does milk cause prostate cancer

As for other cancers, however, there was no relationship between stomach cancer and increasing intake of milk fat per se.21 The second is a more reliable prospective cohort study that found no statistically significant relationship with milk at all; in fact, those who consumed two to three glasses of milk per day had a slightly lower risk of stomach cancer than those that consumed less than one glass per day.32. Dairy products intake and cancer mortality risk: a meta-analysis of 11 population-based cohort studies. 2001; 74: 549-54. The synthesis methods included dairy product exposure (high compared with low consumption or dose-response), dairy product type (total dairy products, milk, cheese, yogurt, and others), and prostate cancer outcomes (total, nonadvanced, and advanced prostate cancer and mortality) displayed in forest plots. WebTherefore, we performed this meta-analysis to derive a more precise estimation of the association between dairy food intake and breast cancer risk. By contrast, the pooled results of the more reliable cohort studies showed a moderate increase in risk for low-fat milk and no association at all with whole milk. soya beans and other pulsesgreen teatomatoes and lycopene (a plant chemical found in tomatoes)cruciferous vegetables (for example, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage)pomegranate. JNCI. These will generally be promoted as vegan-friendly butter. By clicking submit, you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions & Privacy Policy. The study evaluated dietary intakes of over 28,000 North American men with a wide range of dairy and calcium exposure, all of whom were initially free of cancer. The diagnosing physician and I will be meeting next week to discuss different treatment options. Nutr Cancer. 1989; 43: 608-612. Dairy, calcium, and vitamin D intakes and prostate cancer risk in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Epidemiologic Follow-up Study cohort. Although these studies could be interpreted to suggest an association between milk and pancreatic cancer, the ecological study design is the least reliable design for evaluating the effects of nutrients and foods, which act on individuals rather than populations. Xiang G, LaValley MP, Tucker KL. The role of beta-carotene in the development of prostate cancer is controversial. The article focuses on male population5. Although researchers have not determined how much of the betacellulin in milk will actually survive digestion in the adult gastrointestinal tract, laboratory experiments show that milk contains substances that will inhibit the ability of isolated digestive juices to break down other growth factors,4 so it is possible that much or all of the betacellulin that we consume is biologically active. You may have seen recent headlines claiming that dairy food leads to a higher risk of prostate cancer. When compared to men who consumed just 1 or 2 teaspoons of milk every day, men who drank about 1 cups of milk daily were about 27% more likely to develop doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-055566. Mainly, this causes the cells to become cancerous. Please Check Your Email for Further It seems possible that the same biological mechanisms are at work. However, Fraser says this study does not yet conclusively indicate that milk causes prostate cancer. These can taste great without containing any type of dairy. They also show that vitamin D and possibly other components of milk fat are protective; for this reason, only the consumption of low-fat milk is associated with prostate cancer. The Mirror reported Eating cheese, butter and yoghurt increases prostate cancer risk, The Daily Mail proclaimed that Consuming lots of milk, cheese and butter may raise the risk of prostate cancer by up to 76%, and The Express warned Prostate cancer warning: Eating this popular food may increase your risk. Others have even associated dairy with a reduced risk! These strategies have been shown to possibly reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Prostate cancer needs hormones to grow, and there are other hormones found in cow's milk, too, he said. This refers to prostate cancer that has spread to other parts of the body. Dr. Ahmed Zayed holds a baccalaureate of Medicine and Surgery. Larsson SC, Bergkvist L, Wolk A. doi: 10.1093/advances/nmy128. There are so many exciting ways to fundraise for us whether its by setting yourself a challenge or doing something you love. When human breast and colon cancer cells are bathed in high-CLA milk fat from cows raised on pasture, the milk fat decreases the number of cancer cells between 58 and 90 percent.8,9 Unfortunately, such experiments have not utilized whole milk, which would contain betacellulin in addition to CLA, so we cannot conclusively define the type of balance needed between these two components. Does Consuming Milk Increase Your Risk For Prostate Cancer? Med Hypotheses. So, should we all be having a Veganuary? Sign up to receive the latest updates from U.S News & World Report and our trusted partners and sponsors. Oncology specialist dietitians can provide you with expert advice on nutrition at any stage of your treatment. This includes processed meats. Factors affecting conjugated linoleic acid content in milk and meat. The tea is abundant in antioxidants that protect the body from oxidative damage. Milk and lactose intakes and ovarian cancer risk in the Swedish Mammography Cohort. 2003; 198(1): 43-51 showed a protective effect; in contrast, unpublished studies at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences showed a protective effect of whey protein hydrolysate but not unhydrolyzed whey protein (Rosalia Simmen, personal communication). 2000; 20(5):3591-601. By contrast, epidemiological studies do not convincingly demonstrate a relationship between milk and cancers of the breast, lung, stomach, and pancreas, and appear to show that milk, especially full-fat milk, protects against colon cancer. In conclusion, although there are some data indicating that higher consumption of dairy products could increase the risk of prostate cancer, the evidence is not consistent. FOIA You're All Set! 1990; 13(1-2): 89-99. Its almost as if some biological or biochemical pathway is saturated at about two-thirds of a cup of milk per day.. Given that the epidemiological evidence fails to convincingly indict even commercial whole milk in the causation of any cancer and even suggests it may be protective against some cancers, we can be confident that real milk consumed in its natural state is both nourishing and safe. Especially, animal-based fats are more harmful to patients. FYRTORR LTD. (Reg. All RRs of high compared with low consumption (dose-response) for total prostate cancer ranged from 1.68 to 1.09 (1.07 per 400 g/d) for total dairy products, 1.50 to 0.92 (1.06 to 0.98 per 200 g/d) for milk (whole, low-fat, and skim milk considered separately), and 1.18 to 0.74 (1.10 per 50 g/d) for cheese. Fraser said the possible reasons for these associations between prostate cancer and dairy milk might be the sex hormone content of dairy milk. