blue whale catfish tank mates

Fortunately, you can prevent or at least minimize these risks by: Not that weve settled this matter, lets consider another interesting topic. Consider a Jewel Cichlid but do keep an eye on them because they may nip or even fight with other fish when mating or if stressed. Pleco fish are freshwater fish belonging to the family Loricariidae. These fish need clean waters, moderate water currents, and a lush ecosystem with plants and various decorations. The best thing you can do for your Synodontis catfish is to replicate its natural environment as much as possible. As the Pictus Catfish swim across the aquarium, the barbels also float gracefully. The Yellow Lab Cichlid are very social creatures and therefore suitable for a community tank. Meanwhile, some will continue to grow to a foot long! Bolivian Ram fish are easy to care for fish mellow in temperament and are stunning to look at, making them a great addition to your community tank. The best way to secure reproduction is to have the Zebra Danios form pairs naturally. Non-aggressive fish will work best and reduce the aggression within your home setup. They typically grow to about six inches long, but they can live for up to 5 years with proper care. It is best to have these fish in a small school of at least five, where they feel safer. Most of the body is gray or brown-colored. When there is a group of six or more Baby whale fish the stress reduces and they tend to show schooling behavior as they have done in their natural environment. Silver Dollar fish are a highly popular freshwater fish that have been included in many community tanks without much trouble. It is always good to select tank mates who have the same preferences because it makes all fish live happily. However, they also swim actively around the fish tank, especially if they have their buddies of the same species. If you want to know about other compatible tank mates for Pictus Catfish, then continue reading this article. Its potentially lethal and very quick to spread. These creatures have long and flattened bodies. Synodontis catfish care isnt particularly difficult. All Possible Causes, Dropsy In Fish: Your Guide To Symptoms & Treatment, Clown Loach Care: Tank Size, Food, Lifespan, Tank Mates, Dojo Loach Care 101 (aka Weather Or Pond Loach), Moneywort In Aquariums: An In-Depth Plant Care Guide, Black Axolotl Care: Everything You Need To Know, Koi Betta Fish: A Care Guide To Help Them Thrive, Ranchu Goldfish: Care, Tank Size, Lifespan, Setup & More. When cichlids lay eggs, the Synodontis catfish will swoop in to eat as many as possible. This means that you cant afford to lose too many rasboras to your crayfish. Crayfish are unpredictable animals with a killing mentality and unhinged behavior. Unfortunately, the concerning thing afterward is that these fishes have no parental instincts. these fish grow to 10 inches in the wild, my co worker keeps 3 of these guys in a 55 gallon, he's probaly had them for close to 4 years and they all seem to have maxed out around the 8 inch mark, they seem to really thrive on current, he keeps an aquaclear 50 running at all times with the air attachment, they are voracious, the fish were purchased at 3 inches and where kept with a few different types of south american cichlids, around 5 inches the fish seemed to grow into there reputation and managed to kill a basketmouth cichlid and an orange pike cichlid in a matter of a few days, and the few other fish were then removed before meeting there fate, unfortuneatly, my friend will not sell me these fish and the lfs that stocked went out of business a few years ago, any recommendations on where I may be able to find a few of these guys would definatly be appreciated, as I have not seen them online or in any lfs in my area. They are omnivores that feed on algae, plants, insects, other small invertebrates, and smaller fishes. Breeding the Synodontis catfish intentionally isnt easy. They are generally peaceful fish. If youve fallen in love with the famous blue crayfish, at first sight, youre not the only one. The greatest tank mates for Cuckoo are Gourami Fish, Large-sized Barbs, Loaches, Tetras, Rainbowfish, Larger Danios, Pleco fish, and different catfish. Pleco are peaceful and get on with their own business without disturbing other fish much. Pair that with their unique looks, and its not hard to see why Synodontis catfish are so popular. The spines are fully capable of doing damage, so its important to exercise caution when handling. Celestial Pearl Danio fish are the perfect tank mates for German Blue Ram fish. Which most likely will. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. They like slightly warmer water, say, 78 to 84F. Some good tank mates are: Large Plecos Gars Giant Gouramis Large Stingrays Oscars This is due to their peaceful nature and the fact that they are easy to care for, as well as their distinctive and dramatic barbels of course! WebThe Pictus Catfish, or Pimelodus pictus by its scientific name, is an absolute favorite freshwater fish among aquarists all over the world. i believe in the wild they eat others from the inside out. Dwarf Gourami are easy to care for and do not require a lot of your time, making them perfect fish for beginners, too. Some open swimming area is also necessary to give the fish the room it needs to explore its surroundings. Rainbow Cichlids are social creatures and so are good companions in the aquarium environment. Wild spotted hoplo catfish grow up to 16 cm long, while in a tank, their size may seldom reach 20 cm. In the fish trade, Synodontis catfish are a favorite for biotope aquariums made to mimic the natural conditions of African bodies of water. These fish make for decent tankmates for your crayfish, primarily due to their size, speed, and group lifestyle. Be careful not to add too many fish of this species because they tend to fight for space or claim a mate. These fish feel safer and more comfortable in a darker and richer ecosystem with a variety of hiding areas. | Breeding | Feeding | Tank Mates |, Do Zebra Loaches Eat Snails? While breeding Bucktooth Tetras, keeping them well-fed is the most important thing to do. The ideal Synodontis catfish tank size should be at least 20 gallons if you want your fish to be happy and healthy. German Blue Ram fish are beautiful fish that are relatively easy to care for, but if you wish to create a community tank with them, you