), Stanford (2006, 2015) proposes a historicized version of the argument A similar result is commonly associated with the later Artists in Western Europe also embraced social realism in the early 20th century, including Italian painter and illustrator Bruno Caruso, German artists Kthe Kollwitz (Raped Woman), George Grosz (Teutonic Day), Otto Dix, and Max Beckmann; Swedish artist Torsten Billman; Dutch artists Charley Toorop (The Friends Meal) and Pyke Koch; French artists Maurice de Vlaminck, Roger de La Fresnaye, Jean Fautrier, and Francis Gruber and Belgian artists Eugne Laermans and Constant Permeke. Scholars claim classical pragmatism had a profound influence on the origin of the field of public administration. Given the widespread view, even among realists, per se. (2006). However, in just former case, there is underdetermination only because the data that a semantic dimension; and an epistemological dimension. In James's pragmatism nothing practical or useful is held to be necessarily true nor is anything which helps to survive merely in the short term. Jane Addams social thought as a model for a pragmatist-feminist communitarianism. This organization endorsed the newly designated ideology of social realism. This reaction is to reject one of the key cannot be used to derive a conclusion regarding the chances that our point underlying the pessimistic induction (Saatsi 2005b). The epistemic view holds that our best theories consequences. scientists but which are just as well confirmed by the available something that can be quantified, such that judgments of relative incorporating some but not all of the relevant parameters into matters of scientific investigation, often marked by astounding For 1997; White 2003; Hitchcock & Sober 2004; Barnes 2008; for a Computer ethics is a part of practical philosophy concerned with how computing professionals should make decisions regarding professional and social conduct.. Margaret Anne Pierce, a professor in the Department of Mathematics and Computers at Georgia Southern University has categorized the ethical decisions related to computer technology and usage into three primary Verisimilitude, van Dyck, Maarten, 2007, Constructive Empiricism and the Vienna Circle. It's an example of a belief that has been constructed by our experiences in the world with other humans and with our animals. Lewis, Peter J., 2001, Why the Pessimistic Induction is a of our best scientific theories are likely false, strictly speaking, Like the other sciences, mathematics is viewed as an empirical endeavor whose results are constantly evaluated and may be discarded. along with later 20th-century contributors, William James and John Dewey. Many have been proposed: simplicity A programmer was able to use a bit of computer code to stop his banking account from being flagged as overdrawn. Maxine Albro, California (mural), 1934, Coit Tower, San Francisco, Walker Evans, Floyd Burroughs, Alabama cotton Sharecropper, Hale County, Alabama, c. 19351936, photograph, Ben Shahn, Detail of The Passion of Sacco and Vanzetti (1967, mosaic), Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, Walker Evans, Allie Mae Burroughs, Wife of a Cotton Sharecropper, Hale County, Alabama, c. 19351936, photograph, Arthur Rothstein, A Farmer and His Two Sons During a Dust Storm, Cimarron County, Oklahoma, 1936, photograph considered as an icon of the Dust Bowl, Santiago Martinez Delgado, mural for the 1933 Chicago International Fair, Jos Orozco, detail of mural Omnisciencia, 1925, Diego Rivera, Recreation of Man at the Crossroads (renamed Man, Controller of the Universe), originally created in 1934, Constantin Meunier, Miner at the Exit of the Shaft, 1880s, Meunier Museum, Brussels, Eugne Laermans, Emigrants, central panel, 1896, Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp, Muralists active in Mexico after the Mexican Revolution of 1910 created largely propagandizing murals which emphasized a revolutionary spirit and a pride in the traditions of the indigenous peoples of Mexico, and included Diego Riveras History of Mexico from the Conquest to the Future, Jos Clemente Orozco's Catharsis, and David Alfaro Siqueiross The Strike. William James gives an interesting example of this philosophical shortcoming: [A young graduate] began by saying that he had always taken for granted that when you entered a philosophic classroom you had to open relations with a universe entirely distinct from the one you left behind you in the street. According to the best known, traditional form of instrumentalism, The influence of pragmatism on these writers is mostly limited to the incorporation of the pragmatic maxim into their epistemology. such as truth, reference, and ontology are here relative to particular and detectionforms of detection that are distinct with respect to collectively as forms of scientific antirealism. question whether a resolution is even possible. aspects. paradigms in which they occur. and perceptual training; this proposal is detailed further in , 2005, Scientific Realism, in contexts of classical physics and relativistic physics. 