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables also contains many essential vitamins and minerals. Some factors related to prostate cancer have been discovered, however. As further studies investigate how dairy consumption could Obesity is a condition that increases the risk of many health problems. This would be exposed to a substance called Agent Orange. The dark side of this essential molecule, according to Cordain, is that it passes into the adult digestive tract intact, where it is taken up by receptors and can then enter circulation and stimulate the growth of cancer cells throughout the body. To learn more about research at LLU, visit or call 909-558-8544. Ulrike Peters, Ph.D., and colleagues performed the study. Symptoms 12 Tips for coping with an enlarged prostate Why [], Thank You! Besides decreased BPH risk and benefits for prostatitis treatment, exercise is beneficial for men with prostate cancer. 1991; 68: 672-678. There are several alternative products to dairy. This study, conducted between 1993 and 2002, included adults between 45 and 75 years old, were primarily from five different ethnic or racial groups, and lived in California or Hawaii. Kneller RW, McLaughlin JK, Bjelke E, Schuman LW, Blot WJ, Wacholder S, Gridley G, CoChien HT, Fraumeni JF. Concern has been raised regarding an increased risk of prostate cancer among men who consume dairy products9. 2006; 15(2): 203-10. Using the data from 8 available publications, we examined low-fat/skim milk, whole milk, and yogurt in relation to risk of breast cancer by meta-analysis. Belobrajdic DP, McIntosh GH, Owens JA. Researchers created a statistical model to control for other factors that could affect the results, including family history of prostate cancer, race or age. By using our website, you agree to our use of cookies in accordance with our policy. Dairy Foods, Calcium, and Colorectal Cancer: A Pooled Analysis of 10 Cohort Studies. A prior study from Adventist Health Study-2 about the effects of dairy on breast cancer risk in women reported similar results both in the non-uniform risk with increased consumption levels and in the magnitude of risk, Fraser said. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Fraser noted that the results had minimal variation when comparing intake of full fat versus reduced or nonfat milks; there were no important associations reported with cheese and yogurt. Fraser and colleagues previously published similar findings linking dairy to breast cancer. 1990 Nov; 132(5): 871-6. The .gov means its official. Int J Epidemiol. 1994; 68(3): 361-76. This is a hormone. Milk and Dairy Product Consumption and Risk of Mortality: An Overview of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. Anticancer Res. Milk consumption and cancer incidence: a Norwegian prospective study. There are also some links between saturated fats and prostate cancer. "A Western lifestyle, including diets rich in saturated fats, sedentary behavior and obesity, exhibits convincing evidence to support an association with the development of prostate cancer," Laccetti noted. A baseline questionnaire included demographics, family history of prostate cancer, physical activity, alcohol consumption, prostate cancer screening, and BMI. Both severe and mild cases of prostate cancer exist. Cancer in the prostate gland can cause many adverse effects. J Natl Cancer Inst. It is important to note that such a discovery has been made previously. Evidence shows that supplementation with vitamin D has the potential to slow or reverse the progression of less aggressive or low-grade prostate tumors. Fermented dairy products may affect prostate cancer risk through their effects on intestinal microbiome. Milk intake may increase proliferation of cancer cells through elevated insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-1), which is linked to an increased risk of prostate cancer. These nondairy calcium sources did not increase prostate cancer risk in the new study. Before Researchers then used cancer state registries to follow up on the participants prostate cancer status for an average time of nearly eight years. It may increase their chance of developing the disease. This means men should also be concerned about their intake of b-carotene. Zhang J, Kesteloot H. Milk consumption in relation to incidence of prostate, breast, colon, and rectal cancers: is there an independent effect? The studys results reveal that men who consumed about 430 grams of dairy per day (1 cups of milk) faced a 25% increased risk of prostate cancer compared to men who consumed only 20.2 grams of dairy per day (1/2 cup of milk per week). 1998; 19(3): 495-504. They used a statistical model to focus on the intake of dairy foods irrespective of other factors like non-dairy calcium intake, family history of prostate cancer, race, or age. Cho HJ, Kim WK, Jung JI, Kim EJ, Lim SS, Kwon DY, Park JH. Some links between milk and prostate cancer exist. Dairy products also contain calcium and saturated fats. Cordain cites four studies associating milk with ovarian cancer. It is responsible for producing prostate fluids. 2022 Aug 4;116(2):314-324. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/nqac093. Cancer Lett. 2005; 45(6): 463-82. A systematic search in MEDLINE, EMBASE, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and the Web of Science (from inception to 30 April 2018) was conducted. 2,3. Grass-fed milk is five times higher in CLA than grain-fed milk,10 and the anti-carcinogenic effect of CLA in animals is enhanced when the experimental diet is high in saturated fatthe kind found in whole milkand diminished when it is high in unsaturated fat from vegetable oil.11 We can conclude from this finding that insofar as milk is produced commercially and stripped of its natural fat, it is more likely to promote cancer, and that insofar as milk is produced traditionally and retains its natural fat, it is more likely to protect us from cancer. 2016 Oct 21;15(1):91. doi: 10.1186/s12937-016-0210-9. Web - Learn how to properly milk your prostate and enjoy a healthy life. Ursin G, Bjelke E, Heuch I, Vollset SE. Insulin-like growth factor found in most dairy products is one of the first factors that researchers are concerned about. Cancer Detect Prev. verified customers, however we cannot guarantee the specific results they describe.FDA Disclaimer: No 2022 Aug 8;14:2389-2397. doi: 10.2147/CMAR.S326114. Honour the life of a loved one by donating in their name. J Natl Cancer Inst. Part of its mechanism of action is to decrease the transcription and activation of receptors in the epidermal growth factor (EGF) family. In particular, the calcium found in dairy is very important for bone health. In general, pain and tenderness are more commonly associated with skin cancer than itchy skin, but cancer can potentially irritate the fine nerve endings in the skin and cause an itching sensation. A A. Even if betacellulin in commercial milk does promote cancer, it may only be able to do so in the absence of the protective factors found in the fat of naturally and traditionally produced milk. Copyright American Society for Nutrition 2019. In support of this theory, he cites 25 studies purportedly linking increased rates of cancer to milk consumption. Up to 75% of lactating dairy cows are pregnant, and prostate cancer is a hormone-responsive cancer. Forest plot for dose-response analyses of milk and dairy product consumption. Cho HJ, Kim WK, Kim EJ, Jung KC, Park S, Lee HS, Tyner AL, Park JH. The saturated fat content contributes to weight gain. A handful of men were also asked to recall all the food and drinks that they consumed in the previous 24 hours. 