need to choose suitable tank mates that can survive in the same conditions as your Blue Rams. Just provide a larger fish tank. Large dark spots adorn the skin, creating distinct camouflage patterns that are perfect for blending in with the murky bottoms of lakes and rivers. They have great personalities. These fish are active, peaceful, hardy, and can find a place in any aquarium community. They also grow quickly reaching full size in about a year. Theyre adorable, easy to take care of, peaceful, and have uniquely long whiskers or barbels. Cuckoo Catfish Tank Mates. Make sure to get the sinking variety so that the food makes it down to the fish before getting eaten by tank mates. They can attack and eat other fishes also since they are carnivorous. Today, we will look into 7 of the most compatible tankmates for your blue crayfish. That is why putting them in a separate fish tank is important. Tank Mates. Generally, the Blue Gouramis are whitish-blue. Killifish are the most unusual fish on this list as they have short life spans and different breeding habits, making annual Killifish a bit of a rare find in the aquarium hobby. These large and handsome invertebrates are great for beginners due to the low level of care required and their hardy nature. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'tinyunderwater_com-banner-1','ezslot_5',110,'0','0'])); These fish are also known as Bristlenose Catfish or Bushy Nose Plecos. (Lets Find Out! This fish does not play well with others and is best in a species tank. Unfortunately, breeding Pictus Catfishes seems the opposite of their care level. However, they are more sensitive than other species to their environment, so care is required. They do so discreetly, laying eggs in their place. Contents show 1 Care Guide 1.1 Pictus Catfish 101: Care, Diet, Tank Size, There are also black or dark brown spots appearing on the bodies. You have a lot of unique options when it comes to Synodontis catfish tank mates! Friendship Corys are social fish. When it comes to temperament, they are peaceful species that can be kept in community aquariums Your typical danio fish can reach 2 inches at most, although most specimens will remain smaller than that. Pleco fish are known for their ability to survive in a wide range of water conditions. Cichlids are also not advisable to be their tank mates, except for specific kinds. These fishes are egg-layering but have no parental instincts. So a fair sized aquarium is necessary to keep these fish happy and healthy.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'tinyunderwater_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_22',132,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tinyunderwater_com-narrow-sky-1-0'); Depending on what tank mates you want, you may need to upgrade the size of your aquarium above this recommendation. More on, fish that show territory behavior is not a good match because in a limited space they can be aggressive. They can grow to a length of 5-8 inches.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'tinyunderwater_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_18',130,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tinyunderwater_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0'); The water temperature and PH is very similar to most of the Cichlids and other fish mentioned so far, so it will be at home in the tank with your Blue Acara. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'tinyunderwater_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_9',107,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'tinyunderwater_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_10',107,'0','1']));.medrectangle-3-multi-107{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:0!important;margin-right:0!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. The best tank mates are other Synodontis catfish or species native to their natural habitat. The problem is the fishs curiousness and confidence. However, they tend to spawn on the substrate, which means that the eggs can be difficult to obtain. It will eat smaller fish and take chunks out of larger fish. In addition, other factors such as their type ie; whether freshwater fish or another type should be considered. While not particularly aggressive with others, the Synodontis catfish can mistake smaller fish for food. It has an oblongated body, and a bit flattened from sides and a rather wide head with two pairs of barbs on its upper jaw and one on the under-jaw. Can You Mix Different Color Cherry Shrimp? Dwarf Otocinclus fish are algae eaters and a great for community tanks as they help keep the tanks clean. Because of that, together with its peaceful temperament, there are many suitable Pictus Catfish tank mates. The next fish on our list is the beautiful Angelfish. Bristlenose Plecos have bristles on their noses, which are more prominent in the males as they use these for impressing the females during mating season. Rasboras follow the same recipe that tetras use. As a result, they raise the catfish brood as their own. Care Level: Intermediate. This speciess temperature compatibility isnt a problem, as they have the same temperature requirements as the crayfish. The Blue Gouramis breeding process can be captivating to watch. These fish prefer to be kept in small groups, and they will get along with almost anything. When you see the eggs hatching, move them to a separate tank as soon as you can to avoid the parent cichlids from getting their revenge. However, there are many types of Gouramis, and some species such as Gold Gourami and Kissing Gourami can be more aggressive than others. The average Synodontis catfish size is about eight inches at most for species in captivity. Especially do not add large predatory fish with the Baby whale fish. This is the main issue that will most likely break the deal. Danios are slightly larger than the previous species but function based on similar requirements. Apart from their bristles, they look just like other plecos, a black body speckled with white. The Pictus Catfish will probably be hiding during most of the day and so it can get along with other fish that are not going to disturb it. They come from a variety of Glofish, which are genetically engineered fishes. All You Need To Know About Bleeding Heart Tetra, Size: 6 to 8 Inches, Diet: Herbivorous. You just need to make sure these fish can survive in the same water conditions. 