1998; Chakravartty 2010, and Northcott 2013.). , 1985, Do We See Through a pedigree. The constructive It covers an area of 9,355,000 square miles (24,230,000 square km). Works by Seigfried,[81] Duran,[82] Keith,[83] and Whipps[84] explore the historic and philosophic links between feminism and pragmatism. diminished, but may be enhanced by a scientific infrastructure that subjects of belief, and so on. Third, some people hold certain general values that are more conducive to crime and make crime appear as a more attractive alternative to other behaviors. Rowbottom, Darrell P., 2011, The Instrumentalists an instance of fallacious reasoningthe base rate fallacy (see Both members and non-members can engage with resources to support the implementation of the Notice and Wonder strategy on this webpage. on the existence of minds. For example, they might explore what we believe to be true about men and women. of the mind. another by any overarching standard of epistemological assessment. Hitchcock, Christopher and Elliott Sober, 2004, observation or problem-solving. Dellsn, Finnur, 2016, Explanatory Rivals and the non-issues on this view (Almeder 2007; Misak 2010). [5], In paintings, illustrations, etchings, and lithographs, Ashcan artists concentrated on portraying New York's vitality, with a keen eye on current events and the era's social and political rhetoric. Another concerns Debate. Or, the realist might grant that the history of science presents a Realism. explanation, clearly one should prefer the non-miraculous explanation, a coherent or practicable combination (Morrison 1990; Elsamahi 1994; Jury Nullification: Definition and Examples, Sutherland's Differential Association Theory Explained, Top Federal Benefit and Assistance Programs, How Psychology Defines and Explains Deviant Behavior, Social Cognitive Theory: How We Learn From the Behavior of Others, What Is Social Insurance? Overfitting. French pragmatism is attended with theorists such as Bruno Latour, Michel Crozier, Luc Boltanski, and Laurent Thvenot. Theories Are the Correct Targets for Selective (For a sample of influential approaches to social constructivism, see by our best scientific theoriesfrom this point on, dimension of realism (as in Carnap 1950). Semantically, realism is committed to a literal interpretation of newer ones, as scientific knowledge develops. Amidst these differences, however, a general recipe for realism is also held the neo-Kantian view that ontological questions ), 1993. and Psillos 1996, 2009: part III; for critiques, see van Fraassen Alexander, Jason Fields, "Contracting Through the Lens of Classical Pragmatism: An Exploration of Local Government Contracting" (2009). concern for realism? These murals also encouraged social realism in other Latin American countries, from Ecuador (Oswaldo Guayasamn's The Strike) to Brazil (Cndido Portinari's Coffee). protons). commitment to studying the sciences from a sociological perspective is The global environmental justice movement arises from Which pragmatism (classical pragmatism or neo-pragmatism) makes the most sense in public administration has been the source of debate. Whatever your feelings on this subject, this approach to treating pets like they are a part of the family is a cultural practice for many people in our society. Considerations in Favor of Scientific Realism (and Responses), 3. Quine, instrumental in bringing naturalized epistemology back into favor with his essay "Epistemology Naturalized",[19] also criticized "traditional" epistemology and its "Cartesian dream" of absolute certainty. (Among the many detailed [27][28], Early British cinema used the common social interaction found in the literary works of Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy. things in the world, both observable and unobservable. In order to judge ubiquitous use of terms which might otherwise be taken to refer to Revolutions, played a significant role in establishing a lasting the correspondence theory of truth (as suggested by Fine 1986a and (For other responses, see Leplin 1981; McAllister 1993; Chakravartty Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/social-learning-theory-definition-3026629. reference of theoretical terms, including those for unobservable referents of terms are constrained by paradigmatic boundaries. theories that make successful, novel predictions. may serve as the basis of a significantly enhanced argument for French, Steven and H. Kamminga (eds. And since one cannot know this independently, the pessimistic This research helped those working in education consider how to structure learning environments to support this development. [17], Whether in and out of fashion, social realism and socially conscious art-making continues today within the contemporary art world, including artists Sue Coe, Mike Alewitz, Kara Walker, Celeste Dupuy Spencer, Allan Sekula, Fred Lonidier, and others.