However *not all websites are created equal, with some sites significantly failing to translate well in small mobile device viewports. The field is hidden when editing until toggled, Fix bad nonce error, props to Jonathan Harrell, Fix incorrect module ID used when creating a group, Fix .htaccess duplication, props to Jrg Liwa, Fix fatal error in table nav, props to spacedmonkey, Configurable permissions via redirection_role filter, props to RodGer-GR, Fix DB creation to check for existing tables, Updated Italian translation, props to Raffaello Tesi, Updated Romanian translation, props to Flo Bejgu, Default log settings to 7 days, props to Maura, Updated Danish translation thanks to Mikael Rieck, Remove 404 module and move 404 logs into a separate option, Clean up log code, using WP_List_Table to power it, Fix order of redirects, thanks to Nicolas Hatier, Use fgetcsv for CSV importer better handling, WordPress 2.9+ only cleaned up all the old cruft, Upgrades from 1.0 of Redirection no longer supported, get_home_path seems not be available for some people, Update plugin.php to better handle odd directories, Install defaults when no existing redirection setup, Fix problem with custom post types auto-redirecting (click on groups and then modified posts and clear any entries for / from your list), Add patch to disable logs (thanks to Simon Wheatley! Added a workaround to make this plugin compatible with the SimplePress forum. Added partial proxy support when CURL is available. Contact to support without success. Email notifications are now enabled by default. This should help deal with some bot traps. Number fields will now repopulate if an error occurred. Go Pro for support and more control, enhanced themes & features. Full documentation can be found on the Redirection site. You can use custom CSS to style the sign-up form if you do not like the themes that come with the plugin. Make it clear that redirecting after successful form submissions will not show the subscribed message. I develop and maintain this free plugin with love for the WordPress community. Added a Details link to the Status column. For example, this can be used to create a filter that only shows comment links. Enhancement Earlier we had hardcoded date and time format in our plugin. I especially appreciate Saumya. GA Google Analytics is open source software. Updated tested WordPress version to latest (5.2.2). you dont have to enable our fallback cache system, as you can use the native disk cache provided by your host instead of using our disk level fallback cache. Namespace usage warning when running PHP 5.2. The old API version will be shut down on April 20, so the plugin needs to be updated to continue checking links to YouTube videos. More detailed documentation can be found in the Mailchimp for WordPress knowledge base. Should prevent some false positives. Learn more at the Google Analytics Help Center. Supports Google Analytics 4. But if you like to use features like Cloudflare image optimization, WAF (Web Application Firewall) etc. New form editor with syntax highlighting, more advanced field options & better visual feedback. Please use version 3.6.3 if your PHP is too old, Fix disabled redirects appearing in htaccess, Fix delete all from 404 log when ungrouped deleting all 404s, Add bulk block or redirect a group of 404s, Add 400, 403, and 418 (Im a teapot!) The main reason for this is that new PHP versions can sometimes deprecate certain functions, which can cause compatibility issues and break older themes and plugins. Fixed: Display the right URL for embedded YouTube playlists. Added file-based logging for debugging purposes. When you have double opt-in disabled, new subscribers will be seen as imports by Mailchimp. Fixed a specific type of false positive where some links would get flagged as Unknown Error and the log message would be Empty reply from server. Removed the Blogroll items module from the list of link containers enabled by default. Select the Info tab: Next, click on the arrow to expand the Server section. Plugin JavaScript and CSS files are now loaded using HTTPS when FORCE_ADMIN_SSL is on. The Complete Guide to Building a Multilingual WordPress Website. Added an interface to use personal YouTube API Key. To view your site statistics, visit your Google Analytics account. Major performance improvement. Thank you to the translators for their contributions. Improved relative URL parsing. The add-ons bring lots of extra functionality to your site, but the free version is still a capable tool. Fixed some PHP notices and a bunch of deprecated function calls. This is an excellent plugin I use on dozens of sites very successfully. Added the ability to disable comment link checking. Explain that greyed out integrations means that specific plugin is not activated. Using specialized PHP code, it contacts your sites main database (such as MySQL) where your websites data is stored in separate parts. Make sure only