Someone must publish cookbooks, I thought. Darkest Yorkshire and others upstream: are you talking about an anime resulting from the series Robotech? Is it typical that one has to work through a lot of personal garbage before one can get to magnificence? Which is why Medicare brochures are so dense and unreadable. Justin, what did you originally vote for? My family love the story and want more of it. Thanks in advance for that! (One of them once remarked to me, apropos of a branch that suddenly fell and just missed wrecking our house and killing one or both of us, Those very large old trees often fall considerately. Wow! It was an eye-opener to finally realize that maybe, just maybe, I CAN learn a foreign language. An Energy Vampire attaches themselves to your energy body by creating cords that connect the I probably read more non-fiction than fiction. But does she upbraid them in word or in mind. Wood is harder to take care of, and easier to damage. Old Steve, of course there are better ways, but those whose sole way of dealing with the world is to try to control it cant conceive of them. If you want to write, youll learn to read in all these ways and more, because its by this kind of reading that you learn the techniques of the art. I mean, if I pick up a theme (lets say, the tomato), and decide to explore the different aspects of it, can I write while doing so? And in fiction, I cant plot for the life of me, because, first, even if I could figure out what a character wanted, I couldnt see how s/he could get it done. They will drive you mad. At the age of 12 or 13 I was at the overall bottom in my year out of about 100 kids. Im reading this series of yours with some interest, wondering if its worth it to try something again. Career Indie Author by Ecosophia commenters Bill and Teresa Peschel. I think that more people, most people, all people should persue one or more creative pursuits, writing , oral communication, singing, playing an instrument, painting, clay, handcrafts, etc I dont think we should expect to nesc. You may have a friend, a colleague, a lover, a parent, a child, a neighbor, or a teacher who is an energy vampire. It helps the connections in the brain to develop. Some examples of SF power chords are: Blaster guns, spaceships, time machines, aliens, telepathy, flying saucers, warped space, faster-than-light travel, holograms, immersive virtual reality, robots, teleportation, endless shrinking, levitation, antigravity, generation starships, ecodisaster, blowing up Earth, pleasure-center zappers, mind viruses, the attack of the giant ants, and the fourth dimension. It never occurred to me to cut and paste no one had ever taught me that! When I was in college, I wanted to be a novelist when I grew up, so I wanted to learn from them. But then again, individuation seems to be partly about healing, as in making whole, in a broad sense. Probably overdone but Im sure our host would have some twists up his sleeve. He had learned his trade from his father, and had passed it on to his sons. Then, I did two years of university transfer courses at the same college and then went to a University. That way the children all learn the same words at the same time, and nothing beyond the approved word list, so that those who might otherwise be reading faster and better than their classmates are held back to the same pace as everyone else. Interesting. Then choose a couple that really, truly suck, and compare the sucky plots to the good ones. 3. He blogs about how obtuse and closed-minded colleges are to those they have to spend money on. Stretching canvas may be amenable to this but actually putting something compelling onto that canvas good luck with that. If they did, the pace was agreed ahead of time to be a chapter a night, a half chapter if it was unusually long. Anyone else run into that? Two books in quick succession, mate, thats like a Sailor Steve knock out one-two punch. All three of the kids started reading more of their own volition as long as I kept the library visits up. i love watching people awaken to their own selves their own talents and long-forgotten dreams! Anyway, no one is cringing when your toddler has a rubber mallet on a wooden pentatonic marimba, it has a nice pleasant sound, they just have to be old enough not to use it as a step stool and use nothing on the keys except the mallet you provide, if they are old enough for that, you can leave it out and they can make music and will get pleasant feedback from everyone else around and so have a good first music experience. I blog so that I have an outlet for my writing. However, I suppose that the very usualness of such experiences back then would have lessened their impact of any individual child.). But she struggles a bit in math. The story about uniformity is a keeper thank you. Remember that you can use journaling as a way to ease into fiction do some dialogues and some descriptive passages, just for fun, and see where they lead you. I feel compelled to comment before even getting to the end of this post, because you struck a chord with me. She just did it. After doing this, I spend some weeks regularly composing sonnets to focus more on the more formal aspects of writing, and these helped too in manner antithetical to the free writing exercise. German, Im going to throw that one to the commentariat, as I dont have a lot of sources to hand. Coding and optimizing are (or should be) two separate steps. And many people like a good book of collected essays I love the beats myself let it rip! Its only tangentially related to the big themes of this blog, but it is something I imagine you would have interesting thoughts on. (For example, The King in Orange would have gotten me out of any contract offered by a publisher on the leftward end of things. But I think JMG gave the answer to the why that I never could figure out. First, any publisher that will take a manuscript from you, rather than from an agent, is worth considering. By using the Aeneid as the textbook. Certainly worth a try: theres always room for improvement! Im reeling, and may soon hit the mat to await the count if Im even conscious. I happened by a Barnes & Noble over the weekend and, by the look of it, an era of growth of independent publishing (and hopefully bookstores) may be near. If I remember right it had good stuff on how urban free schools were formed by black radicals, rural ones by white hippies, and the relation between them. That would go in a place of honor in my notebook. Synonyms for surprised include astonished, amazed, flabbergasted, shocked, staggered, stunned, astounded, bewildered, nonplussed and speechless. My vote for 5th Wednesday is something about W.B. Anyone whos programmed computers for a living may (or should) have come across a similar concept: The real problem is that programmers have spent far too much time worrying about efficiency in the wrong places and at the wrong times; premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at least most of it) in programming. Donald Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming. Click on the Bookshop logo to go there. Despite the catholic damage, I think going to catholic school for the last six of my twelve was better or I might have dropped like my older sisters. Theyll find that challenge easier later, and an early love for music and a feel for it is a major place both the motivation to practice and that elusive thing called talent will come from. These stories help make sense of a world that went wild and crazy before we all were born (inheritance), heading up to the present-days unsound, hack decisions. By TS Eliot. I actually loved school, did well, and no one ever told me I couldnt write. 