material recovery facility republic act

The term of the information officer is coterminous with that of his appointing authority. In addition to the duties which may be assigned to him by the sangguniang barangay, the sangguniang kabataan chairman shall: (a) Call and preside over all meetings of the katipunan ng kabataan and the sangguniang kabataan; (b) Implement policies, programs, and projects within his jurisdiction in coordination with the sangguniang barangay; (c) Exercise general supervision over the affairs and activities of the sangguniang kabataan and the official conduct of its members, and such other officers of the sangguniang kabataan within his jurisdiction; (d) With the concurrence of the sangguniang kabataan, appoint from among the members of the sangguniang kabataan, the secretary and treasurer and such other officers as may be deemed necessary; and. The municipalities within the Metropolitan Manila Area may levy taxes at rates which shall not exceed by fifty percent (50%) the maximum rates prescribed in the preceding section. (o) Taxes, fees or charges of any kind on the National Government, its agencies and instrumentalities, and local government units. However, when both co-chairmen are present in a meeting, the local chief executive concerned, as a matter of protocol, shall be given preference to preside over the meeting. Copies of said decision shall immediately be furnished the respondent and all interested parties. SECTION 72. Nevertheless, the National Government and the Bangsamoro Government shall cooperate and coordinate through the Intergovernmental Energy Board insofar as the utilization of water from Lake Lanao for the Agus Hydropower Complex is concerned. (d) Release of distrained property upon payment prior to sale If at any time prior to the consummation of the sale, all the proper charges are paid to the officer conducting the sale, the goods or effects distrained shall be restored to the owner. The freedom of choice of all people within the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region shall be respected. In the same manner, five percent (5%) to thirty percent (30%) of the official development assistance received by the Bangsamoro Government shall be set aside to complement the gender and development budget allocation. Any legal question which may confront the punong barangay in resolving objections to venue herein referred to may be submitted to the Secretary of Justice or his duly designated representative, whose ruling thereon shall be binding. SECTION 486. For this purpose, the GSIS is hereby directed to undertake an actuarial study, issue rules and regulations, determine the premiums payable, and recommend to Congress the amount of appropriations needed to support the system. - The National Government shall provide a special development fund to the Bangsamoro Government for the rebuilding, rehabilitation, and development of its conflict-affected communities. Compensation and Remuneration. (c) The local government units shall, in conformity with existing laws, continue to prepare their respective comprehensive land use plans enacted through zoning ordinances which shall be the primary and dominant bases for the future use of land resources: Provided, That the requirements for food production, human settlements, and industrial expansion shall be taken into consideration in the preparation of such plans. The appointment of an accountant is mandatory for the provincial, city and municipal governments. The Bangsamoro Government shall institutionalize peace education in all levels of education. Preventive Suspension of Appointive Local Officials and Employees. Section 4. SECTION 514. (a) The Bangsamoro Autonomous Region shall be established and all provinces and cities of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao created under Republic Act No. The local development council shall more monitor the use and disbursement of the calamity fund. (b) For efficient, effective and economical governance the purpose of which is the general welfare of the municipality and its inhabitants pursuant to Section 16 of this Code, the municipal mayor shall: (1) Exercise general supervision and control over all programs, projects, services, and activities of the municipal government, and in this connection, shall: (i) Determine the guidelines of municipal policies and be responsible to the sangguniang bayan for the program of government; (ii) Direct the formulation of the municipal development plan, with the assistance of the municipal development council, and upon approval thereof by the sangguniang bayan, implement the same; (iii) At the opening of the regular session of the sangguniang bayan for every calendar year and, as may be deemed necessary, present the program of government and propose policies and projects for the consideration of the sangguniang bayan as the general welfare of the inhabitants and the needs of the municipal government may require; (iv) Initiate and propose legislative measures to the sangguniang bayan and, from time to time as the situation may require, provide such information and data needed or requested by said sanggunian in the performance of its legislative functions; (v) Appoint all officials and employees whose salaries and wages are wholly or mainly paid out of municipal funds and whose appointments are not otherwise provided for in this Code, as well as those he may be authorized by law to appoint; (vi) Upon authorization by the sangguniang bayan, represent the municipality in all its business transactions and sign on its behalf all bonds, contracts, and obligations, and such other documents made pursuant to law or ordinance; (vii) Carry out such emergency measures as may be necessary during and in the aftermath of man-made and natural disasters and calamities; (viii) Determine, according to law or ordinance, the time, manner and place of payment of salaries or wages of the officials and employees of the municipality; (ix) Allocate and assign office space to municipal and other officials and employees who, by law or ordinance, are entitled to such space in the municipal hall and other buildings owned or leased by the municipal government; (x) Ensure that all executive officials and employees of the municipality faithfully discharge their duties and functions as provided by law and this Code, and cause to be instituted administrative or judicial proceedings against any official or employee of the municipality who may have committed an offense in the performance of his official duties; (xi) Examine the books, records and other documents of all offices, officials, agents or employees of the municipality and in aid of his executive powers and authority, require all national officials and employees stationed in or assigned to the municipality to make available to him such books, records, and other documents in their custody, except those classified by law as confidential; (xii) Furnish copies of executive orders issued by him to the provincial governor within seventy-two (72) hours after their issuance: Provided, That municipalities of Metropolitan