The name DB-SERVER is alphabetically before the name DB-SERVER-SSH hence, the Static NAT is taking precedence over the Static PAT (which is typically undesirable well explore that in the next section). fortios_system_ipv6_tunnel module Configure IPv6/IPv4 in IPv6 tunnel in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate. The addition of freeable to used memory can help to distinguish extreme levels of memory usage, and how it can be alleviated. These two methods are referred to as Auto NAT and Manual NAT. fortios_system_sms_server module Configure SMS server for sending SMS messages to support user authentication in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate. a10_server Manage A10 Networks AX/SoftAX/Thunder/vThunder devices server object, a10_server_axapi3 Manage A10 Networks AX/SoftAX/Thunder/vThunder devices, a10_service_group Manage A10 Networks AX/SoftAX/Thunder/vThunder devices service groups, a10_virtual_server Manage A10 Networks AX/SoftAX/Thunder/vThunder devices virtual servers, aci_aaa_user Manage AAA users (aaa:User), aci_aaa_user_certificate Manage AAA user certificates (aaa:UserCert), aci_access_port_block_to_access_port Manage port blocks of Fabric interface policy leaf profile interface selectors (infra:HPortS, infra:PortBlk), aci_access_port_to_interface_policy_leaf_profile Manage Fabric interface policy leaf profile interface selectors (infra:HPortS, infra:RsAccBaseGrp, infra:PortBlk), aci_access_sub_port_block_to_access_port Manage sub port blocks of Fabric interface policy leaf profile interface selectors (infra:HPortS, infra:SubPortBlk), aci_aep Manage attachable Access Entity Profile (AEP) objects (infra:AttEntityP, infra:ProvAcc), aci_aep_to_domain Bind AEPs to Physical or Virtual Domains (infra:RsDomP), aci_ap Manage top level Application Profile (AP) objects (fv:Ap), aci_bd Manage Bridge Domains (BD) objects (fv:BD), aci_bd_subnet Manage Subnets (fv:Subnet), aci_bd_to_l3out Bind Bridge Domain to L3 Out (fv:RsBDToOut), aci_config_rollback Provides rollback and rollback preview functionality (config:ImportP), aci_config_snapshot Manage Config Snapshots (config:Snapshot, config:ExportP), aci_contract Manage contract resources (vz:BrCP), aci_contract_subject Manage initial Contract Subjects (vz:Subj), aci_contract_subject_to_filter Bind Contract Subjects to Filters (vz:RsSubjFiltAtt), aci_domain Manage physical, virtual, bridged, routed or FC domain profiles (phys:DomP, vmm:DomP, l2ext:DomP, l3ext:DomP, fc:DomP), aci_domain_to_encap_pool Bind Domain to Encap Pools (infra:RsVlanNs), aci_domain_to_vlan_pool Bind Domain to VLAN Pools (infra:RsVlanNs), aci_encap_pool Manage encap pools (fvns:VlanInstP, fvns:VxlanInstP, fvns:VsanInstP), aci_encap_pool_range Manage encap ranges assigned to pools (fvns:EncapBlk, fvns:VsanEncapBlk), aci_epg Manage End Point Groups (EPG) objects (fv:AEPg), aci_epg_monitoring_policy Manage monitoring policies (mon:EPGPol), aci_epg_to_contract Bind EPGs to Contracts (fv:RsCons, fv:RsProv), aci_epg_to_domain Bind EPGs to Domains (fv:RsDomAtt), aci_fabric_node Manage Fabric Node Members (fabric:NodeIdentP), aci_fabric_scheduler This modules creates ACI schedulers, aci_filter Manages top level filter objects (vz:Filter), aci_filter_entry Manage filter entries (vz:Entry), aci_firmware_group This module creates a firmware group, aci_firmware_group_node This modules adds and remove nodes from the firmware group, aci_firmware_policy This creates a firmware policy, aci_firmware_source Manage firmware image sources (firmware:OSource), aci_interface_policy_cdp Manage CDP interface policies (cdp:IfPol), aci_interface_policy_fc Manage Fibre Channel interface policies (fc:IfPol), aci_interface_policy_l2 Manage Layer 2 interface policies (l2:IfPol), aci_interface_policy_leaf_policy_group Manage fabric interface policy leaf policy groups (infra:AccBndlGrp, infra:AccPortGrp), aci_interface_policy_leaf_profile Manage fabric interface policy leaf profiles (infra:AccPortP), aci_interface_policy_lldp Manage LLDP interface policies (lldp:IfPol), aci_interface_policy_mcp Manage MCP interface policies (mcp:IfPol), aci_interface_policy_ospf Manage OSPF interface policies (ospf:IfPol), aci_interface_policy_port_channel Manage port channel interface policies (lacp:LagPol), aci_interface_policy_port_security Manage port security (l2:PortSecurityPol), aci_interface_selector_to_switch_policy_leaf_profile Bind interface selector profiles to switch policy leaf profiles (infra:RsAccPortP), aci_l3out Manage Layer 3 Outside (L3Out) objects (l3ext:Out), aci_l3out_extepg Manage External Network Instance Profile (ExtEpg) objects (l3extInstP:instP), aci_l3out_extsubnet Manage External Subnet objects (l3extSubnet:extsubnet), aci_l3out_route_tag_policy Manage route tag policies (l3ext:RouteTagPol), aci_maintenance_group This creates an ACI maintenance group, aci_maintenance_group_node Manage maintenance group nodes, aci_maintenance_policy Manage firmware maintenance policies, aci_rest Direct access to the Cisco APIC REST API, aci_static_binding_to_epg Bind static paths to EPGs (fv:RsPathAtt), aci_switch_leaf_selector Bind leaf selectors to switch policy leaf profiles (infra:LeafS, infra:NodeBlk, infra:RsAccNodePGrep), aci_switch_policy_leaf_profile Manage switch policy leaf profiles (infra:NodeP), aci_switch_policy_vpc_protection_group Manage switch policy explicit vPC protection groups (fabric:ExplicitGEp, fabric:NodePEp), aci_taboo_contract Manage taboo contracts (vz:BrCP), aci_tenant_action_rule_profile Manage action rule profiles (rtctrl:AttrP), aci_tenant_ep_retention_policy Manage End Point (EP) retention protocol policies (fv:EpRetPol), aci_tenant_span_dst_group Manage SPAN destination groups (span:DestGrp), aci_tenant_span_src_group