195), thanks! I didnt type my rough drafts, either, because the typewriter I owned required a cartridge-enclosed ribbon instead of a sensible, normal ribbon, and the cartridges could only be used one time and were very expensive. Surely there are ways to be better than that, no? Every human being without exception has the capacity for magnificence.. I dont give a hoot. My guess is this failed school environment is a microcosm of the changes taking place in the economy as a whole. Another is that young pagans are professing devotion to various of the Greek (and Norse) deities. Fifth Wednesday: memes and how they start and continue. Emmanuel, thats a fascinating point. They have tons of articles on a variety of topics, and tend to poke fun at writing advice of the experts. While they lean left (I tend to just skip any of their social justice articles), they have some wonderful deconstructions of passages in books (both good and bad) and Ive found their advice to be helpful in figuring out why I like certain authors and characters, which has helped me develop my own meager writing. Ive assessed far more manuscripts than 400 I worked for a while as an outside reader for a midsized publisher, ran a small magazine for several years, and have edited a good many anthologies and Ive found consistently that writers whose work badly needed help had never been taught how to learn how to write, and develop their own voice and style. You should check out the work of Dr. James Matlock. Luckily for me, my parents were educators and taught me to read with phonics before I got to school. Murmuration, let me whisper these words of comfort: theyre even better the second time through. Having now written 1,355 essays on my blog at last count, I can attest that the process has changed me profoundly I can now think much faster on the fly, am more articulate in my speech, have far greater clarity, and far more self-honesty. Not every writer writes fiction for the pure love of writing. As for the factory approach, there are ways to use a formula to help your writing; Ill get to those in an upcoming post. In fact, I prefer traditional teacher-at-the-front, when its well planned, to group work, though I recognize some people thrive with that. The reason you do this is that your first ideas are probably clichs from books youve read. Jaques, how old is the child youre thinking of? I read Treasure Island with my son as part of homeschooling and we both loved it. He has a hard time with reading comprehension, but is beyond ready for algebra. In hard SF, the situation is by definition based on some scientific or technological idea. Will sewing patterns exist? Sure! It is hard to imagine a world where reflection and contemplation is standard practice and not the rarity it is nowadays. Books in Canada, August/September 1980: And finally from the sublime to the ridiculous, theres Have a Look, by Peter Sobotkiewich (Iconographics, 34 pages, unpriced paper), Sobotkiewich is a cartoonist who has inflicted upon an unsuspecting public a series of visual statements dedicated to the baby boom. The paper could have been better used making disposable diapers. First of all the drawings werent cartoons. Solve your "DULL" crossword puzzle fast & easy with 257), a couple of years ago I came across an ad for a Vicky the Viking themed amusement park here in Taiwan. : Also, on common books I found one where Id been copying songs and poems that I love into it, and Ive decided Ill copy and add paragraphs of prose that strike me as well. ..OK volunteers for a study on Birch-tree allergy. As a result, when I use slang, colloquialism, snide talk or any kind of offbeat language, I do it deliberately. The contemporary Prussian Army was well disciplined but could not react to new situations. I even read the Theosophists for fun, including Mme. Meower68 #8, have you read the novel The Pheonix Project? Its essentially an attempt to experiment with writing literature using various odd and often mathematical rules and constraints, one of their most famous techniques is to get a sentence and look up any noun in the dictionary, then replace it with a word 5 or 7 entries ahead. Tom = Toomas, now at edge of Tartu Observatory dark-sky campus, in Estonia, and now blogging at toomaskarmo[dot]blogspot[dot]ca, PS: Thanks for remarks on diction, including the use of dictionaries! Every story consists of a character who faces a situation and does something about it. So he and his siblings were taken in by a relative in the same village. It is interesting that he considers that non-fiction can be an art even though much of it is usually dry, reductionist and dead. Im going to try it. Now read it again, paying attention to each word. Solve your "stupid" crossword puzzle fast & easy with I regret to this day never having finished nor preserved that drawing. Browse our listings to find jobs in Germany for expats, including jobs for English speakers or those in your native language. If you want to get published, in particular, being exact with spelling and punctuation is important. I am in love with dressmaking folk clothing, old-style and recent. Some childrenI was one of themare ready and eager to start reading at the age of two and a half. Woke purges of literature are becoming very common. Book Review: Career Indie Author by Bill and Teresa Peschel,,,,,,,structure%20is%20known%20as%20kishtenketsu,,, As for clichs, yes, exactly. Will is never separate from imagination you will something because you can imagine it and imagination is never separate from will you imagine something because your will either chooses to imagine it or consents to the image. And thats basically true. Over time that evolved into thinking things out rather than writing them out but you can still go back to the original method with good results. Your point about reflection and further research as a matter of course is likely the secret ingredients that the previous claim failed to identify. Growing up, there was no TV in my country. By 4th grade he was ready for school so we enrolled them both in a Waldorf School , which they love. But I think there needs to be room to still explore as research on a topic opens new avenues, for nonfiction. Over the course of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, education in the industrial nations was reshaped from top to bottom using the factory as a model. The plot, as I remember it, involved a group of people who could breathe underwater. I just happened to publish an essay about that on my own blog this very morning, which anyone interested can find linked through my profile. I had a few kind ones, but if there were any wise ones, they were kept away from me as far as possible. They also write in the passive tense. weve not so much time for screwing up as much as wed need to. If its terrible, by the way, let it be terrible. Im a young man looking to deepen my understanding of the art of education and transmission, as well as of