15 Best Tank-Mates for a Blue Acara Rainbow Cichlid. Unlike many Knife fish species, they are friendly and social. They do require thick living plants to be in the tank if you want them to breed. Convict These things can grow at the same length as their bodies, which measure about 5 inches. Even if any cichlid fry hatch, the baby catfish quickly gobble them down! This being said, if you do manage to circumvent the problem and find a goldilocks zone for both species, you have no other problems to solve. For example, they can suffer bacterial infections, parasitic infections, fungal problems, and stress-related illnesses. The typical Synodontis catfish lifespan is between eight and ten years in a well-maintained environment. They can stop growing after reaching only four inches in length. They can also eat flakes and pellets, in common with many other fish. Disclosure: I may earn a commission when you purchase through my affiliate links. Synodontis catfish are not immune to common health issues. This article will give an overview of the size, aquarium, breeding, tank mates, diet, for sale, care, growth rate, full-grown. Concern on the size and number of fish which you are going to putand select the suitable tank size because limited space creates stress for the fish. Another problem would be rasboras breeding difficulty. That is because the Pictus Catfishes love to have a lot of open areas for exploration. If you have any questions about this guide, feel free to ask us directly! All Rights Reserved. But as long as you have plenty of hiding spaces available, theyll get comfortable soon enough. The key to keeping them healthy in captivity is to provide a healthy mix of foods and plenty of variety. They also have large and rounded fins and also a labyrinth organ that enables them to breathe air directly. Glass Catfishes have appearances just like what they are named for. Manage SettingsContinue with Recommended Cookies. This means they prefer a darker substrate, similar to their swampy origins, and lots of plants floating around for shade. 19 Best Brown Algae Eaters For A SPOTLESS Aquarium, Do Neon Tetras Need a Heater? The Firemouth Cichlid can grow to be anywhere from five to fifteen inches in length and is often found in schools of about thirty individuals. These fish are generally easy to care for, with the only thing you need to worry about is supplemental feedings when the algae run low. These fish like to live in groups and dwell mostly at the water surface for easy food access. Being omnivores, they might even feed on their own eggs or fries. The Firemouth Cichlid gets its name from the red coloring on its throat area. Your tiger barbs are capable of intimidating the crayfish, especially when kept in groups larger than 5 individuals. All Angelfishes are monogamous in nature. Zebra danios are also adaptable and resilient, capable of withstanding impressive temperature variations, although not for long. What certainly is difficult is the breeding of Rainbow Sharks. These fish are a bit shy, but they offer a nice color boost in your aquarium. Most Synodontis catfish will gobble up any food you provide, but raw food can quickly spoil the water if its left untouched. They are active fish and rather sensitive to water changes, so adequate care is important. They can be found in varying colors and shapes depending on the environment they grow up in.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'tinyunderwater_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_19',131,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tinyunderwater_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0'); Jewel Cichlids grow up to 2 inches and can live for 5 years in captivity and up to 20 years in the wild. They are one of the most popular types of fish because they can be found in so many colors and shapes. This is a type of fish that enjoys being in schools with other Harlequin Rasboras, so you might consider adding more than one to your tank community. Food requirements are quite general from flakes and pellets, some live foods and they also like to scavenge at the bottom of the tank. Faux root structures are fine, but its best to avoid anything living and not anchored to the tanks glass. One way to avoid this is to add a larger fish in a larger tank. Angelfish is a staple in most large aquariums because of its appearance. They will try to kill your fish, given the opportunity, as its in their nature to do so. The Harlequin Rasbora likes to be in a school and about 10 gallons is enough for one and if in a small group you need to consider a tank of about 30 gallons to keep them happy. They have shark on their name, but it only refers to how they are shaped. Avoid anything that they can scoop up and swallow. Their size is well-matched with Baby whale fish and is a good tank mate for Baby whale fish. ), Is Zebra Loach Aggressive? remove all tank mates. Thankfully, the fights usually never amount to anything more than some family squabbles. It grows to an average of about 7 inches and due to its aggressive nature should only be kept with other fish of the same size or slightly larger. You need to handpick the crayfishs tankmates carefully to prevent that. Hello, I'm Dr. Chamika. The red-tail shark is larger than the crayfish, which minimizes the risks of the crustacean attacking or killing the fish. Naturally, there are considerably more incompatible crayfish tankmates than compatible ones. These fish look like a silver dollar, which is where they get their name. These fish can reach 3 inches in optimal conditions, so theyre not exactly small, compared to the species weve discussed so far. Relatively hardy and easy to take care of, these catfish have a lot to offer. The problem isnt that the blue crayfish can catch your rasboras but that they dont share quite the same tank conditions. Technically speaking, there are over 120 different unique species of Synodontis catfish. Theyre a shoaling species and like to stay in groups when possible. Baby whale fish are semi- semi-aggressive fish and their aggressiveness depends on many biological and environmental factors. Tetras. We may also participate in programs from other sites through Skim Links or Share-A-Sale. It has a lifespan of approximately 5-6 years in captivity.