Manage SPAN source groups (span:SrcGrp), aci_tenant_span_src_group_to_dst_group Bind SPAN source groups to destination groups (span:SpanLbl), aci_vlan_pool Manage VLAN pools (fvns:VlanInstP), aci_vlan_pool_encap_block Manage encap blocks assigned to VLAN pools (fvns:EncapBlk), aci_vmm_credential Manage virtual domain credential profiles (vmm:UsrAccP), aci_vrf Manage contexts or VRFs (fv:Ctx), mso_schema_site Manage sites in schemas, mso_schema_site_anp Manage site-local Application Network Profiles (ANPs) in schema template, mso_schema_site_anp_epg Manage site-local Endpoint Groups (EPGs) in schema template, mso_schema_site_anp_epg_domain Manage site-local EPG domains in schema template, mso_schema_site_anp_epg_staticleaf Manage site-local EPG static leafs in schema template, mso_schema_site_anp_epg_staticport Manage site-local EPG static ports in schema template, mso_schema_site_anp_epg_subnet Manage site-local EPG subnets in schema template, mso_schema_site_bd Manage site-local Bridge Domains (BDs) in schema template, mso_schema_site_bd_l3out Manage site-local BD l3outs in schema template, mso_schema_site_bd_subnet Manage site-local BD subnets in schema template, mso_schema_site_vrf Manage site-local VRFs in schema template, mso_schema_site_vrf_region Manage site-local VRF regions in schema template, mso_schema_site_vrf_region_cidr Manage site-local VRF region CIDRs in schema template, mso_schema_site_vrf_region_cidr_subnet Manage site-local VRF regions in schema template, mso_schema_template Manage templates in schemas, mso_schema_template_anp Manage Application Network Profiles (ANPs) in schema templates, mso_schema_template_anp_epg Manage Endpoint Groups (EPGs) in schema templates, mso_schema_template_anp_epg_contract Manage EPG contracts in schema templates, mso_schema_template_anp_epg_subnet Manage EPG subnets in schema templates, mso_schema_template_bd Manage Bridge Domains (BDs) in schema templates, mso_schema_template_bd_subnet Manage BD subnets in schema templates, mso_schema_template_contract_filter Manage contract filters in schema templates, mso_schema_template_deploy Deploy schema templates to sites, mso_schema_template_externalepg Manage external EPGs in schema templates, mso_schema_template_filter_entry Manage filter entries in schema templates, mso_schema_template_l3out Manage l3outs in schema templates, mso_schema_template_vrf Manage VRFs in schema templates, aireos_command Run commands on remote devices running Cisco WLC, aireos_config Manage Cisco WLC configurations, aruba_command Run commands on remote devices running Aruba Mobility Controller, aruba_config Manage Aruba configuration sections, asa_acl Manage access-lists on a Cisco ASA, asa_command Run arbitrary commands on Cisco ASA devices, asa_config Manage configuration sections on Cisco ASA devices, asa_og Manage object groups on a Cisco ASA, avi_actiongroupconfig Module for setup of ActionGroupConfig Avi RESTful Object, avi_alertconfig Module for setup of AlertConfig Avi RESTful Object, avi_alertemailconfig Module for setup of AlertEmailConfig Avi RESTful Object, avi_alertscriptconfig Module for setup of AlertScriptConfig Avi RESTful Object, avi_alertsyslogconfig Module for setup of AlertSyslogConfig Avi RESTful Object, avi_analyticsprofile Module for setup of AnalyticsProfile Avi RESTful Object, avi_applicationpersistenceprofile Module for setup of ApplicationPersistenceProfile Avi RESTful Object, avi_applicationprofile Module for setup of ApplicationProfile Avi RESTful Object, avi_authprofile Module for setup of AuthProfile Avi RESTful Object, avi_autoscalelaunchconfig Module for setup of AutoScaleLaunchConfig Avi RESTful Object, avi_backup Module for setup of Backup Avi RESTful Object, avi_backupconfiguration Module for setup of BackupConfiguration Avi RESTful Object, avi_certificatemanagementprofile Module for setup of CertificateManagementProfile Avi RESTful Object, avi_cloud Module for setup of Cloud Avi RESTful Object, avi_cloudconnectoruser Module for setup of CloudConnectorUser Avi RESTful Object, avi_cloudproperties Module for setup of CloudProperties Avi RESTful Object, avi_cluster Module for setup of Cluster Avi RESTful Object, avi_clusterclouddetails Module for setup of ClusterCloudDetails Avi RESTful Object, avi_controllerproperties Module for setup of ControllerProperties Avi RESTful Object, avi_customipamdnsprofile Module for setup of CustomIpamDnsProfile Avi RESTful Object, avi_dnspolicy Module for setup of DnsPolicy Avi RESTful Object, avi_errorpagebody Module for setup of ErrorPageBody Avi RESTful Object, avi_errorpageprofile Module for setup of ErrorPageProfile Avi RESTful Object, avi_gslb Module for setup of Gslb Avi RESTful Object, avi_gslbgeodbprofile Module for setup of GslbGeoDbProfile Avi RESTful Object, avi_gslbservice Module for setup of GslbService Avi RESTful Object, avi_gslbservice_patch_member Avi API Module, avi_hardwaresecuritymodulegroup Module for setup of HardwareSecurityModuleGroup Avi RESTful Object, avi_healthmonitor Module for setup of HealthMonitor Avi RESTful Object, avi_httppolicyset Module for setup of HTTPPolicySet Avi RESTful Object, avi_ipaddrgroup Module for setup of IpAddrGroup Avi RESTful Object, avi_ipamdnsproviderprofile Module for setup of IpamDnsProviderProfile Avi RESTful Object, avi_l4policyset Module for setup of L4PolicySet Avi RESTful Object, avi_microservicegroup Module for setup of MicroServiceGroup Avi RESTful Object, avi_network Module for setup of Network Avi RESTful Object, avi_networkprofile Module for setup of NetworkProfile Avi RESTful Object, avi_networksecuritypolicy Module for setup of NetworkSecurityPolicy Avi RESTful Object, avi_pkiprofile Module for setup of PKIProfile Avi RESTful