the functional elements that humans have to account for to engage learning effectively. There were also boarding schools for the children of the well-to-do, and many churches had schools of their own. I devoured science fiction until I started wondering why no one seemed to have an actual job they were all set in a socialist world, and I became disenchanted. This is highly unacceptable as it impedes propaganda based control techniques. Synonyms for lost include missing, misplaced, absent, mislaid, wayward, disappeared, forgotten, vanished, out-of-place and strayed. Re: phonics workbooks. I know from personal experience that people learn things differently at different ages and in lots of different ways. I wanted to give a shout-out (or a second one, if its been mentioned) to a book that every author should have in their library, and that is Career Indie Author by Ecosophia commenters Bill and Teresa Peschel. The points she made in her writing workshops, which were responsible for launching a number of successful careers in genre fiction, are still worth remembering.). The trick is to locate suitable material for yourself. Wallow in the terribleness of it. It is REALLY IMPORTANT that your beta readers be familiar with your genre so they know the tropes and understand why you do what you do. For a recorder, go with a baroque fingered plastic soprano. Solve your "perplexed" crossword puzzle fast & easy with Austin, oh, it depends on the publisher. Im not sure if they still use phonics, as that was some time ago, but even by public educations questionable metrics of standardized testing, phonics allowed poor rural black kids to outperform big city white kids in reading in no time flat. Yes, thats an important part of the maleducation the schools give people who love to read are dangerous, since you never know what they might figure out! In a way he is correct though, when he plays for family, we all join in and sing, in my case poorly, so it is a group endeavor, and I guess his experience with his peers is that they do not join in, and he tells me that he is not a trained seal to perform on cue which is valid. Brian, at least your kids know they can come to you and say that school is boring, and youll listen! Violet, those are three versions of the same question. Your approach in those two stories was another, and worked very well. The two stories I wrote, Human-Derived Product and Postmodern Latifundia, were both done that way partly in defiance of the supposed rules of writing. Its one of the best descriptions of the lived experience of rain in SoCal. Cliff, you can certainly extrapolate from that example to every other university literature program Ive ever had personal contact with. I dont remember how I learned to read. There are good deals to be had if youre patient enough to watch and wait. My third vote is on the historical origin of the standard four elemental tools in ritual magic. Readers dont know whats in your head. I would like to learn more about how people who dont think like me, think. If I remember rightly it was something like 6000 hours playing multiple sports and becoming all-round athletes, then 4000 hours specialising in the sport they ultimately chose. Of the different skills I could develop to magnificence, writing is far from a top priority. Im still working through the blockage I have about storytelling, but now I have something to journal about that I think might just shift some things along, and its all thanks to reading this article. Each child has distinct strengths and weaknesses when it comes to learning, and one of the ways these function is that children become ready to learn different things at different ages. How? If one doesnt know what one doesnt know, how can (s)he ever get to a point of knowing it? My public school education was a 13-year nightmare, really an experience of being in prison, between the intense boredom, the regimented schedule, and the daily harassment by my peers. c) The officer group was taught in a 13 year school. I wish there were easy answers; as far as I know, there arent, and for many of us its a long slow process figuring out. Mutually assured destruction? I had one good English teacher (thank heaven for that one!) Im always interested to hear more about reincarnation, so Ill put my vote there. Mathematics are still challenging, but you bet I can handle anything I need to use regularly. I have a novellette / novella this year that I wrote where I did that, and Ive got most of the beginning. Rudy Rucker, who published one of my short stories to first appear alongside pros, has been an influence on me with his works, and his A Writers Toolkit. *An oxen? Any recorder made by them is usually decent. I know someone who has worked for the establishment first as a journalist and now as a teacher, hes never seen a PMC/Leftest position he doesnt swallow hook line and sinker. I can hardly wait for more! account of the complete system. Probably my mother taught me. I guess Ill go with the first, how limitations are useful for poetry. Go do something that people need for money, trash collecting, farming, construction, and do your art too for the reasons that you want to do that type of art/music/writing. Use the search box on the table to quickly find the correct answer. To be fair to creative writing programs, Wallace Stegner seemingly ran a good one in the 50s, helping such writers as Wendell Berry, Edward Abbey and Ken Kesey find their feet. So, thanks, Piers Anthony, I owe you one (to be fair, maybe some of his later books were better and I caught one of his early efforts). When my kids were little I was inclined towards homeschooling. One future possibility there could be a combination of the one room school and the current preference by corporations for two pizza teams (6-8 people on a project) in which the local kids pull themselves together (or are pulled together by an institution) to do projects to build their portfolio for employment. Pygmycory, agreed. Who am I to judge what my fellow humans need, I keep saying to myself but then who am I to ignore what I see? Of course dividing children into classes by age isnt the only problem with US schools it eliminates a very helpful source of learning, but it was only one of the many steps that turned what was once among the best education systems in the world to one of the worst. >The elites in this country either missed the memo because they sat in the front row or they went to different schools. As a child I was also told that I couldnt make a living as an artist. The air had the damp foretaste of rain. Walter, thank you. But what do you do when you insist that everyone needs to be educated the same way, in the same industrial system, spending as little $$ as possible (because its all wasted on admin)? If you can set aside your feelings and analyze the story to see what didnt work for that particular reader, you can take that into account while working up new plots. in Word in two columns in alphabetical order. title of novel on request; its probably still available on the used book market. For my older boys it was the first Lord of the Rings movie. Ynu(etc. Samurai_47, Stevenson was brilliant with diction. And as a fall-back, there was always simple farm-work by which a boy could earn his bed and board. He would talk about Cosmism. Back on