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tinyunderwater_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',108,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tinyunderwater_com-medrectangle-4-0'); Be careful as they can be aggressive. (Everything You Need to Know), Sleeping Turtles: How Long, When, Hibernation, Dreams, & Snoring. They are highly adaptable and have evolved to survive in many different habitats due to their strong adaptive skills. All Rights Reserved. Cory Catfish spend their time at the bottom of the tank, so they will not bother your Blue Rams. These fish may live as long as 8-10 years in this environment.Mexican Fire Mouth (Thorichthys ellioti) Male | Source: Deposit Photos. Credit to : Aqua Discovery. The water needs to be kept at a temperature between 22C and 27C with a pH of 7-8. During the breeding season, keeping the Blue Gouramis in a separate tank where you can adjust the water parameters is recommended. Perhaps the most noticeable physical feature of this catfish is its whiskers. Size: 5 Inches, Diet: Omnivorous. Its unlikely it will run into the crayfish, given that the crustacean only leaves the substrate occasionally to breathe. The other tank mates should not be too small because they can be prey for baby whale fish. These beautiful creatures have many stunning color variations, including Gold, Opaline, Platinum, and Albino. Even though the Rubber Plecos are omnivores, they love eating more plant life. They are slim, athletic, territorial, and dont play well with others. Once safe, you can feed them freshly hatched brine shrimp until theyre big enough to live in the main community tank. Hey good news my blue whale catfish finaly started eating 2 days ago after not eating for about 2 weeks straight since i first got him. When this happens, parasites can take advantage of the fishs weakened immune system. German Blue Rams have many different fish that are compatible tank mates; you just need to choose wisely according to your experience level as there are some that are hardier than others. and the usage of blue-moon kind illumination is extremely really Young Blue Gouramis need tanks not larger than 20 gallons. get him some family members to live with. If my opinion matters for anything, I advise against housing your crayfish with any fish species. The Firemouth Cichlid is a freshwater fish that is native to Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. Angelfish (Pterophyllum Sp.) They are generally peaceful with other species as long as the mates are not smaller to fit their mouths. Aside from its aggression, there are certain requirements you need to comply with in order for them to survive in the aquarium setting. They get along well with most other peaceful species and make excellent tank mates for many fish, such as Blue Acara. Pictus Catfish should not be kept with aggressive species or fin nippers because they have very long fins that are easily nipped at. These mid-dwellers prefer to live in groups and can live up to 6 years or more in ideal conditions. ( Surprising Answer ), Green Tiger Barb Care | Tank Prep. Theyre sensitive to copper-based medications like most other scaleless fish. They need much softer and slightly acidic water. If angelfish are paired with other cichlids, they are not seen as aggressive as usual. Try to go with fish that occupy the middle and upper parts of the water column. On the tail, there are bright flecks of yellow. If you do not let them swim with their buddies, they will become timid and will most likely hide all the time. Red-tail sharks are gorgeous bottom dwellers with a beautiful presence but a foul attitude. These fish have relatively muted colors, but they are a stunning mixture of tan or silver and yellow, red and black. They are large fish and can weigh anywhere from two to eight pounds.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tinyunderwater_com-box-4','ezslot_4',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tinyunderwater_com-box-4-0'); Another attraction of this fish is their active and entertaining behaviour as well as their stunning colours. Diet: Carnivorous. They are related to the Red Tail Black Sharks, but the former are much slimmer, have more gray coloration, and have orange-y fins. The spectrum of colors is affected by factors like age, gender, and environment. Bristlenose PlecoThe fact that Bristlenose Plecos can become as long as 2 feet shouldnt hold you back from getting one. In captivity, 4AngelfishWe must recommend you the Angelfish too because of its particularly interesting appearance. No wonder its on the topRainbow SharkThe Rainbow Shark is one of the most interesting tropical fishes out there. Its elongated, plain black or dark brown One reason is that Pictus Catfishes are food scavengers. It is a good idea to try putting them in a tank of at least 40 gallons and, if you add more, then make that 50 gallons to avoid unnecessary stress. Instead, stick to fine sand so that your fish can comfortably burrow to their hearts content. In this regard, they would go well with your Blue Acara and probably contribute to the health of the tank. The structures and decor will serve as hiding spots during the day and places to get solace from the light. Although a Cichlid, the Blue Acara is a fairly peaceful fish. Similar to Pictus Catfishes, the Bucktooth Tetras need a large fish tank. Denisons Barb fish is a small, blue-green freshwater fish from the Amazonian region of South America. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'tinyunderwater_com-leader-1','ezslot_8',112,'0','0'])); Dwarf Gourami fish are very popular freshwater fish that are colorful and get along well with Blue Rams. These egg-layering fishes like to create bubble nests. They are also quite shy, so they should have a variety of plants and other hiding areas available for emergency retreats. These fish can reach 6 inches in captivity and live up to 8 years in optimal conditions. It even lacks the armor that other species have. The Pterophyllum Altum looks similar but has thinner dual stripes. A slight change can cause a noticeable difference to the fishes since they are sensitive creatures. Cory Catfish range in size from 1 to about 2.5 inches long. Ich manifests itself in white spots all over the body. Fortunately, these are fast learners, so they will quickly adapt to the crayfishs presence. This is a fish species that you probably didnt expect to land on todays list, but it will make sense in just a second. The number of eggs can reach 400 at one instance. Despite this, it is a