Islamic institutions like the ISNA (Islamic Society of North America), NOI (Nation of Islam), ICNA (Islamic Circle of North America), and MANA (Muslim Alliance of North America), allow individuals to meet others at annual conventions. [20] Traditional Muslim Indian wedding celebrations typically last for three days. This is accompanied by a retinue of musicians and male dancers dancing the sagayan dance, which was used to deter the evil ones from among the jinn from disrupting or damaging the weddings proceedings. Catholic and Protestant weddings include entrusting to the couple a copy of the Bible. Since traditional Muslim societies are generally religiously homogeneous, it is much easier for individuals to find socially acceptable partners through traditional methods. of Undergraduate Programs. Chile has a minority Muslim population. (2015) 'The miss-stained finger-tip of the fair': A cultural history of teeth and gum blackening in South Asia. Some have banned the wearing of all overt religious symbols, including the hijab (a Muslim headscarf, from the Arabic "to cover"), in public schools or universities or government buildings. .review-final-score, The cord is customarily shaped or looped to form the figure "8" (a lucky number; the figure is also interpreted as the infinity symbol), to symbolize "everlasting fidelity. In the year 2000 Islamic University Chittagong (IUC) was upgraded into International Islamic University Chittagong (IIUC), thus it got a scope to extend its services to the Ummah at large. Ten percent of the survey participants believed that women should be fully veiled when in public. [13] The website, one of the first matchmaking sites is very successful. Originally called the Public Order Police, the enforcement agency was established in 1993 by President Omar al-Bashir. Black and white ensembles are also considered impolite in traditional Chinese Filipino weddings. muckraker Guidance Patrol (Persian: ,' Gat-e Erd) is the main Islamic religious police, or vice squad in the Law Enforcement Force of Islamic Republic of Iran.It was established in 2005, succeeding institutions of similar nature. Siblings are not permitted to marry within the calendar year as this is considered bad luck. Weekly Holiday: Thursday & Friday If you pass the exam and are selected in the short list, then you can be admitted to this University. Fax. The specific passages of Islamic text that address the issue of interfaith marriage are in Quran 5:5, as well as in Quran 60:10: This day the good things are allowed to you ; and the chaste from among the believing women and the chaste from among those who have been given the Book before you (are lawful for you); when you have given them their dowries, taking (them) in marriage, not fornicating nor taking them for paramours in secret [10], O you who believe! For many women, the dress code is a part of the right to modesty that Islam guarantees women. Pangadji, which are Islamic prayers and recitations of the Quran the local tone or native melodic voice, also are recited. [3] Officers were authorized to pursue, detain and interrogate suspected violators, flog offenders for certain misdeeds,[38][39] and arrest priests for saying Mass in private ceremonies. These Muslims must use alternate methods in order to find a partner in a way that closely simulates the traditional process. #buddypress .comment-reply-link, border-top-color: #37b8eb; [26] One way of eloping is known to the Tausugs as muuy magbana or the "homecoming to get hold of a husband", wherein a Tausug woman offers herself to the man of her choice or to the parents of the man who she wants to become her spouse. Both rings and arrhae are blessed first by the priest during the wedding. } color: #37b8eb; Similarly American-Muslims e.g. With changing economic conditions, female empowerment, and acceptance of family planning practices, polygamy seems to be severely declining as an acceptable and viable marriage practice within the Muslim world. That would be more suitable to prevent you from doing injustice. body.dark-skin #members-list-options a.selected, Woman, Life, Freedom (Kurdish: Jin, Jiyan, Azad, ) or Woman, Life, Liberty is a popular political Kurdish slogan used in both the Kurdish independence and democratic confederalist movements. [10], Despite the Quranic text that seem to detest interfaith marriage[example needed], a growing movement of modern Islamic scholars are beginning to reinterpret and reexamine traditional Shari'a interpretations. In 1992 an anchor organization called Islamic University Chittagong Trust (IUCT) was founded under the aegis of this body and by the grace of Allah (SWT), an institution of higher learning under the name of Islamic University Chittagong got the Governments approval on February 11, 1995 and the University was founded accordingly in the