Manila Area and that of any metropolitan political subdivision shall furnish copies of said executive orders to the metropolitan authority council chairman and to the Office of the President; (xiii) Visit component barangays of the municipality at least once every six (6) months to deepen his understanding of problems and conditions therein, listen and give appropriate counsel to local officials and inhabitants, inform the component barangay officials and inhabitants of general laws and ordinances which especially concern them, and otherwise conduct visits and inspections to the end that the governance of the municipality will improve the quality of life of the inhabitants; (xiv) Act on leave applications of officials and employees appointed by him and the commutation of the monetary value of leave credits according to law; (xv) Authorize official trips outside of the municipality of municipal officials and employees for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days; (xvi) Call upon any national official or employee stationed in or assigned to the municipality to advise him on matters affecting the municipality and to make recommendations thereon, or to coordinate in the formulation and implementation of plans, programs and projects, and when appropriate, initiate an administrative or judicial action against a national government official or employee who may have committed an offense in the performance of his official duties while stationed in or assigned to the local government unit concerned; (xvii) Subject to availability of funds, authorize payment of medical care, necessary transportation, subsistence, hospital or medical fees of municipal officials and employees who are injured while in the performance of their official duties and functions; (xviii) Solemnize marriages, any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding; (xix) Conduct a palarong bayan, in coordination with the Department of Education, Culture and Sports, as an annual activity which shall feature traditional sports and disciplines included in national and international games; and. Prohibited Acts Related to the Award of Contracts Under the Provisions on Credit Financing. SECTION 528. Condonation or Reduction of Tax by the President of the Philippines. The punong barangay, or in his absence, the sangguniang barangay member acting as punong barangay, or any assembly member selected during the meeting, shall act as presiding officer in all the meetings of the assembly. (a) The taxes imposed under Section 143 shall be payable for every separate or distinct establishment or place where business subject to the tax is conducted and one line of business does not become exempt by being conducted with some other businesses for which such tax has been paid. Section 16. All existing tax ordinances or revenue measures of local government units shall continue to be in force and effect after the effectivity of this Code unless amended by the sanggunian concerned, or inconsistent with, or in violation of, the provisions of this Code. (b) In the case of a city or a municipality within the Metropolitan Manila Area, at the rate not exceeding two percent (2%) of the assessed value of real property. For this purpose, the Commission on Elections shall undertake the necessary steps to enable the holding of plebiscite within the period. Provincial, city, and municipal auditors shall certify the balances arising in the accounts settled by them to the Chairman of the COA and to the local treasurer, accountant, and other accountable officers. Redistricting for Parliamentary Membership. (b) The chairman of the Board shall have the power to designate any employee of the province or city to serve as secretary to the Board also without additional compensation. SECTION 406. Employees in the sectors of health, education, and social welfare shall be absorbed and transferred to the Bangsamoro Government. The appointment of an assistant assessor is optional for provincial, city and municipal governments.i. SECTION 203. Effectivity of Budgets. [citation needed], In the United States, Dr. Henry P. DeForrest used fingerprinting in the New York Civil Service in 1902, and by December 1905, New York City Police Department Deputy Commissioner Joseph A. Faurot, an expert in the Bertillon system and a fingerprint advocate at Police Headquarters, introduced the fingerprinting of criminals to the United States. (j) All civil actions, if they have not specified in the agreement which law shall govern their relations where the demand or claim exceeds Two hundred thousand pesos (200,000.00). The National Government and the Bangsamoro Government, through the Intergovernmental release of said amount to the Bangsamoro Government. (c) Conciliation Among Members of Indigenous Cultural Communities. SECTION 428. Property which has become unserviceable or is no longer needed may be transferred without cost to another office, agency, subdivision or instrumentality of the national government or another local government unit at an appraised valuation determined by the local Committee on Awards. SECTION 37. Establishment of Autonomous Special Economic Zones. The power to impose a tax, fee, or charge or to generate revenue under this Code shall be exercised by the sanggunian of the local government unit concerned through an appropriate ordinance. A province, city or municipality may impose a special levy on the lands comprised within its territorial jurisdiction specially benefited by public works projects or improvements funded by the local government unit concerned: Provided, however, That the special levy shall not exceed sixty percent (60%) of the actual cost of such projects and improvements, including the costs of acquiring land and such other real property in connection therewith: Provided, further, That the special levy shall not apply to lands exempt from basic real property tax and the remainder of the land portions of which have been donated to the local government unit concerned for the construction of such projects or improvements. The amount so deposited shall be paid to the purchaser at the auction sale if the deed is declared invalid but it shall be returned to the depositor if the action fails. "[39] It has been reported that the United States, under one of its most secret programs, initiated by the Bush administration and accelerated by the Obama administration,[147] has sought to destroy Iran's nuclear program by novel methods such as undermining Iranian computer systems. 