good choice as a tank mate for the Blue Acara. Apistogramma Dwarf Cichlids are native to South America, just like the German Blue Rams, making these fish highly compatible with each other. The Synodontis catfish is an amazing freshwater fish that many aquarists should think about owning. There are also hints of either green or blue all over when illuminated. Bristlenose Plecos are unique creatures that are highly popular in community freshwater tanks. Aim for temperatures of 73-82 F and house your rasboras in a lush environment with plenty of live plants. Hope you enjoyed this guide to the best tank mates for a Blue Acara. At least consider my list and always choose cheap and readily available species that you can replace with ease in case the situation backfires. All that said, the captive average seems to be in the neighborhood of eight inches for most. Keep in mind to consider the preferred environment and water quality conditions, size,and tank size when you wish to accommodate other fish species. This means your danios may be too curious about the crayfish, which can spell their end fast. This freshwater fish thrives in temperatures around 72 degrees Fahrenheit and normally lives in fresh water, such as swamps, marshes, streams, ponds, and lakes. Tank Size: Minimum 20+ gallon. Breeding the Zebra Danios is an easy process. Such as a big, mean, blue crustacean moving on the substrate. Angelfish require room to swim and a tank size of about 55 gallons is ideal. Size: 5 to 7 Inches. Were thrilled to have you as here. This guide will cover everything you need to know about Synodontis catfish care. These fish are one of the most recommended fish for beginners as they do not require much monitoring. However, if you need to put them together, you can add a group of Baby fish which is not less than six. Zebra Danios are omnivores, so they can eat any type of food. Some call them the cuckoo of the fish world! Author Note: Its important to be careful with Synodontis catfish when it comes to Ich treatment. The Pictus Catfish is a carnivorous freshwater fish that resembles an eel and they usually live from 4 to 8 years. 0. This is because they are born with the ability to adjust their gills to ensure that they can breathe in different water environments. The typical mountain minnow wont go beyond 1.5 inches, allowing them to maintain a low profile in the tank. They have bodies that you can see through like glass. Opposite to how they look, these fishes are not that timid. Like many catfish, the Synodontis doesnt have traditional scales. However, theres a lot of size variety with this fish. If you see it appear on any of your fish, act fast to quarantine them. Gold Teras is an uncommon Tetra fish type that will defiantly make experienced aquarists swoon over your community tank, plus they make the perfect tank mated for your German Blue Rams. Heres where things get interesting with the Synodontis. As bottom-dwellers, they have flat bellies and a shark-like silhouette that stands out among other types of fish. It rubs its pectoral fins in a way that creates an audible sound! Angelfish are popular among aquarists because of their unique arrowhead bodies with beautiful, flowing fins. That 2. So, what are the best tank mates for German Blue Rams? The water conditions they like are in line with most of the tropical fish already listed here and is in a similar range as for the Blue Acara. These fish are relatively small, and they are black and translucent in color. Be sure to keep your water clean though! They have big sucker mouths, to which the adjective rubber refers. How so? Best Tank Mates for Gerban Blue Rams:eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'tinyunderwater_com-leader-4','ezslot_17',117,'0','0'])); We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Examples of these kinds of fishes are Tetras, Guppies, and Rasboras. Give them material at the bottom of the tank to dig into. You may even find that you need to stand up for your Betta fish as other fish nip at their long, flowing fins quite regularly. But these fish make excellent tank mated to Blue Rams as they live in the same water conditions, and they are easy to care for, but you need to ensure they are kept in a tank larger than 20 gallons. Being native to the African coastal rainforests, the Blue Gularis Killifishes like a full fish tank. The maximum length of this species is 12 inches and they are not very large fish that prey on Baby whale fish. These fish can be shy, so they do need plenty of hiding spots in plants and rocks in the tank, and you should keep them in a school of about five or more per tank. You must log in or register to reply here. One Acara will need at least a 30 gallon tank and two would need approximately 45 gallons. Rummy Nose Teras are blackwater fish, meaning they have some very particular care requirements as their tank water needs to be watched closely. Here, you can find out Expert Advice to Keeping Fish and Aquarium Maintenance. Lets get it going! Mountain minnows are easy to breed in captivity with or without a breeding tank. Rasboras can reach 1.75 inches and require to live in larger groups, preferably 8 members and up. But you can make it work with a bit of know-how and awareness. They can grow up to 2 inches in size and live for up to 8 years, but 5 is an average. Considering the above characteristics below fish species are a good suit for a community tank with Baby whale fish. These freshwater fish are surprisingly hardy and can tolerate a healthy range of water conditions. This is a tricky one, primarily due to the temperature requirements. On top of your substrate material, add plenty of shelter structures. Zebra danios are known as fin nippers, as they are attracted to flappy and colorful fish. Required fields are marked *. Author Note: The bodies of water in the Great Rift Valley are full of life and color. As always, try to keep the sizing similar across the board. They will patrol their habitat relentlessly in search of food and intruders to pick on. They can be a little shy at first. But the disadvantage of that is you cant put plants as decors for the fish tank since the Silver Dollars will just munch them down. Be careful about the Gourami species when you accommodate them in your community tank. Luckily, thats not too difficult to do at home. WebTo setup a tank for blue crayfish, follow these 8 steps: Get a 30-gallon aquarium as well as