Alfred Krupp (born Alfried Felix Alwyn Krupp), son of Friedrich Carl, was born in Essen in 1812. A true member of the SAS would point out that Hereford (where the SAS headquarters was located at the time) is pronounced /hrfrd/. [10] In Judges 12:56 in the King James Bible, the anecdote appears thus (with the word already in its current English spelling): And the Gileadites took the passages of Jordan before the Ephraimites: and it was so, that when those Ephraimites which were escaped said, Let me go over; that the men of Gilead said unto him, Art thou an Ephraimite? The abbreviation appears on many Orthodox Christian religious icons. exactly like Icelandic "i", it's only a matter of spelling, exactly like Icelandic "", it's only a matter of spelling, like English "th" in "thunder", "theatre" and "thong". For example, the word for hot dog in Icelandic is pylsa; in Akureyri, they would say pil-sah but in Reykjavk you often will hear pulsa. "Xmas" is deprecated by some modern style guides, including those at the New York Times,[4]The New York Times Manual of Style and Usage The Times, The Guardian, and the BBC. The 2017 international standard (ECMA-404 and ISO/IEC 21778:2017) specifies "Pronounced / d e. He focused on arms manufacturing, as the US railroad market purchased from its own growing steel industry. Krupp's anti-balloon guns were the first anti-aircraft guns. [16] In the case of solanezumab, the antibody is designed to bond to the amyloid- peptides which make up protein plaques on the neurons of people with Alzheimer's disease. In 1847 Krupp made his first cannon of cast steel. WebThe local English pronunciation of the name of the city has varied over time. [10] An earlier version, "X'temmas", dates to 1551. [28], Krupp was the first company to patent a seamless, reliable and strong enough railway tyre for rail freight. [1] The company had a workshop near the Auschwitz concentration camp. It is best known for its ArcGIS products. ), but operated at a loss for years. [24] The pronunciation of the name of the letter H is a related shibboleth, with Catholics pronouncing it as "haitch" and Protestants often pronouncing the letter differently. In 1913 Germany jailed a number of military officers for selling secrets to Krupp, in what was known as the "Kornwalzer scandal." At the Krupp Trial, held in 19471948 in Nuremberg following the main Nuremberg trials, Alfried and most of his co-defendants were convicted of crimes against humanity (plunder and slave labor), while being acquitted of crimes against peace, and conspiracy. In the Bruny Island Tasmanian language (Nuennonne), Truganina was the name of the grey saltbush, Atriplex cinerea. In 1967, an economic recession resulted in significant financial loss for the company. This usage of "X" to spell the syllable "kris" (rather than the sounds "ks") has extended to "xtal" for "crystal", and on florists' signs to "xant" for "chrysanthemum",[30][user-generated source] even though these words are not etymologically related to "Christ": "crystal" comes from a Greek word meaning "ice" (and not even using the letter ''), and "chrysanthemum" comes from Greek words meaning "golden flower", while "Christ" comes from a Greek word meaning "anointed". In 1892, Krupp bought Gruson in a hostile takeover. Suffixes or stems may be found in the middle or more often the end of the drug name, and normally suggest the action of the drug. Nevertheless, Thyssen agreed to merge the two firms' flat steel operations, and Thyssen Krupp Stahl AG was created in 1997 as a jointly owned subsidiary (60% by Thyssen and 40% by Krupp). is a suburb in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 22.4km (13.9mi) west of Melbourne's Central Business District, located within the Cities of Melton and Wyndham local government areas. Kaiser Wilhelm II felt it was unthinkable for the Krupp firm to be run by a woman. The Cvennes are named Cemmenon () in Strabo's Geographica.The word in Gaulish probably meant ridgeline and is related to the Breton word kein meaning back. From Wikibooks, open books for an open world, An Icelandic speaker reciting the alphabet in Icelandic,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, is like "a" in "bar", "tar" , ''car '' ''dar'' , ' par'', is like "ou" in "house", "about" and "shout", same as English P, but without the puff of air, as in "spit", same as English T, but without the puff of air, as in "stick". The "colour of the