2006; 118(2): 431-41. By clicking subscribe, I agree to Bensnaturalhealth Ghadirian P, Thouez JP, Petitclerc C. International comparisons of nutrition and mortality from pancreatic cancer. Men also need to understand how their risk of the disease can be reduced. Two of these studies found an increased risk associated with total milk consumption,29,30 but the effect was only statistically significant in one of them.30 In the two studies that distinguished between low-fat and full-fat milk, however, only whole milk was associated with increased risk; in fact, low-fat milk was associated with a decreased risk.21,31. The study did have its share of limitations. 2022 Jun 29;12(6):e055566. Back in 2003, CANCERactive presented Epidemiology studies from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden showing that, for Orlich MJ, Mashchak AD, Jaceldo-Siegl K, Utt JT, Knutsen SF, Sveen LE, Fraser GE. An increase in adipose tissue causes a higher risk of BPH. 1990; 61(3): 456-9. It is important to look at the ingredients label, however. Dairy foods, calcium intakes, and risk of incident prostate cancer in Adventist Health Study-2. Consumption of dairy produce and alcohol in a case-control study of breast cancer. At the same time, it is important to note that a man using dairy products is not guaranteed to develop prostate cancer. Dont be surprised to know that prostate cancer has now become one of the major causes of deaths worldwide. A reduction in weight could improve prostate health. This includes the prostate gland among the male population. The acceptability of milk and milk products in populations with a high prevalence of lactose intolerance. These products are made of natural ingredients, mainly herbs, plants, and vitamins, to support the proper functioning of the gland. Larsson SC, Orsini N, Wolk A. Several alternatives to dairy exist. WebBackground: Meat, milk, and eggs have been inconsistently associated with the risk of advanced prostate cancer. Obese men who lose weight could also have a lower risk of prostate cancer. Total calcium intake was tied to advanced and fatal disease, but both associations fell short of statistical significance. There are various suggested reasons for this mechanism of action. The race also seems to play a role. Bovine milk inhibits proteolytic degradation of epidermal growth factor in human gastric and duodenal lumen. any help would be very much appreciated. 1990; 20: 39-50. Larsson SC, Bergkvist L, Wolk A. High-fat dairy food and conjugated linoleic acid intakes in relation to colorectal cancer incidence in the Swedish Mammography Cohort. The parallels between our breast cancer in women paper a year ago and this paper relating to men, are striking, he said. December 15, 2006; 2(5). A few coconut-based yogurt products are also available. Further, prior reports have associated intake of dairy and other animal proteins with higher blood levels of a hormone, insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is thought to promote certain cancers, including prostate. Kuriki K, Tajima K. The increasing incidence of colorectal cancer and the preventive strategy in Japan. The increase in risk for prostate cancer was directly tied to low- or regular-fat milk, not yogurt or cheese, and this increase plateaued after about two-thirds of a cup of milk each day, Fraser said. March 2012 in Prostate Cancer #1. AJCN. When compared to men who consumed just 1 or 2 teaspoons of milk every day, men who drank about 1 cups of milk daily were about 27% more likely to develop prostate cancer, a new study showed. This first overview of systematic reviews and meta-analyses was carried out with the main objective of compiling and discussing the evidence generated to date related to milk and dairy product consumption and prostate cancer risk and mortality. Health Conditions Most do suggest there may be a link with dairy and an increased risk of prostate cancer but some have found no link. Am J Clin Nutr. For the study, the researchers asked more than 28,700 men about their diets. This article sets the record straight by reviewing the evidence on both sides. A shortened version of this story first appeared in the Winter 2019/20 issue of our newsletter, Lifeline. Animal and cellular experiments suggest that the CLA in grass-fed, whole milk would powerfully protect us against cancer, especially in conjunction with the rich array of vitamins, minerals and raw whey proteins naturally present in real milk. Fairfield KM, Hunter DJ, Colditz GA, Fuchs CS, Cramer DW, Speizer FE, Willett WC, Hankinson SE. He is a professor of preventive medicine at Loma Linda University School of Medicine and School of Public Health in California. This is essentially what causes prostate cancer to start developing3. Then you have the choice to drink raw milk or not..isnt that grand? Site by Alchemy Digital, Funding research to increase survival and find a cure for men with advanced prostate cancer. Whole milk has no relationship. Fontecha J, Calvo MV, Juarez M, Gil A, Martnez-Vizcaino V. Adv Nutr. The experience of Japan as a clue to the etiology of breast and ovarian cancers: relationship between death from both malignancies and dietary practices. The average follow-up period was 6 years. Michael J Orlich, Andrew D Mashchak, Karen Jaceldo-Siegl, Jason T Utt, Synnove F Knutsen, Lars E Sveen, Gary E Fraser, Dairy foods, calcium intakes, and risk of incident prostate cancer in Adventist Health Study2. This is only one of the many risk factors that should be taken into consideration. No link between total or supplemental dietary calcium and the total number of non-advanced prostate cancer cases was noted. Decarli A, La Vecchia C. Environmental factors and cancer mortality in Italy: correlational exercise. Risk Factors Complicationsof BPH Can diet [], Article Contents What is BPH? Could Milk Raise a Man's Odds for Prostate Cancer? Le MG, Moulton LH, Mill C, Kramer A. Hello -. woodtable Member Posts: 5. Milk, milk products and lactose intake and ovarian cancer risk: a meta-analysis of epidemiological studies. Leave a legacy for generations to come by gifting PCR in your will. Does consuming milk cause cancer? Am J Clin Nutr. There is evidence that links adipose tissue to benign prostatic hyperplasia. The epidemiological evidence by and large fails to make a strong case against even commercial milk, especially commercial whole milk. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Researchers have found that cells in the patients prostate tend to become abnormal. Symptoms of an enlarged prostate Causes of an [], Article Contents What are thesymptoms ofBPH? Milk and dairy product consumption has been associated with an increase in prostate cancer risk; however, discrepancies have been observed in the The prostate gland is not the only body part affected by the cancerous cells. Fraser says one interesting factor to note is that results did not show a uniform rise in risk in men with incrementally more dairy intake. Attitudes and adherence to changes in nutrition and physical activity following surgery for prostate cancer: a qualitative study. WebMilk and other dairy foods in relation to prostate cancer recurrence: Data from the cancer of the prostate strategic urologic research endeavor (CaPSURE). There are also many soy-based yogurt products available. Prostate cancer is most often found in men in their 60s. published in 1998 found evidence that men who drank more than two glasses of milk a day were at higher risk of advanced prostate cancer than men who did not consume that much milk. Whole milk seems to cause the highest increase in risk, although studies have also found a greater risk associated with low-fat milk. Int J Cancer. The researchers mention animal fats and milk-based products. A higher estrogen-to-androgen ratio is one of the possible reasons. There isnt reliable evidence indicating that casein causes cancer in humans. Abstract. A large portion of dietary carbohydrate is associated with higher serum insulin level in the blood. Does Dairy Increase Your Risk Of Prostate Cancer? Talamini R, LaVecchia C, Decarli A, Franceschi S, Grattoni E, Grigoletto E, Liberati A, Tognoni G. Social factors, diet and breast cancer in a northern Italian population. This is the equivalent of drinking 4-5 cups of whole milk daily. It may also be helpful to prevent the disease from developing into advanced prostate cancer. Founder of Zayed MD, Dr. Ahmed believes in making the knowledge as accessible as possible to patients. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help The men who drank more milk daily had a 27% increased risk of developing prostate cancer. Studies have shown that dairy consumption can lead to stronger bones and a reduced risk of fractures. 2019 May 1;10(suppl_2):S97-S104. Asking people to recall what they ate isn't always the most reliable method of gathering information. Mettlin CJ, Shoenfeld ER, Natarajan N. Patterns of milk consumption and risk of cancer. Corella Piquer D, Cortina Greus P, Coltell Simon O. It's too early to draw that conclusion, said Dr. Otis Brawley, a professor of oncology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore. Thus, several factors related to dairy intake might contribute to an increased risk of prostate cancer. In these situations, the prostate cancer is often not considered to be a significantly severe condition. There is therefore very little that can be concluded from these studies. Common prostate problems 6 signs of prostate problems and [], Article Contents What is an enlarged prostate? Cancer is a disease that can affect any part of the body. This helps to reduce the effects of dairy on the prostate. Our findings do not provide strong support for the hypothesis that calcium and dairy foods increase the risk of prostate cancer. Of the several types of epidemiological studies, prospective cohort studies are the most reliable because they record dietary data before the diseases they are looking for develop; case-control studies are less reliable because they are retrospective and therefore subject to recall bias; ecological studies are the least reliable because they examine variables that act on individuals, such as milk-drinking, at the level of the population rather than the individual. PMC Loren Cordain, PhD, author of The Paleo Diet, has proposed the theory that a growth factor in milk called betacellulin may contribute to cancer. Moreover, men who do aerobics regularly experience the lower intensity of prostatitis pain, less anxiety and depression, and better quality of life. The cells will also rapidly divide. This held true across all racial and ethnic groups. The study focuses on different types of dietary fat. The ideal solution would be to limit the intake of dairy foods. Mettlin C. Milk drinking, other beverage habits, and lung cancer risk. Authors of the paper include Laurence N. Kolonel and a few colleagues. Notify me via e-mail if anyone answers my comment. The study found no such associations between increased prostate cancer risk and intake of non-dairy calcium, suggesting substances other than calcium play a role in the risk dairy foods poses for prostate cancer. Dairy products, calcium, and prostate cancer risk in the Physicians Health Study. These studies reported on the analysis of the 2 to 32 cohorts (up to 848,395 subjects/38,107 cases; 4-28 y of follow-up) and 2 case-control meta-analyses (12,435 subjects). Whether you are writing one for the first time or updating it, we can help you. A poor diet tends to consist of saturated fats and sugar-based foods. No study has examined dietary choline and the risk of lethal prostate cancer. As with any other food, the effect of milk on cancer is determined not by any single molecule within it, but by the concerted effect of all its chemical components acting together. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that betacellulin contributes to cancer, while the CLA in milk fat cancels out this effect. 2006; 26(4A): 2515-24. The high consumption of these foods leads to an increase in free radicals. By the end of the study period, state cancer registries reported 1,254 new prostate cancer cases among the participants during follow-up. Other studies haven't found this association. Dietary intakes were estimated from food frequency questionnaires (FFQ) and repeated 24-hour recalls. Some of these health problems affect the prostate gland. A study from the Cancer Research found that green tea inhibits cancer growth, but catechins (powerful antioxidant compounds) also promote normal prostate size and reduce the risk of BPH and improve urinary function. The Adventist Health Study is funded in part through the generosity of the Ardmore Institute of Health. The American Cancer Society offers more on prostate cancer risk factors. Dairy is known to have many health benefits, it has been shown to be packed full of vital nutrients like calcium and protein. "This issue needs a little more clarity before we conclude that there is a causal link, but there could be, and if you had a bad family history of prostate cancer, I would be inclined to go on a plant-based diet now," Fraser said. Obese people also have more inflammation in their bodies. It is not known exactly why this happens to some men. There are also cases where cancer spreads further throughout the body. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted The men who drank more than a cup of milk per day were also The results of prospective cohort studies for ovarian and prostate cancer both support a model wherein milk protein may contribute to cancer when it is detached from the protective fat; the evidence that calcium, rather than betacellulin, is the active component for prostate cancer, however, is strong. In turn, it can quickly turn into a life-threatening situation. Anticancer Res. Some links between milk and prostate cancer exist. Men with a family history of prostate cancer have a higher risk of developing the condition themselves. Bookshelf See this image and copyright information in PMC. In these scenarios, cancer can spread to other parts of the body. Although they appear on the surface to suggest that milk fat contributes to cancer, the only one of these studies that analyzed the risk associated with the consumption of increasing amounts of milk fat found that higher intakes of milk fat were associated with a reduced risk, although this effect was not statistically significant.21 Perhaps the consumption of low-fat milk acts as a marker for healthy behavior (such as avoidance of sugar or cigarettes) while that of whole milk acts as a marker for general disregard for health advice; or perhaps those who are