6758 and the implementing guidelines issued pursuant thereto. It shall observe, promote, and ensure gender-responsiveness in all aspects of security and peace building, including the participation of women in decision-making. Powers, Duties, Functions and Compensation. The Bangsamoro Transition Authority shall be composed of eighty (80) members, who shall be appointed by the President: Provided, That, in addition, the elected officials of the Autonomous Regional Government in Muslim Mindanao shall automatically become members of the Bangsamoro Transition Authority and shall serve until noon of the 30th of June 2019: Provided, further, That non-Moro indigenous communities, youth, women, settler communities, traditional leaders, and other sectors shall have representatives in the Bangsamoro Transition Authority. Share of the Constituent Local Government Units in Taxes Within the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region. Authority of Local Government Units to Adjust Rates of Tax Ordinances. - The Commission on Election shall establish a Bangsamoro Electoral Office under its supervision and control which shall implement and enforce its orders, rulings and decisions. Towards this end, the following rules shall be observed: (a) The judge, prosecutor or any officer of the law to whom the complaint has been referred to may, whenever necessary to ensure a fair and impartial proceeding and after considering all circumstances for the best interest of the child conduct a closed-door investigation, prosecution or trial; (b) The name and personal circumstances of the child, including the childs immediate family, or any other information tending to establish his/her identity shall not be disclosed to the public; (c) Any record regarding a child shall be confidential and kept under seal. (a) Municipalities shall have the exclusive authority to grant fishery privileges in the municipal waters and impose rentals, fees or charges therefor in accordance with the provisions of this section. The governor or the city or municipal mayor shall act as the chairman with the following as members: (1) The chairman of the appropriations committee of the sanggunian concerned; (2) A representative of the minority party in the sanggunian concerned, if any, or if there be none, one (1) chosen by said sanggunian from among its members; (4) Two (2) representatives of non-governmental organizations that are represented in the local development council concerned, to be chosen by the organizations themselves; and. [24], As the rational values of the Enlightenment era increasingly permeated society in the 18th century, criminal investigation became a more evidence-based, rational procedure the use of torture to force confessions was curtailed, and belief in witchcraft and other powers of the occult largely ceased to influence the court's decisions. SECTION 44. Investigation and adjudication of administrative complaints against appointive local officials and employees as well as their suspension and removal shall be in accordance with the civil service law and rules and other pertinent laws. Section 22. Review of the Block Grant Formula. Sale and Forfeiture Before Effectivity of Code. For the first parliamentary election following the ratification of this Organic Law, the allocation of reserved and sectoral representative seats shall be determined by the Bangsamoro Transistion Authority as provided for in Section 4, Article XVI of this Organic Law. (b) The amount pertaining to the ten percent (10%) allocation for the kabataang barangay as provided for in Section 103 of Batas Pambansa Blg. The appropriations for Personal Services of such economic enterprises shall be charged against their respective budgets; (b) No official or employee shall be entitled to a salary rate higher that the maximum fixed for the position or other positions of equivalent rank by applicable laws or rules and regulations issued thereunder; (c) The Bangsamoro Government shall not appropriate funds to provide any salaries, wages or any form of emoluments to officials and employees of the National Government; (d) In cases of abolition of positions and the creation of new ones resulting from the abolition of existing positions in the Bangsamoro Government, such abolition or creation shall be made in accordance with Section 10, Article XVI of this Organic Law. (c) Secretary of Transportation and a counterpart Minister of the Bangsamoro Government; (d) At least one (1) representative of a constituent local government unit of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region adjacent to the Sulu Sea; (e) At least one (1) representative of a constituent local government unit of Bangsamoro Government adjacent to the Moro Gulf; (f) At least one (1) representative from an adjoining non-Bangsamoro local government unit adjacent to the Sulu Sea; and. The National Government shall provide the necessary funds for the benefits and entitlements of the affected employees of the Autonomous Regional Government in Muslim Mindanao during the transition period. [97] However, since current forensic examination techniques may not be sensitive to all injuries across a range of skin colors, more research needs to be conducted to understand if this trend is due to skin confounding healthcare providers when examining injuries or if darker skin extends a protective element. For this purpose, there shall be included in the annual General Appropriations Act a contingency fund at the disposal of the COMELEC for the conduct of recall elections. The basic real property tax and any other tax levied under this Title shall be collected within five (5) years from the date they become due. - All powers, functions and responsibilities not granted by the Constitution or by national law to the Bangsamoro Government shall be vested in the National Government. Implementing Rules and Regulations. Sharing in the Exploration, Development,and Utilization of Natural Resources. SECTION 373. 9514, otherwise known as the "Fire Code of the Philippines of 2008"; (q) Sections 6, 21, 23 and 119 of Republic Act No. The funds of a chapter shall be deposited as chapter funds and funds of the national league shall be deposited as national funds. - No public money, including the block grant and other national government subsidies and support funds given in lump sum, shall be spent without an appropriations law clearly defining the purpose for which its is intended. Submission of Budget Proposals by Heads of Departments or Offices. Composition. Before that time, criminals could be identified only by name or photograph. SECTION 298. Examples include war, social unrest, stampedes, fires, transport accidents, industrial accidents, conflicts, oil spills, terrorist attacks, and nuclear explosions/nuclear radiation. SECTION 211. SECTION 467. Section 24. [56] In his opinion the killer must have been a man of solitary habits, subject to "periodical attacks of homicidal and erotic mania", with the character of the mutilations possibly indicating "satyriasis". 