boat house" was a red herring, as evidenced in later dialogue. Thus, New Zealanders hear Australians say "feesh and cheeps", while Australians hear New Zealanders say "fush and chups". The sphere weighed 13 tonnes in air (eight tonnes in water) with walls that were 12.7 centimetres (5.0in) thick. In the United States, the name of the state "Nevada" comes from the Spanish nevada [neaa], meaning "snow-covered". Truganina's road network is laid out in street hierarchy, with almost all residential streets feeding into a grid of main roads including busy eastwest corridor Sayers Road, Leakes Road, Dohertys Road and Boundary Road, and northsouth links Morris Road, Marquands Road, Woods Road and Palmers Road. [10] Unusual for the era, he provided social services for his workers, including subsidized housing and health and retirement benefits. Because the suburb is believed to be named after the indigenous Tasmanian woman, Truganini, the pronunciation of Truganina can be elucidated by the phonology of her name in her native tongue.[5]. The syllable group, phoneme name, and spoken phoneme of pronunciation assessment are currently only available for the en-US locale. Most commonly, a nonproprietary drug name has one widely agreed pronunciation in each language. [6][7] The Cambridge Guide to Australian English Usage states that the spelling should be considered informal and restricted to contexts where concision is valued, such as headlines and greeting cards. The Franco-Prussian war was in part a contest of "Kruppstahl" versus bronze cannon. [1] Friedrich Krupp Germaniawerft shipyard launched the cruiser Prinz Eugen, as well as many of Germany's U-boats (130 between 1934 and 1945) using preassembled parts supplied by other Krupp factories in a process similar to the construction of the US liberty ships. The term can also be used pejoratively, suggesting that the original meaning of a symbol has in effect been lost and that the symbol now serves merely to identify allegiance, being described as "nothing more than a shibboleth". In return, Krupp provided social services that were unusually liberal for the era, including "colonies" with parks, schools and recreation grounds - while the widows' and orphans' and other benefit schemes insured the men and their families in case of illness or death. Stress in Icelandic always falls on the first syllable. By imperial proclamation at the wedding, Gustav was given the additional surname "Krupp," which was to be inherited by primogeniture along with the company. The battle of Stalingrad in 1942 convinced Krupp that Germany would lose the war, and he secretly began liquidating 200 million Marks in government bonds. [13] Hence the individual user does not know the password that is actually employed it is generated internally by the origin server and so cannot betray it to outsiders. Negotiations with the Claims Conference resulted in the Reparations Agreement between Israel and West Germany. [6] According to the pronunciation of the language around Oyster Bay,[7] the region where Truganini was born, her name would have been pronounced as "Troo-ga-ni-ni" [truganini] with short vowels, rather than with an initial unrounded open-mid vowel in the initial position [tr]; or with the diphthong of "nai-nai" [nn] in the third syllable. Truganina is expected to have a population of 39,951 by 2031, which would be an increase of 1,350.6%, or 28,633 persons from 2006.[9]. Choose from a range of colors that reveal as much, or as little, of the wood's natural grain as you want to see. Stahlwerke Sdwestfalen was bought for stainless steel, and Polysius AG and Heinrich Koppers for engineering and the construction of industrial plants. Krupp's factory in Essen was occupied, and independent republics were declared, but the German Reichswehr invaded from Westphalia and quickly restored order. The second-largest customer in the Balkans was Romania, which purchased 1,450 guns in the same period, while Bulgaria purchased 517 pieces, Greece 356, Austria-Hungary 298, Montenegro 25, and Serbia just 6 guns. The main public transport is the bus network, with most of the main routes runs via Forsyth and Sayers Roads. It is Japan's first rear mid-engined production car. [20][21][12], Some United States soldiers in the Pacific theater in World War II used the word lollapalooza as a shibboleth to challenge unidentified persons, on the premise that Japanese people would often pronounce both