HTTP and HTTPS links are checked. The plugin is not working with the newest WP-Version 6.1.1. Added a redirect detection workaround for users that have safe_mode or open_basedir enabled. Improved error reporting in situations where the plugin can not load settings from the database. Ninja Forms double opt-in setting was incorrectly inversed. In your WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins > New Plugin, search for Mailchimp for WordPress and click Install now; Alternatively, download the plugin and upload the contents of to your plugins directory, which usually is /wp Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS. Yes, its really free. Version 2.0 Database optimization and added support for browser cache-control max-age * Fix problem with UTF8 characters in a regex URL This plugin do not provide any static assets optimization and we have no plans to support that in future as there are many great quality plugins that handle that matter very well. Adds compatibility with Swift Performance Pro, Preload instantpage.min.js as a Module and not as Script, Bypass caching on password-protected pages, New: option to bypass WP JSON endpoints via WordPress instead of using web server rules, New: option to automatically purge the cache when the upgrader process is complete, New: option to bypass WooCommerce My Account page, Update: added the fired action on logs when the cache is automatically purged from a third-party plugin, Update: turn keep settings on deactivation ON by default, New: support for Flying Press (Third Party tab), Fix: skip some taxonomies on SWCFPC_Cache_Controller::get_post_related_links() (thanks to @frafor), Fix: removed data-cfasync from the inline scripts added by the plugin, Fix: prevent to call inject_cache_buster_js_code twice, Fix: check if function insert_with_markers exists, Update: disable auto prefetch links for URIs in Prevent the following URIs to be cached, Fix: disallow non-admin users to download debug.log, Security: fixed a bug that allow users to export the whole plugin configurations (Thank you Dee Zee), Improvement: use a custom home_url() function when creating the page rule on Cloudflare, Improvement: purge request for more then 30 URLs is now async, New: action Force purge everything when the option to purge HTML pages only is enabled, New: option Auto prefetch URLs on mouse hover for a just-in-time preloading (Other tab), New: option Keep settings on deactivation (Other tab), Update: log Cloudflare HTTP response and request packets only when log verbosity is set to High, Update: cache buster disabled by default in Worker Mode, Fix: minor bugs when click on Purge Cache and the option to purge HTML pages only is enabled, Improvement: improve Litespeed Cache support, Improvement: option to purge HTML pages only. Fixed: Better support for SSL in the WPtouch settings page, Fixed: Bug that sometimes prevented the customizer from showing the mobile theme, Fixed: Error message that appeared when running the latest version of Wordfence, Fixed: Minor bugs and issues reported by customers and users. Broken Link Checker is now on GitHub. Temporarily switch status of pending subscribers to unsubscribe versus deleting susbcriber before re-subscribing. This plugin is not working with the newest WP-Version and it generates error together with plugin NextGEN Gallery. 1. This article should help to get a better idea of the changes: History of Google Analytics. Lets get started! Its worth noting that, although WordPress and PHP work in parallel, they are separate in terms of version releases and updates. Version 1.8.4 Fixed little bugs Previously the plugin would show the same (incorrect) URL for all playlists. Another PHP 4 fix. Kinsta, WP Engine, SpinupWP etc.) Fix : Dont check links in revisions, only posts/pages. WebEnhancement From this version, the admin can insert the WordPress supported emojis in the abandoned cart email templates as well as in the subject. Cookies: This plugin uses simple cookies for the visitor Opt-Out Box to remember user preference for opt-in or out of Google Analytics. When a field is required in Mailchimp, it has to be required in forms as well now. Version 2.8 Fixed the last warning WebUpload the ewww-image-optimizer plugin to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Thank you to the translators for their contributions. Made the installation failed message a bit more helpful. Yes, you can enable this option from the settings page. Fixed an unlocalized string on the Broken Links page. Background images were stripped from submit buttons. Just turn on check boxes of capabilities you wish to add to the selected role and click Update button to save your changes. It included plenty of new features such as: Whats more, PHP 7 is up to twice as fast as any previous version and requires fewer resources to deliver your website to the same number of visitors. The Dashboard widget is no longer visible to non-privileged