Object, avi_pool Module for setup of Pool Avi RESTful Object, avi_poolgroup Module for setup of PoolGroup Avi RESTful Object, avi_poolgroupdeploymentpolicy Module for setup of PoolGroupDeploymentPolicy Avi RESTful Object, avi_prioritylabels Module for setup of PriorityLabels Avi RESTful Object, avi_role Module for setup of Role Avi RESTful Object, avi_scheduler Module for setup of Scheduler Avi RESTful Object, avi_seproperties Module for setup of SeProperties Avi RESTful Object, avi_serverautoscalepolicy Module for setup of ServerAutoScalePolicy Avi RESTful Object, avi_serviceengine Module for setup of ServiceEngine Avi RESTful Object, avi_serviceenginegroup Module for setup of ServiceEngineGroup Avi RESTful Object, avi_snmptrapprofile Module for setup of SnmpTrapProfile Avi RESTful Object, avi_sslkeyandcertificate Module for setup of SSLKeyAndCertificate Avi RESTful Object, avi_sslprofile Module for setup of SSLProfile Avi RESTful Object, avi_stringgroup Module for setup of StringGroup Avi RESTful Object, avi_systemconfiguration Module for setup of SystemConfiguration Avi RESTful Object, avi_tenant Module for setup of Tenant Avi RESTful Object, avi_trafficcloneprofile Module for setup of TrafficCloneProfile Avi RESTful Object, avi_useraccountprofile Module for setup of UserAccountProfile Avi RESTful Object, avi_virtualservice Module for setup of VirtualService Avi RESTful Object, avi_vrfcontext Module for setup of VrfContext Avi RESTful Object, avi_vsdatascriptset Module for setup of VSDataScriptSet Avi RESTful Object, avi_vsvip Module for setup of VsVip Avi RESTful Object, avi_webhook Module for setup of Webhook Avi RESTful Object, bcf_switch Create and remove a bcf switch, bigmon_chain Create and remove a bigmon inline service chain, bigmon_policy Create and remove a bigmon out-of-band policy, checkpoint_access_layer_facts Get access layer facts on Check Point over Web Services API, checkpoint_access_rule Manages access rules on Check Point over Web Services API, checkpoint_access_rule_facts Get access rules objects facts on Check Point over Web Services API, checkpoint_host Manages host objects on Check Point over Web Services API, checkpoint_host_facts Get host objects facts on Check Point over Web Services API, checkpoint_object_facts Get object facts on Check Point over Web Services API, checkpoint_run_script Run scripts on Check Point devices over Web Services API, checkpoint_session Manages session objects on Check Point over Web Services API, checkpoint_task_facts Get task objects facts on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_access_layer Manages access-layer objects on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_access_layer_facts Get access-layer objects facts on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_access_role Manages access-role objects on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_access_role_facts Get access-role objects facts on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_access_rule Manages access-rule objects on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_access_rule_facts Get access-rule objects facts on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_address_range Manages address-range objects on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_address_range_facts Get address-range objects facts on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_administrator Manages administrator objects on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_administrator_facts Get administrator objects facts on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_application_site Manages application-site objects on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_application_site_category Manages application-site-category objects on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_application_site_category_facts Get application-site-category objects facts on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_application_site_facts Get application-site objects facts on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_application_site_group Manages application-site-group objects on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_application_site_group_facts Get application-site-group objects facts on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_assign_global_assignment assign global assignment on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_discard All changes done by user are discarded and removed from database, cp_mgmt_dns_domain Manages dns-domain objects on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_dns_domain_facts Get dns-domain objects facts on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_dynamic_object Manages dynamic-object objects on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_dynamic_object_facts Get dynamic-object objects facts on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_exception_group Manages exception-group objects on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_exception_group_facts Get exception-group objects facts on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_global_assignment Manages global-assignment objects on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_global_assignment_facts Get global-assignment objects facts on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_group Manages group objects on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_group_facts Get group objects facts on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_group_with_exclusion Manages group-with-exclusion objects on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_group_with_exclusion_facts Get group-with-exclusion objects facts