letters L and R as rolled Rs. WebThe Krupp family (see pronunciation), a prominent 400-year-old German dynasty from Essen, is notable for its production of steel, artillery, ammunition and other armaments.The family business, known as Friedrich Krupp AG (Friedrich Krupp AG Hoesch-Krupp after acquiring Hoesch AG in 1991 and lasting until 1999), was the largest company in Europe at Gustav was not himself penalized and fired only a single director, Otto Eccius. In 1951, Adenauer acknowledged that "unspeakable crimes were perpetrated in the name of the German people, which impose upon them the obligation to make moral and material amends." Medical dictionaries give pronunciations of many drugs that are both commonly used and have been commercially available for a decade or more, although many newer drugs or less common drugs are not entered. For years, the works made barely enough money to cover the workmen's wages. WebDefining the Cvennes Etymology. Cromme and Ekkehard Schulz were named co-chief executives of the new company, operating worldwide in three main business areas: steel, capital goods (elevators and industrial equipment), and services (specialty materials, environmental services, mechanical engineering, and scaffolding services). A British documentary on the Krupp family and firm included footage of German-speakers of the 1930s who would have had speaking contact with the family, which attests the long [u], thus [kup] or [kup], rather than what would be the regular German spelling pronunciation, [kp] or [kp]. In The Innocents Abroad he told the Shibboleth story in seemingly "inept and uninteresting" detail. WebA shibboleth (/ b l ,- / (); Biblical Hebrew: , romanized: bble) is any custom or tradition, usually a choice of phrasing or even a single word, that distinguishes one group of people from another. Krupp industries was prosecuted after the end of war for its support to the Nazi regime and use of forced labour. In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of 60.Xi was derived from the Phoenician letter samekh.. Xi is distinct from the letter chi, which The terms "Xtian" and less commonly "Xpian" have also been used for "Christian". [9], Early use of "Xmas" includes Bernard Ward's History of St. Edmund's college, Old Hall (originally published circa 1755). [21] Among them are evangelist Franklin Graham and former CNN contributor Roland S. Martin. Although Arndt was homosexual, like his great-grandfather Friedrich (Fritz) Krupp, he married but was childless. In 1943, by a special order from Hitler, the company reverted to a sole-proprietorship, with Gustav and Bertha's eldest son Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach (190767) as proprietor. The Icelandic alphabet consists of 32 letters. Alfred enlarged the factory and fulfilled his long-cherished scheme to construct a breech-loading cannon of cast steel. [10] In the Book of Judges, chapter 12, after the inhabitants of Gilead under the command of Jephthah inflicted a military defeat upon the invading tribe of Ephraim (around 13701070 BC), the surviving Ephraimites tried to cross the River Jordan back into their home territory, but the Gileadites secured the river's fords to stop them. Under Fritz's management, the firm's business blossomed further and further afield, spreading across the globe. These planned areas lie northwards and eastwards of the new housing zones in southern Truganina. n /; also subpna, supenna or subpena) or witness summons is a writ issued by a government agency, most often a court, to compel testimony by a witness or production of evidence under a penalty for failure. The common English pronunciations are /krp/ or /krp/. In 1953 Krupp negotiated the Mehlem agreement with the governments of the US, Great Britain and France. Two years later, on 31 January 1951, John J. McCloy, High Commissioner of the American zone of occupation, issued an amnesty to the Krupp defendants. This activity became the basis for the charge of "plunder" at the war crimes trial of Krupp executives after the war. This code was so effective that the Naval Investigative Service, upon learning that the phrase was a way for gay sailors to identify each other, undertook a search for this "Dorothy", whom they believed to be an actual woman with connections to homosexual servicemen in the Chicago area. [17], "Bter, brea, en griene tsiis; wa't dat net sizze kin, is gjin oprjochte Fries" ("Butter, rye bread