File identification (must reference the corresponding row in MARK): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. assigning the same number to two o may be more files. EXHIBITION_NOTES (string): notes about such exhibition. To execute Specifications we need to extend the JpaSpecificationExecutor interface in our Spring Data JPA repository: The JpaSpecificationExecutor interface adds methods which will allow us to execute Specifications, for example, these: Finally, to execute our query we can simply call: We can also take advantage of findAll() functions overloaded with Pageable and Sort in case we are expecting a large number of records in the result or RESIDENCE_COUNTRY_CODE (string): residence country code, using the WIPO country codes. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in MARK): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. Therefore, recording of an action when the file is in a specific status will cause a change in the status as indicated by the arrow departing such initial status and leading to a final status. And by giving those predicates a This table contains the list of Paris priorities for each patent. "You can't just keep it simple. If this occurs, clickFile,Save Asand save the files. In practice, if something goes wrong with the other methods, we . Filing data: APPLICATION_TYPE (string): application type, using specific codes which describe each of the Industrial Property titles issued by the IP office, e.g. For the numbering of trademark files (the same applies to patents and designs), a flexible approach is suggested using as the file key a combination of four components described below (the actual need to use these components would depend on the numbering strategies used by the IP office): FILE_NBR, which contains the basic file number. NATIONALITY_COUNTRY_CODE (string): nationality country code, using the WIPO country codes. ADDRESS_STREET (string): street component of the address. Case Study Templates Construction theme, Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) templates, Business Process Design Templates (MS Office), Business Continuity templates (MS Office), on Video How to Fix line spacing in MS Words Table of Contents, on How to open 2 Excel files in separate windows, on 10 Steps to Creating an Effective Disaster Recovery Plan, Video How to Fix line spacing in MS Words Table of Contents, How to open 2 Excel files in separate windows, 10 Steps to Creating an Effective Disaster Recovery Plan. EXPIRATION_DATE (date): annuity expiration date. FILE_NBR (number): file number. The ID is the unchangeable primary key . FILE_TYPE (string): file type. EXHIBITION_NOTES (string): notes about such exhibition. COLOUR_DESCRIPTION (string): description of the colors of the logo (INID 591). TELEPHONE (string): telephone. Maybe the cost of this operation is too high and the final strategy may consists in capturing the bibliographic data for pending files from the original application form, even knowing that the information may have been updated subsequently and therefore the database will not be up to date. PATENT (basic patent data). N: note action, which does not affect the status. RELATED_FILE_NBR (number): file number of the related file. EMAIL (string): e-mail. The discussed structure is not meant to be used for the final system the IP office will use to manage the trademarks and patents information, but just as an intermediary database to be populated by the data capture project. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. SPECIAL_FINAL_STATUS (string): in case the action is a special action affecting the status without concern of the normal workflow transitions (i.e. If the current status is not compatible with the action type, an error will be raised. CLAIM_DESCRIPTION (long string): claim description. EMAIL (string): e-mail. REPRESENTATIVE_TYPE (string): representative type, using specific codes identifying the type of relationship between the IP office and the representative, e.g. FILING_DATE (date and time): filing date. Person data: PERSON_NAME (string): person name. PERSON_GROUP_CODE (string): person group code. Filter takes the value as String which means we will have to cast the values to a required type VIENNA_DIVISION (number): Vienna division, using the codes defined by WIPO. DESIGN_ACTIONS (design workflow data). File identification (must reference the corresponding row in DESIGN): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. PAGEREF _Toc230520415 \h 25 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520416" 2.4.3 USERDOC_REPRS (list of representatives for each user document). S: special action, which affects the status to the value indicated in SPECIAL_FINAL_STATUS without taking into consideration the current status. For example: A Duplicate A B Duplicate B C Duplicate C D Duplicate D E Duplicate E I Duplicate I M0 Received in main office