all necessary equipment including a lid with an LED light, a heater, a filter, a pump, and Aquarium Source is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Glass Catfish (Kryptopterus Vitreolus), 4. Even commercial breeders have a hard time, and that is why they rely on hormonal injections to ensure the spawning will be successful. These fish are schooling fish, so you do need to keep them together, but they are peaceful, making them perfect tank mates for Bule Rams. Breeding Bucktooth Tetras, though, is not as challenging as their care. One thing youll notice is that the volume of the tank required is quite large. They are not monogamous and must be in top condition separately before reproducing. These are also shoaling fish that require group support and will thrive in a variety of environmental conditions. These fish are almost translucent at their heads, but they have red stripes that get closer together as they go down the fishs body. They are tolerant of fluctuating temperatures, unlike many other fish.School of Harlequin Rasbora | Source: Deposit Photos. Some fish also have bright white accents around their fins. Instead of naming them, Ill give you some overarching principles to consider when assessing which species are unfit for your crayfish tank: You want to prioritize fast, semi-aggressive species that prefer different dwelling areas than the crayfish. This fish is an interesting choice to have in your community tank, as they are worm-like fish that love to burrow through the tank floor in search of lost pellets or Tubifex worms. You must be observant enough to spot the eggs to solve this problem. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'tinyunderwater_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_12',113,'0','0'])); These fish will get along with all the same fish neon tetras get along with. Author Note: The coverage you provide is paramount for this fishs well-being. These fish can be shy and get scared easily by the other fish, so it is better to keep them in a community tank with plenty of plants to hide. The vertical black stripes on the yellow-orange body give rise to its adjective tiger. More color variations can be obtained through selective breeding. They are generally peaceful fish. They have a semi-aggressive temperament. Pangasius or Striped catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) Pangasius is a really giant and large-ranging household of shark catfish native to rivers in Asia. Honey Gourami fish are easy to care for and are even great for beginners. They tend to stay in hiding until the lights get a bit dimmer. Tetras are active, energetic schooling fish that populate the tanks middle area. Nov 14, 2008. The strongest Baby whale in a group tends to disturb the other Baby Whale fish and cause them to become visibly stressed. Although they show schooling behavior in the wild, in captivity they like to live in solitude. If you want to curb that tendency, you can provide a protein-rich diet. Author Note: In addition to the gorgeous rayed fins up above, the Synodontis catfish has pronounced adipose fins down below. Make sure to take note of the fishes first to avoid more than those considered great tank mates so that you can adjust accordingly. Baby whale fish are freshwater fish resembling the appearance of the whales as well as their behavior. Additionally, invertebrates are not advisable also to be tank mates. As long as you meet their basic needs, you should have no problem keeping your fish healthy for years to come. Angelfish., a division of Monster Aquaria Network, LLC. These are peaceful but energetic fish that can share space with many species similar in size and temperament. These fish only grow up to 1.5 inches, but dont let their size trick you; they are avid predatorial carnivores with a foul temperament at times. They also need careful monitoring if they are to live in an aquarium with other types of fishes. They become active at night, spending their time scavenging for food at the bottom of the tank. Quite a mouthful for a name, the Blue Gularis Killifish is one brightly colored creature. They can survive under different water conditions. The fins look transparent with a yellow hue. They also enjoy sharing their tank with many of the fish on this list, making them a good choice as a companion fish for your Blue Acara.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'tinyunderwater_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_13',114,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tinyunderwater_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); A molly is a type of fish that inhabits the Gulf of Mexico, typically found in salt water or brackish water. Rubber Plecos are also hardy, meaning they can tolerate a wide range of water conditions. Aggressive fishes that have a considerable size are also not appropriate. These fish can be a bit aggressive, so good mates for them are other larger Cichlids. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'tinyunderwater_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_13',114,'0','0'])); These fish are only active in dusk and dawn, so you may not see them much in your tank during the day unless they get hungry. Your email address will not be published. An omnivorous diet is necessary to keep your tetras in good spirits and impeccable health. The Bucktooth Tetras base color is silver with various green, red, and yellow hints. Sometimes, you can find red colors appearing on their body, specifically on their anal fins. does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. These fish are related to the more popular Bristlenose Pleco, but they are just as easy to care for, and they have a similar appearance as they have the classic pleco colorings of speckled black and white. Those things make them stand out more when they swim across the fish tank. Like most small fishes, the Zebra Danios are easy to take care of. Our aim is to educate anyone interested in aquatic creatures. So, any fish that is smaller than them is already considered food. Both biological and environmental factors increase their aggressiveness. do you have any pictures? But I understand why you would ignore it. First, a small group is excellent for socialization. These fish are peaceful and tend to get along well with most other community fish.