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[501] Unemployment has, however, remained politically divisive because it affects the distribution of wealth and power. '"[315] During the 19th century, many courts upheld the right to strike, but others issued injunctions to frustrate strikes,[316] and when the Sherman Act of 1890 was passed to prohibit business combinations in restraint of trade, it was first used against labor unions. [9] There are separate rules for sex discrimination in pay under the Equal Pay Act of 1963. Unions have not, however, yet experimented with agreements to automatically enroll employees in unions with a right to opt out. The union must also give 60 days warning before undertaking any strike while a collective agreement is in force. Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, all the kings of Europe, Napoleon, Bismarck, Leninno predecessor can equal Mao Tse-tung's scope of accomplishment, for no other country was ever so ancient and so big as China. Unions can take collective action to defend their interests, including withdrawing their labor on strike. Under 411, every member has the right to vote, attend meetings, speak freely and organize, not have fees raised without a vote, not be deprived of the right to sue, or be suspended unjustly. My inbox is overflowing with questions from newbies. Randolph was formerly the home of several large shoe companies. I once debated with the democratic people: You accuse us of acting like Ch'in-shih-huang, but you are wrong; we surpass him 100 times. Under 2618 special rules apply for employees of local educational agencies. This writing job is all about adding great portfolio samples and building your credibility as a writer. After a few months, Mao's government reversed its policy and persecuted those who had criticised the party, totalling perhaps 500,000,[199] as well as those who were merely alleged to have been critical, in what is called the Anti-Rightist Movement. [16] The 1790 United States Census recorded 694,280 slaves (17.8 per cent) of a total 3,893,635 population. I also have an entire 4-week course on finding your first freelance writing jobs that goes even more in-depth on the subject. e.g. [511] These powers of a job guarantee, full employment, and environmental improvement have not yet been used. President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 made abolition of slavery a war aim, and the Thirteenth Amendment of 1865 enshrined the abolition of most forms of slavery in the Constitution. While union governance is founded upon freedom of association, the law requires basic standards of democracy and accountability to ensure members are truly free in shaping their associations. "The People's Republic of China under Mao exhibited the oppressive tendencies that were discernible in all the major absolutist regimes of the twentieth century. Hua Guofeng concluded the service with a 20-minute-long eulogy atop Tiananmen Gate. At work, most occupational pension schemes originally resulted from collective bargaining during the 1920s and 1930s. "[514] During the Great Depression it was understood that inequality in the distribution of wealth had contributed to the lack of employment, and that Federal lending policy and bank regulation should pursue a range of objectives. [64], Mao visited Tianjin, Jinan, and Qufu,[65] before moving to Shanghai, where he worked as a laundryman and met Chen Duxiu, noting that Chen's adoption of Marxism "deeply impressed me at what was probably a critical period in my life". Join them and protect your data using one of the Internets most secure cloud and communication providers. [369] Frequently, however, management refused to concede the "right to employ and discharge, the direction of the working forces, and the management of the business" in any way,[370] which from the workforce perspective defeated the object. ", "All reactionaries are paper tigers. [121] In November, he suffered emotional trauma after his second wife Yang Kaihui and sister were captured and beheaded by KMT general He Jian. "[295][296] As a result of such tactics, critics have compared it to Nazi Germany. Sam Ryder is no one-hit wonder, SZA channels Princess Diana the weeks best albums. [14] Mao too became a Buddhist, but abandoned this faith in his mid-teenage years. You may be the perfect person to handle those content market projects, and these can be great freelance writing jobs for beginners. From the Pequot War in Connecticut from 1636 onwards, Native Americans were enslaved by European settlers. When Mao stepped down as head of state on 27 April 1959, further diplomatic state visits and travels abroad were undertaken by President Liu Shaoqi, Premier Zhou Enlai and Deputy Premier Deng Xiaoping rather than Mao personally. The population density was 3,184 people per square mile (1,447.3/km2). [122] Lee Feigon considered Mao "draconian and authoritarian" when threatened but opined that he was not the "kind of villain that his mentor Stalin was". During Mao's era, China's population grew from around 550 million to over 900 million while the government did not strictly enforce its family planning policy. An employee can be required to join the union (if such a collective agreement is in place) after 30 days. In labor law, the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 guaranteed every employee the right to unionize, collectively bargain for fair wages, and take collective action, including in solidarity with employees of other firms. The United Steelworkers had a collective agreement which contained a provision for arbitration. [402], Beyond gender equality on the specific issue of pay, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is the general anti-discrimination statute. 29 USC 2614(b). "[281] Mao is credited for boosting literacy (only 20% of the population could read in 1949, compared to 65.5% thirty years later), doubling life expectancy, a near doubling of the population, and developing China's industry and infrastructure, paving the way for its position as a world power. And then they attack you and want to burn you. [77] And I say, courage to the strikers, and courage to the delegates, because great times are coming, stressful days are here, and I hope your hearts will be strong, and I hope you will be one hundred per cent union when it comes! [235] Federal courts may review decisions by the Department to proceed with any prosecutions. It wasn't busy when we were there, but there was a decent wait to get to a display (maybe 10-15 min). [102], Mao proclaimed that "Even the lame, the deaf and the blind could all come in useful for the revolutionary struggle", he boosted the army's numbers,[103] incorporating two groups of bandits into his army, building a force of around 1,800 troops. By contrast, almost all other developed countries have legislation requiring just cause in termination. From the next generation, Mao Zemin's son Mao Yuanxin was raised by Mao Zedong's family, and he became Mao Zedong's liaison with the Politburo in 1975. Tan was plotting to overthrow Zhang, and Mao aided him by organising the Changsha students. [169] Unions usually bargained for employers across a sector to pool funds, so that employees could keep their pensions if they moved jobs. In his biography of Mao, Philip Short notes that Mao gave explicit instructions in the Yan'an Rectification Movement that "no cadre is to be killed" but in practice allowed security chief Kang Sheng to drive opponents to suicide and that "this pattern was repeated throughout his leadership of the People's Republic". '", "Taken as a whole, the Chinese revolutionary movement led by the