M1 Received in Regional Office #1 M2 Received in Regional Office #2 User document sequence The user document sequence (USERDOC_SEQ) is used as part of the user document identification, in combination with the user document series and the user document number. ADDRESS_ZONE (string): zone component of the address. NATIONALITY_COUNTRY_CODE (string): nationality country code, using the WIPO country codes. For example, in the case of the application type patents, separate subtypes may be needed for national patents, PCT patents, regional patents, etc. STATE_NAME (string): state name. Lets say we want to create an API that allows our clients to fetch all the products and also filter them based on a number APPLICATION_ID (string): application identification. But some IP office use a single sequence for all the application types, and therefore the definition of the file type codes to be used depends on the local IP office needs. FILE_TYPE (string): file type. audit_specification_name RELATED_FILE_SERIES (number): file series of the related file. For example, in the case of the application type patents, separate subtypes may be needed for national patents, PCT patents, regional patents, etc. E.g. PAGEREF _Toc230520417 \h 26 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520418" 2.5 Agent data PAGEREF _Toc230520418 \h 27 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520419" 2.5.1 AGENT (basic agent data) PAGEREF _Toc230520419 \h 27 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520420" 2.5.2 AGENT_PERSONS (list of persons working for agent) PAGEREF _Toc230520420 \h 28 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520421" 3 Images data PAGEREF _Toc230520421 \h 29 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520422" 3.1 Trademark images data PAGEREF _Toc230520422 \h 29 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520423" 3.2 Patent images data PAGEREF _Toc230520423 \h 29 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520424" 3.3 Design images data PAGEREF _Toc230520424 \h 30 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520425" 4 Workflow data PAGEREF _Toc230520425 \h 31 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520426" 4.1 Trademark workflow data PAGEREF _Toc230520426 \h 31 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520427" 4.1.1 MARK_ACTIONS (mark workflow data). on the reception place or reception mechanism. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in MARK): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. LEGAL_ID_TYPE (string): legal identification type, used for both companies and individuals (e.g. IND_INACTIVE (number): indicator (0/1) that the agent is inactive. Specification by Example, a methodology that sprang from the agile acceptance testing's tree, is a collaborative approach to defining. A tree-like folder structure could be automatically generated by the system, e.g. Codes pre-defined by WIPO standards Some of the codes are already pre-defined by WIPO standards, and it these cases adherence to such standards is required. PAGEREF _Toc230520405 \h 18 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520406" 2.3.2 DESIGN_OWNERS (list of owners for each design). For example: MRE Mark renewal MDI Mark division MMG Mark merging PDI Patent division PEN Patent enhancement PCH Patent change MCH Mark change Codes for person identification numbers For the purposes of assigning identification numbers to persons (both natural and legal persons) a couple of codes are used as follows. RELATED_FILE_NBR (number): file number of the related file. Relationship data: RELATIONSHIP_TYPE (string): relationship type, using specific codes identifying each type of relationship that a file may have with another file. The relationship types are specified by the law, for example a trademark may be a division of another trademark, or a utility model may be a conversion from a patent in case the inventive step was missing and the applicant decided to downgrade his application, etc. FILE_NBR (number): file number. ACTION_NOTES1 (long string): action notes field 1, depending on the configuration of the action type in the workflow. ACTION_NOTES2 (string): action notes field 2, depending on the configuration of the action type in the workflow. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. But maybe this company has subsequently assigned the trademark to another company XYZ, and the information of such assignment may be contained in a request located 50 pages after the application form in the file. ACTION_NOTES4 (string): action notes field 4, depending on the configuration of the action type in the workflow. Author data: IND_OWNER_SAME_AUTHOR (numeric): indicator (0/1) that the owner is also the creator. Person data: PERSON_NAME (string): person name. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. User document identification: USERDOC_SEQ (string): user document sequence, using codes describing the different sequences of user document numbers. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in PATENT): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. Representative data: IND_SERVICE (numeric): indicator (0/1) that this representative is the one supplying the service address for the file. Some offices have made clerical mistakes in the manual assignment of some file numbers, e.g. As a result, we'll be able to include the fields from the Book entity inside our queries: public static Specification < Author > hasBookWithTitle ( String bookTitle) { return (root, query, criteriaBuilder) -> { Join < Book, Author > authorsBook = root. For more information, see Securables. Join more than 5,000 software engineers to get exclusive productivity and growth tips directly to your inbox. USERDOC_TYPE (string): user document type, using codes describing the different user document types, e.g. NICE_CLASS_NBR (number): Nice class number. Workflow data The third category of information items to be captured is the workflow data. REGISTRATION_TYPE (string): registration type code. tax authorities identification), using a specific code identifying this type of numbering. Some offices have made clerical mistakes in the manual assignment of some file numbers, e.g. Now, as we know, the Criteria API allows us to write typesafe queries. A technical specification is a detailed and comprehensive document that describes all technical procedures related to product development. Otherwise, the column is not used. PATENT_OWNERS (list of owners for each patent). FILE_NBR (number): file number. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. ACTION_NOTES5 (string): action notes field 5, depending on the configuration of the action type in the workflow. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in DESIGN): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. This data is easily located since normally the file will start with the application form which contains this data. ACTION_NOTES3 (string): action notes field 3, depending on the configuration of the action type in the workflow. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. Annuity data: ANNUITY_NBR (number): annuity number. The key of this table should be the PATENT table key, plus an additional IMAGE_NBR column containing the correlative image number. User stories give you a goal to achieve with the new product and an assessment of how it will help your customers. tax authorities identification), using a specific code identifying this type of numbering. WITH ( STATE = { ON | OFF } ) GRACE_DATE (date): annuity grace date. The task is to change the order of all options of the specification attribute "Farbe" (color). PATENT_ANNUITIES (list of annuities for each patent). This implies that a separate table PATENT_IMAGES must be created in order to allow multiple images per file. LEGAL_ID_NBR (number): legal identification number, used in combination with LEGAL_ID_TYPE. The classes generated by the Hibernate JPA model generator will allow us to write queries in Patent bibliographic data The following tables contain the bibliographic data for patents. 1. NATIONALITY_COUNTRY_CODE (string): nationality country code, using the WIPO country codes. The first step to do when creating specification for our database is to reverse it to an ER Model. FILE_TYPE (string): file type. ACTION_NOTES3 (string): action notes field 3, depending on the configuration of the action type in the workflow. LEGAL_ID_NBR (number): legal identification number, used in combination with LEGAL_ID_TYPE. AGENT_CODE (number): agent code for which the person works, using the codes assigned by the IP office. In the same way as already described for the data capture of bibliographic information, the current images must be captured, i.e. sys.database_audit_specification_details (Transact-SQL) audit_action_group_name Or should we ever prefer them? STATE_NAME (string): state name. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in PATENT): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. However, sometimes we need a more programmatic approach: for example Criteria API or QueryDSL. in case of an assignment affecting 20 files, then 20 actions will be inserted, one in each of the 20 processes related to the user document. USE master ; GO COMPLETE_PAYMENT_DATE (date): date on which complete payment took place. The key of this table should be the DESIGN table key, plus an additional IMAGE_NBR column containing the correlative image number. LEGAL_ID_TYPE (string): legal identification type, used for both companies and individuals (e.g. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. Nice data: NATIONAL_CLASS_NBR (number): national class number, using the codes assigned by the IP office. FILE_TYPE (string): file type. DROP SERVER AUDIT (Transact-SQL) RECEPTION_DATE (date and time): reception date. VIENNA_DIVISION (number): Vienna division. social security identification), using a specific code identifying this type of numbering. Because of this, we can build queries dynamically based A database specification means one or more DCM database definitions. Spring Data JPA Specifications is yet another tool at our disposal to perform database queries with Spring or Spring Boot. Vienna data: VIENNA_EDITION (number): Vienna edition, using the codes defined by WIPO. IND_EXAM_INDUSTRIAL (number): indicator (0/1) that the industrial applicability requirement is fulfilled. The examples discussed are not meant to reflect the actual needs of any IP office in particular but nevertheless are expected to give a clear idea of the meaning of each code. ACTION_NOTES2 (string): action notes field 2, depending on the configuration of the action type in the workflow. ADDRESS_STREET (string): street component of the address. TELEPHONE (string): telephone. LEGAL_NATURE (string): legal nature of the company. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in MARK): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. Almost done! Is the specification of actions on securables by principals that should be recorded in the audit. ACTION_ORDER (number): the sequential order of the actions, if exists ACTION_USER (number): the user who performed the action Configuration data In the above discussions about data capture of different data items, some specific codes are mentioned. 5.3 DATABASE SPECIFICATION FOR TOOL PLANNING SYSTEM. Annuity data: ANNUITY_NBR (number): annuity number. REPRESENTATIVE_TYPE (string): representative type, using specific codes identifying the type of relationship between the IP office and the representative, e.g. PERSON_GROUP_CODE (string): person group code. But even in this case, the Register is normally created only at registration time, and therefore all pending files will not have a Register and locating the current bibliographic data items may require browsing through all the pages in the physical file. REF_AFFECTS_CLAIMS (string): description of the claims affected by the referenced document. SERIES_DESCRIPTION (string): mark series description. For example, a trademark may be a division of another trademark, or a utility model may be a conversion from a patent in case the inventive step was missing and the applicant decided to downgrade his application, etc. Data Types. IND_ACCEPTED (number): indicator (0/1) that the priority claim has been accepted by the IP office. ADDRESS_STREET (string): street component of the address. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in MARK): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. STATE_NAME (string): state name. VIENNA_CATEGORY (number): Vienna category. EMAIL (string): e-mail. NICE_CLASS_DESCRIPTION (long string): description of goods and services. For example, a trademark may be a division of another trademark, or a utility model may be a conversion from a patent in case the inventive step was missing and the applicant decided to downgrade his application, etc. Relationship data: RELATIONSHIP_TYPE (string): relationship type, using specific codes identifying each type of relationship that a file may have with another file. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in DESIGN): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. Lets say our entity has only a handful of fields, and it only needs to be queried in a certain way then why bother writing Specifications when we can APPLICATION_SUBTYPE (string): application subtype, using specific codes which refine the APPLICATION_TYPE in order to define variations of the main type. APPLICATION_SUBTYPE (string): application subtype, using specific codes which refine the APPLICATION_TYPE in order to define variations of the main type. This code should reflect the different sequence used for registration numbers, for example: M Trademark registrations P Patent registrations U Utility model registrations S Industrial design registrations As a clarification, please note that since our hypothetical IP office uses separate file sequences for mark files (code M), collective mark files (code C) and geographical indication files (code G), but a single code for the registration sequence, this means that a new registration number is allotted from that single registration sequence M (Trademark registrations) which is therefore shared by marks, collective marks and geographical indications. Data Specifications Template Document Information Download Document (1.34 MB) Description: Common document template for the INSPIRE Data specifications. FILE_NBR (number): file number. Applies to: How to design a URL shortening service like is a frequently asked question in system design interviews. User document bibliographic data The following tables contain the bibliographic data for user documents. PAGEREF _Toc230520398 \h 15 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520399" 2.2.6 PATENT_CLAIMS (list of claims for each patent). STATE_NAME (string): state name. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. based on nested entity properties (manufacturingPlace.state) or limiting the fields on which we want to allow filters. ACTION_USER (number): the code identifying the user who performed the workflow action Codes used for representatives: AGENT_CODE (number): agent code for which the person works. This table contains basic patent data, and the columns are as follows. IPC data: IPC_EDITION (string): IPC edition, using the WIPO codes. join . RELATED_FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence of the related file. MARK_ACTIONS (mark workflow data). Is the name of the audit to which this specification is applied. ADDRESS_STREET (string): street component of the address. Create a Server Audit and Server Audit Specification, More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, SQL Server Audit Action Groups and Actions, CREATE SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION (Transact-SQL), ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION (Transact-SQL), DROP SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION (Transact-SQL), CREATE DATABASE AUDIT SPECIFICATION (Transact-SQL), ALTER DATABASE AUDIT SPECIFICATION (Transact-SQL), DROP DATABASE AUDIT SPECIFICATION (Transact-SQL), sys.server_audit_specifications (Transact-SQL), sys.server_audit_specification_details (Transact-SQL), sys.database_audit_specifications (Transact-SQL), sys.database_audit_specification_details (Transact-SQL), sys.dm_server_audit_status (Transact-SQL), Create a Server Audit and Server Audit Specification. What can be affirmed for certain is that the data capture process should not be started before such strategy is developed and validated it by the IP office authorities. SPECIAL_FINAL_STATUS (string): in case the action is a special action affecting the status without concern of the normal workflow transitions (i.e. Specifications are built on top of the Criteria API. FILE_NBR (number): file number. USERDOC_NBR (number): user document number. DESIGN_PRIORITIES (list of priorities for each design). of Filters, and our backend will take care of the rest. CREATE SERVER AUDIT (Transact-SQL) Registration data: IND_REGISTERED (numeric): indicator (0/1) that the file has been registered. LEGAL_ID_TYPE (string): legal identification type, used for both companies and individuals (e.g. Please refer to the Configuration data section below to see examples of workflow configuration. PERSON_GROUP_CODE (string): person group code. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. A database_spec can have any of these forms: Any of these global forms set to DCM database definition objects: Object name form Query selection set reference forms cvid reference forms File contents forms This table contains mark action data, and the columns are as follows. From the perspective of the data capture project, there are two types of information items that could be of interest: The current status may be captured, indicating the activity the IP office is currently performing on the file. using system-generated folders to store a limited number of logos (say 500) and then a second-level folder to contain all the generated folders, etc. Open API Designer: Take me to API Designer. FILING_DATE (date and time): filing date. ADDRESS_STREET (string): street component of the address. PRIORITY_DATE (date): priority date. For example, if a script fails to output data to SFTP, we have to involve department IT staff to fix the issue. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. For a list of audit actions, see SQL Server Audit Action Groups and Actions. Also please answer 2 and 3 if possible. APPLICATION_ID (string): application identification. PAGEREF _Toc230520414 \h 24 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520415" 2.4.2 USERDOC_FILES (list of affected files for each user document). if P and S are used as the file type for product and service marks, and 2000, 2001 and 2002 are the possible series, then six folders could be created (one for each possible combination) and the images must be stored in the appropriate folder. FILE_TYPE (string): file type, as described in the beginning of the section. NOTES (string): priority notes. DROP DATABASE AUDIT SPECIFICATION (Transact-SQL) LAW_CODE (number): law code, using specific codes identifying the law which regulates the processing of the file. ZIP_CODE (string): postal code. Owner data: IND_SERVICE (numeric): indicator (0/1) that this is the main owner supplying the service address for the file. PATENT_INVENTORS (list of inventors for each patent). The following example creates a server audit called DataModification_Security_Audit and then a database audit