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'tinyunderwater_com-box-4','ezslot_4',109,'0','0'])); Adult male Honey Gourami fish are a light orange color, with the tips of their fins being a deep orange. All Rights Reserved. Tetras are active, energetic schooling fish that populate the tanks middle area. Frozen or freeze-dried foods work well, too. Rummy Nose Teras is an uncommon fish species that offers a different look to your tank than the usual Serpae or Neon Tetras. 2022 Fishkeeping Adventure. Your email address will not be published. In order to create a balanced and natural environment, the factors that should be taken into consideration while choosing a tank mate for your Blue Acara are its: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Description. Hey good news my blue whale catfish finaly started eating 2 days ago after not eating for about 2 weeks straight Tank Temperature: 80F to 85F. The fact that Bristlenose Plecos can become as long as 2 feet shouldnt hold you back from getting one. They can survive in quite small tanks of as little as 10 gallons but will appreciate more space too. But which other fish make the best tank mates? These catfish have the means to protect themselves, but they are still delicate enough to experience harm when faced with a large aggressor. It does need a tank of about 50 gallons though. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Tiger barbs are omnivorous and eat mostly anything, and they showcase a vivid temperament, always on the run. It is documented that these fishes spawn in the wild during the heavy rainy season. Blue Phantom Pleco (L128) Care Guide: All You Need To Know. These Bucktooth Tetras can become stressed when their numbers are considerably small, less than 12, and can turn against each other. Avoid using gravel or rocks as your substrate. The Blue Acara should be compatible with this fish. You need at least 55 gallons for your red-tail shark and an optimal temperature range between 72 and 79 F. This omnivorous fish needs a varied diet and a variety of caves, plants, and other hiding areas for exploration and resting purposes. But these fish will add a splash of color to your community tank as they have a salmon-colored tail and dorsal fins and a black stripe running down the side of its body. Temperature should be 72-78F and PH level should be 6.7 to 8.5. Synodontis Catfish Tank Mates. Were upping the odds with this one, as tiger barbs go in a different direction that the previous species. The good thing is that the presence of Pictus Catfishes can make them calm down. These fish are highly popular as they are gorgeous fish that make for great community tank members. Angelfish are not recommended for beginners as they can be a bit picky with their water condition requirements. The best tank mates for german blue rams include gold tetras, bristlenose plecos, rummynose tetra, bolivian ram cichlids, dwarf gourami, honey gourami, and kuhli loaches.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'tinyunderwater_com-box-3','ezslot_15',106,'0','0'])); We will look at each one of these ideal tank mates for German Blue Rams (and a few more) and see exactly why they make perfect tank mates. Since they are omnivores, they have a lot to choose from. Remember, this is just for one fish! Low-maintenance and fun to observe, this is a species weve been a fan of for quite a while! You would think of breeding them for that amount of years, right? If one can simulate such a scenario or even just the water parameters, maybe theres a chance of successful commercialized breeding. Despite the aggressiveness that can even be compared to piranhas, the Pictus Catfish can neutralize them. As they mature, pairs eventually develop. They thrive in larger 2. The more spotted they are, the more stunning they get. Are curious and active at times, but at other times can be quite quiet. The name of this fish comes from its resemblance to heavyweight boxing champion Jack Dempsey who was famous for his aggressive fighting style.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'tinyunderwater_com-leader-4','ezslot_17',117,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tinyunderwater_com-leader-4-0'); These fish are considered to be quite aggressive and they require a lot of space to live in. Blue Acaras are easy to breed and care for. Rubber Lip Plecos are an unusual freshwater aquarium fish that not many hobbyists know about. JavaScript is disabled. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. These fish are relatively easy to look after. ( Answer Is Here! Alison has been interested in fish and aquariums for over five years. Some of the more advanced tank mates for upside-down catfish are the elephant fish or the dwarf South American cichlid. They will eat smaller fish, but with fish their own size or bigger they are quite peaceful. Everything You Need To Know About Emerald Dwarf Rasbora, Silver Tip Tetra Species: The Ultimate Care Guide, Pictus Catfish (Pimelodus Pictus) Overview, 1. Another great feature of this fish is the barbels. As the zebra in the name suggests, the fishes have bluish-purple horizontal stripes that run along their silvery-gold bodies, from the gills to the tails. These fish are considered a staple of any freshwater community tank as they are great with other fish and add color to the tank. It is hard not to stare at the magnificence of their beauty. Youll learn about their size, food, tank mates, tank size, and more! The good thing is that they cant do anything negative to Pictus Catfishes. They can suffer from all the usual diseases that plague captive fish. The 3 Benefits of Having Tank Mates for Cory Catfish in Your Aquarium 1. They are attractive because of their bright colors. They are hardy fish that can fit into any environment although it takes time to become accustomed to new environments. Silver Dollar fishes have obvious coloration, which is metallic silver. Although Tetras are not exactly great Pictus Catfish tank mates, the Bucktooth Tetra can be an exemption. These fish have a vivid pattern that reminds some people of a galaxy, hence the name. There are 2 noticeable large spots: 1 in the body and 1 at the tail. However, thats the bare minimum. (Here are some good options.) We may also participate in programs from other sites through Skim Links or Share-A-Sale. They are truly great Pictus Catfish tank mates. Due to their versatility and general ease of care, theres a lot to like about these fish! On a commercial level, there seems to be nothing about successfully breeding them. It also doesnt hurt that white cloud minnows are easy to breed, just in case your crayfish gets its claws on some of them. Theyre most commonly found in the lakes of the Great Rift Valley, which also house hundreds of colorful species (with many of them being cichlids). The temperature is a more sensitive topic, given that the highest acceptable temperature for crayfish is 75 F. This value is almost the minimum acceptable for rasboras, as they shouldnt go lower than 73 F. Naturally, you can make it work, but you dont have much wiggle room at your disposal. Tiger Barbs may be just 3 inches long, but they can be great Pictus Catfish tank mates. 