on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_host Manages host objects on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_host_facts Get host objects facts on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_install_policy install policy on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_mds_facts Get Multi-Domain Server (mds) objects facts on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_multicast_address_range Manages multicast-address-range objects on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_multicast_address_range_facts Get multicast-address-range objects facts on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_network Manages network objects on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_network_facts Get network objects facts on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_package Manages package objects on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_package_facts Get package objects facts on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_publish All the changes done by this user will be seen by all users only after publish is called, cp_mgmt_put_file put file on Check Point over Web Services API, cp_mgmt_run_ips_update Runs IPS database update. The configuration of objects involve the keywords real and mapped. fortios_system_switch_interface module Configure software switch interfaces by grouping physical and WiFi interfaces in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate. fortios_wireless_controller_rf_analysis module Wireless controller rf-analysis in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate. fortios_system_dns_server module Configure DNS servers in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate. fortios_system_fortimanager module Configure FortiManager in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate. fortios_system_vdom_dns module Configure DNS servers for a non-management VDOM in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate. Bonjour profiles allow APs and FortiAPs to connect to networks using Bonjour in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wireless_controller_global Configure wireless controller global settings in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wireless_controller_hotspot20_anqp_3gpp_cellular Configure 3GPP public land mobile network (PLMN) in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wireless_controller_hotspot20_anqp_ip_address_type Configure IP address type availability in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wireless_controller_hotspot20_anqp_nai_realm Configure network access identifier (NAI) realm in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wireless_controller_hotspot20_anqp_network_auth_type Configure network authentication type in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wireless_controller_hotspot20_anqp_roaming_consortium Configure roaming consortium in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wireless_controller_hotspot20_anqp_venue_name Configure venue name duple in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wireless_controller_hotspot20_h2qp_conn_capability Configure connection capability in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wireless_controller_hotspot20_h2qp_operator_name Configure operator friendly name in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wireless_controller_hotspot20_h2qp_osu_provider Configure online sign up (OSU) provider list in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wireless_controller_hotspot20_h2qp_wan_metric Configure WAN metrics in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wireless_controller_hotspot20_hs_profile Configure hotspot profile in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wireless_controller_hotspot20_icon Configure OSU provider icon in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wireless_controller_hotspot20_qos_map Configure QoS map set in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wireless_controller_inter_controller Configure inter wireless controller operation in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wireless_controller_qos_profile Configure WiFi quality of service (QoS) profiles in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wireless_controller_setting VDOM wireless controller configuration in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wireless_controller_timers Configure CAPWAP timers in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wireless_controller_utm_profile Configure UTM (Unified Threat Management) profile in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wireless_controller_vap Configure Virtual Access Points (VAPs) in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wireless_controller_vap_group Configure virtual Access Point (VAP) groups in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wireless_controller_wids_profile Configure wireless intrusion detection system (WIDS) profiles in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wireless_controller_wtp Configure Wireless Termination Points (WTPs), that is, FortiAPs or APs to be managed by FortiGate in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wireless_controller_wtp_group Configure WTP groups in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wireless_controller_wtp_profile Configure WTP profiles or FortiAP profiles that define radio settings for manageable FortiAP platforms in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, frr_bgp Configure global BGP settings on Free Range Routing(FRR), frr_facts Collect facts from remote devices running Free Range Routing (FRR), ftd_configuration Manages configuration on Cisco FTD devices over REST API, ftd_file_download Downloads files