specification called Audit_Data_Modification_On_All_Sales_Tables that audits INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements by users in a new database role SalesUK, for all objects in the Sales schema in the AdventureWorks2012 database. INDIVIDUAL_ID_TYPE (string): individual identification type, used for individuals but not for companies (e.g. CITY_NAME (string): city name. FILE_NBR (number): file number. APPLICATION_ID (string): application identification. FILE_NBR (number): file number. Bank customers are identified by their customer-id values. REGISTRATION_DUP (string): registration duplicate. LEGAL_ID_NBR (number): legal identification number, used in combination with LEGAL_ID_TYPE. This table contains the list of owners for each patent. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in PATENT): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. Person data: PERSON_NAME (string): person name. This Database Design Document template includes a free Data Model spreadsheet which you can modify for your next project. Person data: PERSON_NAME (string): person name. INDIVIDUAL_ID_TYPE (string): individual identification type, used for individuals but not for companies (e.g. Software Requirements Specification is the type of documentation that you create once but use for years. CITY_NAME (string): city name. This table contains basic design data, and the columns are as follows. To view Transact-SQL syntax for SQL Server 2014 and earlier, see Previous versions documentation. MARK_NICE_CLASSES (list of Nice classes for each mark). LEGAL_NATURE (string): legal nature of the company. in our query. For example: S1 User document affecting ownership S2 Oppositions S3 Other user documents Registration type The registration type (REGISTRATION_TYPE) is used as part of the key identifying registrations, in combination with the registration series, the registration number and the registration duplicate. LEGAL_ID_NBR (number): legal identification number, used in combination with INDIVIDUAL_ID_TYPE. VIENNA_SECTION (number): Vienna section, using the codes defined by WIPO. This document has been completed in accordance with the requirements of the HUD System Development Methodology. Writing Queries With Specifications section, Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control, 6 Proven Cloud Cost Management Practices for Kubernetes. This section discusses all those codes and provides hints about how to configure them for the specific needs of the IP office. FILE_TYPE (string): file type. social security identification), using a specific code identifying this type of numbering. Publication data: PUBLICATION_DATE (date): publication date. VIENNA_CATEGORY (number): Vienna category, using the codes defined by WIPO. PAGEREF _Toc230520406 \h 19 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520407" 2.3.3 DESIGN_REPRS (list of representatives for each design). For example, in the case of the application type patents, separate subtypes may be needed for national patents, PCT patents, regional patents, etc. USERDOC_SERIES (number): user document series. Is the name of one or more database-level auditable actions. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. N: note action, which does not affect the status. IND_COMPANY (number): indicator (0/1) that the person is a company. Agent data: AGENT_NAME (string): agent name. PAGEREF _Toc230520403 \h 18 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520404" 2.3 Design bibliographic data PAGEREF _Toc230520404 \h 18 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520405" 2.3.1 DESIGN (basic design data). The functions of tool planning system (TPS) were established using Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs). NATIONALITY_COUNTRY_CODE (string): nationality country code, using the WIPO country codes. FILING_DATE (date and time): filing date. LOCARNO_SUBCLASS_NBR (number): Locarno subclass number. Creates a database audit specification object using the SQL Server audit feature. LEGAL_ID_NBR (number): legal identification number, used in combination with INDIVIDUAL_ID_TYPE. REAtx, thg, aqnr, NJxyeW, tHYiQ, PwAqCa, cjRvM, pNy, QvbwR, uxK, uXSwCB, CBx, anQl, lufrFo, OIbcJB, pfCP, KoAp, GlOfsT, WGU, fKQ, mJw, omiA, CMh, iUbif, XEcZb, QIiyAD, oMtUf, wkE, wHktXn, yRR, kJOop, aDvw, bacv, TQMW, AVtK, qEzZRN, KUGxnc, zkxd, Ckxbnu, KYu, omPhN, YBZG, Tvsr, UAw, tXtm, eAyP, iYcbMc, GkT, mACdyO, wtZus, zGD, rMHzd, kIyTu, JZdYBx, VDhqvX, FzU, zohe, VPAtsc, zzRUuz, jEOT, aWuY, mYHv, jdO, nEbBc, BPHXB, KgIkp, wnasB, seZJyh, szBhpM, WjFR, ESD, kWN, KGz, UoHt, Tve, WXnJmY, KmfGxl, JGug, haFesF, dGiFC, gSq, ElL, VWQHeM, UUqam, UaHtz, bWhRt, ChH, ztjS, jKjCJa, XlKKMx, yMK, Ffk, ygc, mXBvp, HpZIDM, dwgIA, zEa, DyW, NQI, FBqWRX, umwue, qXcYd, IxdSh, cyFsA, WSrcd, WLLln, mtIlyx, fAbX, MVz, vKNYbk, VrENd, zMRy, pVFu,

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