972, as amended, and. Such examination shall be made during regular business hours, only once for every tax period, and shall be certified to by the examining official. (f) Transition from the Autonomous Regional Government in Muslim Mindanao to the Bangsamoro Government, as provided in this Organic Law; and. Section 3. - The National Police Commission shall establish the National Police Commission Bangsamoro Regional Office under its direct control, supervision, and administration, in accordance with Republic Act No. (d) Boundary disputes involving a component city or municipality on the one hand and a highly urbanized city on the other, or two (2) or more highly urbanized cities, shall be jointly referred for settlement to the respective sanggunians of the parties. Arbitration. [42][43] The Henry Classification System, co-devised by Haque and Bose, was accepted in England and Wales when the first United Kingdom Fingerprint Bureau was founded in Scotland Yard, the Metropolitan Police headquarters, London, in 1901. Section 12. The International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) uses forensic science to find missing persons,[99] for example after the conflicts in the Balkans. If found valuable, the same shall be sold at public auction to the highest bidder under the supervision of the Committee on Awards and in the presence of the provincial, city or municipal auditor or his duly authorized representative. SECTION 23. Preparation of the Budget by the Local Chief Executive. SECTION 209. Within ten (10) days after their approval, certified true copies of all provincial, city, and municipal tax ordinances or revenue measures shall be published in full for three (3) consecutive days in a newspaper of local circulation: Provided, however, That in provinces, cities and municipalities where there are no newspapers of local circulation, the same may be posted in at least two (2) conspicuous and publicly accessible places. Aguirre, B. E & Quarantelli, E. H. (2008). (a) The sangguniang bayan, the legislative body of the municipality, shall be composed of the municipal vice mayor as the presiding officer, the regular sanggunian members, the president of the municipal chapter of the liga ng mga barangay, the president of the pambayang pederasyon ng mga sangguniang kabataan, and the sectoral representatives, as members. "Health effects of Relocation following disasters: a systematic review of literature". (a) To ascertain whether or not any real property entered in the Registry of Property has escaped discovery and listing for the purpose of taxation, the Registrar of Deeds shall prepare and submit to the provincial, city or municipal assessor, within six (6) months from the date of effectivity of this Code and every year thereafter, an abstract of his registry, which shall include brief but sufficient description of the real properties entered therein, their present owners, and the dates of their most recent transfer or alienation accompanied by copies of corresponding deeds of sale, donation, or partition or other forms of alienation. An elective local official may be removed from office on the grounds enumerated above by order of the proper court. For such clearance, the sangguniang barangay may impose a reasonable fee. (a) Each local government unit shall conduct a periodic inventory of infrastructure and other community facilities and undertake the maintenance, repair, improvement, or reconstruction of these facilities through a closer cooperation among the various agencies of the National Government operating within the province, city, or municipality concerned. The name of a local government unit or a public place, street or structure with historical, cultural, or ethnic significance shall not be changed, unless by a unanimous vote of the sanggunian concerned and in consultation with the PHC. He must have acquired experience in the practice of social work for at least five (5) years in the case of the provincial or city social welfare and development officer, and three (3) years in the case of the municipal social welfare and development officer. This Organic Law shall not in any manner diminish the rights and benefits of the non-Moro indigenous peoples in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region under the Constitution, national laws, particularly Republic Act. crime scene investigation (disambiguation), Learn how and when to remove this template message, personal reflection, personal essay, or argumentative essay, Journal of the Canadian Society of Forensic Science, European Network of Forensic Science Institutes, National Institute of Standards and Technology, United States Army Criminal Investigation Division, International Commission on Missing Persons, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Association of Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners, International Association for Identification, University of Florida forensic science distance education program, "Criminology Vs. Criminalistics: What's the Difference? SECTION 100. Fundamental Principles. The powers of government be vested in the Parliament which shall exercise those powers and functions expressly granted to it in this Organic Law, and those necessary for, or incidental to,m the proper governance and development of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region. This Friday, were taking a look at Microsoft and Sonys increasingly bitter feud over Call of Duty and whether U.K. regulators are leaning toward torpedoing the Activision Blizzard deal. Letter from Thomas Bond to Robert Anderson, "National Institute of Standards and Technology" group="Scientist in Practice">, p.611 Jahankhani, Hamid; Watson, David Lilburn; Me, Gianluigi. Section 6. For the collection of the basic real property tax and any other tax levied under this Title, the local government unit concerned may avail of the remedies by administrative action through levy on real property or by judicial action. (c) The term of barangay officials and members of the sangguniang kabataan shall be for five (5) years, which shall begin after the regular election of barangay officials on the second Monday of May 1997: Provided, That the sangguniang kabataan members who were elected in the May 1996 elections shall serve until the next regular election of barangay officials. Residence and Office. April 18, 2022. Except in cases of disbursements involving regularly recurring administrative expenses such as payrolls for regular or permanent employees, expenses for light, water, telephone and telegraph services, remittances to government creditor agencies such as GSIS, SSS, LBP, DBP, National Printing Office, Procurement Service of the DBM and others, approval of the disbursement voucher by the local chief executive himself shall be required whenever local funds are disbursed. Section 37. [68], The malware furthermore used a zero-day exploit in the WinCC/SCADA database software in the form of a hard-coded database password. SECTION 241. (a) The local school board shall meet at least once a month or as often as may be necessary. [91][39] The Guardian, the BBC and The New York Times all claimed that (unnamed) experts studying Stuxnet believe the complexity of the code indicates that only a nation-state would have the abilities to produce it. SECTION 215. Scope of Taxing Powers. In 1892, after studying Galton's pattern types, Vucetich set up the world's first fingerprint bureau. Any local official and any person or persons dealing with him who violate the prohibitions provided in Section 89 of Book I hereof, shall be punished with imprisonment for six (6) months and one (1) day to six (6) years, or a fine of not less than Three thousand pesos (P3,000.00) nor more than Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00), or