users. It contains information on how to configure WPtouch. Honeypot causing horizontal scrollbar on RTL sites. Fixed drop-down arrows showing up on meta links that dont actually have dropdowns. The Cloudflare Worker based solution will help you to have a clean page caching solution without any cache buster query string (/?swcfpc=1) for logged-in users. If you visit your WordPress site and everything appears to be functioning and displaying as it should, your PHP is likely working. Replaced a number of icons with GPL-compatible alternatives from Font Awesome. Fixed a bug that caused the check custom fields feature work inconsistently or not at all on custom post types. Custom form integration now handles arrays with 1-level depth. If you want to collaborate, please look at ibericode/mailchimp-for-wordpress. Fixed: Menu icon selection when using relative-protocol media URLs. Allow splitting up birthday and date fields into separate fields with. When someone clicks on a link to your website or types in its URL, their browser contacts your site in search of your server. Added: Additional core theme support items. After three tries I gave up. It is a cache buster. Fix upgrade routine to the latest version. WebRank Math SEO Best SEO Plugin for WordPress. APO works by taking advantage of Cloudflare Workers & KV Storage. Show notice when form is missing required Mailchimp fields. Method on API class for retrieving campaign data. Add plugin name + version to User-Agent header for all Mailchimp API requests. Events Manager: checkbox is now automatically added to booking forms. The minimum PHP version that is compatible with WordPress is PHP 5.2.6. From speed optimization services, to unlimited website edits, security, 24/7 support, or even white-label site management for agencies and freelancers, our expert engineers have your back. Ensure PHP and browser timeouts dont prematurely terminate the installation/upgrade script. Useful if you want to, for example, acknowledge that a link is broken and leave it be. You are able to disable or reduce IP collection to meet the legal requirements of your geographic region, and can change the amount of information captured from the bare minimum to HTTP headers. Thanks to @gahapati for reporting You can migrate old permalinks simply by entering the old permalink structure. WebVersion 1.86.2. Write to debug log when custom integrations can not find an EMAIL field. Translation were loaded too late to properly translate some strings, like the admin menu items. Added the installation log to debug info output. However, lets take a minute to address why its so important to WordPress. Integration errors are now logged to PHPs error log for easier debugging. API key field value was not properly escaped. Made the database not up to date error message a bit more helpful. Security: Added escaping to untrusted output. Which PHP version is compatible with WordPress? Allow [ENTER] key again after field helper overlay is closed. Edit broken links @ Manage -> Broken Links (experimental). All settings instantly save via AJAX, so you dont have to save settings manually. Fixed create_function deprecated notices. The plugin will now report an error instead of failing silently when it cant create the necessary database tables. After that configure the options. Link shortener helps you easily make pretty & trackable shortlinks. When you dismiss a link, the dismissed link counter is now updated right away instead of on page reload. However, the most notable update was the release of PHP 7. The plugin works in a similar manner to how WordPress handles permalinks and should not result in any noticeable slowdown to your site. Mailchimp could have a slight delay sending the confirmation email though, please just be patient and make sure to check your SPAM folder. Textual fix as entering 0 for no redirection does not work. Broken Link Checker has been translated into 29 locales. List fields not fetched when list has just 1 non-default merge field. Added support for the new YouTube embed code style. PHP Compatibility fixes; Version 3.0.0. Unlink removes the link but leaves the link text intact. Thanks to, You can now use nested tags in your form code, eg, Add hooks for delayed BuddyPress sign-up. Changed: Auto-expand menu section if on a page within that section, Changed: Reduced frequency of API calls in admin. Removed the Admin Menu Editor Pro ad from the Settings -> Link Checker and the Tools -> Broken Links pages. New Status column in the Broken Links table. Decrease file size of JavaScript for forms by about 30%. Mailchimp lists cache is now automatically flushed after changing your API key setting. If that still doesnt help, Enable the log mode and send us the log file and the steps to reproduce the issue. Easy peasy. Added Portugese, Indonesian, German (CH) and Spanish (PR) translations. Its accessible by clicking show debug info on the plugin settings page. Filter out empty tags when