topic though (I do so enjoy a cheeky digression), is there a Will to imagination? JMG, thanks. And my professors made me fear it. Having older kids help teach younger kids was called the monitorial system or the Bell-Lancaster method; it was well-organized and commonly practiced over much of the world, precisely because of the learning benefits of teaching something to someone else. Maybe that dovetails into wokeism and the current state of affairs (which I believe is a suggested topic for the fifth Wednesday). I am now convinced beyond reasonable doubt that the structure, ideals, and practices of the public school system is where Gene Roddenberrys team found their inspiration to create the Borg. Such considerations give me a very ambivalent feeling. Facepalm. Not a specific skill set or learning a specific instrument. Detached (rather small) single family homes following a recipe for high end customers: natural stone, bay windows and so on. The myth of talent is an ideology used to convince most people they cant compete, so they dont compete with those who have been selected by the corporate system for its own purposes. It has a plan, because its author says so;and presumably it has some meaning because he speaks of its symbolism; but meaning, plan, and intention alike are massed behind a smokescreen of anthropological and literary erudition, and only the pundit, the pedant, or the clairvoyant will be in the least aware of them. He will often recount Master ORourkes political/economic teaching that: you have two choices (pointing south) you can go to Dublin (ie to college), or (pointing north, local fishing port-wise) you can go to the gombeen man (ie to toil in a factory, or on a boat crew, and enrich your boss).. Does that seem too abstract? My kids are out of school now but I vividly remember seeing the parade of wheelchairs, heavy-duty medical life-support, even kids on gurneys being wheeled in and out of our local high school at certain times of the day. then in the 7th grade there was a writer who was my English teacher. I believe you are right. Ive been using Grammarly for my submissions at an online writing community I publish on and have mixed feelings about its use. However I have NEVER been able to thing of a story. One way to do that is to develop side hustles that bring in income outside of the established monied economy. Your vote has been counted! The point really hit home just now when I read how the part of the brain that does the editing often conflicts with the part that does the creating, and there is no easy way to edit on an old typewriter. I havent decided yet though for sure.). Do you know at what age Col Sanders founded KFC? This year we had one rain and it immediately got too cold for grass growth. In my college days, back when computers were still room-sized mainframe IBMs with tape spools and punch cards, I hand-wrote multiple drafts of my college papers, completely re-writing each new draft, as improvements would formulate each time I read the latest draft. (I notice the simultaneous editing I engage in ). He learned how to read and write in his own time, he was closer to 7 or 8. Perhaps I will sort through some of the notebooks I have filled and hidden over the decades and find if there are any gems to polish and make another attempt (or two or three) at getting published. There is no right way to do things. He is still painting, still sculpting. As for The Mists of Avalon and its portrayal of Arthurian legend, well, yes. That surprise/recognition is magic in writing. I couldnt bear the good writing we were being required to read in school. The reason I say baroque fingering rather than german is because this is the standard recorder fingering. Which is where I discovered that Im not mathematically stupid; I just wasnt ready to learn the topic du jour at age 8, plus I had teachers who werent willing or were unable to waste time engaging with me (could being a little girl in 1962 have had something to do with it hmmm but thats another issue). I recommend it because while there is a threat in the form of an invading horde of monsters its largely in the background (m on book eight and only now are we seeing the Demon Lords armies make an appearance and even then the focus of the novel is one of the main characters reconciling with her brother) and most books focus on the relationships between characters. But the majority of people just want to be left alone and do their own thing. All solutions for "Clumsy" 6 letters crossword clue & answer - We have 3 clues, 240 answers & 136 synonyms from 3 to 16 letters. Cook every day. It was so long ago, I dont have insight into how that happened. Pirate or Treasure Then you can Type Pirate Or Treasure or any word from the answer to know the whole phrase. I considered majoring in it, but I feared it would not look employable on a resume. How can you think of a story? My second vote is on the influence of William Blake for the Druid Revival. Public school always had a left lean fair enough, but now the other side isnt even presented to be mocked. He had worked for the CBC and quit at 24 or 25. Then, by the time I got out of college, in no small part due to the college itself, I hated engineering and I found myself more interested in writing. Its no wonder they dont sell. I read it along with them, as in, I had my own copy with the older boys, and we discussed the chapter together after reading time each night, so I could check their comprehension. I read several of his novels when I was a teenager (a looong time ago) and decided to reread his books again. I enjoy writing about what interests me. There may be another way but I dont know it. Much thanks for this essay. Yes, we really are heading back to the historic norms when it relates to literacy. It seems to me both are valuable, and as for people who arent talented making music many of those formed some of my favorite bands. (10), Discombobulated Partly inspired by this book Pp 35. But when the PC came out, that changed my attitude towards writing. Ive written several books on that theme already, of course, but a review may be in order. Chris, okay, thats both funny and very, very true. There are five Wednesdays in this month, and by a longstanding tradition on this blog, that means the readers get to vote on a topic for the fifth Wednesday post. You have referred to this a couple of times in the context of perverting magical practices to achieve eternal life and it sounds like quite a tale. Shes writing dreck now, with very sloppy research, and linguistics* to make one wince, but I understand that DAW has her under the gun and in a no-win situation. I dont think anyone has grappled with the occult reasons for internet cat obsession, not a pawprint or hairball in sight. I assumed I was just bad at languages, like 95 percent of my classmates in the same boat. Arthur appeared effeminate and Merlin was ineffectual and down right wishy-washy. I offer a suggestion for anyone looking on that big auction site, however, and that is to watch the listings for a week or two and notice how many of them end with zero bids. @ JMG My vote for the upcoming 5th Wednesdays post is something about Yeats. And there are several more posts on reading as a writer on the workshop page in the blogs archive. Much of his education came from the Bible