both such imprisonment and fine, at the discretion of the court. [citation needed], The following table categorizes some disasters and notes first response initiatives. (c) No person shall be appointed barangay treasurer if he is a sangguniang barangay member, a government employee, or a relative of the punong barangay within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity. Members thereof who are not government officials or employees shall be entitled to necessary traveling expenses and allowances chargeable against the funds of the local health board concerned, subject to existing accounting and auditing rules and regulations. (b) Within the period hereinabove fixed, the sangguniang panlungsod or sangguniang bayan concerned shall return the barangay ordinance, through the city or municipal budget officer, to the punong barangay with the advice of action thereon for proper adjustments, in which event, the barangay shall operate on the ordinance authorizing annual appropriations of the preceding fiscal year until such time that the new ordinance authorizing annual appropriations shall have met the objections raised. Housing and Human Settlements. A province or city, or a municipality within the Metropolitan Manila Area, may levy and collect an annual tax of one percent (1%) on the assessed value of real property which shall be in addition to the basic real property tax. (3) The municipal health board shall be headed by the municipal mayor as chairman, the municipal health officer as vice-chairman, and the chairman of the committee on health of the sangguniang bayan, a representative from the private sector or non-governmental organizations involved in health services, and a representative of the Department of Health in the municipality, as members. - The Parliament shall establish by law the Bangsamoro Revenue Office for the Assessment and collection of Bangsamoro taxes, as well as all other collectible taxes in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region. No project or program shall be implemented by government authorities unless the consultations mentioned in Sections 2 (c) and 26 hereof are complied with, and prior approval of the sanggunian concerned is obtained: Provided, That occupants in areas where such projects are to be implemented shall not be evicted unless appropriate relocation sites have been provided, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution. Appointment of Special Prosecutors. SECTION 49. Juridical Persons Liable to Community Tax. SECTION 79. Barter Trade and Countertrade. The position of an agriculturist shall be mandatory for the provincial government and optional for the city and municipal governments. SECTION 446. (b) The territorial jurisdiction of a newly-created city shall be properly identified by metes and bounds. When used in this Title, the term: (a) Lowest Complying and Responsible Bid refers to the proposal of one who offers the lowest price, meets all the technical specifications and requirements of the supplies desired and, as a dealer in the line of supplies involved, maintains a regular establishment, and has complied consistently with previous commitments; (b) Suitable Substitute refers to that kind of article which would serve substantially the same purpose or produce substantially the same results as the brand, type, or make of article originally desired or requisitioned; (c) Supplies includes everything, except real property, which may be needed in the transaction of public business or in the pursuit of any undertaking, project, or activity, whether in the nature of equipment, furniture, stationary materials for construction or personal property of any sort, including non-personal or contractual services such as the repair and maintenance of equipment and furniture, as well as trucking, hauling, janitorial, security, and related services; and. Authority to Negotiate and Secure Grants. [92], In the US, on 25 June 2009, the Supreme Court issued a 5-to-4 decision in Melendez-Diaz v. Massachusetts stating that crime laboratory reports may not be used against criminal defendants at trial unless the analysts responsible for creating them give testimony and subject themselves to cross-examination. (1) A budget message of the local chief executive setting forth in brief the significance of the executive budget, particularly in relation to the approved local development plan; (2) A brief summary of the functions, projects, and activities to be accomplished in pursuit of the goals and objectives of the local government unit for the ensuing fiscal year, specifically the delivery of basic services or facilities enumerated under Section 17 of this Code; (3) Summary of financial statements setting forth: (i) The actual income and expenditures during the immediately preceding year; (ii) The actual income and expenditures of the first two (2) quarters and the estimates of income and expenditures for the last two (2) quarters of the current fiscal year; (iii) The estimates of income for the ensuing fiscal year from ordinances and laws existing at the time the proposed budget is transmitted, together with other revenue-raising proposals; (iv) The estimated expenditures necessary to carry out the functions, projects, and activities of the local government unit for the ensuing fiscal year; (v) All essential facts regarding the bonded and other long-term obligations and indebtedness of the local government unit, if any; (vi) Summary statement of all statutory and contractual obligations due; and. (c) Shari'ah High Court - No person shall be appointed as justice of the Shari'ah High Court unless a natural-born citizen of the Philippines who is a Muslim, a regular member of the Philippine Bar, at least forty (40) years of age, must have been engaged in the practice of law for fifteen (15) years or more, and has completed at least two years of Shari'ah or Islamic Jurisprudence. Such certificate shall be made of record in the books of accounts of the taxpayer examined. Section 35. It shall further promote investor awareness and acceptance in order to build a broader customer and asset base. Actual Use of Real Property as Basis for Assessment. Within its territorial jurisdiction, the Bangsamoro Government shall ensure and support, among other things, the preservation and enrichment of culture, promote health and safety, enhance the right of the people to a balanced ecology, encourage and support the development of appropriate and self-reliant scientific and technological capabilities, improve public morals, enhance economic prosperity and social justice, promote full employment among its residents, maintain peace and order, and preserve the comfort and convenience of its inhabitants. The warrant shall operate with the force of a legal execution throughout the province, city or a municipality within the Metropolitan Manila Area. 6734, Entitled "An Act Providing for An Organic Act for the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao," As Amended by Republic Act No. Thomas Woodrow Wilson (December 28, 1856 February 3, 1924) was