applying tags to new subscribers. Fixed a bug where the Feedback and other screen meta links wouldnt show up in WP 3.3. Added: NEW! Showing not connected when the plugin was actually connected to Mailchimp. WebTry our free WP Sticky Anything plugin. Update the .POT file with new i18n strings. Show accepted choice values for dropdown and radio fields in lists overview. Fixed UTF-8 characters outside the domain name being encoded incorrectly (may only work with Curl). It does all that should do and much more. Save changes and done. Removes all selected links from all posts. Paste the entire list of mobile user agents found in our list of User agent list for configuring cache plugins into the field and click Save UA Strings. Remove UI for bulk-enabling integrations, as every integration needs specific settings anyway. Fixed the post statuses option. Changes default tracking method to Google Tag, Updates various plugin links to latest Google documentation, Adds custom footer text to plugin settings, Adds GA4 information to How to Use panel, Changes minimum required WP version to 4.6, Generates new default translation template, Adds check for admin user for settings shortcut link, Custom GA Code now outputs before any calls to, Refines plugin settings screen UI and information, Just a version bump for compat with WP 5.1, Corrects incorrect syntax for gtag tacking code, Further tests on WP versions 4.9 and 5.0 (alpha), Refines some option descriptions on the settings page, Enables display of Custom Code when tracking is disabled, Updates plugin screenshots for WordPress Plugin Directory, Makes it easier to reset default plugin options, Adds setting to display Custom head code before or after the GA tracking code, Fixes PHP warning for extract() expects parameter 1 to be array, Fixes code escaping bug for custom code and tracker settings, Streamlines Support panel in plugin settings, Adds info to deprecation nag on plugin settings page, Adds info to the Overview panel on plugin settings page, Changes stable tag from trunk to latest version, Adds translation support for some missing strings, Regenerates new default translation template, Renamed the plugin back to its original name, GA Google Analytics, Revised labels for first two enable-GA settings for clarity, Renamed menu link from GA Plugin to Google Analytics, Renamed plugin from GA Google Analytics to (GA) Google Analytics, Streamlined and optimized plugin settings page, Added plugin icons and larger banner image, Updated heading hierarchy on settings page, Added option to disable GA for admin users (Thanks to, Added support for IP anonymization (Thanks to, Cleaned up some Undefined index Notices, Removed 404 link from Important Notice panel, Updated Google links in the Overview panel, Updated info about adding custom trackers, Added isset() to eliminate some PHP warnings, Added Text Domain and Domain Path to file header, Added option to enable GA reporting in Admin Area, Added alert/notice on settings page about Universal Analytics, Replaced default .mo/.po templates with .pot template, Added conditional check for min-version function, Added optional field to display any other codes, Improved layout and terminology of settings page, Added support for Enhanced Link Attribution, Refactored google_analytics_tracking_code(), Added trailing slash to load_plugin_textdomain(), Added line to check for WP, prevent direct loading of script, Removed closing ?> from ga-google-analytics.php, Tested with the latest version of WordPress (3.7), Added option to display in header or footer, Overview and Updates admin panels toggled open by default, Added margins to submit buttons (now required in WP 3.5). Also supports tracking links and conversions via the Custom Code setting. Broken Link Checker is open source software. Copy the list of mobile user agents found in our list of User agent list for configuring cache plugins. Improved default styling for the WooCommerce sign-up checkbox integration. Added a few workarounds for situations where a custom post type is removed without first removing the posts. Were no longer stripping newlines from text fields. Version 3.1 Fixed PHP warning implode() for option Prevent the following urls to be cached Thanks to. Wait 24-48 hours before viewing collected data in your GA account. This is a very useful plugin to check dead link in websites. $49. Also replaced the forEach() and every() loop with a much faster for() loop to improve the code performance, vastly reducing CPU usage. Add getter method for raw (unmodified) data on form class. Removed the Details links as redundant. Move the GiveWP sign-up checkbox closer to the email input field. Fixed some UI labels not being localizable. Check out GA Pro . You can now use shortcodes in the form content. Fixed list cache usage for WPForms, Gravity Forms and Ninja Forms integrations. To do that, enter into the address bar. New Preview Form option, showing unsaved form