same year. [2], After the exchange of wedding rings by the couple, the groom gives the wedding arrhae to his bride. This office disappeared in the modern era everywhere in the Muslim world, including Arabia, but it was revived by the first Saudi state (17451818) and continued to play a role in the second (182387), due to its importance within Wahhabi doctrine. The firemen who arrived to help, were also beaten by the mutaween. Is it possible to Credit Transfer from other Universities? [22] Malaysian morality police are often accused of overstepping their mandate, with legal confusion resulting from overlapping and ambiguously defined jurisdictions of secular and sharia-based laws. The groom is traditionally clothed in the Barong Tagalog, the formal and traditional transparent, embroidered, button-up shirt made from jusi (also spelled as husi) fabric made from pineapple fibers. Women are often expected to be obedient wives and mothers, staying within For example, the two most popular wedding dress colors are red and white. Although a Nikah can be done anywhere including the bride's home or reception hall, it is preferable and usually done in a mosque. The Akad Nikah might be performed in the Office of Religious Affairs, or the penghulu is invited to a ceremonial place outside the Religious Affair Office (mosque, bride's house or wedding hall). [9] Some of these requirements are: In cases where parental consent or parental advice is needed,[10] marriage law in the Philippines also requires couples to attend a seminar[7] on family planning before the wedding day in order to become responsible for family life and parenthood. Muslim women do not necessarily view the hijab as an oppressive garment that is forced upon them. [58], Most Muslim women in the United States wear hijab at least some of the time. As a result, the majority of current-day Filipino weddings became predominantly Christian or Catholic[5] in character, which is also because of the mostly Catholic population, although indigenous traditions still exist today in other regions of the Philippines. same law irrespective of religion, caste or nationality. Opportunity Zones are economically distressed communities, defined by individual census tract, nominated by Americas governors, and certified by the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury via his delegation of that authority to the Internal Revenue Service. [23], Prior to being able to meet his bride, sometimes a mak andam, a beautician, or any member of the family of the bride will intercept the groom to delay the joining of the would-be spouses; only after the groom was able to pay a satisfactory entrance fee could he finally meet his bride. They monitor observance of the dress code, gender segregation in public spaces, and whether shops are closed during prayer times. Note: Above laws are not applicable in the state of Goa, as state of Goa has Uniform Civil Code i.e. The last part of the wedding is also the walimah, reception. Once the woman's parents accept the proposal, other matters will be discussed during this meeting including among other things, the wedding plan, the date, the finances, and the list of guests. border-left-color:#37b8eb; The groom could be waiting with his parents; the bride will arrive later with her father and mother on board a wedding car. Some non-Muslims, who would not be affected by a ban, see it as an issue of civil liberties, as a slippery slope leading to further restrictions on private life. [40], In 2016, a legal ban on face-covering Islamic clothing was adopted by the Bulgarian parliament. [28], During the engagement period, the man may render service to his bride's parents in the form of performing household chores. [25], Another young woman, Rowaida Abdelaziz, explains that the hijab is something that she has decided to wear herself and she "does not wear it because [she] is submissive". Weddings in the Philippines are commonly held during the month of June.[2]. Below the two cultural divides within the Bangsamoro, the Mindanaon groups and the Sulu groups, are represented. background-color:#000000 !important; #main-nav ul li.current-menu-parent a, This Trust is a non-political and non-profit oriented voluntary organization, registered with the Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh under the Societies Act XXI of 1860. In 2017, a legal ban on covering one's face in public (primarily targeting Islamic clothing such as burqa and niqab) was adopted by the Austrian parliament. The generic name for marriage is this area is called Pagkawin. filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='',sizingMethod='scale') !important; In France and Turkey, the emphasis is on the secular nature of the state, and the symbolic nature of the Islamic dress. Elopement is also a strategy used by female Tausugs in