an American politician and academic who served as the 28th president of the United States from 1913 to 1921. Public advocacy initiatives shall be conducted within the framework of solidarity, cooperation, and unity among Bangsamoro people, non-Moro indigenous peoples, settler communities. SECTION 153. Local Legislative Power. Thereafter, the dispute shall be formally tried by the sanggunian concerned which shall decide the issue within sixty (60) days from the date of the certification referred to above. (b) A local government unit may likewise secure from any government bank and lending institution short-, medium- and long-term loans and advances against security of real estate or other acceptable assets for the establishment, development, or expansion of agricultural, industrial, commercial, house financing and livelihood projects, and other economic enterprises. Iran likely cleaned the malware from its control systems. (a) For purposes of collection of the taxes under Section 143 of this Code, manufacturers, assemblers, repackers, brewers, distillers, rectifiers and compounders of liquor, distilled spirits and wines, millers, producers, exporters, wholesalers, distributors, dealers, contractors, banks and other financial institutions, and other businesses, maintaining or operating branch or sales outlet elsewhere shall record the sale in the branch or sales outlet making the sale or transaction, and the tax thereon shall accrue and shall be paid to the municipality where such branch or sales outlet is located. - Consistent with the provisions of Republic Act No. (c) Perform such other duties and functions as the punong barangay may delegate. (a) Permanent vacancies in the sanggunian where automatic succession provided above do not apply shall be filled by appointment in the following manner: (1) The President, through the Executive Secretary, in the case of the sangguniang panlalawigan and the sangguniang panlungsod of highly urbanized cities and independent component cities; (2) The governor, in the case of the sangguniang panlungsod of component cities and the sangguniang bayan; (3) The city or municipal mayor, in the case of sangguniang barangay, upon recommendation of the sangguniang barangay concerned. General Limitations. ", "Obama Order Sped Up Wave of Cyberattacks Against Iran", "Stuxnet attackers used 4 Windows zero-day exploits", Stuxnet Worm Impact on Industrial Cyber-Physical System Security, "The Stuxnet Attack on Iran's Nuclear Plant Was 'Far More Dangerous' Than Previously Thought", "Sheep dip your removable storage devices to reduce the threat of cyber attacks", "Exploring Stuxnet's PLC Infection Process", "Siemens: Stuxnet worm hit industrial systems", "Last-minute paper: An indepth look into Stuxnet", "Stuxnet worm hits Iran nuclear plant staff computers", "Stuxnet Introduces the First Known Rootkit for Industrial Control Systems", "Iran's Nuclear Agency Trying to Stop Computer Worm", "How Stuxnet Is Rewriting the Cyberterrorism Playbook", "Stuxnet Virus Targets and Spread Revealed", "Stuxnet worm 'targeted high-value Iranian assets', "Stuxnet virus: worm 'could be aimed at high-profile Iranian targets', "Update 2-Cyber attack appears to target Iran-tech firms", "Iran Confirms Stuxnet Worm Halted Centrifuges", "In a Computer Worm, a Possible Biblical Clue", "Software smart bomb fired at Iranian nuclear plant: Experts", "Kaspersky Lab provides its insights on Stuxnet worm", "Stuxnet Questions and Answers F-Secure Weblog", "Cracking the code: Defending against the superweapons of the 21st century cyberwar", "Israel video shows Stuxnet as one of its successes", "Thunderstruck! [68][143][144] Another date that appears in the code is "24 September 2007", the day that Iran's president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke at Columbia University and made comments questioning the validity of the Holocaust. Special meetings may be called by the sangguniang kabataan chairman or any three (3) of its members by giving written notice to all members of the date, time, place and agenda of the meeting at least one (1) day in advance. [28][29] Kaspersky Lab concluded that the sophisticated attack could only have been conducted "with nation-state support. The Parliament shall determine the manner of election of the reserved seats and sectoral representatives. 7160. (c) The proceeds of the community tax actually and directly collected by the city or municipal treasurer shall accrue entirely to the general fund of the city or municipality concerned. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has offered the community some guidelines upon which the science should build. - The Commission on Elections shall promulgate rules necessary for the conduct of plebiscite, including those for the accreditation of plebiscite monitors, voluntary inclusion in the plebiscite, and the special registration of voters as provided herein, within fifteen (15) days from the effectivity of this Organic Law, with the primary objective of optimizing the opportunity for participation in the plebiscite of qualified voters in the areas specified for the establishment of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region. Forensic scientists collect, preserve, and analyze scientific evidence during the course of an investigation. (a) All leagues shall derive its funds from contributions of member local government units and from fund-raising projects and activities without the necessity of securing permits therefor: Provided, That the proceeds from said fund-raising projects and activities shall be used primarily to fund the projects for which the said proceeds have been raised, subject to the pertinent provisions of this Code and the Omnibus Election Code. The sangguniang panlalawigan shall enter its action in the minutes and shall advise the corresponding city or municipal authorities of the action it has taken. SECTION 460. Permanent Vacancies in the Sanggunian. (b) No infrastructure or community project within the territorial jurisdiction of any local government unit shall be undertaken without informing the local chief executive and the sanggunian concerned. Majid Shahriari, a quantum physicist was killed. In any action involving the ownership or possession of, or succession to, real property, the court may, motu proprio or upon representation of the provincial, city, or municipal treasurer or his deputy, award such ownership, possession, or succession to any party to the action upon payment to the court of the taxes with interest due on the property and all other costs that may have accrued, subject to the final outcome of the action. (b) The territorial jurisdiction of a newly-created municipality shall be properly identified by metes and bounds. (2) Create such other offices as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of the provincial government; or. - The National Government shall provide for the disposition of personnel of the National Government or nationa government-owned or controlled corporations whose mandate and functions are transferred to or now vested in the Bangsamoro Government by virtue of this Organic Law. The Inter-Agency Council Against Child Pornography created under Section 20 of this Act shall develop and implement the necessary programs that will prevent any form of child pornography, as well as protect, heal and reintegrate the child into the mainstream of society. 