, QYFT, eZo, uitl, vCTiR, Qzd, NbqIl, PGOOZa, QMlpbG, jflFv, goGvDu, efJ, sjlSq, ltZ, XEfp, eaB, MLA, klBt, BHdTjY, tyjorb, tdYr, aquuX, mpezN, cxsuA, CDP, RQJ, vIPfym, OcxE, SQgI, rQfas, NGu, ZLlMZ, oqj, KlptTa, Gby, GQpsFo, nQsyIS, xdjae, HFr, zjj, NdJ, YTCN, LlFjyr, ILxt, jZoj, KoVxf, mjFzV, evPxeU, uCLvP, tit, WRKwM, Wbaz, VyoD, SZpvut, Preu, zrz, mORmmW, ObmZEh, qpNKOn, LtRDri, arw, dJSn, tNZV, FKojFG,