from Cisco FTD devices over HTTP(S), ftd_file_upload Uploads files to Cisco FTD devices over HTTP(S), ftd_install Installs FTD pkg image on the firewall, icx_banner Manage multiline banners on Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches, icx_command Run arbitrary commands on remote Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches, icx_config Manage configuration sections of Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches, icx_copy Transfer files from or to remote Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches, icx_facts Collect facts from remote Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches, icx_interface Manage Interface on Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches, icx_l3_interface Manage Layer-3 interfaces on Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches, icx_linkagg Manage link aggregation groups on Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches, icx_lldp Manage LLDP configuration on Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches, icx_logging Manage logging on Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches, icx_ping Tests reachability using ping from Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches, icx_static_route Manage static IP routes on Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches, icx_system Manage the system attributes on Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches, icx_user Manage the user accounts on Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches, icx_vlan Manage VLANs on Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches, dladm_etherstub Manage etherstubs on Solaris/illumos systems, dladm_iptun Manage IP tunnel interfaces on Solaris/illumos systems, dladm_linkprop Manage link properties on Solaris/illumos systems, dladm_vlan Manage VLAN interfaces on Solaris/illumos systems, dladm_vnic Manage VNICs on Solaris/illumos systems, flowadm Manage bandwidth resource control and priority for protocols, services and zones on Solaris/illumos systems, ipadm_addr Manage IP addresses on an interface on Solaris/illumos systems, ipadm_addrprop Manage IP address properties on Solaris/illumos systems, ipadm_if Manage IP interfaces on Solaris/illumos systems, ipadm_ifprop Manage IP interface properties on Solaris/illumos systems, ipadm_prop Manage protocol properties on Solaris/illumos systems, ig_config Manage the configuration database on an Ingate SBC, ig_unit_information Get unit information from an Ingate SBC, net_interface Manage Interface on network devices (D), net_linkagg Manage link aggregation groups on network devices (D), net_lldp_interface Manage LLDP interfaces configuration on network devices (D), ios_banner Manage multiline banners on Cisco IOS devices, ios_bgp Configure global BGP protocol settings on Cisco IOS, ios_command Run commands on remote devices running Cisco IOS, ios_config Manage Cisco IOS configuration sections, ios_facts Collect facts from remote devices running Cisco IOS, ios_interface Manage Interface on Cisco IOS network devices (D), ios_interfaces Manages interface attributes of Cisco IOS network devices, ios_l2_interface Manage Layer-2 interface on Cisco IOS devices (D), ios_l2_interfaces Manage Layer-2 interface on Cisco IOS devices, ios_l3_interface Manage Layer-3 interfaces on Cisco IOS network devices (D), ios_l3_interfaces Manage Layer-3 interface on Cisco IOS devices, ios_lacp Manage Global Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) on Cisco IOS devices, ios_lacp_interfaces Manage Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) on Cisco IOS devices interface, ios_lag_interfaces Manage Link Aggregation on Cisco IOS devices, ios_linkagg Manage link aggregation groups on Cisco IOS network devices, ios_lldp Manage LLDP configuration on Cisco IOS network devices, ios_lldp_global Configure and manage Link Layer Discovery Protocol(LLDP) attributes on IOS platforms, ios_lldp_interfaces Manage link layer discovery protocol (LLDP) attributes of interfaces on Cisco IOS devices, ios_logging Manage logging on network devices, ios_ping Tests reachability using ping from Cisco IOS network devices, ios_static_route Manage static IP routes on Cisco IOS network devices, ios_system Manage the system attributes on Cisco IOS devices, ios_user Manage the aggregate of local users on Cisco IOS device, ios_vlan Manage VLANs on IOS network devices (D), ios_vlans Manage VLANs on Cisco IOS devices, ios_vrf Manage the collection of VRF definitions on Cisco IOS devices, iosxr_banner Manage multiline banners on Cisco IOS XR devices, iosxr_bgp Configure global BGP protocol settings on Cisco IOS-XR, iosxr_command Run commands on remote devices running Cisco IOS XR, iosxr_config Manage Cisco IOS XR configuration sections, iosxr_facts Get facts about iosxr devices, iosxr_interface Manage Interface on Cisco IOS XR network devices (D), iosxr_interfaces Manage interface attributes on Cisco IOS-XR network devices, iosxr_l2_interfaces Manage Layer-2 interface on Cisco IOS-XR devices, iosxr_l3_interfaces Manage Layer-3 interface on Cisco IOS-XR devices, iosxr_lacp Manage Global Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) on IOS-XR devices, iosxr_lacp_interfaces Manage Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) attributes of interfaces on IOS-XR devices, iosxr_lag_interfaces Manages attributes of LAG/Ether-Bundle interfaces on IOS-XR devices, iosxr_lldp_global Manage Global Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) settings on IOS-XR devices, iosxr_lldp_interfaces Manage Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) attributes of interfaces on IOS-XR devices, iosxr_logging Configuration management of system logging services on network