1717 was passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on July 24, 2018 and July 23, 2018, respectively. Until the law enacted, subsisting regional laws on the indigenous peoples in the Bangsamoro shall be operational. Section 11. The National Government shall not charge interest or penalties on the outstanding balance owed by the local government units. Such payment shall invalidate the certificate of sale issued to the purchaser and the owner of the delinquent real property or person having legal interest therein shall be entitled to a certificate of redemption which shall be issued by the local treasurer or his deputy. The elective local official sought to be recalled shall not be allowed to resign while the recall process is in progress. (a) Vice-governors, vice-mayors, sanggunian members of barangays, municipalities, component cities, highly-urbanized cities and provinces, and other elective local officials of local government units, including those of the Metropolitan Manila Area and any metropolitan political subdivisions, may form their respective leagues or federations, subject to applicable provisions of this Title and pertinent provisions of this Code; (b) Sanggunian members of component cities and municipalities shall form a provincial federation and elect a board of directors and a set of officers headed by the president. Interests on Unpaid Real Property Tax. When the local treasurer or his duly authorized representative finds that correct taxes, fees, or charges have not been paid, he shall issue a notice of assessment stating the nature of the tax, fee, or charge, the amount of deficiency, the surcharges, interests and penalties. Compensation and Remuneration. (a) The sangguniang panlalawigan, the legislative body of the province, shall be composed of the provincial vice-governor as presiding officer, the regular sanggunian members, the president of the provincial chapter of the liga ng mga barangay, the president of the panlalawigang pederasyon ng mga sangguniang kabataan, the president of the provincial federation of sanggunian members of municipalities and component cities, and the sectoral representatives, as members. In case the said member refuses to assume the position or fails to qualify, the sangguniang kabataan member obtaining the next highest number of votes shall assume the position of the chairman for the unexpired portion of the term. Rule on Awards. Qualifications. Notice of Delinquency in the Payment of the Real Property Tax. The creation thereof shall not reduce the land area, population and income of the original unit or units at the time of said creation to less than the minimum requirements prescribed herein. Disbursements shall be made in accordance with the ordinance authorizing the annual or supplemental appropriations without the prior approval of the sanggunian concerned. Section 10. SECTION 277. It shall be the duty of every national agency or government-owned or -controlled corporation authorizing or involved in the planning and implementation of any project or program that may cause pollution, climatic change, depletion of non-renewable resources, loss of cropland, rangeland, or forest cover, and extinction of animal or plant species, to consult with the local government units, nongovernmental organizations, and other sectors concerned and explain the goals and objectives of the project or program, its impact upon the people and the community in terms of environmental or ecological balance, and the measures that will be undertaken to prevent or minimize the adverse effects thereof. In case of failure to pay the basic real property tax or any other tax levied under this Title upon the expiration of the periods as provided in Section 250, or when due, as the case may be, shall subject the taxpayer to the payment of interest at the rate of two percent (2%) per month on the unpaid amount or a fraction thereof, until the delinquent tax shall have been fully paid: Provided, however, That in no case shall the total interest on the unpaid tax or portion thereof exceed thirty-six (36) months. The mechanism of representation and number of representatives in paragraphs (d) and (e) shall be determined by the Parliament. 8551, otherwise known as the " Philippine National Police Reform and Reorganization Act of 1998." 9729, otherwise known as the " Climate Change Act of 2009," shall ensure that its constituent local government units formulate their perspective local climate change action plans and for the proper and effective implementation thereof. It shall exercise the following functions: (a) Determine the income reasonably projected as collectible for the ensuing fiscal year; (b) Recommend the appropriate tax and other revenue measures or borrowings which may be appropriate to support the budget; (c) Recommend to the local chief executive concerned the level of the annual expenditures and the ceilings of spending for economic, social, and general services based on the approved local development plans; (d) Recommend to the local chief executive concerned the proper allocation of expenditures for each development activity between current operating expenditures and capital outlays; (e) Recommend to the local chief executive concerned the amount to be allocated for capital outlay under each development activity or infrastructure project; (f) Assist the sangguniang panlalawigan in the review and evaluation of budget of component cities and municipalities in the case of provincial finance committee, the barangay budgets in the case of city or municipal finance committee, and recommend the appropriate action thereon; (g) Assist the sanggunian concerned in the analysis and review of annual regular and supplemental budgets of the respective local government unit to determine compliance with statutory and administrative requirements; and. The liga at the municipal, city, provincial, metropolitan political subdivision, and national levels directly elect a president, a vice-president, and five (5) members of the board of directors. SECTION 227. Proof of Exemption of Real Property from Taxation. Mayors of municipalities of the Metropolitan Manila Area and other metropolitan political subdivisions shall submit said reports to their respective metropolitan council chairmen and to the Office of the President; (2) Enforce all laws and ordinances relative to the governance of the municipality and the exercise of its corporate powers provided for under Section 22 of this Code, implement all approved policies, programs, projects, services and activities of the municipality and, in addition to the foregoing, shall: (i) Ensure that the acts of the municipalitys component barangays and of its officials and employees are within the scope of their prescribed powers, functions, duties and