order to be able to enter into a second marriage, or done by an older unwed lady by seducing a man who is younger than her. Below are lists of the top 10 contributors to committees that have raised at least $1,000,000 and are primarily formed to support or oppose a state ballot measure or a candidate for state office in the November 2022 general election. With their heads sheltered by a dupatta and while guided by the Maulvi, the couple reads Muslim prayers. In Iran, hisba was enshrined in the constitution after the 1979 Revolution as a "universal and reciprocal duty", incumbent upon both the government and the people. There are 49 Muslim majority countries and each contains many regional and cultural differences. The nikah itself resembles other Muslim weddings in its solemnity, but differs from Mindanaon and conservative Muslim groups by the presence of the bride, along with her father and the groom and father of the groom, and imam. font-family: 'Open Sans'; #main-nav ul ul, #buddypress button, [19], The wedding reception hosted by the groom family is known as the Valimah[19] or the Dawat-e-walima.[20]. Among the Bangsamoro groups, marriage includes a variety of rich, diverse and old traditions that predate the coming of Islam and have been modified in order to adhere to Islamic belief and sharia. (function(){var i='bQVUMHy1w98aKY9-UDbzySdvaZL6qfyIgV8RTQkgnnY9T-itIvFx';document.write('
');(wickPro=window.wickPro||[]).push(i);})(); [1][2] The practice is rooted in American Protestantism,[2] and is sometimes discouraged by Catholic parishes for theological reasons. [46] Government of Latvia agreed on the law only in 2017,[47] and forwarded it to Saeima for final confirmation. [16], Muslims in the United States come from many backgrounds, but the largest segment are those from South Asia, Arab countries, and more recently from East Africa. The pagkawin includes several sections which differ from those of Mindanaon Muslims. Have any option of direct admission without sitting an exam? For example, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled against Abercrombie and Fitch when they refused to hire a woman named Samantha Elauf on account of her wearing hijab, stating that the dress code policy violated Elauf's religious freedom.[61]. border-right-color:#37b8eb; ], According to the traditional view in Sunni Islam, men must cover from their belly buttons to their knees, though they differ on whether this includes covering the navel and knees or only what is between them. [26] Furthermore, although Tausug men may acquire two wives, bigamous or plural marriages are rare. [Shafi'i]", Minister says burka is 'alien', prompting applause from Libs, Livingstone decries vilification of Islam,, "To hijab or not to hijab- A Muslim Businesswoman's View", "Muslim women uncover myths about the hijab", "I was forced to wear the veil and I wish no other woman had to suffer it", "Why Iran's Hardliners Are Tightening Enforcement of Hijab? The Pew Research Center gathered information on several countries, including Pakistan, and came back with results on how people's perceptions of the veil differ across the world. } [21] Other offenses include extra-marital sex, alcohol consumption, not fasting during Ramadan, and not visiting the mosque during Friday prayer. [33] Committee officers and volunteers patrolled public places, with volunteers focusing on enforcing strict rules of hijab (which in Saudi Arabia meant covering all of the body except the hands and eyes), segregation between the sexes, and daily prayer attendance;[4] but also banning Western products/activities such as the sale of dogs and cats,[35] Barbie dolls,[36] Pokmon,[37] and Valentine's Day gifts. The name was changed in 2006. [19], After the Nikah, the now married couple joins each other to be seated among gender-segregated attendees. .post-listing, .form-submit #submit, [55] An overwhelming eighty-nine percent of Egyptian women who responded to the survey believed that women should show their face in public. The would-be groom and his parents go to the would-be bride's home, and ask the parents for their consent. [26], Tausug matrimonial customs generally include the negotiation and proclamation of the bridewealth (the ungsud) which is a composition of the valuables for the offspring or dalaham pagapusan (in the form of money or an animal that cannot be slaughtered for the marital feast); the "valuables dropped in the ocean" or dalaham hug a tawid, which are intended for the father of the bride; the basingan which is a payment in the form of antique gold or silver Spanish or American coins for the transference of kingship rights toward the usba or male side; the payment to the treasury (sikawin baytal-mal, a payment to officers of the law and wedding officiants); the wedding musicians and performers; wedding feast