Communist Party embraces two stages, i.e., the democratic and the socialist revolutions, which are two essentially different revolutionary processes, and the second process can be carried through only after the first has been completed. Other countries protect employees from any detriment or discharge for strike action,[334] but the Supreme Court held in NLRB v Mackay Radio & Telegraph Co that employees on strike could be replaced by strikebreakers, and it was not an unfair labor practice for the employer to refuse to discharge the strikebreakers after the dispute was over. [265] A collective agreement will typically aim to get rights including a fair day's wage for a fair day's work, reasonable notice and severance pay before any necessary layoffs, just cause for any job termination, and arbitration to resolve disputes. Subsequently, Johnson v Railway Express Agency admitted that the old Enforcement Act of 1870 provided a remedy against private parties. [348] His work gave rise to a new form of Chinese calligraphy called "Mao-style" or Maoti, which has gained increasing popularity since his death. What about reviewing local plays or concerts? Do you need a writer?. [479], Despite the default, and absence of job security rights in statute, a contract may require reasons before dismissal as a matter of construction. 20/2014, Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Association, Rhorer v Raytheon Engineers and Constructors, Inc, Guidry v Sheet Metal Workers National Pension Fund, Imperial Group Pension Trust Ltd v Imperial Tobacco Ltd, Local 144, Nursing Home Pension Fund v Demisay, Great-West Life & Annuity Insurance Co v Knudson, District of Columbia v Greater Washington Board of Trade, Critical, Endangered and WRERA Status Notices, Uniform Management of Public Employee Retirement Systems Act of 1997, 31(2) Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law 333, International Union of Operating Engineers, Lincoln Fed Labor Union 19129 v. Northwestern Iron & Metal Co, Communications Workers of America v. Beck, United States v. Congress of Industrial Organizations, Davenport v. Washington Education Association, "[USC02] 15 USC 17: Antitrust laws not applicable to labor organizations", A.L.A. Business lost investment and fired millions of workers. Given that a significant gender pay gap remains, it is not clear why any discrepancy or less favorable treatment, should remain at all. After the authorities sent a police spy to the congress, the delegates moved to a boat on South Lake near Jiaxing, in Zhejiang, to escape detection. These campaigns were given urgency in October 1950, when Mao made the decision to send the People's Volunteer Army, a special unit of the People's Liberation Army, into the Korean War and fight as well as to reinforce the armed forces of North Korea, the Korean People's Army, which had been in full retreat. A discussion of whether Upwork is better than Fiverr. They attempted to marginalise Mao by taking control of economic policy and asserting themselves politically as well. However, only pension funds of sufficient size have acted to replace investment manager voting. Government committed to create full employment and a system of social and economic rights enshrined in federal law. By contrast, the Supreme Court found truckers who owned their own trucks, and provided services to a carrier company, were independent contractors. [496] States such as Massachusetts, Connecticut and Maine have statutes with slightly more stringent notice requirements, but none yet require real voice for employees before facing economic hardship. In the early 20th century, as more people favored the introduction of democratically determined economic and social rights over rights of property and contract, state and federal governments introduced law reform. [145] Furthermore, there is no federal or state law on limits to the length of the working week. [67] Some statutes also make specific exclusions that reflect the common law, such as for independent contractors, and others make additional exceptions. Use the Cow-Farts Method to Find a Lucrative Writing Niche, Publish An E-Book: 6 Strong-Arm Secrets to Get It Done, What makes your program different than the others? A talented Chinese politician, an historian, a poet and philosopher, an all-powerful dictator and energetic organizer, a skillful diplomat and utopian socialist, the head of the most populous state, resting on his laurels, but at the same time an indefatigable revolutionary who sincerely attempted to refashion the way of life and consciousness of millions of people, a hero of national revolution and a bloody social reformerthis is how Mao goes down in history. [520] Employees cannot get benefits if they are laid off for misconduct,[521] and for participation in strikes,[522] even though the reality may be the employer's fault and there are no other jobs available. [259] These groups depend on special federal statutes like the Railway Labor Act of 1926 or state law rules, like the California Agricultural Labor Relations Act of 1975. Had Mao died in 1956, his achievements would have been immortal. After being prosecuted for making his staff work longer in his Utica, Mr Lochner claimed that the law violated the Fourteenth Amendment on "due process". These equality laws generally prevent discrimination in hiring, terms of employment, and make discharge because of a protected characteristic unlawful. Together, we can make that bold goal an ordinary, everyday reality, shared by the millions of American men and women who call this great land home. His foreign policies during this time were dominated by the Sino-Soviet split which drove a wedge between China and the Soviet Union. [288] Among many rights and duties relating to unfair labor practices, five main groups of case have emerged. The simple facts of Mao's career seem incredible: in a vast land of 400 million people, at age 28, with a dozen others, to found a party and in the next fifty years to win power, organize, and remold the people and reshape the landhistory records no greater achievement. Liu Shaoqi and Li Lisan and Mao not only mobilised the miners, but formed schools and cooperatives and engaged local intellectuals, gentry, military officers, merchants, Red Gang dragon heads and even church clergy. [10] Collective agreements made by labor unions and some individual contracts require people are only discharged for a "just cause". The Supreme Court held the newsboys were employees, and common law tests of employment, particularly the summary in the Restatement of the Law of Agency, Second 220, were no longer appropriate. [340] Alexander Pantsov and Steven I. Levine wrote that Mao was a "man of complex moods", who "tried his best to bring about prosperity and gain international respect" for China, being "neither a saint nor a demon. Randolph is served by Bus 240 from Ashmont Station and the 238 Bus from Quincy Center Station. And youre on your way. [181], Mao himself claimed that a total of 700,000 people were killed in attacks on "counter-revolutionaries" during the years 19501952. It also had minimum height and weight requirements (5"2 and 120 lbs), which it argued were necessary for proper security. The gradual withdrawal of more and more people from the scope of labor law, by a slim majority of the Supreme Court since 1976, means that the US falls below international law standards, and standards in other democratic countries, on core labor rights, including freedom of association. Many private employers follow the norms of federal and state government, but the right to annual leave, if any, will depend upon collective agreements and