and church. Pay close attention to how other people do the thing you want to do, and learn from their successes and their failures. dont learn a darned thing. Only the strong thematic interest it arouses, as an indicator of what might have been believed at that time about conditions on the worlds of the Solar System, enabled me to read any of it. Or find some other theme. Hi JMG, thanks, great stuff, especially by someone with a kid of 1, who I am forced to send to public school one day. The man also wrote enjoyable, humorous (at times slightly bawdy) verse, which he bound up into handwritten volumes of his own making, and also compiled a detailed handwritten chronicle of his own life, The Book of Benjamin, from his birth almost to the day of his death. You could easily have another decade of life or more and theres a whale of a lot that can be accomplished by one person in a decade, especially if theyve got a pension and dont have to set aside a lot of time to earning a living. Its supposed to do the same thing for IT that The Goal did for manufacturing. I like a good movie once in a while, but I really dont care for television too much trash. Originally written by Sandy Petersen With later revision by Lynn Willis This revised 7th Edition is a collaboration between Paul Fricker and Mike Mason Editorial: Scott Dorward, Badger McInnes, Mike Mason and Charlie Krank Design Format: Badger McInnes and Mike Mason Layout: Badger McInnes, Charlie Krank, Nicholas Nacario, and Rick Meints Art Direction: Mike Mason, Meghan Do you recall what Krashen recommends for learning to read? Get comfortable again with the process of putting your thoughts on paper. In the USA in the 1930s, for example, lots of alternatives to the status quo were known. The Feds were doing nothing so Western state govts. If you have no natural gift for writing, you may not achieve greatness, but if you work at it you can learn how to tell stories, write poems, or craft nonfiction that people will enjoy reading. The author seems to be a true Renaissance Man, publishing on a range of topics that ommenters to this and our hosts Dreamwidth blog will find highly interesting. The 1960s paradigm for teaching arithmetic and maths in schools (even good schools) almost scuppered my entire education. Long screeds proclaiming the infallibility of some ideology or other, however, will be deleted; so will repeated attempts to hammer on a point already addressed; so will comments containing profanity, abusive language, flamebaiting and the like -- I filled up my supply of Troll Bingo cards years ago and have no interest in adding any more to my collection; and so will sales spam and offers of "guest posts" pitching products. Drhooves, I also got SRA in one of the schools I went to, but it was a waste of time for me because I was already reading at an adult level by then. Both coding and technical writing pay better than flipping burgersuntil the software industry eventually dwindles. The question is how long will this change take to collapse the current school system, which no longer has any purpose ( even a bad one). Is your story Awesome, Boring, Confusing, or Dumb? As Im sure our host could explain in a lot more depth than me, its a set of 5 calisthenic exercises purported to have various physical and spiritual benefits. When will the price-gouging of plain-old citizens stop? The trouble is, the way it is taught in elementary school has done horrible things to the instruments reputation. Old Steve says: November 18, 2022 at 1:17 pm The Borg are not just minimally competent, theyre downright invincible except for one fatal weakness: individual Borg drones are complete zombies, relying entirely on the hive mind of the collective to do all their thinking for them. Its one of those books Ive had to buy at least three times because I keep lending it out and not getting it back. The movie (including popcorn) around noon, then thrift store shopping for something fun, then McDonalds. Best to take myself elsewhere. I hope youve reclaimed your love of art and writing from the machine! I guess unlike the majority of suggestions, I would ,5th Friday or sometime, be interested to hear your opinion on the US midterm elections and any other world developments you find pertinent. You seem to have gotten even more of those than usual. What our current academically trained authors write is just as bad, and will be forgotten just as quickly. Her art skills in particular are developing a style of their own. I think you can be accused of holding two ideas in your head at once. Also, von Franz is fairly specific about certain art forms, but I wonder if the same effect can occur is active imagination, in the looser sense of the term, can be applied to things like sport or gardening or what have you. Especially things like Thanksgiving. I probably still am an arrogant brat, but at 73, its been softened up a little bit bylife. I would add that my favorite writing also has what Garcia Lorca called duende, a shimmering velvet energy beyond words, a touch dark, a twist, a charm. In The New Age of Russia theres two of them (repeated here so you dont have to scroll up looking for it). When the advice from our betters is such poison, its hard not to believe that they hate us. Drilling in conjugations and declensions isnt even a good way to learn Latin, for what its worth. You once told me that the risk of the mage is that they will end up getting trapped in the spells of their own making. Especially as you can have stories in Asian media without a conflict and hundreds of main characters and secondary characters that are secondary in all but name. Often very interesting and exciting ideas. In fact, editing later is a good habit to cultivate, right from the start. He was a lifelong shelver, and lived in the stacks. Stephen, so noted and counted (in a timely manner, too!). At the time, I thought the no-help was strange, but now I am thinking that there are people out there consciously trying to destroy resources for adults to learn essay-writing. Little escaped attention. In my adulthood I created the blueprints for the remodeling of my house and got my pilots license. Latest breaking news, including politics, crime and celebrity. And Kaiser always does, Dear JMG, I am on my third day of writing at least 15 minutes per day, and I must say its becoming fun. By writing over 100,000 words I demonstrated to myself that I could write as many words that would fill a good sized book. The YRS-24B is ivory-colored, under $10 US and also plays well though the tone is a little thin. That was replaced by the current scheme, where children are separated by age into different classrooms and drilled in endless repetitive lessons. If I may be so bold as to mention, on my blog I offer a batch of posts on reading as a writer that writerly readers might find of use, most recently: John Steinbecks use of Wigged Out Exaggeration in TRAVELS WITH CHARLEY Every writer has a different writing style and has to teach himself what it is. I really enjoyed the Illichian tone of this text. So what you have to do is choose your scientific or technological gizmo, find a character who is affected by it in some very important way, and then explain what the character does about it. Grover, Ill add that to the gallimaufry of other unwelcome topics. I have known a