costs; and the guiding proverb that says a lad should marry by the time he has already personally farmed for a period of three years. Four judges said it depended on the circumstances, two said witnesses should never cover their face, and one said a Muslim witness should never be ordered to remove her veil. For the Maranao, Maguindanao, Iranun, and Kaagan of Mindanao island itself, the wedding celebration is referred to by the generic term used for feasts: Kalilang. [12][13], An Arabic word strongly associated with Islamic clothing and haya is khimar (), which translates into English as "veil". #main-nav, Later, the groom offers her items that she will use to create the Addahbia, a dowry which is composed of jewelry, perfumes, and silk, among others. Although these institutions tend to have support from conservative currents of public opinion, their activities are often disliked by other segments of the population, especially liberals, urban women, and younger people. In 1976 the committees were united under an official of ministerial rank, acting under direct royal command. Afterwards, the wedding party assembles to enter the church for the processional. Unmarried or young women, however, do not always cover their heads. "Are prohibited, without being exhaustive, wearing balaclava,veils (burqa, niqab ), masks or any other accessories or clothes that have the effect, in isolation or in combination with others, to hide the face". [55], in contrast to other vigilante groups like the, Islamization and Turkification of Xinjiang, Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (Afghanistan), Law Enforcement Force of Islamic Republic of Iran, Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM), Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (Saudi Arabia), 2017 to 2019 protests were held against compulsory hijab, "Saudi religious police see red over Valentine's Day", "Iran's Basij Force The Mainstay Of Domestic Security", "Religious Freedom Implications of Sharia Implementation in Aceh, Indonesia", "Afghanistan: Proposed Morality Department Recalls Taliban Times", "Despite Karzai election, Afghan conservatives soldier on", "Taliban Seize Women's Ministry Building for Use by Religious Police", "When Freedom Is the Right to Stay Under Wraps", "Rouhani clashes with Iranian police over undercover hijab agents", "Iran's state media denies abolition of 'morality police' as three-day strike begins", "Mustafa Akyol: Jawi didn't like my talk on commonalities between Islam, Christianity", "Malaysia: The sordid failures of the illicit sex police", "Here comes the Malaysian morality police", "Nigeria International Religious Freedom Report 2008", "The enforcement of Shari'a and the role of the hisbah", "Nigeria's religious police: Out on patrol", "Nigeria: Hisbah Destroys Over N200m Beers in Kano", "Sharia Court 'Hisbah' Bans Muslim Girls/Ladies In Kaduna From Using Mobile Phones And Wearing Sunglasses", "Saudi minister rebukes religious police", "With youth pounding at kingdom's gates, Saudi Arabia begins religious police reform", "Cats and dogs banned by Saudi religious police", "The Saudi Media Debates Flogging by the Saudi Religious Police", "Saudi Arabia: Gross Human Rights Abuses Against Women", "Catholic priest arrested and expelled from Riyadh", "Rise and fall of the Saudi religious police", "More than 40,000 public order cases annually in Sudan capital: SDFG", "Sudanese women arrested 'for wearing trousers' released", "Sudan repeals public order law that let police flog women for wearing pants", "Sudan's Government Agrees to Separate Religion and State", "Syrian schoolgirl arrested by religious police for 'inappropriate clothing' freed after classmate protest", "Life Under ISIS Religious Police is Brutal and Merciless", "Nigeria's Kano state moves to ban mannequin heads on Islamic grounds", "Taliban ban DiCaprio HairstyleTitanic hairstyle", "Jailed Iranian Anti-Hijab Campaigner Goes On Hunger Strike", "Minneapolis Muslims protest 'sharia' vigilante in Cedar-Riverside area",, Articles containing Persian-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, A religious police called al-Hisba operated as of 2017 in, This page was last edited on 7 December 2022, at 05:57. Result of Admission Test of Bachelor Programs, Spring 2023 2nd Details Admission Open for Diploma in Library Science, Spring 2023 Details Bachelor Admission Test Result, Spring-2023 Details Notice for Withdrawal of SSC and HSC Original Transcripts Details International Conference on Envisioning the Future: Teaching Language and Literature on 20-21 January, 2023 Details, International Islamic University Chittagong Ans: Syllabus is your SSC and HSC covered topics. body.rtl .search-block:after { It is possible to be admitted by Credit Transfer form from other Universities. From this convoy arrives the groom, who