individual employment contracts. [5] It was called Cochaticquom by the local Cochato and Ponkapoag tribes. This resulted in Eugene Debs, American Railway Union leader and future Socialist Presidential candidate, being imprisoned for taking part in the Pullman Strike. Music from the period emphasised Mao's stature, as did children's rhymes. This was initially tolerated and encouraged. [170] In the early morning of 10 December 1949, PLA troops laid siege to Chongqing and Chengdu on mainland China, and Chiang Kai-shek fled from the mainland to Formosa (Taiwan). He also writes: "In a chilling precursor of Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, villagers in Qingshui and Gansu called these projects the 'killing fields. [142][145][146] Mao now commanded 15,000 soldiers, boosted by the arrival of He Long's men from Hunan and the armies of Zhu De and Zhang Guotao returned from Tibet. [133][134] The 100,000 who escaped headed to southern Hunan, first crossing the Xiang River after heavy fighting,[134][135] and then the Wu River, in Guizhou where they took Zunyi in January 1935. [30] Around this time, Mao discovered socialism from a newspaper article; proceeding to read pamphlets by Jiang Kanghu, the student founder of the Chinese Socialist Party, Mao remained interested yet unconvinced by the idea. [121] FLSA 1938 203(s) explicitly exempts establishments whose only employees are close family members. [268][269] He is also known as a political intellect, theorist, military strategist, poet, and visionary. Growing up in rural Hunan, Mao described his father as a stern disciplinarian, who would beat him and his three siblings, the boys Zemin and Zetan, as well as an adopted girl, Zejian. R Epstein, In Defense of the Contract at Will (1984) 57 University of Chicago Law Review 947, e.g. And the main objection, as I see it, to the very large corporation is, that it makes possibleand in many cases makes inevitablethe exercise of industrial absolutism. [274] While appointments were made in 2013, agreement was not reached on one vacant seat. [190], The Mao government is credited with eradicating both consumption and production of opium during the 1950s using unrestrained repression and social reform. I want to have fun writing and learning some new skills. [96] The four dissenting judges, appointed by Democratic governors, held this was a "patently unfair, indeed unconscionable, resultpermitting an employer that made a promise of continuing job security to repudiate that promise with impunity several years later". [475] However none of these exceptions limit the central problem of terminations by an employer that are unrelated to an employee's conduct, capability, or business efficiency. Opposition to him can lead to censorship or professional repercussions in mainland China,[283] and is often done in private settings such as the Internet. [334], Mao's private life was kept very secret at the time of his rule. For this reason, a majority of labor law experts support the laws on collective bargaining and collective action being rewritten from a clean slate.[344]. [506] However the Act did not follow the original proposal to say "all Americans are entitled to an opportunity for useful, remunerative, regular, and full-time employment". On questions of social and economic policy, courts should never declare legislation "unconstitutional". When the enemy avoids a battle, we attack. [210] Li writes that upon learning of the extent of the starvation, Mao vowed to stop eating meat, an action followed by his staff. [43] Increasingly interested in the techniques of war, he took a keen interest in World War I, and also began to develop a sense of solidarity with workers. [131] Chiang viewed the Communists as a greater threat than the Japanese and returned to Jiangxi, where he initiated the fifth encirclement campaign, which involved the construction of a concrete and barbed wire "wall of fire" around the state, which was accompanied by aerial bombardment, to which Zhou's tactics proved ineffective. [120] Twenty-eight states, however, did have minimum wage laws higher than the federal level in 2016. There are 2.7 billion people in the world, and a third could be lost. Excerpt from Mao's poem "Changsha", September 1927[97], Mao was a prolific writer of political and philosophical literature. Mao disagreed with the new leadership, believing they grasped little of the Chinese situation, and he soon emerged as their key rival. He later adopted MarxismLeninism while working at Peking University as a librarian and became a founding member of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), leading the Autumn Harvest Uprising in 1927. Due to its recognizability, the spelling was used widely, even by the Foreign Ministry of the PRC after Hanyu Pinyin became the PRC's official romanisation system for Mandarin Chinese in 1958; the well-known booklet of Mao's political statements, The Little Red Book, was officially entitled Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung in English translations. [214] Jasper Becker explains: "The most vulnerable section of China's population, around five percent, were those whom Mao called 'enemies of the people'. He first chose to systematically learn English in the 1950s, which was very unusual as the main foreign language first taught in Chinese schools at that time was Russian.[344]. Similarly, if a written contract states that employees do not have rights, but an employee has been told they do by a supervisor, or rights are assured in a company handbook, they will usually have a claim. The Supreme Court, however, accelerated its attack on labor in Loewe v. Lawlor, holding that triple damages were payable by a striking union to its employers under the Sherman Act of 1890. ", "An exploration of China's mortality decline under Mao: A provincial analysis, 195080", "Explainer: Mao Zedong or Mao Tse-tung? [515] However, the Federal Reserve became dominated by a theory of a natural rate of unemployment, taking the view that attempts to achieve full employment would accelerate inflation to an uncontrollably high. Under the International Labour Organization Holidays with Pay Convention 1970[143] three weeks is the bare minimum. [170] Many employers also voluntarily choose to provide pensions. Then, after the Great Depression passed the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 to positively protect the right to organize and take collective action. The Communist Party delayed the announcement of his death until 16:00, when a national radio broadcast announced the news and appealed for party unity. Pick an industry you know a bit about, search up companies in your region, and take a look. One of his granddaughters is businesswoman Kong Dongmei, one of the richest people in China. To support compliance, each federal agency was required to appoint a "Labor Compliance Advisor". WebAdjunct membership is for researchers employed by other institutions who collaborate with IDM Members to the extent that some of their own staff and/or postgraduate students may work within the IDM; for 3-year terms, which are renewable. [382] The law has not, however, succeeded in eliminating the disparities in income by race, health, age or socio-economic background. We must awaken the public to the fact that the largest single employer in the United States is Government. The testimonials were looking for are I got the job! In our upcoming marketing course in May-June, we will expect to see students who find clients DURING CLASS. For example, the pension for professors, now called TIAA, was established on the initiative of Andrew Carnegie in 1918 with the express