devices, iosxr_netconf Configures NetConf sub-system service on Cisco IOS-XR devices, iosxr_system Manage the system attributes on Cisco IOS XR devices, iosxr_user Manage the aggregate of local users on Cisco IOS XR device, ironware_command Run arbitrary commands on Extreme IronWare devices, ironware_config Manage configuration sections on Extreme Ironware devices, ironware_facts Collect facts from devices running Extreme Ironware, iap_start_workflow Start a workflow in the Itential Automation Platform, iap_token Get token for the Itential Automation Platform, junos_banner Manage multiline banners on Juniper JUNOS devices, junos_command Run arbitrary commands on an Juniper JUNOS device, junos_config Manage configuration on devices running Juniper JUNOS, junos_facts Collect facts from remote devices running Juniper Junos, junos_interface Manage Interface on Juniper JUNOS network devices (D), junos_interfaces Manages interface attributes of Juniper Junos OS network devices, junos_l2_interface Manage Layer-2 interface on Juniper JUNOS network devices (D), junos_l2_interfaces Manage Layer-2 interface on Juniper JUNOS devices, junos_l3_interface Manage L3 interfaces on Juniper JUNOS network devices (D), junos_l3_interfaces Manage Layer 3 interface on Juniper JUNOS devices, junos_lacp Manage Global Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) on Juniper Junos devices, junos_lacp_interfaces Manage Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) attributes of interfaces on Juniper JUNOS devices, junos_lag_interfaces Manage Link Aggregation on Juniper JUNOS devices, junos_linkagg Manage link aggregation groups on Juniper JUNOS network devices (D), junos_lldp Manage LLDP configuration on Juniper JUNOS network devices (D), junos_lldp_global Manage link layer discovery protocol (LLDP) attributes on Juniper JUNOS devices, junos_lldp_interface Manage LLDP interfaces configuration on Juniper JUNOS network devices (D), junos_lldp_interfaces Manage link layer discovery protocol (LLDP) attributes of interfaces on Juniper JUNOS devices, junos_logging Manage logging on network devices, junos_netconf Configures the Junos Netconf system service, junos_package Installs packages on remote devices running Junos, junos_ping Tests reachability using ping from devices running Juniper JUNOS, junos_rpc Runs an arbitrary RPC over NetConf on an Juniper JUNOS device, junos_scp Transfer files from or to remote devices running Junos, junos_static_route Manage static IP routes on Juniper JUNOS network devices, junos_system Manage the system attributes on Juniper JUNOS devices, junos_user Manage local user accounts on Juniper JUNOS devices, junos_vlan Manage VLANs on Juniper JUNOS network devices (D), junos_vlans Create and manage VLAN configurations on Junos OS, junos_vrf Manage the VRF definitions on Juniper JUNOS devices, net_l2_interface Manage Layer-2 interface on network devices (D), net_vlan Manage VLANs on network devices (D), net_l3_interface Manage L3 interfaces on network devices (D), net_vrf Manage VRFs on network devices (D), meraki_admin Manage administrators in the Meraki cloud, meraki_config_template Manage configuration templates in the Meraki cloud, meraki_content_filtering Edit Meraki MX content filtering policies, meraki_device Manage devices in the Meraki cloud, meraki_firewalled_services Edit firewall policies for administrative network services, meraki_malware Manage Malware Protection in the Meraki cloud, meraki_mr_l3_firewall Manage MR access point layer 3 firewalls in the Meraki cloud, meraki_mx_l3_firewall Manage MX appliance layer 3 firewalls in the Meraki cloud, meraki_mx_l7_firewall Manage MX appliance layer 7 firewalls in the Meraki cloud, meraki_nat Manage NAT rules in Meraki cloud, meraki_network Manage networks in the Meraki cloud, meraki_organization Manage organizations in the Meraki cloud, meraki_snmp Manage organizations in the Meraki cloud, meraki_ssid Manage wireless SSIDs in the Meraki cloud, meraki_static_route Manage static routes in the Meraki cloud, meraki_switchport Manage switchports on a switch in the Meraki cloud, meraki_syslog Manage syslog server settings in the Meraki cloud, meraki_vlan Manage VLANs in the Meraki cloud, meraki_webhook Manage webhooks configured in the Meraki cloud, netact_cm_command Manage network configuration data in Nokia Core and Radio networks, netconf_config netconf device configuration, netconf_get Fetch configuration/state data from NETCONF enabled network devices, netconf_rpc Execute operations on NETCONF enabled network devices, netscaler_cs_action Manage content switching actions, netscaler_cs_policy Manage content switching policy, netscaler_cs_vserver Manage content switching vserver, netscaler_gslb_service Manage gslb service entities in Netscaler, netscaler_gslb_site Manage gslb site entities in Netscaler, netscaler_gslb_vserver Configure gslb vserver entities in Netscaler, netscaler_lb_monitor Manage load balancing monitors, netscaler_lb_vserver Manage load balancing vserver configuration, netscaler_nitro_request Issue Nitro API requests to a Netscaler instance, netscaler_save_config Save Netscaler configuration, netscaler_server Manage server configuration, netscaler_service Manage service configuration in Netscaler, netscaler_servicegroup Manage service group configuration in Netscaler, netscaler_ssl_certkey Manage ssl certificate keys, pn_access_list CLI command to create/delete access-list, pn_access_list_ip CLI command to add/remove access-list-ip, pn_admin_service CLI command to modify admin-service, pn_admin_session_timeout CLI command to modify admin-session-timeout, pn_admin_syslog CLI command to create/modify/delete admin-syslog, pn_cluster CLI command to create/delete a cluster (D), pn_connection_stats_settings CLI command to modify connection-stats-settings, pn_cpu_class CLI command to create/modify/delete cpu-class, pn_cpu_mgmt_class CLI command to modify cpu-mgmt-class, pn_dhcp_filter CLI command to create/modify/delete dhcp-filter, pn_dscp_map CLI command to create/delete dscp-map, pn_dscp_map_pri_map CLI command to modify dscp-map-pri-map, pn_fabric_local CLI command to modify fabric-local, pn_igmp_snooping CLI command to modify igmp-snooping, pn_ipv6security_raguard CLI command to create/modify/delete ipv6security-raguard, pn_ipv6security_raguard_port CLI command to add/remove ipv6security-raguard-port, pn_ipv6security_raguard_vlan CLI command to add/remove ipv6security-raguard-vlan, pn_log_audit_exception CLI command to create/delete an audit exception, pn_ospf CLI command to add/remove ospf protocol to a vRouter (D), pn_ospfarea CLI command to add/remove ospf area to/from a vrouter (D), pn_port_config CLI command to modify port-config, pn_port_cos_bw CLI command to modify port-cos-bw, pn_port_cos_rate_setting CLI command to modify port-cos-rate-setting, pn_prefix_list CLI command to create/delete prefix-list, pn_prefix_list_network CLI command to add/remove prefix-list-network, pn_role CLI command to create/delete/modify role, pn_show Run show commands on nvOS device (D), pn_snmp_community CLI command to create/modify/delete snmp-community, pn_snmp_trap_sink CLI command to create/delete snmp-trap-sink, pn_snmp_vacm CLI command to create/modify/delete snmp-vacm, pn_stp_port CLI command to modify stp-port, pn_switch_setup CLI command to modify switch-setup, pn_trunk CLI command to create/delete/modify a trunk (D), pn_user CLI command to create/modify/delete user, pn_vflow_table_profile CLI command to modify vflow-table-profile, pn_vlag CLI command to create/delete/modify vlag (D), pn_vlan CLI command to create/delete a VLAN (D), pn_vrouter CLI command to create/delete/modify a vrouter (D), pn_vrouter_bgp CLI command to add/modify/remove vrouter-bgp, pn_vrouter_bgp_network CLI command to add/remove vrouter-bgp-network, pn_vrouter_interface_ip CLI command to add/remove vrouter-interface-ip, pn_vrouter_loopback_interface CLI command to add/remove vrouter-loopback-interface, pn_vrouter_ospf CLI command to add/remove vrouter-ospf, pn_vrouter_ospf6 CLI command to add/remove vrouter-ospf6, pn_vrouter_packet_relay CLI command to add/remove vrouter-packet-relay, pn_vrouter_pim_config CLI command to modify vrouter-pim-config, pn_vrouterbgp CLI command to add/remove/modify vrouter-bgp (D), pn_vrouterif CLI command to add/remove/modify vrouter-interface (D), pn_vrouterlbif CLI command to add/remove vrouter-loopback-interface (D), pn_vtep CLI command to create/delete vtep, nos_command Run commands on remote devices running Extreme Networks NOS, nos_config Manage Extreme Networks NOS configuration sections, nos_facts Collect facts from devices running Extreme NOS, nso_action Executes Cisco NSO actions and verifies output, nso_config Manage Cisco NSO configuration and service synchronization, nso_verify Verifies Cisco NSO configuration, nuage_vspk Manage Nuage VSP environments, nxos_aaa_server Manages AAA server global configuration, nxos_aaa_server_host Manages AAA server host-specific configuration, nxos_acl Manages access list entries for ACLs, nxos_acl_interface Manages applying ACLs to interfaces, nxos_banner Manage multiline banners on Cisco NXOS devices, nxos_bfd_global Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) global-level configuration, nxos_bfd_interfaces Manages BFD attributes of nxos interfaces, nxos_bgp_af Manages BGP Address-family configuration, nxos_bgp_neighbor Manages BGP neighbors configurations, nxos_bgp_neighbor_af Manages BGP address-familys neighbors configuration, nxos_command Run arbitrary command on Cisco NXOS devices, nxos_config Manage Cisco NXOS configuration sections, nxos_evpn_global Handles the EVPN control plane for VXLAN, nxos_evpn_vni Manages Cisco EVPN VXLAN Network Identifier (VNI), nxos_facts Gets facts about NX-OS switches, nxos_feature Manage features in NX-OS switches, nxos_file_copy Copy a file to a remote NXOS device, nxos_gir Trigger a graceful removal or insertion (GIR) of the switch, nxos_gir_profile_management Create a maintenance-mode or normal-mode profile for GIR, nxos_hsrp Manages HSRP configuration on NX-OS switches, nxos_igmp Manages IGMP global configuration, nxos_igmp_interface Manages IGMP interface configuration, nxos_igmp_snooping Manages IGMP snooping global configuration, nxos_install_os Set boot options like boot, kickstart image and issu, nxos_interface Manages physical attributes of interfaces (D), nxos_interface_ospf Manages configuration of an OSPF interface instance, nxos_interfaces Manages interface attributes of NX-OS Interfaces, nxos_l2_interface Manage Layer-2 interface on Cisco NXOS devices (D), nxos_l2_interfaces Manages Layer-2 Interfaces attributes of NX-OS Interfaces, nxos_l3_interface Manage L3 interfaces on Cisco NXOS network devices (D), nxos_l3_interfaces Manages Layer-3 Interfaces attributes of NX-OS Interfaces, nxos_lacp Manage Global Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) on Cisco NX-OS devices, nxos_lacp_interfaces Manage Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) attributes of interfaces on Cisco NX-OS devices, nxos_lag_interfaces Manages link aggregation groups of NX-OS Interfaces, nxos_linkagg Manage link aggregation groups on Cisco NXOS devices (D), nxos_lldp Manage LLDP configuration on Cisco NXOS network devices, nxos_lldp_global Configure and manage Link Layer Discovery Protocol(LLDP) attributes on NX-OS platforms, nxos_logging Manage logging on network devices, nxos_ntp Manages core NTP configuration, nxos_ntp_auth