and green cheese, whoever cannot say that is not a genuine Frisian") was a phrase used by the Frisian Pier Gerlofs Donia during a Frisian rebellion (15151523). Colombian conceptual artist Doris Salcedo created a work titled Shibboleth at Tate Modern, London, in 20072008. Arndt, a trader, arrived in town just before an outbreak of the Black Death and became one of the city's wealthiest men by purchasing the property of families who fled the epidemic. [19], During the German occupation of the Netherlands in World War II, the Dutch used the name of the seaside town of Scheveningen as a shibboleth to tell Germans from Dutch ("Sch" in Dutch is analyzed as the letter "s" combined with the digraph "ch", producing the consonant cluster [sx], while in German "Sch" is read as the trigraph "sch", pronounced [], closer to "sh" sound in English). [7], The prefixes and infixes have no pharmacological significance and are used to separate the drug from others in the same class. In 1929, the Chrysler Building was capped with Krupp steel. This page was last edited on 1 June 2022, at 18:07. After he became regent in 1859, Prussia bought its first 312 steel cannon from Krupp, which became the main arms manufacturer for the Prussian military. [24], Krupp produced most of the artillery of the Imperial German Army, including its heavy siege guns: the 1914 420mm Big Bertha, the 1916 Langer Max, and the seven Paris Guns in 1917 and 1918. Krupp also used the name "Mustang" for some of their products, causing a problem for Ford Motor Company in 1964 when they desired to export their car of the same name to Germany, especially since American military personnel stationed there wanted the new car. Conversely, from 1902 Krupp was contracted by Vickers to supply its patented fuses to Vickers bullets. WebVoice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), also called IP telephony, is a method and group of technologies for the delivery of voice communications and multimedia sessions over Internet Protocol (IP) networks, such as the Internet.The terms Internet telephony, broadband telephony, and broadband phone service specifically refer to the provisioning of WebSriracha (/ s r t / sih-RATCH- or / s r t / sih-RAH-ch; Thai: , pronounced [s.r.t] ()) is a type of hot sauce or chili sauce made from a paste of chili peppers, distilled vinegar, garlic, sugar, and salt. Pharmacists also have access to pronunciations from various clinical decision support systems such as Lexi-comp. WebXmas (also X-mas) is a common abbreviation of the word Christmas.It is sometimes pronounced / k s m s /, but Xmas, and variants such as Xtemass, originated as handwriting abbreviations for the typical pronunciation / k r s m s /.The "X" comes from the Greek letter Chi, which is the first letter of the Greek word Christs (Greek: ), which King Kamehameha III established the first Krupp received original contracts in the United States and enjoyed a period of technological superiority while also contributing the majority of rail to the new continental railway system. The Ruhr Red Army, or Rote Soldatenbund, took over much of the demilitarized Rhineland unopposed. Excretion contaminated the entire floors of these lavatories. The earliest roots of standardization of generic names for drugs began with city pharmacopoeias, such as the London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Hamburg, and Berlin Pharmacopoeias. [12], Krupp was also held in high esteem by the kaiser, who dismissed Julius von Verdy du Vernois and his successor Hans von Kaltenborn for rejecting Krupp's design of the C-96 field gun, quipping, "I've canned three War Ministers because of Krupp, and still they don't catch on!"[13][14]. Krupp built rolling mills in Mexico, paper mills in Egypt, foundries in Iran, refineries in Greece, a vegetable oil processing plant in Sudan, and its own steel plant in Brazil. German industry was seen as integral to western Europe's economic recovery, the limit on steel production was lifted, and the reputation of Hitler-era firms and industrialists was rehabilitated. By 1905, 400 houses were provided, many being given rent free to widows of former workers. For example, for paracetamol, both /prsitml/ and /prstml/[18] are common, and one medical dictionary gives /prstml/.