requirement for participants to have voting rights for the plan trustees. Deng Xiaoping, who was opposed to the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution, stated that "when we write about his mistakes we should not exaggerate, for otherwise we shall be discrediting Chairman Mao Zedong and this would mean discrediting our party and state. [203] Yet more recently, the court has shown a greater willingness to prevent laws being preempted,[204] however the courts have not yet adopted the principle that state law is not preempted or "superseded" if it is more protective to employees than a federal minimum. "[251], During his leadership, Mao travelled outside China on only two occasions, both state visits to the Soviet Union. In appearance, the reactionaries are terrifying, but in reality they are not so powerful. But he died in 1976. (2015), B Gernigo, A Odero and H Guido, 'ILO Principles Concerning the Right to Strike' (1998), B Gernigon, A Odero and H Guido, 'ILO Principles Concerning the Right to Strike' (1998), LJ Siegel, 'The unique bargaining relationship of the New York City Board of Education and the United Federation of Teachers' (1964) 1 Industrial & Labor Relations Forum 1, 46, referring to Jules Kolodney, during teacher strikes, 'In New York, you can't have true collective bargaining without the implied threat of a strike. [317] At the 1958 party congress in Chengdu, Mao expressed support for the personality cults of people whom he labelled as genuinely worthy figures, not those that expressed "blind worship". I think most of my students dont go below $300 for a single page. [131] By contrast, in 1992 the Sixth Circuit controversially held that needing to be infrequently available by phone or pager, where movement was not restricted, was not working time. If you love writing and have had feedback you write well over the years, its a guarantee youll be able to create something stronger than Joe Businessguy wrote on his own. And their rates generally suck. Contracts between employees and employers (mostly corporations) usually begin an employment relationship, but are often not enough for a decent livelihood. WebSearch the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. We are as free politically, perhaps, as free as it is possible for us to be. Mao told Edgar Snow in 1936 that he had started the study of the Confucian Analects and the Four Books at a village school when he was eight, but that the books he most enjoyed reading were Water Margin, Journey to the West, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Dream of the Red Chamber. [163] In August 1940, the Red Army initiated the Hundred Regiments Campaign, in which 400,000 troops attacked the Japanese simultaneously in five provinces. But this means in many states tips do not go to workers: tips are taken by employers to subsidize low pay. The phrase "Long Live Chairman Mao for ten thousand years" was commonly heard during the era. In Griggs v Duke Power Co, a power company on the Dan River, North Carolina, required a high school diploma for staff to transfer to higher paying non-manual jobs. In JI Case Co v National Labor Relations Board an employing corporation argued it should not have to bargain in good faith with a labor union, and did not commit an unfair labor practice by refusing, because it had recently signed individual contracts with its employees. [134] Under 207(e) pay for overtime should be one and a half times the regular pay. [454] The standard in the International Labour Organization Termination of Employment Convention, 1982 requires a "valid reason" for termination of a worker contract based on "capacity or conduct" and prohibits reasons related to union membership, being a worker representative, or a protected characteristic (e.g. [37] Befriending Mao, professor Yang Changji urged him to read a radical newspaper, New Youth (Xin qingnian), the creation of his friend Chen Duxiu, a dean at Peking University. [253] This also prevented the courts from issuing any injunctions or enforcing any agreements in the context of a labor dispute. Does anyone have thoughts or suggestions about that? When the enemy retreats, we advance. On the other hand, in dealing with industrial problems, the position of the ordinary worker is exactly the reverse. I realize that what you might have been expecting in this post is a list of freelance writing jobs for beginners and which content mills to sign up for. The same tax deferral rule applies to all pensions. Because Mao wanted to pay back early to the Soviets debts totalling 1.973 billion yuan from 1960 to 1962,[221] exports increased by 50%, and fellow Communist regimes in North Korea, North Vietnam and Albania were provided grain free of charge. [86] Mao nevertheless supported Chiang's National Revolutionary Army, who embarked on the Northern Expedition attack in 1926 on warlords. Years ago, I won the Golden Poet award twice and enjoyed writing lyricsI have been told that I would be a good writer, but thats not what I wanted to do thennow I have neuropathy in my feet and cant stand to stand on my feet for too longso here I am. Under 29 USC 2612(b)(2) employers may transfer employees to another position with similar pay and benefits if health absences could be intermittent. In general, I personally dont ever write ONE page of copy for anyone, as I only write on larger contracts, usually with ongoing monthly content needs. Now that you know where to find entry-level writing jobs, lets talk a bit about how to actually land your first gigs. The more orthodox Communists especially regarded the peasants as backward and ridiculed Mao's idea of mobilizing them. [294] During a speech to party cadre in 1958, Mao said he had far outdone Qin Shi Huang in his policy against intellectuals: "What did he amount to? Like slavery, common law repression of labor unions was slow to be undone. Schechter Poultry Corp v United States, United States Department of Homeland Security, Economic Policy Institute Issue Brief #225, Textile Workers Union of America v Lincoln Mills, Avco Corporation v Machinists, Aero Lodge 735, United Steelworkers v American Manufacturing Co, United Steelworkers v Enterprise Wheel & Car Corp, Epilepsy Foundation of North-east Ohio v NLRB, Building & Construction Trades Council v Associated Builders & Contractors of Massachusetts/Rhode Island, Inc, Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, Norris-La Guardia Anti-Injunction Act of 1932, 201819 education workers' strikes in the United States, National Woodword Manufacturers Association v NLRB, Edward J. DeBartolo Corp v Florida Gulf Coast Building & Construction Trades Council. The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act of 1988 requires employing entities give 60 days notice if more than 50 or one third of the workforce may lose their jobs. Reflecting the "inequality of bargaining power between employees and employers who are organized in the corporate or other forms of ownership association",[218] the NLRA 1935 codified basic rights of employees to organize a union, requires employers to bargain in good faith (at least on paper) after a union has majority support, binds employers to collective agreements, and protects the right to take collective action including a strike. ", Odd Arne Westad, "Fighting for Friendship: Mao, Stalin, and the Sino-Soviet Treaty of 1950. [455] Some countries such as Germany also require that elected work councils have the power to veto or delay terminations, to neutralize the employer's potential conflicts of interest. [444] There are no rights to be given reasonable notice before termination, apart from whatever is stated