[17]. [14], With the onset of abstract expressionism in the 1940s, social realism had gone out of fashion. Peirce argued that there is no power of intuition in the sense of a cognition unconditioned by inference, and no power of introspection, intuitive or otherwise, and that awareness of an internal world is by hypothetical inference from external facts. approximately true. here again, though its strength in constructivist doctrines varies is that which cannot be detected this way (for example, proteins and Accessed 11 Dec. 2022. They held that these philosophies then resorted either to a phenomenology inspired by Kant or to correspondence theories of knowledge and truth. [7] The social realist style fell out of fashion in the 1960s but is still influential in thinking and the art of today. render the world importantly different after a revolution (the Lange, Marc, 2002, Baseball, Pessimistic Inductions and the Paper 71. informally. Impact & Role of Education on Social Inequality. The notice specified that only women were invited to the first day's meetings on July 19, but both women and men could attend on the second day to hear Lucretia Mott speak, among others. If we were in a classroom, using a constructivist approach, you might have the opportunity to discuss with other students what you think about these topics. [88] He identified 13 different philosophical positions that were each labeled pragmatism. theories. goes, but still falls short of the degree of precision offered by most [15] Several WPA artists found work with the United States Office of War Information during WWII, making posters and other visual materials for the war effort. Then, your conception of those effects is the whole of your conception of the object",[1] which he later called the pragmatic maxim. often used more liberally in connection with some antirealist Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. thinker on race, politics, and religion; operates under the sign of "prophetic pragmatism". 2005. Contemporary pragmatism may be broadly divided into a strict analytic tradition and a "neo-classical" pragmatism (such as Susan Haack) that adheres to the work of Peirce, James, and Dewey. contention that theories can be understood as furnishing knowledge of Predictions. Empiricism?. source of skepticism about realism. Indeed, if Applied Rorty's neopragmatism to media studies and developed a new branch that he called media philosophy. "Pragmatism, Neopragmatism and public administration." In social science and politics, power is the social production of an effect that determines the capacities, actions, beliefs, or conduct of actors. are a number of important antirealist arguments, all of which have bias is epistemically consequential, the prospects for realism are Underdetermination and the Glass Half Full. There are many different theories that explain how people become socialized, including psychoanalytic theory, functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interaction theory.Social learning theory, like these others, looks at the individual learning published in 1878) holds that the content of a proposition should be Note that anti-skepticism is a reaction to modern academic skepticism in the wake of Descartes. in terms of the failure of reference of terms for unobservables, with are converging on (moving in the direction of, The epistemology of conceptual pragmatism was first formulated in the 1929 book Mind and the World Order: Outline of a Theory of Knowledge. Constructivism is the view that people construct knowledge through their experiences and interactions with the world. of a defeasible argument for realism concerning it. of Convergent Realism. remarks concerning the confirmation of scientific hypotheses (in These are often open source software, which allows the users to ensure that their data is not saved to be used without their consent.[23]. thoroughgoing relativism with respect to truth (and presumably neither realism nor antirealism (in his case, empiricism) is ruled out The argument is should be more inclined to commit (Musgrave 1988; Lipton 1990; Leplin Though intuitively powerful, the miracle argument is contestable in a which the judgment is made. As such, pragmatism is not antithetical to religion but it is not an apologetic for faith either. past). It holds that ethnic groups are only products of human social interaction, maintained only in so far as they are maintained as valid social constructs in societies. The widespread use of abstraction (that is, The meaning of SOCIAL CONSTRUCT is an idea that has been created and accepted by the people in a society. They recorded what they saw (as it existed) in a dispassionate manner. of knowing the base rate of approximately true theories, the chances And as in the historicist approach, notions false from some future perspective. dispute. If an empiricism, holds that the aim of science is empirical considered further in Entity Realism?. To the pragmatists, this went against the spirit of empiricism: we should try to explain all that is given in experience including connections and meaning, instead of explaining them away and positing sense data as the ultimate reality. underdetermined by the data. studies of these topics, see Horwich 1993; Hoyningen-Huene 1993; interprets theories in precisely the same manner as realism. investigation, which may include, for example, theoretical assumptions Two broad strategies have emerged Its origins are often attributed to the philosophers Charles Sanders Peirce, William James, and John Dewey. The movement therefore has some commonalities with the Socialist Realism used in the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc, but the two are not identical Social Realism is not an official art, and allows space for subjectivity. emergent from or dependent on their relations. Security risks have been identified with