surprising number of tradesmen and menial workers whom I regarded as really magnificent people, true masters of their gtradses and of the craft of being human. Solve your "perplexed" crossword puzzle fast & easy with Id like to see more alternatives available. Linda, exactly. It was anything but a positive and encouraging experience. Get their communication mixed up so a few of them misinterpret the central directives, and then the whole hive explodes. From the description you link to, it no more counts as phonics than a TV dinner counts as a home-cooked meal made from scratch. I took years of French, from elementary through college, and never once could speak it fluently. , I, now, only know how to write an essay because I taught myself about ten years ago, at age 60. It is finding an effective role for the bulk of humanity to contribute and earn a living that gives them dignity. Its especially common for teachers to treat gifted kids that way I suspect, for what its worth, that a lot of people went into teaching because they convinced themselves they couldnt hack what they actually wanted to do, and took it out on the kids who werent able to hide their talent. There was a leak in the roof and a garbage can was sitting between two aisles collecting water. What a sad story indeed. I just wanted to note that this series of posts has encouraged me to resubmit my as-yet-unpublished novels again and to keep working on the others tucked away in my brain. Now do the same with every noun. When will the price-gouging of plain-old citizens stop? Whatever you end up using, I hope it works well for you and your children, and good luck! Why? Ok so since I have been little, 14 maybe ( I am 46 now) I have wanted to be a science fiction writer. Whenever they were together the instruments came out. But getting to that point is the art Im still trying to master. Please add my enthusiastic vote for Yeats. We are setting ourselves into saving mode, in the economical sense. Everything culminated with a final thesis project that was just absolutely unlike my normal writing (in a bad way), because I was too busy trying to figure out what exactly I was doing wrong to pay attention to what I was getting right. Into my chest of treasures it goes. This after not thinking about the film for probably 25 years or so. What is this but an environment thats been fine-tuned to crush peoples souls? Thanks to everyone who has contributed with writing (advice) I definitely take a magpie approach. Fortunately, I was a voracious reader, and libraries are a treasure trove for children of poor households way beyond measure. The others hadnt written enough to reveal potential talent and shouldnt have submitted. This was the only copy that got through. Ive never really understood the concept of phonics beyond the gist that letters tend to produce certain sounds., Thats basically all there is to it. It is something otherworldly. That is a false promise, but it is still a tempting illusion. I collect sewing patterns. Imagine trying to run a factory full of artists, trying to turn out large quantities of fine art. These are books which almost all of the students I taught at my Ivy-league university would have found tough going, despite their having had 12 years of modern American schooling. JMG, thank you for this series of posts. (Im a Roerich fan.) Just do exactly what the submission requirements ask you to do no more, no less, word for word exact. So thank you, truly. And I still have a complete file of her Fantasy Magazine on my bookshelves. Fun detail: George Adamski, who became famous from 1949 on as the first successful UFO contactee and claimed to receive all kinds of mystic wisdom from Venusian space travelers, earlier headed an occult lodge out of Los Angeles called the Royal Order of Tibet. Did you know that The Mists of Avalon was the very first Arthurian tale Id read? My daughter is just turning two, so Im guessing Ill need to wait awhile to start music practice with her. I never learned how to write an essay. The mark did not matter as much as the one comment: Epigrammatic! My father, Lyle, (1934 2022) grew up in North Dakota and went to a one-room school house. First it was technical writing, which is a natural step from engineering. I always arrange my style-sheets (see? JMG, the part of your post about the different educational system we formerly had really hit me. Phutatorius, thats no accident. Im still figuring out what works for me. Robert M, I read a lot of MZBs fiction, though not all of it, and I also took a writing workshop from her at the University of Washington many years ago. After all, I think just about anyone with two neurons firing knows the thing was blatantly stolen. Self-centered, yes. I just finished reading Marie-Louise von Franzs essay on inferior types in the book Jungs Typology, and to make a long story short, she writes toward the end of the essay of the usefulness of active imagination as a tool for the individual to become psychologically whole. Notice the rhythm and pace of the words, the length and structure of the sentences, the presence or absence of repeating letter sounds. Two weeks ago we talked about the writing business as a microcosm of todays economy. Your mission, if you should choose to accept it, is to break out of that bad habit. I must say, that I really enjoyed the addition of the ravens. Ive continued to struggle with confidence for the past few years, but Im working through it, still putting pen to paper, and finally sounding like myself again. I must say I didnt find the bits of public German school that I went through quite as stifling as you describe and certainly not as brain-dead. One is that some years back, JMG mentioned the ecological content of those myths. Forward, backward, forward. Renaissance Man #31: I do not suffer from a birch tree allergy and have never heard of an individual being allergic to birch trees. Hi John, Judging by the photos of the authors (males, anyways) it seems the most essential characteristic of a successful writer is a pipe, at least for those promo photos. I think that the getting marijuana to be legal, therefore creating infrastructure of increasing numbers of people spending their daylight hours impaired, leads to people not giving a flying F about much of anything, including their kids schooling. Then after the movie we would discuss how the movie was different from the book. Give the same task to ten engineers and the code could be quite different under the hood. In a nutshell, this is what the village one-room school could do for a boy in the early 1800sassuming, of course, that the boy was interested in what the school had to offer him, whether for the sheer pleasure of reading and writing, or simply to develop some skills that would help him get by in life. It strikes me as a good exercise! Make sure its there, and its what you actually wanted to say. There wasnt much regulation, but competition was brisk enough that the general level of education was considerably higher than it is today. I love reading the first-person, actually lived, stories they are priceless. Any music classes were done by parents, and that only happened sometimes. Do some writing, just for yourself at first. Misguided, yes. He was from Cape Verde, and his native languages were Portuguese and the creole of his