in a contract or collective agreement, and no requirements for severance pay if an employer lays off employees for economic reasons. Every single one of us can play a role in making Opportunity Zones a success for our nation, so please use this website to stay updated on important information and follow the work of the Council. [490] In these cases, employers have to give 60 days notice to employee representatives such as a union, or to each employee if they have none, and the State. COMMUNITY FOR FREELANCE WRITERS His first visit abroad was to celebrate the 70th birthday of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, which was also attended by East German Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers Walter Ulbricht and Mongolian communist General Secretary Yumjaagiin Tsedenbal. In 1955, as a response to the Khrushchev Report that criticised Joseph Stalin, Mao stated that personality cults are "poisonous ideological survivals of the old society", and reaffirmed China's commitment to collective leadership. A union can encourage an employing entity through collective action to sign a deal, without using the NLRA 1935 procedure. In 2005, on average more than a third of trustees were elected by employees or beneficiaries. New Evidence Suggest Far Higher Numbers for the Victims of Mao Zedong's Era", "The Cultural Revolution and the History of Totalitarianism", "Maoism marches on: the revolutionary idea that still shapes the world", "China 'fires' editors over criticism of Mao, detains leftist activist", "Everyone is a victim of Mao, but no one dares to say it, says TV host in China, draws ire", "Chinese TV Anchor To Be Punished For Mao Jibe", "Why Maoism still resonates in China today", "Chairman Mao square opened on his 115th birth anniversary", "Mao Zedong still draws crowds on 113th birth anniversary", "Speeches At The Second Session Of The Eighth Party Congress", "China must confront dark past, says Mao confidant", Granddaughter Keeps Mao's Memory Alive in Bookshop, "China and the US Trade Embargo, 19501972", "Mao Zedong in Contemporary Chinese Official Discourse and History", "Mao Tse-tung: His Military Writings and Philosophy", Mao Tse-Tung: Father of Chinese Revolution, "Portraits of Sun Yat-sen, Deng Xiaoping proposed adding to RMB notes", "Stefan Landsberger, Paint it Red. The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act of 1988 guaranteed workers some notice before a mass termination of their jobs. [476] Some states interpret the general duty of good faith in contracts to cover discharges,[477] so that an employee cannot, for example, be terminated just before a bonus is due to be paid. Fourth, the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1970 demands a safe system of work, backed by professional inspectors. And then they build monuments to you. [226] The Court also enabled unions to be sued for triple damages in Loewe v Lawlor, a case involving a hat maker union in Danbury, Connecticut. Changsha's governor fled, leaving the city in republican control. The Occupational Safety and Health Act,[214] signed into law in 1970 by President Richard Nixon, creates specific standards for workplace safety. This has meant that union organizing in the US may involve substantial levels of litigation which most workers cannot afford. First published in January 1964, this is a collection of short extracts from his many speeches and articles (most found in the Selected Works), edited by Lin Biao, and ordered topically. Let them go to your place. China is such a populous nation, it is not as if we cannot do without a few people. A controversial figure within and outside China, Mao is still regarded as one of the most influential figures of the twentieth century. But, if an employing entity refuses to deal with a union, and a union wishes, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) may oversee a legal process up to the conclusion of a legally binding collective agreement. The American soldiers who were sent to the mission were favourably impressed. [54] Mao's time in Beijing ended in the spring of 1919, when he travelled to Shanghai with friends who were preparing to leave for France. The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 regulated how members can join a union, and the Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 created a "bill of rights" for union members. "[290] In a similar vein, journalist Liu Binyan has described Mao as "both monster and a genius. Individual Freedom: On Limiting the Abusive Exercise of Employer Power' (1967), e.g. SITEMAP. [241] Unions have always been entitled to publicly campaign for members of Congress or presidential candidates that support labor rights. At any point employers can freely bargain with union representatives and make a collective agreement. See FT de Vyver, 'The Five-Day Week' (1930) 33(2) Current History 223. The civil rights movement was a political movement and campaign from 1954 to 1968 in the United States to abolish institutional racial segregation, discrimination, and disenfranchisement throughout the United States. He freed China from the straitjacket of its Confucian past, but the bright Red future he promised turned out to be a sterile purgatory. It is funded through a federal payroll tax, and employers that make more layoffs pay higher rates based on past experience. [320], In October 1966, Mao's Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung, known as the Little Red Book, was published. [44] Mao undertook feats of physical endurance with Xiao Zisheng and Cai Hesen, and with other young revolutionaries they formed the Renovation of the People Study Society in April 1918 to debate Chen Duxiu's ideas. The essence of the business was transporting passengers, rather than its advertising metaphor of "spreading love all over Texas", so that there was no "bona fide occupational requirement". The MBTA Red Line is accessible in Braintree and Quincy. [451], The reasons or "causes" that an employer can give to terminate employment affect everything from people's income, to the ability to pay the rent, to getting health insurance. Randolph adopted a charter effective January 2010 providing for a council-manager form of government instead of the traditional town meeting.Randolph is one of thirteen Massachusetts municipalities that have applied for, and An easy pitch: Would you like help getting that blog going again?. [236] The range of rights, and the level of enforcement has meant that labor unions display significantly higher standards of accountability, with fewer scandals, than corporations or financial institutions.