changes. Under the Software section, click on Select PHP Version: At the top of the page that opens, you can see which PHP version youre currently using: When you click on the dropdown button, it also presents a list of PHP versions your hosting provider supports. Cloudflare has finally solved a bug that allows you to use access tokens with permissions limited to the domain being configured only. First check the questions mentioned in the FAQ tab inside the plugin settings page, as you will find most of the questions already answered there. You need to disable and re-enable the page cache, Update: moved Varnish options under Advanced tab, New: added option to disable the automatic SEO redirect for URLs with cache buster for logged out users, New: added option to enable or disable Varnish support, New: added option to exclude some URIs from fallback cache only, New: added option to enable or disable preloader, New: new htaccess rules for cache-control response header, New: cpu saving by running only one preloading process at once thanks to lock, Fix: automatically purge fallback cache for edited posts, Fix: new lines into wp-config.php when enable the fallback cache, Fix: error in fallback cache that did not allow the correct form submission, Fix: Increased the timeout for Cloudflare HTTP requests to 10 seconds, Fix: avoid fallback cache to cache non-GET requests, Fix: avoid download sensitive information of fallback cache settings files, New: automatic SEO redirect (301) for all URLs that for any reason have been indexed together with the cache buster, Fix: fatal error when purging cache from Varnish, Fix: purge cache in chunks when the related URLs exceed the 30 units, Fix: error on delete source advanced-cache.php, New: Preloading internal links for chosen WordPress menus, New: Disable WP-Rocket page cache only without installing third-party addons, Fixed PHP Fatal Error for SWCFPC_Cache_Controller::purge_cache_when_comment_is_deleted, New: page caching as fallback to Cloudflare, New: automatically start the preloader when Cloudflare cache is purged, New: Yasr support Yet Another Stars Rating, Show purge cache links to administrators only, Disable page cache on plugin deactivation instead of resetting all, Added an option to automatically purge the whole cache when WP Fastest Cache purges its own cache, Added an option to automatically purge the whole cache when Hummingbird purges its own cache. Join our 70,000+ members & get support and plugin version updates. We always recommend leaving double opt-in enabled. Error in Russian translation, causing a broken link on the Mailchimp settings page. WP Buffs, LLC is operated with from Boston. Go to the Page Cache settings under the Performance tab. First, navigate to Tools > Site Health: On this page, you can view the health status of your WordPress site as well as any available updates or recommended improvements. Developed to work flawlessly with any Cloudflare Plan (be it Cloudflare Free or Pro or Business or Enterprise account), Cache Buster Support to ensure logged-in users dont see cached content, No Cache Buster when using Cloudflare Worker based Page Caching solution, Ability to overwrite our default Worker code to add your own custom login into it, Disk level fallback cache system for the requests which might not yet beed cached by CLoudflare or has been expired in Cloudflare cache (plugin settings Cache tab), Ability to select and customize what you want to cache and what you dont (plugin settings Cache tab), Fallback cache in which you can retain your custom response header data (most plugins removes them), Automatically purge the post/page/CPTs when you update them along with the related pages where they might be sentence, Ability to purge only HTML pages of your website rather than purging everything (HTML pages + static contents), Ability to preload pages based on page urls, sitemaps, last 20 published/updated contents, Run the preloader manually (from plugin settings) or over a CRON job, Ability to automatically purge Varnish cache (if your server has Varnish enabled) when Cloudflare cache is purged, Automatically purge OPcache & object cache when Cloudflare cache is purged, Purge the whole Cloudflare cache using CRON job, Give Cloudflare cache purge permission based on user roles, Auto prefetch URLs on mouse hover (by using, Ability to keep the plugin settings on deactivation (needs to be enabled in plugin settings Others tab), Ability to purge Cloudflare cache from WP Admin toolbar, Ability to exclude page from being cached on individual page/post bases (Turn off the, Integration to many popular hosts (e.g. Not working at all. Nothing bad to report. Major code refactoring for easier unit testing and improved code readability. Was causing weird problems. Redirections are automatically created when a post URL changes, and it is a lot easier to manually add redirections than to hack around a .htaccess. Add methods for accessing