mediawiki page forms input types

The "listbox" input corresponds to the HTML tag. Uruje text npovdy, kter se zobraz ve vstupu, dokud na nj uivatel neklikne. HTMLHTML45XHTML1GETPOST as HTTP. The starting day of the week (e.g., Saturday, Sunday or Monday) is set based on the language of the wiki; it unfortunately cannot be set independently of the language. You can see a brief example of this. This formatter is available starting with Semantic MediaWiki 4.1.0 . You can have the set of values displayed to the user be different from the set of values that actually show up in the page's wikitext. The syntax for including external CSS is as follows. Here are the parameters for the "field" tag that can be used in all cases: There are several more options for the autocompletion-based inputs; see "Autocompletion", below. For any other type, there is no default autocompletion, but you can achieve this same effect simply by setting the input type to one of the four types that have autocompletion. 3 Extension:External Data and Categories 0 mediawiki category links are redlinked? To prevent "None" from showing up, you must make the field "mandatory", as well as making one of the allowed values the field's "default=" value. Here are the defaults and the other allowed input types for each data type, for single values: And here are the default and other allowed input types for delimited lists of a certain data type: Some input types provide the user with pre-defined values. sets the name of the category at the top of the "tree". The text immediately after "standard input|" is the name of each input. With calendar editing, selecting or creating an event brings up a popup form to edit the event's fields. Start a discussion about Extension:Page Forms/Input types Talk pages are where people discuss how to make content on MediaWiki the best that it can be. In some cases, you may want this input to appear taller than one row when it starts out, to make it clearer to users that it will expand. To do this, add the following line to LocalSettings.php file: Specifies that this is an uploadable field. Such pages are not called forms, but rather "form-definition pages", to distinguish them from the actual corresponding forms that users see. Presently you can set defaults for form fields only to constant values (with some exceptions, granted). The "Q" values can also be replaced by field names, to enable a Wikidata-based version of "show on select", for example P31=Q860861&P17=Location[Country], where "Location" is a template, and "Country" is a field, above the current one. The "link type=" argument sets the display of the link: if it's set to "button", the link will show up as a button; if it's set to "post button", it will be a button that sends the query-string value(s) using "POST" instead of via the URL this is helpful when a lot of data has to be preloaded, and it is more robust with special characters like line breaks in the query string; if it's set to blank or anything else, it will show up as a regular link. forminput is not actually a part of the form-definition syntax, though. text , textarea , tokens , combobox , date , datetime , year , datepicker , datetimepicker , checkbox , dropdown , radiobutton , checkboxes , listbox , tree , rating , regexp , googlemaps , leaflet , openlayers, Extension:Page Forms/Download and installation, An auto-generated form allowing the user to edit an opinion item,, SkinTemplateNavigation::Universal extensions, Extensions with master compatibility policy, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. For example, the service providing lookups in our list of countries could be called ", In our example, if we want Page Forms to feed the user's keystrokes to the url, 'http://example.dom/countryLookup.php?c='. Special parameters: size=size - Specifies the width of the input, in characters. false false Insertion sort: Split the input into item 1 (which might not be the smallest) and all the rest of the list. So adding to the field definition the parameter "default filename=Image for ", for instance, for a page called "Abc", would set the default name of any uploaded file to "Image for Abc". This input type "tokenizes" the values in the field, i.e puts a block around each value to make it a single unit instead of just a string of characters. You can see a demonstration of file uploading here. If the values are page names, and those pages have a "display title" set that is different from their real page name, then by default the form will display the display title instead of the page name. If, for instance, your wiki is called 'MyWiki', and the namespace you want to associate with a form is 'User', the page in which you need to add the #default_form cal will probably be called 'MyWiki:User' (you will probably need to create this page). == About == Page Forms is an extension to MediaWiki that allows for the creation of forms that can be used to create and edit pages. To do that for a single input, add a class parameter to the field tag, like "|class=ClassName", then add something like the following to MediaWiki:Common.css: If you want this to apply to all "tokens" inputs in the wiki, add something like this to MediaWiki:Common.css instead: The "radiobutton" input corresponds to the HTML "radio" input. Figure. To change this number, change the value of $wgPageFormsMaxAutocompleteValues in LocalSettings.php. You can rename the "Add another" button to any other text, using the "add button text=" parameter. These can be values that the user is required to choose among (like with the dropdown input type), or values that are only meant to serve as a guide to the user (like with combobox, although there too these options can be made mandatory, if you add the existing values only parameter). The value of this parameter can include parser functions, magic words and the like. The layout, inclusion and text of each input can be modified. In some cases, you may want this input to appear taller than one row when it starts out, to make it clearer to users that it will expand. If you think a form is too long for users to fill out comfortably, you can turn it into sections, with a tab interface to navigate between them, using the Header Tabs extension. Another option is to use the special pages Special:CreateCategory, Special:CreateTemplate and Special:CreateForm, all defined by Page Forms. For performance reasons, there is a limit to how many values can be placed in the page; by default the limit is set to 100. . There are also pages about projects, and within each project page is a "Project members" field, which holds a list of employee IDs. "datepicker" lets the user pick a date with the help of a JavaScript-based popup calendar. It can work together with the Semantic MediaWiki extension allowing to create forms that bundle "semantic" properties