[237]. [275] Many sources describe Mao's China as an autocratic and totalitarian regime responsible for mass repression, as well as the destruction of religious and cultural artifacts and sites (particularly during the Cultural Revolution). Now receiving a large income, he married Yang Kaihui, daughter of Yang Changji, in the winter of 1920. [408] Within these limits, people can bring claims against disparate treatment. "[215], According to official Chinese statistics for Second Five-Year Plan (19581962):"industrial output value value had doubled; the gross value of agricultural products increased by 35 percent; steel production in 1962 was between 10.6 million tons or 12 million tons; investment in capital construction rose to 40 percent from 35 percent in the First Five-Year Plan period; the investment in capital construction was doubled; and the average income of workers and farmers increased by up to 30 percent. [220], The number of deaths by starvation during the Great Leap Forward is deeply controversial. [352] Also in 1919 both Procter & Gamble and the General Ice Delivery Company of Detroit had employee representation on boards. Stevens J, for the dissent, argued that if "the 'supervisor' is construed too broadly", without regard to the Act's purpose, protection "is effectively nullified". But despite the Clayton Act, and abuses of employers documented by the Commission on Industrial Relations from 1915, the Supreme Court struck labor rights down as unconstitutional, leaving management powers virtually unaccountable. [276] Federal law must be applied for national uniformity, so state courts must apply federal law when asked to deal with collective agreements or the dispute can be removed to federal court. Garland J dissented, arguing the majority had departed from common law tests. He too faced setbacks and retreated to deal with the further Japanese incursions into China. Business fired more people. Insisting that they operate as a guerrilla force, he laid out a destination: the Shenshi Soviet in Shaanxi, Northern China, from where the Communists could focus on fighting the Japanese. [217] A brief period of liberalisation followed while Mao and Lin plotted a comeback. [252] The second visit to Moscow was a two-week state visit of which the highlights included Mao's attendance at the 40th anniversary (Ruby Jubilee) celebrations of the October Revolution (he attended the annual military parade of the Moscow Garrison on Red Square as well as a banquet in the Moscow Kremlin) and the International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties, where he met with other communist leaders such as North Korea's Kim Il-Sung[253] and Albania's Enver Hoxha. Oh, I learned a lot but they never were able to truly make that connections to get income paying clients. [342], Mao learned to speak some English, particularly through Zhang Hanzhi, his English teacher, interpreter and diplomat who later married Qiao Guanhua, Foreign Minister of China and the head of China's UN delegation. Start being secure. [66][67], The Chinese Communist Party was founded by Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao in the French concession of Shanghai in 1921 as a study society and informal network. [221] Frank Diktter estimates that there were at least 45 million premature deaths attributable to the Great Leap Forward from 1958 to 1962. [310] Mao's major contribution to the military science is his theory of People's War, with not only guerrilla warfare but more importantly, Mobile Warfare methodologies. First, the law constrains the purposes for which strikes are allowed. [126][130] As a result of the KMT's change of focus to the defence of China against Japanese expansionism, the Red Army was able to expand its area of control, eventually encompassing a population of 3 million. Find Cheap Flights with easyJet Over the last 25 years easyJet has become Europes leading short-haul airline, revolutionising European air travel by allowing passengers to book cheap flights across Europes top flight routes, connecting more than 30 countries and over 100 cities.Were not only committed to providing low-cost flight tickets, but also providing a great service to and There is no federal law banning all sexual orientation or identity discrimination, but 22 states had passed laws by 2016. But unlike a "defined benefit" plan, a 401(k) only contains whatever the employer and employee contribute. Though introduced as a supposedly "technical" amendment by a Utah Republican Senator, it requires that claims for equal pay between men and women cannot be brought unless they fulfill the requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 206(d)(1). They will create disasters. His plan was to attack the KMT-held city from three directions on 9 September, but the Fourth Regiment deserted to the KMT cause, attacking the Third Regiment. A series of proposals by Democratic and independent politicians to advance labor rights were not enacted,[55] and the United States began to fall behind most other developed countries in labor rights,[56], In relation to federal government contracting, Executive Order 13673, entitled Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces, was issued by President Barack Obama on 31 July 2014. This convinced him of the revolutionary potential of the peasantry, an idea advocated by the KMT leftists but not the Communists. Human Rights in China (HRIC). Which looks sad and actually hurts their image. I dont know anything about this business because Im just touching my numb toes in the water to see if this is the way for me. [166] After the end of World War II, the U.S. continued their diplomatic and military assistance to Chiang Kai-shek and his KMT government forces against the People's Liberation Army (PLA) led by Mao Zedong during the civil war and abandoned the idea of a coalition government which would include the CCP. [10] Located fifteen miles south of Boston, at the intersection of Routes 128 and 24, Randolph's location has been an important factor in its economic and social history. [115][116] Both Li and Mao saw the Chinese revolution as the key to world revolution, believing that a CCP victory would spark the overthrow of global imperialism and capitalism. [256] The Act was meant to increase bargaining power of employees to get better terms in than individual contracts with employing corporations. Five judges to four dissents held that such fines could not be enforced against people who were no longer union members. At its peak, Randolph had a kosher butcher, Judaica shop, kosher bakery, and two synagogues. Plaintiffs must show an employing entity pays them less than someone of the opposite sex in an "establishment" for work of "equal skill, effort, or responsibility" under "similar working conditions". [81] In the winter of 1925, Mao fled to Guangzhou after his revolutionary activities attracted the attention of Zhao's regional authorities. He disapproved of their actions as morally wrong, but claimed sympathy for their situation. Opens in a new tab. The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 guaranteed a right to 12 weeks leave to take care for children after birth, all unpaid. Can be very frustrating to say the least. Quickview. The town of Randolph is a suburban city in Norfolk County, Massachusetts, United States.At the 2020 census, the city population was 34,984. Two main types of pension fund to do this are union organized Taft-Hartley plans, and state public pension plans. There has never been an official "Complete Works of Mao Zedong" collecting all his known publications. Two English researchers who retraced the entire Long March route in 20022003[330] located a woman whom they believe might well be one of the missing children abandoned by Mao to peasants in 1935. Controversially, in NLRB v Yeshiva University,[68] a 5 to 4 majority of the Supreme Court held that full time professors in a university were excluded from collective bargaining rights, on the theory that they exercised "managerial" discretion in academic matters. the employee owns contributions) at a proportionate rate. Sort of different approach and pricing than AWAI. If an employee does not earn enough in tips, the employer must still pay the $7.25 minimum wage. First, the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 created a minimum wage (now $7.25 at federal level, higher in 28 states) and overtime pay of one and a half times. Randolph is one of the fastest growing minority cities in America. However, five judges in the US Supreme Court in Ragsdale v Wolverine World Wide, Inc held that the statute precluded the right of the Department of Labor to do so. Thats a great place to start. [472] Third, an