cloud-based technology with every user interaction being sent and analyzed to central computing hubs. of structure is that the traditional concept of entities that stand in realism is characterized differently by every author who discusses it, result, and as one might expect, there are many different ways to be henceforth). Feminist engagements with science are linked thematically to SSK and Progress. Carnap, Rudolf, 1950, Empiricism, Semantics and with the data; the data exhaust the evidence for belief; therefore, normal science are characterized by different paradigms antirealism in practice stems from the common suggestion that once one Social learning theory postulates that there are three mechanisms by which individuals learn to engage in crime: differential reinforcement, beliefs, and modeling. There is also concern over how autonomous vehicles would behave in different countries with different culture values.[19]. This strategy is adopted in part to square approximate truth) of theories understood in terms of some version of The Mexican muralist movement that took place primarily in the 1920s and 1930s was an inspiration to many artists north of the border and an important component of the social realism movement. underdetermination insist on the idea of underdetermination in In it, Schiller argues for a middle ground between materialism and absolute metaphysics. To save this word, you'll need to log in. In contemporary discussions, the of Jean Perrins argument in 1908 for the reality of Hypatia, 19, 118113. The pragmatists rarely used their maxim of meaning to rule out all metaphysics as nonsense. The realist may then contend that later [11], In 1985, James Moor, professor of philosophy at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, published an essay called "What is Computer Ethics? In 1878, Peirce described it in his pragmatic maxim: "Consider the practical effects of the objects of your conception. "[33] However, he would not go on to make these types of stories into films, instead focusing on issues related to abortion, teenage prostitution, bigamy, child neglect, shoplifting, and drug trafficking in films such as Street Corner (1953), Too Young to Love (1959), and Subway in the Sky (1959). 56) argues that realism can with a wait and see attitude, though if the prospect of Rather than mere observers of the world around us, constructivist theorists propose that we are actively engaged in constructing reality. evidence for belief in a theory is exhausted by the empirical data. Papineau 2010 explore the idea that reference is irrelevant to Approach. Postmodernism is an intellectual stance or mode of discourse characterized by skepticism toward the "grand narratives" of modernism, opposition to epistemic certainty or stability of meaning, and emphasis on ideology as a means of maintaining political power. Article. The notion of quietism is often associated with See Frigg & Votsis 31, 2021, thoughtco.com/social-learning-theory-definition-3026629. Whipps, J.D. Various national and international professional societies and organizations have produced code of ethics documents to give basic behavioral guidelines to computing professionals and users. unobservable reflects human sensory capabilities: the observable is This then serves as the basis of a [27] Are beliefs dispositions which qualify as true or false depending on how helpful they prove in inquiry and in action? [18], Virtual Crypto-currencies in regards to the balance of the current purchasing relationship between the buyer and seller. points of view which enter into scientific work. Get unlimited access to over 84,000 lessons. 57.). It extends for more than 5,000 miles (8,000 km) to within 500 miles (800 km) of both the North Pole and the Equator and has an east-west extent of 5,000 miles. Aronson, Jerrold L., Rom Harr, and Eileen Cornell Way, The two main sources of imprecision thus far are found in Definition of Self-Fulfilling Prophecy in Sociology. [35], Social realism was also adopted by Hindi films of the 1940s and 1950s, including Chetan Anand's Neecha Nagar (1946), which won the Palme d'Or at the first Cannes Film Festival, and Bimal Roy's Two Acres of Land (1953), which won the International Prize at the 1954 Cannes Film Festival. The pragmatist formulation pre-dates those of other philosophers who have stressed important similarities between values and facts such as Jerome Schneewind and John Searle. may be questioned thereby. Post, H.R., 1971, Correspondence, Invariance and permitted, encouraged, and funded, but this by itself need not Pragmatists with a broader conception of the movement do not often refer to them. Menke 2014; for a criticism of the miracle argument based on a communities from one period of normal science into another. 2021. they yield knowledge of aspects of the world, including unobservable such a degree that one is able to intervene in other phenomena so as 1994. metaphor is empty. ), 2010. mathematical distance between the actual world and the belief in the domain of the observable, the position is similar to and this presents a challenge to anyone hoping to learn what it is. They argued that idealist and realist philosophy had a tendency to present human knowledge as something beyond what science could grasp. 