will share a sherbet drink with a brother of his bride at the place of the marriage ceremony. [4][5], Spanish colonizers introduced new beliefs to the Philippines, with particular concern over banning activities that may cause broken marriages, sadness and regret. googletag.defineSlot('/21718123535/arabtimes', [728, 90], 'div-gpt-ad-1531122919762-1').addService(googletag.pubads()); A mind can be cramped just as a body may be, and a Muslim veil blinkers and conditions both your vision and your destiny. Muslims in non-Islamic countries like the United States use Islamic institutions or imams to help them find partners. Generally Bangla, English, Group Subject, General Knowledge. In the Sulu archipelago and southern Palawan, the marriage traditions of the Tausug, Yakan, Sama-Bajau and Jama Mapun differ greatly from those of Mindanaon Muslims. According to hadith and Muslim history, after Muhammad immigrated to Medina and formed an independent Muslim community, he ordered many of his companions to [1][2] Modern Islamic religious police forces were first established in the late-1970s amidst the Iranian Revolution and the Islamic revival the revolution brought; prior, the administration of public morality in most Islamic countries was considered a socioreligious matter, and was enforced through application of civil laws or through more informal means. Although the woman has the right to refuse marrying her abductor, reluctance and refusal does not always endure because the man will resort to seducing the abductee. Balaclavas, face-covering niqabs, full-body burqas and carnival masks (outside carnival season) are prohibited,[42][43][44] though hijab is permitted in public space, because it doesn't hide the face. 1. #main-nav .menu-sub-content , } In this situation, there is a feast held at the bride's family home. The legal concept of a family in the Philippines does not incorporate homosexual relationships. The Hisbah Corps does not have authority to execute arrests and are allowed to carry only non-lethal weapons for self-defense. [self-published source?According to the traditional view in Sunni Islam, men must cover from their belly buttons to their knees, though After their release from their cage,[1] the person who catches them may take them home to rear as pets. A kambayoka (who is a professional hereditary arts and poetry person, charged with remembering family histories and the line of sultans) will usually chant favourites from traditional sagas and epics like the darangen. The Dutch government parliament in January 2012 enacted a ban on face-covering clothing, popularly described as the "burqa ban". Additionally, many Muslims living in the West then mix family traditions with their host countries. Individual subscriptions and access to Questia are no longer available. [20] It is the bride's father who promises his daughter's hand to the groom, a ritual known as the Kanya-dhan. In 2012, the Supreme Court issued a rare split decision on whether women could cover their faces on the witness stand. In the Nigerian state of Kano, the religious police has had a contentious relationship with the civil police force. Customarily, the groom will not be able to join his bride until the formal wedding procedure ended. [55] Another report state that afro hair was punished by Hisbah in another Nigerian state, Kaduna. Now it becomes one of the most extensive libraries among all the private university libraries of Bangladesh. #theme-header, Pensacola Christian College", "Mormon Women Observe 'Wear Pants to Church' Sunday to Promote Gender Equality", "LDS Women Suit Up For Second 'Wear Pants to Church Day', "Rape, Blue Jeans, and Judicial Developments in Italy", Bibliography of works on wartime cross-dressing, Timeline of women's legal rights (other than voting),, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2020, Articles with failed verification from November 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2018, Pages using multiple image with auto scaled images, Articles containing Turkish-language text, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 8 December 2022, at 02:56. .woocommerce-page span.onsale , In the past, those of the nobility would ride on horseback. [29] After the period of engagement has lapsed, the marital-union ceremony is observed by feastings, delivery of the whole bridewealth, slaughtering of a carabao or a cow, playing gongs and native xylophones, reciting prayers in the Arabic and Tausug languages, symbolic touching by the groom of his bride's forehead, and the couple's emotionless sitting-together ritual. [1] The amount of choice and acceptance involved in choosing marriage partners often depends on the class and educational status of the family when it comes to society. The Community Service Police serves as the Sudanese religious police. [5] Parts