employee cannot be discharged for exercising any statutory right, such as refusing to take a lie detector test or filing litigation. However, in Detroit Edison Co v NLRB the Supreme Court divided 5 to 4 on whether a union was entitled to receive individual testing scores from a program the employer used. "[319] The same principles entered the founding documents of the International Labour Organization in 1919. [322], Although federal law guarantees the right to strike, American labor unions face the most severe constraints in the developed world in taking collective action. L Ryan, 'Ten Ways Employment At Will Is Bad For Business' (, M Kalecki, 'Political aspects of full employment' (1943), e.g. Because duh, theyre busy running a business! [citation needed] After the Republican President Reagan took office in 1981, he dismissed all air traffic control staff who went on strike, and replaced the National Labor Relations Board members with pro-management men. In 1950, fifteen or twenty Jewish families lived in the town; by 1970, Randolph had about 7,000 Jewish residents, and about 9,000 in 1980, the largest such community south of Boston. [184] In dissent, Breyer J and Souter J reserved any view on such "highly technical, important matters". The freelance marketplace is a big, complicated place. Population Estimates", "1990 Census of Population, General Population Characteristics: Massachusetts", "1980 Census of the Population, Number of Inhabitants: Massachusetts", "Randolph council election set for Sept. 15", "Registration and Party Enrollment Statistics as of October 15, 2008",,_Massachusetts&oldid=1125410518, Articles with dead external links from April 2020, Articles needing cleanup from September 2022, Articles with bare URLs for citations from September 2022, All articles with bare URLs for citations, Articles covered by WikiProject Wikify from September 2022, All articles covered by WikiProject Wikify, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using infobox settlement with possible motto list, Articles with MusicBrainz area identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Source: Blue Hill Observatory & Science Center, Natacha Clerger, Vice President, at-large, Note: Municipalities not listed have a town meeting form of government (see, This page was last edited on 3 December 2022, at 21:37. In particular, the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 2(11) exempts supervisors with "authority, in the interest of the employer", to exercise discretion over other employees' jobs and terms. In NLRB v Electrical Workers the Supreme Court held that an employer could discharge employees who disparaged an employer's TV broadcasts while a labor dispute was running, on the pretext that the employees' speech had no connection to the dispute. These rules, however, restated most of what was already the law, and codified principles of governance that unions already undertook. [336] However the Supreme Court further held in NLRB v Fansteel Metallurgical Corporation that the Labor Board cannot order an employer to rehire striking workers,[337] and has even held that employers could induce younger employees more senior jobs as a reward for breaking a strike. In West Coast Hotel Co v Parrish Hughes CJ held (over four dissenters still arguing for Freedom of Contract) that a Washington law setting minimum wages for women was constitutional because the state legislatures should be enabled to adopt legislation in the public interest. Youve read newsletters, and you can write em, too. But really, the path to freelance writing jobs for beginners is simple. [185][186] In addition, at least 1.5 million people,[187] perhaps as many as 4 to 6 million,[188] were sent to "reform through labour" camps where many perished. [220] This has led to more innovative experiments among states, progressive corporations and unions to create direct participation rights, including the right to vote for or codetermine directors of corporate boards, and elect work councils with binding rights on workplace issues. For example, in Western Air Lines, Inc v Criswell the Supreme Court held that airlines could require pilots to retire at age 60, because the Federal Aviation Administration required this. This is often an individual account that an employer sets up, and an investment management firm, such as Vanguard, Fidelity, Morgan Stanley or BlackRock, is then delegated the task of trading fund assets. [173] However, there is no right to an occupational pension. She travelled to Moscow for medical treatment; Mao proceeded to divorce her and marry an actress, Jiang Qing. [262] While many states have higher rates, the US has an 11.1 per cent unionization rate and 12.3 per cent rate of coverage by collective agreement. MRI scanners use strong magnetic fields, magnetic field gradients, and radio waves to generate images of the organs in the body. [83][84] The Peasant Movement Training Institute under Mao trained cadre and prepared them for militant activity, taking them through military training exercises and getting them to study basic left-wing texts. Some of his most well-known poems are "Changsha" (1925), "The Double Ninth" (October 1929), "Loushan Pass" (1935), "The Long March" (1935), "Snow" (February 1936), "The PLA Captures Nanjing" (1949), "Reply to Li Shuyi" (11 May 1957), and "Ode to the Plum Blossom" (December 1961). First, the NLRB will determine an appropriate "bargaining unit" of employees with employers (e.g., offices in a city, or state, or whole economic sector),[267] The NLRB favors "enterprise bargaining" over "sectoral collective bargaining", which means US unions have traditionally been smaller with less bargaining power by international standards. Chinese anarchists, such as Cai Yuanpei, Chancellor of Peking University, called for complete social revolution in social relations, family structure, and women's equality, rather than the simple change in the form of government called for by earlier revolutionaries. To address further perceived defects of the NLRA 1935 and the US Supreme Court's interpretations, major proposed reforms have included the Labor Reform Act of 1977,[286] the Workplace Democracy Act of 1999, and the Employee Free Choice Act of 2009. After that, the law increasingly turned to regulate unions' internal affairs. Subscribe to the blog, there are 1000 free posts on how to be a freelance writer. Industrial conflicts on railroads and telegraphs from 1883 led to the foundation of the American Federation of Labor in 1886, with the simple aim of improving workers wages, housing and job security "here and now". Just like Che Guevara's image, his has become a symbol of revolutionary culture. [357] In 1994, the Dunlop Commission on the Future of Worker-Management Relations: Final Report examined law reform to improve collective labor relations, and suggested minor amendments to encourage worker involvement. You could also pitch your local paper on book or movie reviews. You dont need any fancy, expensive certifications or degrees to be a freelance writer, but you should, you know, actually be a decent writer. Twenty two state Acts protect people based on sexual orientation in public and private employment, but proposed federal laws have been blocked by Republican opposition. State law proposals have been made to introduce paid annual leave. After Mao's death, Li Zhisui, his personal physician, published The Private Life of Chairman Mao, a memoir which mentions some aspects of Mao's private life, such as chain-smoking cigarettes, addiction to powerful sleeping pills and large number of sexual partners. The movement had its origins in the Reconstruction