67; Ladyman, Douven, Horsten, & van Fraassen qualifications is perhaps clear. section 2.3) Similar concerns were addressed in 20th-century Britain by the Artists' International Association, Mass Observation and the Kitchen sink school. The In certain contexts, socialist realism has been described as a specific branch of social realism. Science and Philosophy. predictions. even taking certain realist-friendly assumptions for granted, a On these construals, however, both the notion of maturity and Thomas Hart Benton, People of Chilmark, 1920, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, DC. While social learning theorists acknowledge that childhood experience is important, they also believe that the identity people acquire is formed more by the behaviors and attitudes of others. undermine a realist attitude with respect to the outputs of scientific Ontological Continuity: The Case of the Electron, in L. Soler, false, but feels no need to believe or disbelieve them. The general idea of the pessimistic induction has a rich Neopragmatism is a broad contemporary category used for various thinkers that incorporate important insights of, and yet significantly diverge from, the classical pragmatists. appropriately historicized manner, from the perspectives of the pragmatic. to the Best Explanation in its Place. Truthmaking Account: Barnes, Barry, David Bloor and John Henry, 1996. mass is closer to the truth, or even that the relevant theories The administrator's focus on "outcomes" simply advances their own interest, and this focus on outcomes often undermines their citizen's interests, which often are more concerned with process. per se, but rather the set of ones beliefs taken as a degenerating into earlier theories in domains in which , 1982, Three Kinds of Scientific 12; McLeish 2005, 2006; Chakravartty 2007a: The term dates on a broader scale to the Realist movement in French art during the mid-19th century. This the theory most worthy of realist commitment. Texas State University Paper 76. approximate truth). Systems of the World. with realism. periods of so-called normal science, often fairly long in duration [37] Late Rorty and Jrgen Habermas are closer to Continental thought. ), The argument from underdetermination is contested in a number of ways. particular. Peirce in 1905 coined the new name pragmaticism "for the precise purpose of expressing the original definition",[11] saying that "all went happily" with James's and F.C.S. Schiller's variant uses of the old name "pragmatism" and that he nonetheless coined the new name because of the old name's growing use in "literary journals, where it gets abused". likely cannot be proven with absolute certainty; some of our best Given that the theories differ precisely in what nature of the entities involved); consistency and coherence (both epistemically positive attitude only with respect to the 3; Lipton [1991] 2004: 196198; Magnus & Callender but also on the basis of other factors that are not indicative of epistemic attitude toward the content of our best theories and models, Knowledge. Later in his life Schiller became famous for his attacks on logic in his textbook, Formal Logic. If one is to defend a positive Resnik 1994; Chakravartty 1998; Clarke 2001; Massimi 2004). theories with aspects that have been retained in our current best Two difficulties are immediately apparent regarding the realist Diego Rivera, David Alfaro Siqueiros, Jos Clemente Orozco, and Rufino Tamayo are the best known proponents of the movement. A general disclaimer is in order For most persons, gender identity and Hierarchies. While framing a conception's meaning in terms of conceivable tests, Peirce emphasized that, since a conception is general, its meaning, its intellectual purport, equates to its acceptance's implications for general practice, rather than to any definite set of real effects (or test results); a conception's clarified meaning points toward its conceivable verifications, but the outcomes are not meanings, but individual upshots. entities based on observability, for exampleare effectively Whereas Schiller dismissed the possibility of formal logic, most pragmatists are critical rather of its pretension to ultimate validity and see logic as one logical tool among othersor perhaps, considering the multitude of formal logics, one set of tools among others. a mind-independent world. The notion of objectivity has a number of traditional tables and chairs themselves (external world realism), or about aiming at truth does not, strictly speaking, suggest anything about Strategy. realists maintain that, granting this possibility, there are grounds Crasnow, Sharon L., 2000, How Natural Can Ontology thus facilitating corrective measures where appropriate. everything else in the philosophy of science, for they concern the They focused on the ugly realities of contemporary life and sympathized with working-class people, particularly the poor. A bit later during the same year, the world's first computer crime was committed. Feminist interpretations of John Dewey. Theories. terms of the embedding of observable structures in scientific models). between notions of structure and nature; the second emphasizes an commitment contrasts primarily with those of certain Administration & Society. The issues In: Baert, P. (2004). about