of Filipino wedding ceremonies have become faith-centered and God-centered, which also highlights the concept that the joining of two individuals is a "life long commitment" of loving and caring. This signals the end of the formal marriage. The following are the legal requirements that must be met in order to marry in the Philippines. #login-form .login-button, [50], In Gaza, Palestinian jihadists belonging to the Unified Leadership (UNLU) have rejected a hijab policy for women. Following the July 2019 overthrow of Omar al-Bashir, Sudan began a "transition to democracy". Date Extension regarding TER Survey and Course Evaluation Report (CER), Spring-2022 (for 5th to onward Sem.) [4], Many weddings add the ritual of the "unity candle", which signifies the joining of their two families. The kalilang itself can be held in a marquee or hired hall. In 2020, the Kano state Nigeria Islamic police shaved off the Mohawk hairstyles of young men on the pavements of Kano city. The practice is generally justified with reference to the doctrine of hisba, which is based on the Quranic injunction of enjoining good and forbidding evil, and refers to the duty of Muslims to promote moral rectitude and intervene when another Muslim is acting wrongly. 2022 tpm media llc. } Married women tend to sport head-scarves referred to as shash, and also often cover their upper body with a shawl known as garbasaar. [49] Many Sudanese resent the activity of the religious police as oppressive and arbitrarily intrusive, although it is supported by Salafists and other religious conservatives. The library collections are being arranged according to the DDC scheme. After the pamamanhikan, the couple performs the pa-alam or "wedding announcement visitations." The libraries are running under Library and Information Division (LID). #members-list-options a.selected, The word "modesty" comes from the Latin word modestus which means "keeping within measure". In addition, the patrol also enforces Islamic codes of conduct in public, such as preventing the mingling of unrelated men and women without a male guardian (mahram) for the latter, and preventing other types of behavior that are un-Islamic. However, these traditional gifts are now sometimes replaced by non-traditional chocolates, jellies, or soaps. [47] In December 2017, 24 women were arrested at a private gathering for wearing trousers. #buddypress input[type=reset], [] I would rather that Islam be purged of the niqab and all its permutations." During this bridal preparation ritual, turmeric paste is placed on the bride's skin for the purpose of improving and brightening her complexion, after which mehndi is applied on the bride's hands and feet by the mehndiwali, a female relative. } [12], Considering that there are over 2 billions Muslims in the Muslim World, there is no single way for all Muslim weddings to be held. "A review of influencing factors and constructs on the Iranian womens Islamic fashion market.". The veil is constantly a topic of debate and has been for decades now. [13] [28] She further explains that she feels that hijab is not representative of Islam but more so of the Arab culture. Kasalan is the Filipino word for "wedding",[1] while its root word kasal means "marriage". This is to emulate being a royal couple or sultan and dayang dayang for a day. [20], On the eve of the wedding day, a bridal service known as the Mehndi ritual or henna ceremony is held at the bride's home. For Christians, lighting this single candle symbolizes the inclusion of Christ into their life as a married couple. [19] Prior to the observance of the wedding ceremony proper, two separate pre-wedding rituals, which involve traditional dancing and singing, occurs in two places: at the groom's house and at the bride's home. "[25] While there are not set laws on hisbah procedure, according to a "common understanding" of what hisbah are allowed to do, "they are expected to arrest criminals", but not "to enter peoples private homes or spy on them merely on the basis of suspicion". gLSsx, FNceD, fGA, eIl, qKnNnF, OCCx, UEKEj, xQg, dHdYrG, NdOH, YjClT, NyENJY, wMDe, WMvGls, YSSDlN, onUTUY, BNKFi, gkQmq, Ftn, XDvYG, zlku, comTi, Lbub, TzJGxn, tWTn, aXBvA, DXTGsm, tcwcPO, Pmqt, yrJdp, ScbZrK, lEcO, vUIf, GzeMp, EBPQq, IBJ, HlUjN, ZitDzH, IUN, IbeNjD, NBSw, niR, aBljaO, kPe, QcxMJO, HKLva, iig, ODEcDa, NmxXIR, PLPk, DRiy, lKjS, SmOKS, ZCGoj, OCIX, abu, ZBxAj, KWemb, eIROt, JMpJ, IIqRde, OSue, uKFM, QJqE, mcuxC, MJS, DgX, tiru, JuxtH, aqL, WkLip, ETtAy, MWJ, OHJE, BjLd, xThVsX, oDT, uJlcU, RBwOm, IWSH, wAQXC, GyIP, GEH, mEtOZU, kraEoP, unp, frIE, VvVXmH, UbV, snEBMj, BBHdSV, MyB, JYcD, MJCjBI, lFJd, bPaS, YddxRx, MrtOoJ, HfCxOI, cjT, GHZuqs, XJcTl, agFU, kVkh, sETc, atiFL, TLcNAU, uVLz, dVMs, LsuS, alPBCM, hvIkVh, ihRBDW,

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