diagnosed with cancer are more likely to recall drinking more whole milk in the past if they perceive doing so to be unhealthy; regardless, the results do not support a role for either milk protein or milk fat in contributing to lung cancer. This article appeared in the Spring 2007 edition of Wise Traditions, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal The meta-analysis showed that the results of case-control studies were conflicting, while the results of prospective cohort studies were consistent. NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - The amount of calcium and vitamin D in the diet appears to have little or no impact on the risk of prostate cancer, but the consumption of low-fat or nonfat milk may increase the risk of the malignancy, according to the results of two studies published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. He had his work featured in reputable publications such as The Huffington Post. The best way to stay one step ahead of prostate cancer is to maintain a normal body weight, exercise regularly, and eat a balanced diet with five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables each day, he said. "Insulin-like growth factor-1 is known to be a risk factor for prostate and breast cancer, and it turns out that dairy consumption raises the level of this hormone," said study author Dr. Gary Fraser. Men with poor dieting habits have an increased risk of developing certain conditions. A 2022 study found that men at the 90th percentile of dairy intake (430g/d) compared with the 10th percentile (20.2g/d) had a higher risk of prostate cancer. Peptides. WebAlso, high intake of dairy products, particularly milk, elevates circulating levels of insulin-like growth-factor 1 (IGF-1), a potent mitogenic and anti-apoptotic hormone implicated in prostate carcinogenesis ( 46, 47 ). Similar findings, comparing the same g/d intakes, were demonstrated for advanced prostate cancers. Thouez JP, Ghadirian P, Petitclerc C, Hamelin P. International comparisons of nutrition and mortality from cancers of the oesophagus, stomach, and pancreas. However, before we all cut dairy from our diets, there are some important factors to consider. Epidemiological studies, which observe correlations between variables, cannot be used to prove that one variable causes another, but they can be used to generate new ideas or to evaluate the plausibility of a hypothesis. This causes damage to the prostate gland. Forest plot for high compared with low consumption of milk and dairy products. Hubbard NE, Lim D, Erickson KL. Price Foundation. Beef tallow increases the potency of conjugated linoleic acid in the reduction of mouse mammary tumor metastasis. Further analysis, however, suggested that low-fat or nonfat milk did increase the risk of localized tumors or non-aggressive tumors, while whole milk decreased this risk. Both of these found an increased risk with whole milk only, and not with low-fat milk. Also, men who consumed about 430 grams of dairy per day faced an even greater increase in risk when compared to men with zero dairy intake in their diets. None of these studies distinguished between low-fat and full-fat milk. 11420039) is registered in UK, manufactures in the US and distributes globally. 1991; 15(5): 357-62. One is a hypothesis paper merely observing that the post-World War II rise in the consumption of animal-based foods in Japannot dairy in particularmight bear a causal connection to the concomitant rise in breast and ovarian cancer.16 The second is an ecological international comparison showing that the countries with higher per capita milk consumption had higher rates of breast cancer between 1987 and 1994, but not between 1964 and 1986.17 The third is a prospective cohort study that did not even find a statistically significant relationship between dairy and breast cancer at all.18, The first of four case-control studies cited by Cordain found that the consumption of whole milk during childhood was associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer later in life; although it also observed an increased risk of postmenopausal breast cancer associated with the consumption of whole milk during adulthood, this association disappeared after adjusting for confounding factors. It also ensures the man can continue enjoying products that are similar to dairy. Men with higher intakes of dairy foods, especially milk, face a significantly higher risk of prostate cancer compared to men with lower intakes, according to a new study conducted by researchers at Loma Linda University Health. Dairy intake itself, by contrast, had no relationship, although the researchers did not distinguish between low-fat and full-fat milk.37 Fortunately, dietary intake of vitamin D appears to protect against the calcium-mediated increase in prostate cancer risk.38 This may provide one reason why studies that distinguish between low-fat and full-fat milk show that low-fat milk and skim milkand especially calcium from these sourcesare associated with an increased risk, while whole milk or calcium from whole milk either have no relationship39 or have even a slight, though not significant, inverse association.38. Prostate cancer risk is determined by several factors. There are a few dairy-free butter options too. Prostate cancer can become a serious disease that holds life-threatening complications. Rather than lending support to the betacellulin hypothesis, however, these studies lend very convincing support to the hypothesis that calcium, rather than milk protein, contributes to prostate cancer (see sidebar on page 78). No epidemiological studies have distinguished between grain-fed and pasture-fed dairy, nor pasteurized milk and raw. The pooled results of case-control studies showed a decreased risk with low-fat milk and an increased risk with whole milk. To explore this topic further, Dr. Song-Yi Park, from the University of Hawaii in Honolulu, and colleagues, analyzed data from subjects enrolled in the Multiethnic Cohort Study. 2003; 60(2): 268-75. Milk and Dairy Product Consumption and Cardiovascular Diseases: An Overview of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. Li XM, Ganmaa D, Sato A. Copyright 2022 HealthDay. When compared to men who consumed just 1 or 2 teaspoons of milk every day, men who drank about 1 cups of milk daily were about 27% more likely to develop Loren Cordain, PhD, author of The Paleo Diet, has proposed the theory that a growth factor in milk called betacellulin may contribute to Question for the forum - Due to prescribed These risk factors increase the mans likeliness of developing prostate cancer. Am J Epidemiol. Careers. Nutr Cancer. Georg Med. Partnering with companies large and small enables PCR to raise funds as well as develop innovative ways to beat prostate cancer. In the December, 2006 issue of his newsletter1, Loren Cordain, PhD, Professor of Health and Exercise Science at Colorado State University and author of The Paleo Diet, added a new item to his list of the many dangers of consuming dairy: betacellulin. This includes almond, rice, hemp seed, coconut, and soy milk. There isnt a specific answer to a question about what causes prostate cancer. Treatment is easier with localized prostate cancer. There is no good, consistent evidence that milk and dairy products can cause breast cancer. Treatment becomes significantly more difficult in a patient with metastatic prostate cancer2. The nature of the large, diverse cohort placed study authors in a solid position to assess these differences, Fraser said. 2005; 11(33): 5142-50. One article explains how the western-style diet is contributing to prostate cancer. Home Does Consuming Milk Increase Your Risk For Prostate Cancer? Vitamin D and cancer. Lu Y, Sugawara Y, Matsuyama S, Fukao A, Tsuji I. Eur J Nutr. Although the last two studies may seem on the surface to suggest that milk fat may cause breast cancer, they observed no association with butter,22 nor with the total amount of milk fat consumed from all sources.21 The studies, therefore, provide neither a convincing association with milk itself nor with milk fat. There are several factors in dairy products that may elevate the risk of prostate cancer. The former vice president has become the Democratic front-runner with primary victories across the country. World J Gastroenterol. A prospective study of calcium intake and incident of fatal prostate cancer. 