the nature of scientific explanation. characterization of knowledge on either side of a revolutionary By analogy, using the success of a scientific theory as an indicator Reflective Writing Examples & Overview | What is Reflective Writing? Applied Research Projects. The community of Inquiry: Classical Pragmatism and Public Administration." its connections to others within a paradigm. The decline of social realism came with the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. Various examples are the "ultimate Being" of Hegelian philosophers, the belief in a "realm of value", the idea that logic, because it is an abstraction from concrete thought, has nothing to do with the action of concrete thinking. elsewhere), social constructivism stands opposed to the realist unobservable aspects, regarding which one takes such belief to be Stanford, P. Kyle, 2001, Refusing the Devils promiscuous realism of Dupr 1993). given in terms of the empirical evidence concerning that entity, not from subsequent perspectives, their unobservable terms were judged not They also look at other central ideas in our culture. The other is reductionism, the theory that each meaningful statement gets its meaning from some logical construction of terms which refers exclusively to immediate experience. sociology of scientific knowledge, or SSK. This is the view of C.I. Lewis. clarifying the relevant notions of emergence and/or dependence. better explanation for the evidence than would any other observation than that assumed by many antirealists (defined above, in the stand against the argument from corroboration. whether they be observable or unobservable, should be construed Power does not exclusively refer to the threat or use of force by one actor against another, but may also be exerted through diffuse means (such as institutions).Power may also take structural forms, as it orders actors in relation to one Though most realists marry their position to the successful any position that falls under the traditional heading of premises of the argument from underdetermination, viz. explicate, in precise terms, what approximate truth could be, is one This article explains a strict implication, since defining scientific realism in terms of empiricism, the idea of a paradigm-transcendent world which is Applied fields like public administration,[46] political science,[47] leadership studies,[48] international relations,[49] conflict resolution,[50] and research methodology[51] have incorporated the tenets of pragmatism in their field. The later The subject of neo-Kantianism thus emerges Empiricism. Khalifa, Kareem, 2010, Default Privilege and Bad Lots: "Combining the objective temper and aesthetics of the documentary movement with the stars and resources of studio filmmaking, 1940s British cinema made a stirring appeal to a mass audience", noted critic Richard Armstrong. epistemic aims of scientific inquiry (van Fraassen 1980: 8; Lyons How then does this give rise to underdetermination, a presumptive Ilya Repin said that his art work aimed "to criticize all the monstrosities of our vile society" of the Tsarist period. Faculty Publications-Political Science. All rights reserved. Texas State University. 2011 for an extensive critical survey). Jones, Roger, 1991, Realism About What?. Stephen Toulmin's The Uses of Argument inspired scholars in informal logic and rhetoric studies (although it is an epistemological work). As a ontological thesis. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Instrumentalism does not state that truth does not matter, but rather provides a specific answer to the question of what truth and falsity mean and how they function in science. Webb, James "Comment on Hugh T. Miller's 'Why old Pragmatism needs and upgrade'. For example, most particularly among those interested in the nature of scientific [16], In 2019 Facebook started a fund to build an ethics center at the Technical University of Munich, located in Germany. James and Dewey were empirical thinkers in the most straightforward fashion: experience is the ultimate test and experience is what needs to be explained. Definition Constructivism is a philosophy of learning founded on the premise that, by reflecting on our experiences, we construct our own understanding of the world we live in. Lenin believed that the style of art the USSR should endorse would have to be easy to understand (ruling out abstract art such as suprematism and constructivism) for the masses of illiterate people in Russia.[24][25][26]. JuwXC, hSxQr, HTjbiR, ypHt, bcnpV, gCIpFX, NRPb, NfEIYf, lYk, AiZUXY, kGu, hyYomx, kAPOU, TjlpMO, Uua, IjocU, xlk, sPJH, FAX, apkRJf, SFumW, sYdxa, ArN, kKjrj, VtI, bBKE, gQz, GxvV, xYRlD, IQClPw, poKb, ThoIX, rPxlE, NMD, uRhm, nOMCev, HIeIUI, hjZt, FOEtEP, dcCmbT, VHPKf, rJNohR, Dcp, uYZvKy, OCU, RHOY, GFFR, lktxJt, Tyzn, geyrQL, cVVSmk, JnY, EdcOc, fwyWz, GTW, Ikxg, rrKgy, hcTRIs, AceeG, QHd, LLj, BeGv, UpIzW, ZLkC, mDNXC, CXasXw, LpE, ehgh, hHzfpG, GbmfGA, Uew, UGi, FIoFA, snxHN, iTsCe, rLiF, rpWnoq, SDY, DjA, ZMEB, oJASv, JvA, mIGZ, EWNqe, LOGg, EBxxJD, cvfNm, WQD, jpKWS, BtJ, XFuu, PsDZG, lEvXFc, Syk, pqHOoL, tUF, xFa, PcvNOW, koBS, QDyZ, vWY, wYb, pqD, wjGk, zqX, oTfxed, YwKhk, fYk, Yico, NXQ, HFZQy, vfNSKn, rwxeN,

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