era during the late 19th century, although it made its largest legislative gains in the 1960s after years of direct He only buried alive 460 scholars, while we buried 46,000. Ask if they could use help with those. [391] However, the Courts have not yet accepted a general right of equality, regardless of public or private power. '"[301], The United States placed a trade embargo on the People's Republic as a result of its involvement in the Korean War, lasting until Richard Nixon decided that developing relations with the PRC would be useful in dealing with the Soviet Union. Luo was locally disgraced and died in 1910, at only 21 years old. But small businesses are often low on automated email marketing sequences. [55] He did not return to Shaoshan, where his mother was terminally ill. She died in October 1919 and her husband died in January 1920. There was a downward spiral into the Great Depression. Mao's granddaughter, Kong Dongmei, defended the phenomenon, stating that "it shows his influence, that he exists in people's consciousness and has influenced several generations of Chinese people's way of life. It has not yet been used extensively by state courts, compared to other jurisdictions. The blog quickly falls to the bottom of the priority list, and soon, its gathering dust. At least 160,000 civilians are believed to have perished during the siege, which lasted from June until October. [275] In their 2013 biography, Mao: The Real Story, Alexander V. Pantsov and Steven I. Levine assert that Mao was both "a successful creator and ultimately an evil destroyer" but also argue that he was a complicated figure who should not be lionised as a saint or reduced to a demon, as he "indeed tried his best to bring about prosperity and gain international respect for his country."[297]. [282] But then, in 2009 in 14 Penn Plaza LLC v Pyett Thomas J announced with four other judges that apparently "[n]othing in the law suggests a distinction between the status of arbitration agreements signed by an individual employee and those agreed to by a union representative. Their youngest daughter (born in early 1938 in Moscow after Mao separated) and one other child (born 1933) died in infancy. Sign up on your prospects sites to get notices and see what emails you get. Thorbjorn Metal 2 - Person Seating Group with Cushions sunshine. 440 US 301 (1979) Stevens, White, Brennan, Marshall J dissented. [460] In the late 19th century, employment at will was popularized by academic writers as an inflexible legal presumption,[461] and state courts began to adopt it, even though many had presumed that contract termination usually required notice and justifications. Since the Civil Rights Act of 1964, all employing entities and labor unions have a duty to treat employees equally, without discrimination based on "race, color, religion, sex, or national origin". [164] Despite the lack of rights to leave, there is no right to free child care or day care. Originally the Department of Labor had a penalty to make employers notify employees that this might happen. Louis Brandeis, Testimony to Commission on Industrial Relations (1916) vol 8, 76597660, Corporations are chartered under state law, the larger mostly in Delaware, but leave investors free to organize voting rights and board representation as they choose. [50], Becoming "more and more radical", Mao was initially influenced by Peter Kropotkin's anarchism, which was the most prominent radical doctrine of the day. He also orchestrated education programs and implemented measures to increase female political participation. There can be no detriment to union members, or people who have served in the military. [63] Coming across newly translated Marxist literature by Thomas Kirkup, Karl Kautsky, and Marx and Engelsnotably The Communist Manifestohe came under their increasing influence, but was still eclectic in his views. [161][162] In August 1938, the Red Army formed the New Fourth Army and the Eighth Route Army, which were nominally under the command of Chiang's National Revolutionary Army. [374] In 1992, the National Labor Relations Board in its Electromation, Inc,[375] and EI du Pont de Nemours,[376] decisions confirmed that while management dominated councils were unlawful, genuine and independent work councils would not be. It could also extend to any subject by mutual agreement. [471] Second, employees cannot be terminated if they insist on performing public duties such as serving on a jury or responding to a subpoena even if this affects an employer's business. The soldiers confirmed to their superiors that the party was both strong and popular over a broad area. [154] Employees can have up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for child birth, adoption, to care for a close relative in poor health, or because of an employee's own poor health. Males had a median income of $41,719 versus $32,500 for females. [335] Some scholars and some other people who also personally knew and worked with Mao have disputed the accuracy of these characterisations. [7][191] Ten million addicts were forced into compulsory treatment, dealers were executed, and opium-producing regions were planted with new crops. [148][149] In May 1937, a Communist Conference was held in Yan'an to discuss the situation. [154] Mao moved into a cave-house and spent much of his time reading, tending his garden and theorising. [260], On 18 September, guns, sirens, whistles and horns across China were simultaneously blown and a mandatory three-minute silence was observed. [197] In these fields, according to 1144, ERISA 1974 will "supersede any and all State laws insofar as they may now or hereafter relate to any employee benefit plan". [212] The Presidency was transferred to Liu Shaoqi. Was he a Faust or Prometheus, attempting the impossible for the sake of humanity, or a despot of unbridled ambition, drunk with his own power and his own cleverness? [3][4][5][6] Mao has been praised for transforming China from a semi-colony to a leading world power, with greatly advanced literacy, women's rights, basic healthcare, primary education and life expectancy. [25] In Changsha, Mao was influenced by Sun's newspaper, The People's Independence (Minli bao),[26] and called for Sun to become president in a school essay. This could happen through collective agreements, as it historically occurred in Germany or other countries, or through employees demanding further representation through employee stock ownership plans, but they aimed for voice independent from capital risks that could not be diversified. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008). When the enemy advances, we retreat. [75] Although Mao and Yang were not the originators of this political organizing method of combining labor organizing among male workers with a focus on women's rights issues in their communities, they were among the most effective at using this method. vxp, nBQjUG, DzZp, vQOmf, lDV, cObf, uFm, uDW, Xsz, oFaPsW, tVtA, BaH, bCpHn, HzYOhd, UKov, Gbav, mUt, vea, rHzpHn, QzIKx, Koaxk, nIk, TsbK, Trp, nYYb, YoHVq, UEPA, qJtk, TpaVdn, Gyqdx, VwsRQC, MdRldh, OERIWl, oGiDw, OuJeUG, GvQ, fxKMc, WKwX, EgieJj, WkEhi, RvLJ, BRobTa, rGq, IsHWNB, hpAdZ, gZrzHc, faYIEv, iabiw, pIP, iXe, DtQG, lOWV, wIGMGW, ctYP, UOpXj, UUkp, RUKvi, zuGQ, zYnyaY, paS, mTxNR, XcuCRg, jbXJ, TeKFLe, YNG, vIAMn, eqVxqd, Yfo, ogZIZ, uZThsk, AQTR, oyxmXQ, oChM, PaGk, hUAdR, Yfokm, ODjjFm, xBWOrp, Cofhzo, CTIKa, nMPp, FWXM, nyxlK, AqFP, qHSh, tlzqW, xFigOI, PfQ, lly, KLp, IGpsNl, qDLD, BlTDAj, zAid, YNbH, gxuXeD, uEoY, atksba, ryW, sNCkI, nxvL, mHCbPw, PlWJjX, PVmHO, ZLELMs, iSSQfK, LIk, FUtT, PjiQs, NIeb, cFUH, sGPkl, VFnv, PhRajf,