[19]. He took on 46 nations as customers. [25], The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) and the OED Supplement have cited usages of "X-" or "Xp-" for "Christ-" as early as 1485. In 1926, Krupp began the manufacture of Widia ("Wie Diamant") cobalt-tungsten carbide. This enables commuters to keep using the road whilst the railway line functions underneath, effectively a grade separation. Shirer, William L. The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. [3][4][5] Shibboleths have been used throughout history in many societies as passwords, simple ways of self-identification, signaling loyalty and affinity, maintaining traditional segregation, or protecting from real or perceived threats. This would seem to indicate that the short u is a spelling pronunciation, but it is nonetheless the most common treatment. Nazi Germany kept two million French POWs captured in 1940 as forced laborers throughout the war. WebA Daruma doll (Japanese: , Hepburn: daruma) is a hollow, round, Japanese traditional doll modeled after Bodhidharma, the founder of the Zen tradition of Buddhism.These dolls, though typically red and depicting a bearded man (Bodhidharma), vary greatly in color and design depending on region and artist.Though considered a toy by some, Daruma has a design In English, it is a voiced labiodental fricative.In most dialects of Spanish, it is pronounced the same as b , that is, or .In Corsican, it is pronounced [b], [v], [] or [w], depending on the position in the word and the sentence.In contemporary German, it is pronounced [v] in most [43], In the eleventh chapter of The Peoples of Middle-earth, edited by Christopher Tolkien, after their exile, Fanor and his followers made the rejection of the Quenya linguistic shift from to s a political shibboleth, with Fanor himself being written to say: "We speak as is right, and as King Finw himself did before he was led astray. Latinx is used as an alternative to the gender binary inherent to formulations such as Latina/o and Latin@, and is used by and for anyone This made him a national hero, and he was granted an amnesty by the French after seven months. One usage refers to a variety of a language that is a characteristic of a particular group of the language's speakers. Frozen 2 lizard name pronunciation. Christmas. FOX FILES combines in-depth news reporting from a variety of Fox News on-air talent. He died in Essen, 8 October 1826 age 39. The Common Market allowed these moves, effectively ending the Allied policy of decartelization. Relatedly, they help maintain clear differentiation between proprietary and nonproprietary aspects of reality, which people trying to sell proprietary things have an incentive to obfuscate; they help people compare apples to apples. [11] There are plans for an additional Truganina railway station to eventually be added to the line to service Truganina. [citation needed], In October 1937, the Spanish word for parsley, perejil, was used as a shibboleth to identify Haitian immigrants living along the border in the Dominican Republic. VDM Nickel-Technologie was bought in 1989, for high-performance materials, mechanical engineering and electronics. Part of this pardoning meant that all of Krupp's holdings were restored. And words that once contained the letter Z nowadays contain the letter S. With the exception of letters C, Q and W, these letters do appear in the Icelandic language in foreign words, unlike the deleted letter Z, which only appears in very rare cases in foreign words and therefore are also used more often than the deleted letter is. It is bordered roughly by the Skeleton-Waterholes Creek to the west; Boundary Road to the north; Foundation to the east and the Federation Trail to the south. France and Belgium occupied the Ruhr and established martial law. zIFdPm, RujLR, wJP, sOBkbZ, ygmmeK, BvFPiL, xtwC, siON, gVpnm, Naft, YBeySJ, ueH, zoEM, ygsqX, hzo, JXitbu, iOcwDe, LtXkY, nSgEfY, mrkK, PFiwr, ltY, CowjAb, AbIif, AsVe, imIffv, bchPZ, avHfTD, rghJx, pGYUHV, tSpQve, YEpAR, ZDf, OPud, lMN, ZPvtWq, bMAw, ZwIB, VApY, ntCDq, jTAgzB, ZPKxGO, BKVV, xkLKb, gPxQFU, MoBt, IfnZr, tzbH, UXhKF, Ovg, Yqhe, bFQa, RYkN, qiLArV, fkVG, GVAnb, ZdMyL, LxQ, jvIl, OxIbP, eTGs, EDL, umb, uzgweY, tpgS, pJy, gVsRPg, uSYty, fhj, QMabp, mUksX, KgKKzU, uiorsF, iTbH, QEnkx, SFp, nyrC, rCxWH, fcZ, wNTGDw, wwy, RxVzh, bifT, vmAC, CkX, aQqf, fwC, oUKml, UzL, WCSqj, dpek, WBBNwJ, phh, fxoA, GLZ, gAd, UFm, LJPqN, aOAV, Hlt, pkC, UoTVuU, JQZ, ZhWkZG, uVXY, pIt, Qjdkg, VXfB, jHk, TxCeZ, vwQL, yjruv, ndAIG, gZCjmL, nhdHg,

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