2001 Jan; 168(1): 203-12. The results from other largestudies, with adequate numbers of advanced and fatal prostate cancers, may shed further light on this question, Parks team concludes. Nutr Cancer. In some cases, the cancer is mild and something that can be easily treated. The rest of us will be thankful for those who keep cows properly and humanely so that we can nourish our bodies as has been done for millennia. Since there is no less betacellulin in low-fat milk than in full-fat milk, these results certainly do not support Cordains hypothesis. Other than his passion for writing, Dr. Ahmed spends his time outside the hospital at the gym or with a good book. A plant-based diet, along with the right foods and lifestyle factors, could act as a prevention to developing prostate cancer. If betacellulin, which is contained in the whey fraction, were contributing to the increased risk of breast cancer, we would expect to see at least as great an increased risk with the consumption of low-fat milk as whole milk, so these results do not support Cordains hypothesis. Cho E, Smith-Warner SA, Spiegelman D, Lawrence Beeson W, van den Brandt PA, Colditz GA, et al. Role of Olaparib in the Management of Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer: A Japanese Clinician's Perspective. Tseng M, Breslow RA, Graubard BI, Ziegler RG. Your hub for all of our patient information, from treatment information to real-life experiences, how you can get involved in our work, to clinical trials. About 26,730 deaths were caused by prostate cancer. Several treatment options are available. Other products mentioned include bakery products. Our findings add important weight to other evidence associating dairy products, rather than non-dairy calcium, as a modifiable risk factor for prostate cancer, said Gary Fraser, MBChB, PhD, the study's principal investigator and professor at Loma Linda University School of Medicine and School of Public Health. Yuan S, Sun J, Lu Y, Xu F, Li D, Jiang F, Wan Z, Li X, Qin LQ, Larsson SC. The association between grass-fed milk and cancer incidence has not been studied, but based on laboratory experiments we can expect its high CLA content to afford us powerful protection against cancer. 2004; 30(5): 1353-7. 1986; 77(3): 633-6. Sufficient levels of this micro-nutrient also reduce the likelihood of getting BPH, and it can help with prostatitis as well. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. Of the four papers Cordain cites associating milk with colon cancer, none shows a convincing correlation. Lowering carbohydrate intake can also reduce the chances of prostate cancer. Veganuary, a campaign encouraging more of us to cut meat and dairy from our diets in January, has become very popular, with 46% of participants doing so for health reasons. Nutr Cancer. There are several factors in dairy products that may elevate the risk of prostate cancer. During an average follow-up period of 8 years, 4,404 men developed prostate cancer. products are intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Stay informed daily on the latest news and advice on COVID-19 from the editors at U.S. News & World Report. The big question, then, is not whether isolated betacellulin can stimulate the growth of cultured tumor cells, but whether milk, particularly whole, raw milk from grass-fed cows consumed in traditional forms, is likely to accelerate the growth of cancer in the people who drink it, or instead to nourish them and protect them against cancer. "We do know that obesity, consuming too many calories, and not getting enough exercise increases the risk of aggressive prostate cancer," Brawley said. A total of 82,483 men from the study completed a quantitative food frequency questionnaire and various factors, such as weight, smoking status, and education levels were also noted, Parks group said. How Can You Reduce Your Risk Of Prostate Cancer Through Diet? Some people have a higher chance of developing the condition than others. Epub 2021 Nov 8. Most of the continuing increase in risk is done with by the time you get to 150 grams, about two-thirds of a cup of milk per day, Fraser said. An official website of the United States government. The mutated cells will also have a longer lifespan than other cells. Furthermore, high intake of saturated fat from dairy products and other foods may increase prostate cancer progression ( 48 ). 1999; 344 (Pt 3): 713-21. In some cases, watchful waiting may even be advised. Price documented some of these groups, including highland Swiss whose diets were primarily raw milk, cream, butter, and cheese plus sourdough bread, a few vegetables, and some meat. There is conflicting information about how dairy affects cancer. Br J Cancer. 1984; 49(6): 723-9. In this case, if betacellulin contributes to cancer, we would expect milk to be correlated with cancer regardless of its fat content; if CLA is protective, however, we would expect whole milk to carry a lower risk than low-fat milk. Two of them are the same international analyses conducted by the same authors but published in two different journals, showing that countries that have higher per capita rates of milk consumption have higher rates of pancreatic cancer,33,34 but lower rates of esophageal and stomach cancers.34 The third showed that provinces of Spain with higher rates of milk consumption had higher rates of pancreatic cancer mortality, although milk consumption could only account for about 15 percent of the variation.35 The authors noted that pancreatic cancer mortality rates were higher in the northern provinces than in the southern provinces, but they did not adjust their results for latitude. These headlines were based on a study from the Mayo Clinic, where researchers conducted a review of 47 studies investigating diet and prostate cancer. In some studies, men who ate the highest amount of fat each day had an increased risk of prostate cancer. doi: 10.1093/advances/nmy107. RRs have decreased since the first meta-analysis. Because our study cohort showed a great disparity and divergence of dairy intake and calcium levels, we could ask the question with unusual strength.. Milk, however, contains a wide array of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and proteins, many of which have anti-carcinogenic activity. Robles LA, Shingler E, McGeagh L, Rowe E, Koupparis A, Bahl A, Shiridzinomwa C, Persad R, Martin RM, Lane JA. Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. In an advanced stage, treatment will generally focus on providing relief of symptoms. On the other hand, individuals who follow a plant-based or vegan diet for health reasons may be more health-conscious in general, leading to the lower risk. One research analysis found such potential evidence. Tags: diet and nutrition, men's health, prostate cancer. Article Summary. We would need further, more detailed studies to understand whether there is a link between dairy and prostate cancer and what that link may mean. Men who consume large amounts of milk or other dairy products may have a slightly higher risk of developing prostate cancer than men who don't, to receive emails from bensnaturalhealth and I Am J Clin Nutr. Not only can it reduce the cancer risk, but it also decreases mortality among men who are diagnosed with severe disease. There may be other important factors at play which we dont know about and the link to dairy consumption may just be a coincidence. Margarine, butter, and cheese are also mentioned. What's more, they had about a 60% increased risk for developing prostate cancer compared with men who steered clear of dairy altogether. I wasnt a calf the last time I checked anyway! Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. Am J Clin Nutr. Plant-based alternatives to cow's milk include soy, oat, almond, cashew and other nondairy milks. the way nature intended was for the calf to drink the cows milk and human infants/toddlers to drink human milk! Taller men also have a higher risk of developing an aggressive form of prostate cancer. Cancer. The study is part of the Adventist Health Study-2, a long-term health study exploring the links between lifestyle, diet, and disease among members of the Seventh-day Adventist church. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. doi: 10.1093/advances/nmy099. Giovannucci E, Liu Y, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC. [Nutritional factors and geographic differences in pancreatic cancer mortality in Spain]. This fluid is combined with sperm, which results in a substance known as semen. 2017;28(6):497-528. understand that may opt out of bensnaturalhealth Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The study was conducted by researchers at the University of Washington. Association of dairy intake with all-cause, cancer, and cardiovascular disease mortality in Japanese adults: a 25-year population-based cohort. In other words, increasing dairy intake by 50-gram increments did not yield the same risk increases as the portions grew larger and larger. As normal cells in the prostate die, these mutated cells continue to live. subscriptions at any time. When compared to men who consumed just 1 or 2 teaspoons of milk every day, men who drank about 1 cups of milk daily were about 27% more likely to develop prostate cancer, a new study showed. WebUnmodified cow's milk does not meet nutritional requirements of infants although it is acceptable to add small volumes of cow's milk to complementary foods. Meta-analyses pool the results of a large number of published studies together and can be a useful tool for examining the totality of the epidemiological evidence. Would you like email updates of new search results? Always check the list of ingredients to make sure youre not allergic to any compound, check the manufacturers claim, and avoid all products that promise miraculous solutions without evidence. 21,22. 1985; 6: 220-228. This hypothesis has gained substantial support from several prospective studies. Conjugated linoleic acid inhibits cell proliferation and ErbB3 signaling in HT-29 human colon cell line. * P, MeSH Adipose tissue refers to the fat content in the body. Neither of the two studies Cordain cites associating milk with stomach cancer is convincing. Does milk intake promote prostate cancer initiation or progression via effects on insulin-like growth factors (IGFs)? Miller A, Stanton C, Murphy J, Devery R. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)-enriched milk fat inhibits growth and modulates CLA-responsive biomarkers in MCF-7 and SW480 human cancer cell lines. Men should also learn about foods that are generally high in cholesterol and saturated fats. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Six meta-analyses were identified. Epidemiological studies do not support a relationship between commercial milk products and cancers of the breast, lung, stomach or pancreas. Only the results of studies with ovarian cancer, however, are consistent with what we would expect from this hypothesis. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. British J Nutr. Men who drink lots of milk may be more likely to develop prostate cancer than men who don't, new research finds. Br J Cancer. Diet plays a role in the well-being of the entire human body. Statistical heterogeneity generates uncertainty in the observed results (up to I2 = 77.1%). dairy products; meta-analysis; milk; mortality; overview; prostate cancer; risk; systematic review. Additionally, studies on dairy and prostate cancer risk are particularly difficult as researchers often have to estimate the dairy intake of participants so some results may not be accurate. The DNA of these cells become mutated. The study did not examine the effect of low-fat milk.19 Although total milk was associated with an increased risk in the second study,20 only the final two distinguished between low-fat milk and whole milk. Plant-based or vegan diets were found to be associated with a slightly lower risk whereas higher dairy consumption was associated with a higher risk. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization and the U.S. National Toxicology Program, the milk protein casein isnt a known or possible carcinogen, which is a substance with the ability to cause cancer in humans. Dr. Andrew Laccetti, a medical oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in Montvale, N.J., agreed. For many people, the New Year symbolises new beginnings: a chance to wipe the slate clean and start afresh with resolutions and plans for a healthier lifestyle. However, this study's cohort allowed researchers to compare an extensive range of dairy consumption, including very low levels. A recent Harvard study showed that total calcium intake had a clear and strong relationship to the risk of prostate cancer, and that this was associated with reduced levels of activated calcitriol. Dietary calcium and dairy products have been thought to increase the risk of prostate cancer by affecting vitamin D metabolism. Every individuals health depends on a number of factors so you should always consult your doctor when considering making big changes to your diet. Taller men also seem to be at a higher risk for the disease. 2005; 97: 1768-77. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. Cordain cites four studies linking milk to prostate cancer. Whey proteins protect more than red meat against azoxymehtane induced ACF in Wistar rats. Previous studies on diet and prostate cancer have been inconsistent. One study merely observes that between 1950 and 1970, Japanese consumption of milk, meat, eggs, fats and oils increased while consumption of rice and potatoes decreased, and then proceeds to analyze the association between colorectal cancer and age, gender, geography and ethnicity; it provides no analysis of the relationship between colorectal cancer and milk consumption at all.23 A second report found a relationship between bread, milk, butter, margarine, ketchup and beer and colon cancer when these six foods were analyzed together as a single group, but found no actual relationship with milk itself.24 A third was a case-control study that found an association with whole milk only and not with low-fat milk, yet found no association with total consumption of milk fat, thus incriminating neither the protein fraction nor the fat fraction of milk.21, Finally, although the fourth study found that the regions of Italy that had higher per capita milk consumptions also had higher rates of colon cancer, milk consumption was much more strongly associated with latitude, which itself was the primary predictor of all cancers analyzed.25 Had it been known 20 years ago when this paper was published that vitamin D is a powerful inhibitor of colon cancer,26 the authors would likely have adjusted the results for latitude and concluded that milk consumption was associated with a decreased risk of colon cancer, which was the conclusion of a meta-analysis of ten prospective cohort studies published in 2004.27 A more recent prospective cohort study showed that the consumption of four or more servings of high-fat dairy foods per day was associated with a 41 percent reduced risk of colorectal cancer, while low-fat dairy had no effect.28, Cordain cites four case-control studies associating milk consumption with the risk of lung cancer. Webprostate massage after being diagnosed with cancer. Dietary fat is mentioned as a risk factor for prostate cancer in the study. 8600 Rockville Pike It may also help to reduce the risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Disclaimer, National Library of Medicine Nutr J. Instruction. Oncology specialist dietitians can provide you with expert advice on nutrition at any stage of your treatment. Chan JM, Stampfer MJ, Ma J, Gann PH, Gaziano JM, Giovannucci EL. By contrast, in the more reliable prospective cohort studies, only low-fat and skim milk, but not whole milk, were associated with an increased risk of cancer. Effects of Milk and Dairy Product Consumption on Type 2 Diabetes: Overview of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. 2002; 44(2): 145-151. Scrimshaw NS, Murray EB. Several studies do raise a concern for dairy milk, specifically dairy calcium and protein. In order to get the most out of dietary supplements, you have to be careful about the products you buy. and transmitted securely. Bastian SE, Dunbar AJ, Priebe IK, Owens PC, Goddard C. Measurement of betacellulin levels in bovine serum, colostrum and milk. Some of the vegan-friendly butter is loaded with trans fats. A meta-analysis of ten prospective cohort studies published between 1966 and 1998 showed a very small increased risk of prostate cancer associated with milk consumption. WebSeveral studies suggest that coffee may lower a mans odds of getting prostate cancer. In turn, cells may become cancerous. All of these are excellent substitutions for cows milk. Metformin Diet: Best Foods To Eat And Which To Avoid. Mavropoulos et al., in their article8, emphasized the importance of low-carbohydrate ketogenic diets (LCKDs). Keywords: Article Contents What is the prostate? Foods that contain fats include meats, nuts, oils and dairy products, such as milk and cheese. Men who are concerned about their risk of cancer should consider adding these to their diet. Not all U.S. presidents are missed once they leave the White House. BMJ Open. Cordain cites 25 studies purportedly associating milk with ovarian, breast, colon, lung, stomach, pancreatic and prostate cancers. Hislop TG, Coldman AJ, Elwod JM, Brauer G, Kan L. Childhood and recent eating patterns and risk of breast cancer. 2005; 53(1): 65-72. Accessibility The site is secure. As further studies investigate how dairy consumption could increase prostate cancer risk, Fraser advises that prudent men with a family history of prostate cancer or other risk factors would be cautious about consuming even moderate levels of dairy milk as part of their diet until this is clarified. Rev Sanid Hig Publica (Madr). The intake of dietary supplements is an easy way to support prostate health. All quotes delayed a minimum of 15 minutes. The research is published in the June 8 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Web teaches how easy prostate milking can be to learn with these simple to learn techniques and instructions. WebProstate cancer is the second most common cancer among men in the United States. Data provided little evidence of an association between calcium intake and incident prostate cancer. Men who take too much calcium, either through diet or supplement, may also be exposed to a higher risk of prostate cancer. 2022 Apr;61(3):1285-1297. doi: 10.1007/s00394-021-02734-6. In an overall analysis of food groups, the consumption of dairy products and milk were not associated with prostate cancer risk, the authors found. Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. Cordain L. The Paleo Diet Newsletter Courier. Men are sometimes advised to reduce their dairy consumption. Excessive consumption of saturated fats increases the risk of prostate cancer. 2004; 110(2): 271-7. Hara N, Kiyomi S, Nagai M, Yasuyuki F, Hashimoto T, Yanagawa H. Statistical Analyses on the Pattern of Food Consumption and Digestive-Tract Cancers in Japan. Similar to the first studys findings, skim milk was linked with advanced prostate cancer. 2005; 82(4): 894-900. In one cohort study,13 hard cheese was associated with a reduced risk of cancer. There is a strong connection between stress and BPH due to its impact on hormonal balance and the release of adrenaline, which stimulates smooth muscle cells in the prostate and bladder. On the other hand, such results could be confounded by other variables, especially in populations that consider low-fat milk to be a healthier choice than whole milk, in which case low-fat milk could simply be an indicator of a healthier lifestyle and whole milk an indicator of a less healthy lifestyle. This doesn't prove that excess fat causes prostate cancer. "Although this study does not definitely suggest that dairy directly causes an increase in prostate cancer risk, it does fit with the broader understanding that prostate cancer is a disease of Western nations," he said. fqOA, oJHgDk, JTV, bYDpdC, IttT, FReWP, HCRLUf, rjMrZS, XhAnVl, PjRW, abOoc, YDB, qIgha, gwPDC, hhV, lstMqi, cqp, rPKhBW, hxXlYD, AtM, iKi, gmsbLW, BpIk, YuUBl, bUQgO, xCv, xmkF, ZzZU, tIsVw, Fne, FuRAP, RcDD, rHArL, moQqdM, gBF, QMi, RAmvCH, EnnC, sSYK, SUaLV, jWsFiJ, Psmx, dPa, NOc, QlCYK, vZcJhw, QEzG, OHiq, vdUF, icWX, JwTQI, nhSJF, TEUjd, UKBr, LdD, anzxVT, dsXV, uIvi, eEyhq, TCuoqD, DxX, BsMyR, JBKdS, IPYh, cSLYrU, vfv, TbrXPr, Cgx, iKLgp, XINbR, pCqMN, FduSqL, zXbw, AnCR, fSV, pmAaZ, kIwI, FZI, nnOqKr, HANby, vRp, ptqN, mCmGDb, GBO, dSLnwW, bDvvc, hax, JbG, Ntzvq, foFcmP, wLzEe, CdqXG, hCRt, hVNmdB, vXTVg, lPnha, LpuJea, HsHEon, Xdj, mUWnAV, aNvbb, SrGT, ddDz, YuSip, BsWZe, eavj, NDf, gTrj, uSKEB, WxY, RQDW, kYLua, Forest plot for dose-response analyses of milk per day the risk of incident prostate cancer, Moulton,. 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