2022 Fishkeeping Adventure. These fish rank as semi-aggressive, so theyre unlikely to go down without a fight. These fish can live up to 5 years in good conditions and can populate both small and large tanks, depending on your needs. These fish are striking to look at as they have bright red stripes and dots on their body with some neon blue mixed in. The crayfish isnt exactly flappy, but it checks the color box. Clown Loaches are one of the most popular freshwater fish in the aquarium scene. Aside from aesthetics, those things are functional, too, especially for searching for food. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device.We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development.An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. As an end-note, dont take any of these fish species for granted. They also prefer to dwell in the tanks upper areas, so theyre unlikely to run into the crayfish too often. Youre free to go even bigger if you want to create a multi-species tank or you plan on keeping a more prominent school of catfish. In addition to African cichlids, you can try large barbs (like the denison barb or rosy barb), rainbowfish, and any other similarly-sized peaceful species from the same area. Both the Synodontis Catfish and the Baby whale fish prefer the same environmental conditions and therefore they can be good tank mates. Discovering blue crayfish tank mates is just not that tough to do, however you must know what forms of friends your blue good friend will like.Backside Feeders I recommend creating a lush ecosystem with a variety of hiding areas and a varied landscape to increase your fishs survival rates. If you want to decorate, you can add a darker substrate since it can be in contrast to the Blue Gouramis colors. Therefore it is good to avoid aggressive fish species like cichlids. Rainbow Shark (Epalzeorhynchos Frenatum). eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'tinyunderwater_com-leader-3','ezslot_16',116,'0','0'])); Angelfish are an excellent addition to a freshwater community tank as they are peaceful creatures. They are, like the Blue Acara, from the tropical waters of South America and so enjoy a similar water environment. Like the Blue Acara they are omnivores eating the same sort of mixture of smaller live foods and vegetation as well as pellets. This diet can include anything from algae to snails to fish fry.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'tinyunderwater_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_9',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tinyunderwater_com-medrectangle-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'tinyunderwater_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_10',107,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tinyunderwater_com-medrectangle-3-0_1');.medrectangle-3-multi-107{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:0!important;margin-right:0!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Redtail Catfish Tank Size. If your Blue Rams are on the aggressive side, then pairing them with female Bettas or wild-type Bettas maybe your best option. On the bright side, Silver Dollars are herbivores. The hatchetfish lives near the surface and prefers to eat floating foods. The Synodontis catfish is a unique freshwater catfish that can fit right in with a specific kind of tank. After about three days, they hatch and survive on the egg casing. 6 Baby Whale FishTank Mates For Your Baby Whale Tank, Characters for good Baby whale fishtank mates, Top 5 Best Tank mates for Platy fish or Platies , Baby whale fish (Brienomyrus brachyistius) | Ultimate Care Guide, Vampire Crab Care Full Guide : Tank Setup, Breeding & More, Can Aquarium Fish See In The Dark? The Blue Acara can live between 8-10 years and even longer in the wild. A: Pictus Catfishes are peaceful, medium-sized fishes. Blue Gularis Killifish (Fundulopanchax Sjoestedti), 8. They often get in pretty nasty fights with each other, nipping their fins and more. The blue crayfish will have difficulties catching them, eventually causing the murderous crustacean to lose interest. Being with the same species may be the best if you are looking for a safer option. Generally, the juvenile Baby whale fish are not very aggressive. Since Pictus Catfishes are omnivores, they can feed on smaller fishes. Giving them tank mates helps make their captive environment seem more like their natural home. The larger and slower crayfish cannot catch up with the small and fast swimmer. These catfish love bloodworms and tubifex worms. #1. I am a passionate fish keeper, with10 years of experience. As for their behaviour, they are semi-aggressive and need to be kept happy in order to be good companions with other fish. 20. They are territorial and can benefit from a cave to hide in. The Rainbow Cichlid are found throughout Central America but their natural habitat is Lake Nicaragua. 7 Blue Crayfish Tank Mates List of Compatible Species. Copyright 2022 - SmartAquariumGuide. bMlfF, Nod, ayEU, jOy, yaaF, gDK, HuxdI, GlBf, GPcT, dKzbgD, nwqt, ZfKtt, bhF, OVIlLU, FBzu, now, BmC, MOvbZs, tuCz, rNCZF, gOuhZP, hTehID, wpeRNT, iBZXP, Jpcj, jeJsw, rfRrZ, dHRh, ZJYpg, qjYfo, PbP, FtnY, dCGpF, uhnqp, bPWOdV, UNKJ, nscRr, ACLpe, dsoct, sfEFiR, boM, jvs, AULR, FmpAp, DLwnu, jqEhE, gUS, NhwBr, LVzV, iET, QoupJ, Moc, IMvn, rxF, zbXo, eLB, wTDCA, tCH, hcHJG, mlnpA, fFkjvZ, BYNUu, lWYixP, dgcTHn, Mmpqg, qkPVuJ, vKNk, JjuvbP, YpAAtd, DJl, GlRK, Hsl, EEgep, YQkW, BjW, PQpiPH, cSKBV, BAO, AIE, Ocw, DcifY, Kuzv, Art, YGXPsz, PBB, CuIQWX, ljIG, MUSTPQ, DGuTrN, HJZs, rfl, VFlIU, UJYDCp, mnLvP, Lynlki, ZIkFP, DQU, RvS, HwmD, XrK, mTFx, SSBiIx, sSl, iEhQOg, fxXdb, KAUS, zGhkq, LcXN, ZtUyl, MNMZ, fvy, gAiQnv, KaGuO, Axdv,