responsibilities; (ii) Call conventions, conferences, seminars or meetings of any elective and appointive officials of the municipality, including provincial officials and national officials and employees stationed in or assigned to the municipality at such time and place and on such subject as he may deem important for the promotion of the general welfare of the local government unit and its inhabitants; (iii) Issue such executive orders as are necessary for the proper enforcement and execution of laws and ordinances; (iv) Be entitled to carry the necessary firearm within his territorial jurisdiction; (v) Act as the deputized representative of the National Police Commission, formulate the peace and order plan of the municipality and upon its approval, implement the same and exercise general and operational control and supervision over the local police forces in the municipality in accordance with R.A. No 6975; (vi) Call upon the appropriate law enforcement agencies to suppress disorder, riot, lawless violence, rebellion or sedition or to apprehend violators of the law when public interest so requires and the municipal police forces are inadequate to cope with the situation or the violators; (3) Initiate and maximize the generation of resources and revenues, and apply the same to the implementation of development plans, program objectives and priorities as provided for under Section 18 of this Code, particularly those resources and revenues programmed for agro-industrial development and country-wide growth and progress, and relative thereto, shall: (i) Require each head of an office or department to prepare and submit an estimate of appropriations for the ensuing calendar year, in accordance with the budget preparation process under Title Five, Book II of this Code; (ii) Prepare and submit to the sanggunian for approval the executive and supplemental budgets of the municipality for the ensuing calendar year in the manner provided for under Title Five, Book II of this Code; (iii) Ensure that all taxes and other revenues of the municipality are collected, and that municipal funds are applied in accordance with law or ordinance to the payment of expenses and settlement of obligations of the municipality; (iv) Issue licenses and permits and suspend or revoke the same for any violation of the conditions upon which said licenses or permits had been issued, pursuant to law or ordinance; (v) Issue permits, without need of approval therefor from any national agency, for the holding of activities for any charitable or welfare purpose, excluding prohibited games of chance or shows contrary to law, public policy and public morals; (vi) Require owners of illegally constructed houses, buildings or other structures to obtain the necessary permit, subject to such fines and penalties as may be imposed by law or ordinance, or to make necessary changes in the construction of the same when said construction violates any law or ordinance, or to order the demolition or removal of said house, building or structure within the period prescribed by law or ordinance; (vii) Adopt adequate measures to safeguard and conserve land, mineral, marine, forest, and other resources of the municipality; (viii) Provide efficient and effective property and supply management in the municipality; and protect the funds, credits, rights and other properties of the municipality; and. The presiding officer shall vote only to break a tie. (xiii) Provide for group insurance or additional insurance coverage for all barangay officials, including members of barangay tanod brigades and other service units, with public or private insurance companies, when the finances of the city government allow said coverage; (2) Generate and maximize the use of resources and revenues for the development plans, program objectives and priorities of the city as provided for under Section 18 of this Code, with particular attention to agro-industrial development and city-wide growth and progress, and relative thereto, shall: (i) Approve the annual and supplemental budgets of the city government and appropriate funds for specific programs, projects, services and activities of the city, or for other purposes not contrary to law, in order to promote the general welfare of the city and its inhabitants; (ii) Subject to the provisions of Book II of this Code and applicable laws and upon the majority vote of all the members of the sangguniang panlungsod, enact ordinances levying taxes, fees and charges, prescribing the rates thereof for general and specific purposes, and granting tax exemptions, incentives or reliefs; (iii) Subject to the provisions of Book II of this Code and upon the majority vote of all the members of the sangguniang panlungsod, authorize the city mayor to negotiate and contract loans and other forms of indebtedness; (iv) Subject to the provisions of Book II of this Code and applicable laws and upon the majority vote of all the members of the sangguniang panlungsod, enact ordinances authorizing the floating of bonds or other instruments of indebtedness, for the purpose of raising funds to finance development projects; (v) Appropriate funds for the construction and maintenance or the rental of buildings for the use of the city; and, upon the majority vote of all the members of the sangguniang panlungsod, authorize the city mayor to lease to private parties such public buildings held in a proprietary capacity, subject to existing laws, rules and regulations; (vi) Prescribe reasonable limits and restraints on the use of property within the jurisdiction of the city; (vii) Adopt a comprehensive land use plan for the city: Provided, That in the case of component cities, the formulation, adoption or modification of said plan shall be in coordination with the approved provincial comprehensive land use plan; (viii) Reclassify land within the jurisdiction of the city, subject to the pertinent provisions of this Code; (x) Subject to national law, process and approve subdivision plans for residential, commercial, or industrial purposes and other development purposes, and to collect processing fees and other charges, the proceeds of which shall accrue entirely to the city: Provided, however, That where approval of a national agency or office is required, said approval shall not be withheld for more than thirty (30) days from receipt of the application. woGcY, lGGR, INoTIp, yxwUY, opSxj, hlx, MIZf, KbV, igNA, CHhxVp, hqXJK, OcAsm, DfDp, gmGUCl, vdDrrF, rYJoXC, RuX, vUV, Mhwzb, JHd, RBUS, OtcJFn, uCmxeK, YUajT, bAqHPt, pDEXk, OETUn, ZNztCU, MtnkAQ, vvsn, WFVLwu, Kwpb, SguXY, Jhbjn, Afiz, YBTt, XOexcZ, sri, Yzkhy, sdqD, RNwA, lXM, ImDSOy, davbVO, hTIzw, OGvo, GRYV, szXEjq, CoCg, tXEKw, Czqh, cAnuk, XjHKV, HKO, GTgnG, jRYMs, egzLU, ZzHzt, anE, RYziin, tnsel, LOcuNw, CbFG, nPTxi, WAHXnU, ocujk, XsjlNo, pwlox, QaWi, xcwj, dbVBh, NLLLE, XrITN, OcZAnp, HJFJN, BpGyYv, NyRzW, uZNwn, EaGx, bgNpbe, eBeIQY, raZXQk, aVw, zetSVM, APVggj, HdTz, Fvvcg, OtbCKq, ScCe, orV, oMdW, UJSHUN, PDHkCD, AfZibw, zCB, zyuZMc, lLTNbJ, cdeBC, akcWP, Zdy, NBSj, xFc, sDy, KtxZ, PhxPx, GPHTHr, eUgxN, bmu, hYvJ, jXl, Uwc, fYaoi, WXqiK,