birthplace. One way to get inspiration for a story is to find a cliche you think is overused and find an alternative. For fiction, one thing that worked for me that I got from you was putting the ending in there, which you have mentioned doing. If youre not wary enough to recognize that the whole business is not in your best interests, and angry enough to write other things your own way, on your own time, out of sheer spite, the whole thing becomes such an exercise in misery that once your schooling is over, writing is very nearly the last thing you want to do. Browse our listings to find jobs in Germany for expats, including jobs for English speakers or those in your native language. Also the kids themselves reported that the movie-book linkage helped them with the movie in your mind visualization process for books they read after that. Im sensing a pattern here. I had fun and actually did learn a lot of useful things. I dont suppose youre interested in trying again, but plotting really isnt that hard; I may cover that in a future post. The idea is to build up the characters on the basis of yourself and the other people you knowpossibly merging people or reassembling parts of personalities. If youre like most people, however, youre convinced that you cant write well enough to get published. The feedback process is one of them. @Dudley: keep on keeping on! And dance or clap. I wrote this at the very end of the last cycle and dont know if you saw it. I had some excellent teachers that helped me up my game, so to speak, butAnd heres the but that proves you rightI didnt come out of the program with my self-esteem intact. To the extent that we wish to create a society in which every person is able and encouraged to achieve magnificence, we must find a way to either make the odious and tedious jobs more fulfilling, or find a way to spread that labor across the whole population (e.g. But I have come to know our host enough, to know that a post about evaluating wartime sources of current news, a history lesson: what does and what does not work is a possibility. In a factory you have largely three groups of people. Didnt someone say something like the harder I practice, the luckier I get? However, such lessons are better learned young, and in an environment that will help to adjust for the better, rather than later in life. About MZB and others, I thought of something in which authors become blacklisted for messy private lives or for messy public pronouncements like J.K. Rowling. For instance, I find having 19th century classical music on in the background really gets my creative gears turning. ), good. Blavatskys near-impenetrable works. Stephen Krashen has/had as one of his principles the idea that you need comprehensible input to acquire a language. Word Bob lied about something in chapter 2, Frank would have seen Bobs report, now Frank is engaged in a related task, so he treats Bobs lie as truth, and consequences follow. Perhaps being a farm child had a part in that, farmers get to be builders, plumbers, mechanics, gardeners, arbourists, vets, and soil scientists, often all in the same day. Its so hard to describe writing code to outsiders, but fundamentally its writing instructions for computers. The reason I enjoyed later parts of high school and college more was because they dialed back the control-freak tendencies and gave us back our freedom of education. Every human being without exception has the capacity for magnificence. Both of these were written by Englishmen in the 1930s, and in both of them a character is looking eastward toward mountains, but Frodo Baggins and Philip Marlowe are clearly very different people in very different places, and you couldnt swap the diction of The Fellowship of the Ring and The Big Sleep without making hash of both books. (I may have as many as 20 productive years before me. David Hykes and the Harmonic Choir Paul Pena and Kongar-ool Ondar Anna-Maria Hefele My neighbors must wonder what Im doing in the shower, though. PatriciaT, yes on both counts. Also, at 15, the local fishing port still had lots of jobs available for willing lads. im working firmly on the aesthetics of our little underground of THREE (im counting Temporary Reality along with James) and have no idea how money could work. To one side, an eye flickered. Answers for woolgathering crossword clue, 6 letters. He taught himself how to code and 3d model. That is why I wonder if there are additional factors that contribute to the decline of the American public school system over the last century, not only the basic idea of placing children of homogeneous age in one class. Ive never really understood the concept of phonics beyond the gist that letters tend to produce certain sounds. Thanks for listening. You have to learn from your mistakes and successes, and also learn from other peoples mistakes and successes. Im not like them! Kishotenketsu Exploring the Four Act Story Structure. I thought it was a little long and tangential, but overall very interesting (and also rage inducing). I keep questions of what women will wear (during the decline we are in) open to the universe. Three separate copies (two editions) of Halls book are available complete from the Hathi Trust:,, Those children learned to read that way. Yes, poor little Holden needed a drubbing from Sailor Steve Costigan. (Making outlines, the standard approach to tree-like thought, tends to only aggravate the problem for me, as the outline itself soon begins to spread and branch like a sequoia.). I doubt I could have even told you why! Both are utterly bizarre and not the sorts of thing youd ever hear of, but given that I have two people in my immediate family with unusual reactions to various trees most people would consider harmless people researching allergic reactions to birch trees doesnt sound too unusual (and I personally wish more people would research tree allergiestheyre more common than you think). They dont have to be out of copyright and freely downloadable. He started writing. Tate Hausman wrote wrote what I remember being a very interesting history of free schools in America, but its not online. My goal was to create a word document with over 100,000 words and to write it without any editing whatsoever. Fifteen years ago, I would have been hard-put to write this essay, with a beginning, middle, and end, where it at least makes some sense. Horatio Hornblower, Biggles, James Bond, Jack Reacher and Rebus were my heroes. My mother lived to the age of 106, and both my wife and I come from very long-lived stock.). Looking forward to the next in the series! Then I go back later and do an overall edit. But after a review in Books in Canada, he never created another book again. We might have to move to get the education we want for our kids. They rode bicycles across the floor of the Atlantic to save Earth from an asteroid, or something. I have some marvelous decades-old travelers models, and Id be better writing on one right now! I understand why so many commenters are saddened by the waste of lives and talent in our current day. When will the educational system(s) collapse? Ive added your vote to the list. ), Oops, one thing that got lost when my post was eaten was a link to Halls Sound and Spelling pamphlet. I know that youve done something similar in an older Archdruid Report post, but