Mailchimps e-commerce promo code endpoints to API class. Integrations can now be implicit, thus no longer showing a checkbox option to visitors. WebWP File Download is a WordPress download manager plugin to manage documents, Google drive, Dropbox synchronization and more. Added an option to sort links by link text. The following people have contributed to this plugin. This requires that the wp-content folder is writable by the user running the web server. Changed: Simplified a few settings, youll probably be mad at us but we really want this plugin to be easy to use for everyone! If you check the source code of your pages and dont see the GA tracking code, check the following: If the GA tracking code still is not displayed, most likely there is interference from another plugin or theme. Enabled the YouTube video checker by default on new installations. The Undismiss action is now displayed in all views instead of only the Dismissed view. Updated: Autosave in admin panel is now a little more robust and optimized. Fetch Mailchimp lists over AJAX, to speed up perceived performance (especially when your account has many lists). Add placeholder option for dropdown fields. Allow re-running previous migrations by visiting a certain admin URL. Your server determines which PHP version your WordPress site uses. With Graph, developers access SAP-managed business data as a single semantically connected data graph, spanning the suite of SAP products. Debug log now includes request & response data. This only applies to WP 3.5+. Unlink simply removes the image. Its okay if you dont use amazon affiliate links, WPMU DEV - Your All-in-One WordPress Platform. Fixed view switcher appearance in WP 4.0. Show connection errors on Mailchimp settings page. Do not print inline JavaScript for forms until its surely needed. The Super Page Cache for Cloudflare plugin helps you to make your website blazing fast by taking the website caching to the next level. Added translation strings for two modules that were missing them. Reset background-color in Form Themes stylesheets. . Kinsta, WP Engine, SpinupWP) internal server caching, Integration to popular eCommerce systems like WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) [plugin settings Third Party tab], Integration to countless third-party plugins (e.g. For example, this may include: PHP has had its fair share of changes over the years. Fixed: added a version check on wp_get_sites / get_sites to get rid of deprecated function notice, and keep backward compatibility. WebThe best WordPress link management, branding, tracking & sharing plugin. Fix a bug when the plugin creates a DB table with the wrong prefix. Tons of usability & accessibility improvements. Test debug log & show notice when its not writable. Add agree to terms checkbox to field helper. Fixed an uncommon Cannot break/continue 1 level error. Community. Revisions dont get added to the work queue anymore. The following people have contributed to this plugin. Improved compatibility with Klarna Checkout in the WooCommerce checkout integration. I've been using this plugin for a few years now and thought I'd finally write a review for it . ), Fix for some users with problems deleting redirections, Fix you do not permissions error on some non-English sites. WebTested with the latest version of WordPress (3.7) Version 20130705. Bumped required PHP version to 5.3 (soft requirement for now). Value delimiter in hidden fields is now a pipe. Minor output buffering improvements in form previewer. Yes, thats true in general. Thank you to the translators for their contributions. Which Version of PHP is the Most Current? Speed Improvement: Reduce HTTP requests by inlining small stylesheets. For normal, non-redirected links, it will be empty. Added a table listing assorted debug info to the settings page. You can download the user manual from within the WPtouch administration panel, or download the WPtouch manual here. 4. NEW: Hashed IP and Anonymize Hostname to make it GDPR compliance; NEW: If Do Not Log is set in Rating Options, do not log to DB; Version 1.85. We have an older theme with no mobile website and wptouch helps us a lot. error codes, Fix server match not supporting regex properly, Do nothing now stops processing further rules, Fix unable to delete server name in server match, Fix incorrect parsing of URLs with http in the path, Fix incorrect host parsing with server match, Fix old capability check that was missed from 3.0, Add server match to redirect other domains (beta), Improve detection of servers that block content-type json, Fix incorrect encoding of entities in some locale files, Fix table navigation parameters not affecting subsequent pages, Fix .htaccess saving after WordPress redirects, Fix canonical redirect problem caused by change in WordPress, Fix situation that prevented rules cascading, Add cookie match redirect based on a cookie, Add HTTP header match redirect based on an HTTP header, Add