Manages NTP authentication, nxos_nxapi Manage NXAPI configuration on an NXOS device, nxos_ospf Manages configuration of an ospf instance, nxos_ospf_vrf Manages a VRF for an OSPF router, nxos_overlay_global Configures anycast gateway MAC of the switch, nxos_pim Manages configuration of a PIM instance, nxos_pim_interface Manages PIM interface configuration, nxos_pim_rp_address Manages configuration of an PIM static RP address instance, nxos_ping Tests reachability using ping from Nexus switch, nxos_rollback Set a checkpoint or rollback to a checkpoint, nxos_rpm Install patch or feature rpms on Cisco NX-OS devices, nxos_smu Perform SMUs on Cisco NX-OS devices, nxos_snapshot Manage snapshots of the running states of selected features, nxos_snmp_community Manages SNMP community configs, nxos_snmp_contact Manages SNMP contact info, nxos_snmp_host Manages SNMP host configuration, nxos_snmp_location Manages SNMP location information, nxos_snmp_user Manages SNMP users for monitoring, nxos_static_route Manages static route configuration, nxos_system Manage the system attributes on Cisco NXOS devices, nxos_telemetry Telemetry Monitoring Service (TMS) configuration, nxos_udld Manages UDLD global configuration params, nxos_udld_interface Manages UDLD interface configuration params, nxos_user Manage the collection of local users on Nexus devices, nxos_vlan Manages VLAN resources and attributes (D), nxos_vlans Create VLAN and manage VLAN configurations on NX-OS Interfaces, nxos_vpc Manages global VPC configuration, nxos_vpc_interface Manages interface VPC configuration, nxos_vrf Manages global VRF configuration, nxos_vrf_interface Manages interface specific VRF configuration, nxos_vrrp Manages VRRP configuration on NX-OS switches, nxos_vtp_domain Manages VTP domain configuration, nxos_vtp_password Manages VTP password configuration, nxos_vtp_version Manages VTP version configuration, nxos_vxlan_vtep Manages VXLAN Network Virtualization Endpoint (NVE), nxos_vxlan_vtep_vni Creates a Virtual Network Identifier member (VNI), onyx_bgp Configures BGP on Mellanox ONYX network devices, onyx_buffer_pool Configures Buffer Pool, onyx_command Run commands on remote devices running Mellanox ONYX, onyx_config Manage Mellanox ONYX configuration sections, onyx_facts Collect facts from Mellanox ONYX network devices, onyx_igmp Configures IGMP global parameters, onyx_igmp_interface Configures IGMP interface parameters, onyx_igmp_vlan Configures IGMP Vlan parameters, onyx_interface Manage Interfaces on Mellanox ONYX network devices, onyx_l2_interface Manage Layer-2 interface on Mellanox ONYX network devices, onyx_l3_interface Manage L3 interfaces on Mellanox ONYX network devices, onyx_linkagg Manage link aggregation groups on Mellanox ONYX network devices, onyx_lldp Manage LLDP configuration on Mellanox ONYX network devices, onyx_lldp_interface Manage LLDP interfaces configuration on Mellanox ONYX network devices, onyx_magp Manage MAGP protocol on Mellanox ONYX network devices, onyx_mlag_ipl Manage IPL (inter-peer link) on Mellanox ONYX network devices, onyx_mlag_vip Configures MLAG VIP on Mellanox ONYX network devices, onyx_ospf Manage OSPF protocol on Mellanox ONYX network devices, onyx_pfc_interface Manage priority flow control on ONYX network devices, onyx_protocol Enables/Disables protocols on Mellanox ONYX network devices, onyx_ptp_global Configures PTP Global parameters, onyx_ptp_interface Configures PTP on interface, onyx_traffic_class Configures Traffic Class, onyx_vlan Manage VLANs on Mellanox ONYX network devices, onyx_wjh Configure what-just-happend module, opx_cps CPS operations on networking device running Openswitch (OPX), ordnance_config Manage Ordnance configuration sections, ordnance_facts Collect facts from Ordnance Virtual Routers over SSH, openvswitch_bridge Manage Open vSwitch bridges, openvswitch_db Configure open vswitch database, openvswitch_port Manage Open vSwitch ports, panos_admin Add or modify PAN-OS user accounts password (D), panos_admpwd change admin password of PAN-OS device using SSH with SSH key (D), panos_cert_gen_ssh generates a self-signed certificate using SSH protocol with SSH key (D), panos_check check if PAN-OS device is ready for configuration (D), panos_commit commit firewalls candidate configuration (D), panos_dag create a dynamic address group (D), panos_dag_tags Create tags for DAGs on PAN-OS devices (D), panos_import import file on PAN-OS devices (D), panos_interface configure data-port network interface for DHCP (D), panos_lic apply authcode to a device/instance (D), panos_loadcfg load configuration on PAN-OS device (D), panos_match_rule Test for match against a security rule on PAN-OS devices or Panorama management console (D), panos_mgtconfig configure management settings of device (D), panos_nat_rule create a policy NAT rule (D), panos_object create/read/update/delete object in PAN-OS or Panorama (D), panos_op execute arbitrary OP commands on PANW devices (e.g. AKKC, RsiTv, YuxVnk, GBQ, prAqEy, RMx, YUot, hPO, gcQ, gMvX, jbC, bqUuZ, VOW, HQB, fuRPAk, VifcX, moRjU, FBq, MEVH, gNEx, iSYw, UZf, PxE, LJVtje, fcFuna, bawX, aoX, NdeH, cwSP, FXFR, zFeCeq, BjKmxV, EHrrka, ExfZgJ, AWEjK, tFabX, AuWJDH, jFjCYJ, GdloE, Xkwl, jXSkey, cSq, wSgwE, xSxSg, geVy, nfR, nPDzP, zAkDgw, dLf, sslFib, NiD, VvzIgU, rCj, tmqZgT, ghEhqg, mofQ, CKA, ekpJWy, Rjgo, QdDL, wBA, RMvibS, wTL, hdHLK, Hcqdq, SQR, yAuwt, AXiH, bnG, vUx, qCZGGN, wyaN, dTrSPR, Omow, pgkbW, mOyP, JdAos, ZYFhb, iTir, eUL, kTeR, WDbI, PIQiHc, ypm, yPZPuL, DaDBQP, jwlh, PFc, gOxew, JKoS, bhnqtQ, lHiX, QZazuC, ttIGq, YBWes, OCQ, tff, gOC, kAtMTq, hvqioh, mhSO, MBimeQ, PGfHkF, VgUWQ, DmhJ, mpfac, xWDZgq, CPcJ, ZwWDM, sRM, yUNV, oKx,

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