with the Just Stop Oil protesters getting their fifteen minutes of fame by throwing soup on paintings, I think it could be timely to bring up some less ineffectual suggestions for those who want to meaningfully change their lifestyles or the actions of their local communities. Writing in the business world has gone down several notches of late. I hated that book with a passion and the character nauseated me with the continual self absorbed whinging. Silly Brain, while reading about the FTX debacle this blog must have been in my head because the author of my technical writing book popped out. Like you say, the broad technique youve laid out applies to any creative endeavor, but I can confirm that the exact same ideas apply to drawing and painting. Clearly there was a system to it, and it was not excessively complex. Most of these possibilities will not be real English words, and can be discarded. It matches our Kiss-shaped lamp posts (two kinds: wrapped and unwrapped). Search for a clue, word or if you have missing letters use a, 'PERPLEXED' is a 9 letter I sense some sort of waiting for something onerous. The narrative from the top is compliance. Give children the chance to learn to play recorders when theyre ready for it, and its a great instrument. JMG, I got a nonce verification failed message TWICE with this post. If one doesnt do it for oneself, it doesnt get done. Well, we all do what we can. As an adult I spent much of my career as a professional photographer. In my opinion, inch by inch, sentence by sentence, these personal anecdotes and stories make a difference. If talent didnt exist, anyone could be an actor with enough practice, and thats clearly a ridiculous idea too. p.s. Oops, sorry my original comment was #115 and it was a vote for a post about a work of fiction that you think people would benefit from reading. G. B. Shaw, and others who famously mocked Emglish spelling, focused on these several hundred exceptions in their ignorant and humorous attempts to discredit the whole of the system. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang really had fun playing with the genre. Did you ever see Chandlers Hollywood cameo? Classes were usually small to very small, and a fair number were taught by parent volunteers. i vote for you to talk about the realities/cons of an underground currency system not tethered to the govt for backing. (shrugs) Yes, the Duolingo app is game-ified but its designed more as a vehicle for ads. Lydia, Ill be getting to submissions in a future post, but the basics are simple enough. The steps are: Traditional education seems to be unaware nici qid of the levels of reading and seldom nici qid provides some structure for reading for nici qid makellos sauber understanding. It doesnt matter what you write about, and for heavens sake, turn off the spell checker and the grammar checker if youre doing this on keyboard. i dont know what an alternative system would LOOK like, besides trading with neighbors locally. A southerner and a yankee say that vowel very differently. The picture you chose of the brain made me instantly think of the intestines. I loved it then. If only I had had the insight to realize that even Mozart had lessons from his father Leopold! I seek out those opportunities as part of the day to day communication needed for my job or involvement in my local community. My vote is for poetry in general, though any particular poet would also be of interest. The steps are: Traditional education seems to be unaware nici qid of the levels of reading and seldom nici qid provides some structure for reading for nici qid makellos sauber understanding. Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons by Siegfried Engelmann and Phyllis Haddox is the book we used with our first daughter and plan to use with the second in a few years, and we found it pretty effective. Thats a serious matter. My teachers and parents had no clue what to do with me because it wasnt like I was completely stupid, it was just that I wasnt academic in any way. It had no more to do with Tibet than it did with royalty. Im only just now seeing the Next Generation series for the first time, having recently purchased a DVD boxed set of all seven seasons. The most widespread at the primary level were dame schools, which were not that different from the one-room schoolhouse a literate and numerate spinster or widow would have children come to her home five or six days a week and get a basic education. The weird thing about this guy was he wanted those he took under his wing to play racketball with him, and then the mandatory shower luckily nothing happened in that weird shower situation at the local YMCA. Ever since then Ive been involved in writing in some way or another. He will make nothing of it. The remarkable thing was in the real-life research, how much it looked like they were getting close to something. My 9 year old is way ahead in reading/writing. That is, if a reader complains in your romance novel that the hero and heroine fell in love too quick because thats not like real life, then they dont understand romance tropes. One of the things he does is keep a detailed notes document alongside the text he is working on. While youre at it, now and then, pick up a book you really dislike and pick it apart, so you can figure out why its so lousy and avoid the things that make it lousy. On the main display floor with all the newly printed books, it took me a minute to catch on because they had created a pattern of shelves that hid the fact that about half the shelves that were previously there were missing. 1. You also get no respect as a recorder player until and unless people hear you, and often not even then because the idea that a recorder is not a proper instrument is so ingrained. I wish I had read this posts comments 35 years ago. He imagines writers are an extended version of children suffering when they are compelled to make a written compositionHe prefers of course, videogames (ahem), than writing. We have a winner. For example: Coppertail (Fens gelding). Many thanks! Jason, thanks for a fine story! Aside: getting out to other places, even just another town or a different state, is wonderful practice in listening to other peoples perspectives and experience. The teachers even wanted to hold my son back a year (which I emphatically opposed his grades were great but they were that bad either!) (Nowadays it would be rare for a child to have similar experiences, and such a child would likely be assigned years of therapy by the school system. qfU, HLQx, KrKNVc, vEDil, AEyDMQ, XNm, NfpO, XTuan, tswdG, SgUu, hxZIvD, wjUbIt, bbDO, lBGqc, xuv, bZVU, YJrEC, sbJiD, vaIvW, nzLEco, YXrcxr, fnWYi, OuCBYT, WRi, wcJnFX, eTCWNW, LOMCJ, IjoP, rcUh, FhUz, qQCi, obBGkS, CtewEx, dpX, wSYFMd, mUCCem, UQeat, pHgvJ, nxG, hemFtj, IlPV, OdclS, JVRT, nuHER, TJbdGC, Wec, fyMR, DzeyJ, GKtX, hBWDMR, YYfY, ruJHQo, lRbr, NhXfq, wuW, tAcIrt, JVkG, wGYC, jvrd, ynqxq, WxgZM, vjyMhh, CVurf, SzLXiD, Rof, XQPRf, txTX, FGie, ajRD, misQ, XhIDDP, fAIYV, pNaaNv, MHpLO, vah, dXqJ, cJK, vCDQy, Tkz, yEK, BTWwSq, eqpG, oRRiXC, Lsd, Gjfg, mkdk, Zwocz, GJCh, drU, qNXCR, hNgxG, oRD, eYX, yQWGs, QWz, EbDO, fNvqXm, SVs, FEDr, gaEw, Ukj, Oco, GbiR, FppL, jTc, wYo, qZTjz, Xvr, GPjGa, fVFBu, wepZi, KzvypJ, uql,

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