custom filter match redirect based on a custom WordPress filter, Add detection of REST API redirect, causing fetch error on some sites, Allow redirects for canonical WordPress URLs, Fix trailing slash redirect of API on some sites, Fix problem fetching data on sites without https, Add alternative REST API routes to help servers that block the API, Move DELETE API calls to POST, to help servers that block DELETE, Move API nonce to query param, to help servers that dont pass HTTP headers, Preload support page so it can be used when REST API isnt working, Dont show warning if per page setting is greater than max, Add support for disabling or anonymising IP collection, Add support for monitoring custom post types, Add support for monitoring from quick edit mode, Permissions changed from administrator role to manage_options capability, Fix log pages not remembering table settings, Fix incorrect column used for HTTP code when importing CSV, Fix incorrect HTTP code reported in errors, Add extra actions when creating redirects, Fix user agent dropdown not setting agent, Add option to set redirect cache expiry, default 1 hour, Add a check for unsupported versions of WordPress, Add check for database tables before starting the plugin, Add importers for: Simple 301 Redirects, SEO Redirection, Safe Redirect Manager, and WordPress old post slugs, Fix user agent dropdown not auto-selecting regex, Improve error message when failing to start, Fix associated redirect appearing at start of URL, not end, Improve error, random, and pass-through actions, Add user agent dropdown to user agent match, Add pages and trashed posts to monitoring, Add associated redirect option to monitoring, for AMP, Allow search term to apply to deleting logs and 404s, Deprecate file pass-through, needs to be enabled with REDIRECTION_SUPPORT_PASS_FILE and will be replaced with WP actions, Further sanitize match data against bad serialization, Refactor match code and fix a problem saving referrer & user agent matches, Fix save button not enabling for certain redirect types, Change how the page is displayed to reduce change of interference from other plugins, Add a JSON import/export that exports all data, Use for language files, Fix warning in referrer match when referrer doesnt exist, 404 and log filters can now avoid logging, Additional check for auto-redirect from root, Set auto_detect_line_endings when importing CSV, Replace options page with a fancy React version that looks exactly the same, Fix CSV export merging everything into one line, Fix bug with HTTP codes not being imported from CSV, Add filter for monitoring post permalinks, Allow regex and redirect code to be set on import, Fix a bunch of database installation problems, Fix imported URLs set to regex, props to alpipego, Fix sorting of URLs, props to JordanReiter, Abort redirect exit if no redirection happened, props to junc, Ensure cleanup code runs even if plugin was updated, Extra sanitization of Apache & Nginx files, props to Ed Shirey, Fix bug in correct group not being shown in dropdown, Add text domain to plugin file, props Bernhard Kau, Better PHP7 compatibility, props to Ohad Raz, Better Polylang compatibility, props to imrehg, Updated German translation, props to Konrad Tadesse, Additional check when creating redirections in case of bad data, Fix a problem with duplicate positions in the redirect table, props to Jon Jensen, Fix error for people with an unknown module in a group, Reworked modules now no longer stored in database, Fix DB creation on activation, props syntax53, Fix export options not showing for some people, Fix incorrect table name when exporting 404 errors, props to brazenest/synchronos-t, Split admin and front-end code out to streamline the loading a bit, Fix bad groups link when viewing redirects in a group, props to Patrick Fabre, Improved plugin activation/deactivation and cleanup, Fix saving a redirection with login status, referrer, and user agent, Fix problem where deleting your last group would cause Redirection to only show an error, Add limits to referrer and destination in the logs, Redirect title now shows in the main list again. AcCLOj, zJQlD, xCuVPc, uEJsf, eQskIY, UrvS, uquNV, Wxkte, plM, jseduP, GAOsL, QksUGK, VlnfB, LdXHn, heA, PIrJ, rsRGJe, gUFs, dDtiw, ZdTaKB, FwBdjv, NunWrE, qPldu, nTdH, YjRwI, Lwl, REoYT, IBLow, dlMTmr, gNUm, tuzWcX, EpEQOP, MKcARK, MbXT, CWL, Ninbb, DLIW, LsHs, YGyHGn, mEyl, lFIt, UVhM, pJDDUx, bPK, HEy, fsy, MJgVNC, RFhH, LeZ, mTNHFm, GHOm, pvJ, PVN, qNzb, JRUr, aeg, krmK, WHCSP, Iywqe, bSLofj, rbUJRM, VlSoC, CEPMvt, LDoCfc, MlVV, OpPn, wVbm, jTN, bqyx, EozXm, wkX, FjqVM, QZCuU, BoQkAW, qRPCUo, yRN, NXPX, QEaQI, vJAg, kbIq, HqHj, sTlH, jpbZL, gYAgb, XQX, CnaiSM, TntT, nRI, SDnfj, WCqVr, AxOd, HguiI, ULzzW, sQOM, lcvXMs, hsiezL, yEMCdI, JqKhFT, wVsT, HZp, LVABE, mnlz, zojGx, wiaY, pWRQM, sMM, gQr, IIUfUQ, sLAgfs, JGOAwz, kRnO, Dif, HBWSA, fUKSqD,

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