and values. These "tokens" can then also be rearranged. This way it is possible to switch off the parser cache (e.g. For each possible value, displays a SMW property from that page rather than the title of the page, but saves the title of the selected page(s) as the field value. There are no parameters for this tag. By default, the maximum number of autocompletion possibilities that a field will offer is 1,000; this is for performance reasons. This will add a link reading "Upload file" next to this field in the form; if the user clicks on this link, it will pop up a "lightbox"-style window (using the FancyBox JavaScript library) that lets the user upload a file. This will fetch data that can then be used in the field tags. The most notable of these inputs is 'free text', which is a textarea that holds all the non-template, non-section text in a page. Re: [MediaWiki-l] Page Forms input type list Yaron Koren Wed, 29 Mar 2017 13:55:15 -0700 What you want, then, may be a multiple-instance template - where the template holds two fields, one for the name and one for the description: The code will find the relevant property and use all of its values, or you can use this parameter to specify a different property. The default input type for a field with multiple values is "tokens". For earlier versions, these are displayed in the same way as the. For this purpose, you can instead use the similar #arraymaptemplate function. It shows a dropdown list of values, from which the user can only choose one. See here for a more detailed explanation of this input type and its parameters. Pages that contain such syntax should always go in the "Form:" namespace (or, for non-English-language wikis, its equivalent in another language). For an example of this feature in use, see this form, and observe what happens when you select different values for the "Publication type" dropdown. If you install this extension, it is very easy to add tabs to a form: just add a top-level section wherever you want a tab to appear, of the form "=Tab 1="; and then add the tag "" near the bottom of the form, right above the "standard input" declarations. To change this number, change the value of. maxlength=maximum length - Specifies the maximum allowed length of the input. There are essentially five good options: First, let's look at Special:CreateClass. The code will find the Cargo table and field that this template/form field corresponds to, and use all the values that have been set for that field. You can also optionally set these parameters for these input types: The "regexp" input type is not a true input type, but rather the ability to display another input (most often "text") with additional, regular-expression-based validation. If a form field is meant to hold multiple values, the corresponding template field should most likely contain a call to either #arraymap or #arraymaptemplate - see "Page Forms and templates#Multiple values for the same field". (See the External Data documentation for how to call these.) However, you can have the "openlayers" format use local JavaScript code instead, by just installing the OpenLayers extension. Page Forms expects to get a JSON format response with a toplevel key of "pfautocomplete" and an array of objects with the "title" key marking the values of possible completions. If left at null, the parser cache will be used for caching. Here is the source code for the 'Item' form definition page at Discourse DB: Note the presence of both wiki-text and some limited HTML (the 'div' tag) within the code. If that template contains form elements (like field definitions), the characters within the form elements simply need to be HTML-escaped - replace '{' with '{', '|' with '|' and '}' with '}'. If a field is specified to hold multiple values, autocompletion will, by default, support multiple values: after a value is entered, and a delimiter placed, a new autocompletion will start for the next value. You can disable autocompletion, if it's enabled by default for a field, by setting the input type to be simply "text" or "textarea". It is implemented using the Select2 JavaScript library. must not be the same as any value for the SMW property (if SMW is being used) or Cargo field (if Cargo is being used) corresponding to this template field. [1] Contents 1 Usage 1.1 Mathematics 1.2 Physics 1.3 Computing 1.3.1 Pipe 1.3.2 Disjunction 1.3.3 Concatenation If you have the Semantic MediaWiki extension installed, you can use the. It shows a vertical list of options, where the user can select any number of values. Its set of parameters includes all of those "datepicker" as well as the following: The "rating" input type displays a set of stars to let the user enter a rating. Because, in Page Forms, the category is where the connection between pages and their forms is defined, so that an edit with form tab shows up at the top of each page. Default is false; set to 'yes' (or any other value) to make true. If a field represents a Semantic MediaWiki property, or Cargo field, of type "Page", autocompletion will be enabled by default the field will autocomplete on the names of all pages that are already pointed to by that property or field. It was originally created as an offshoot of the Semantic MediaWiki extension, to be able to edit templates that store their parameters via SMW, which is why it was originally called "Semantic Forms". Ideally this will change in the future, so that arbitrary lists of values can be used within forms. To do this, add the following line to LocalSettings.php: $wgPageFormsFormCacheType is set to null by default. The template that the form uses should most likely contain one or more Semantic MediaWiki inline queries, to query data using values the user entered. This is done simply by adding the parameter "uploadable" to that field's declaration in the form definition. The "googlemaps", "leaflet" and "openlayers" input types let you display a map to get a coordinate value, using the Google Maps, Leaflet or OpenLayers services, respectively. A hrleveleket automatikusan teszi kzz MediaWiki message delivery robot. To avoid users having to do this double work, you can have the address field(s) feed their values directly to the map when locating the point. The starting day of the week (e.g., Saturday, Sunday or Monday) is set based on the language of the wiki; it unfortunately cannot be set independently of the language. You can set the minimum and maximum number of instances users can set for such a template, using the "minimum instances=" and "maximum instances=" parameters, respectively. This is done simply by adding the parameter uploadable to that field's declaration in the form definition. It shows a set of values from which the user can only choose one. Default is 10. specifies a "label" for this checkbox, which would go into a