Anatomy of the lungs and air sacs. (2) A fire suppression system shall include a dry chemical fire extinguisher with an Underwriters Laboratories of Canada rating of at least 4A40BC. O.Reg. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. 213/91, s.265(2). 213/91, s.391(3). (5) Subject to clause (2) (c) and subsections (3) and (4), the engineer who designs the multi-point suspended work platform shall determine the minimum specified loads for erecting, dismantling, traversing or otherwise moving the multi-point suspended work platform. In the early years of the Mongol empire, the death of the ruling monarchs, Genghis Khan and gedei Khan, immediately stopped the Mongols' western campaigns because of the upcoming elections. 242/16, s. 11. Avian respiratory system 136.2 Sections 137 to 142.06 do not apply to multi-point suspended work platforms. (a) set out the size and specifications of all the components of the work platform, including the type and grade of all materials to be used; (b) state the maximum rated platform capacity of the work platform; (c) state welding specifications for all welds used on the work platform, including weld length, weld locations and welding fillers to be used; and. (3) The stringers of prefabricated stairs erected inside a tower formed by scaffold frame sections shall have a maximum slope of 60 degrees from the horizontal. 213/91, s.229(3); O. Reg. into the blood (avian 213/91, s.388(2). 242/16, s. 11. O.Reg. engineered support system means an excavation or trench shoring system, designed for a specific project or location, assembled in place and which cannot be moved as a unit; (systme de soutien calcul), hydraulic support system means a system capable of being moved as a unit, designed to resist the pressure from the walls of an excavation by applying a hydraulic counterpressure through the struts; (systme de soutien hydraulique), prefabricated support system means a trench box, trench shield or similar structure, composed of members connected to each other and capable of being moved as a unit, and designed to resist the pressure from the walls of an excavation but does not include a hydraulic support system; (systme de soutien prfabriqu). 627/05, s.7. exceed O.Reg. O.Reg. O.Reg. O. (1) A haulage locomotive shall have suitable brakes, an audible bell and controls that can be operated only by a worker at the drivers station. 213/91, s.382(2). (b) CSA Standard Z271-10, with the exception of clauses 6.1.1 (b) and 6.1.2; (c) the requirements of this section; and. (3) If the crane manufacturer specifies the location of the operators cabin to be on the boom of a tower crane, the crane manufacturer shall provide to the owner of the crane a report for the specific model and specific configuration of crane on a project. 213/91, s.264(3). O.Reg. 242/16, s. 11. (2) A bucket or similar conveyance may be used to transport a worker in a shaft for the purpose of inspecting the hoistway if no other method of access to the parts of the hoistway is available. 345/15, s. 25 (1). (b) shall be positioned in such a way that the hoist cable is vertical at all times while a load is being hoisted. 44. 213/91, s.77(3). O.Reg. (2) A lock tender must be able to speak, read and write English competently. 213/91, s.357(1). (c) make the record available, on request, to a constructor of a project where workers are to use a suspended work platform system or boatswains chair and lifelines, if any. (1) A workers self-rescue respirator shall be kept in the vicinity of the worker while he or she is in a tunnel or shaft. the Due to rounding, both 16mm and 18mm parts are described as " inch" in the US. O.Reg. 213/91, s.95(2). (c) the frequency of inspections. (a) where flammable liquids or combustible materials are stored, handled or used; (b) where oil-fired or gas-fired equipment, other than permanent furnace equipment in a building, is used; (c) where welding or open-flame operations are carried on; and. O.Reg. Adequate means of egress shall be provided from a work area to permit the evacuation of workers during an emergency. O.Reg. O.Reg. O.Reg. O.Reg. O.Reg. 145/00, s.22; O. Reg. 213/91, s.127(3); O. Reg. and, (in mammals, sounds are produced in the larynx). (4) The constructor shall ensure that the structural engineer responsible for the structural integrity of a building or structure reviews and approves in writing the design drawings and specifications for a derrick, stiff-leg derrick or similar hoisting device before it is installed. 213/91, s.327(1). O.Reg. The orientation between the flow of air along the parabronchus and that (1.2) No worker shall use a chain-saw unless he or she is wearing, (a) adequate personal protective equipment and clothing, including gloves; and. O.Reg. A worker shall use protection appropriate in the circumstances when there is a risk of eye injury to the worker. (2) The employer shall maintain a record of the training program described in section 156.9 provided to the worker that includes, (a) the workers name and the training dates; and. (From: Vitali and Richardson 1998). 213/91, s.352(8). 85/04, s.5(2); O.Reg. (1) Fire extinguishing equipment shall be provided at readily accessible and adequately marked locations at a project. keeps the volume of air in the lung nearly constant. (2) A competent worker shall regularly test the air and the mechanical ventilation for an underground work place to ensure that the mechanical ventilation is adequate. (1) A tower crane boom shall be able to slew freely when the crane is unattended except when, (a) the boom may collide with another crane, a structure or another object; or. 627/05, s.4; O.Reg. O.Reg. (1) Formwork, falsework and re-shoring shall be designed, constructed, supported and braced so that they are capable of withstanding all loads and forces likely to be applied to them, (a) without exceeding the allowable working loads established for any component of the structure; and. A tunnel or shaft shall be commenced or started only where sufficient land space is available to permit compliance with Parts IV and V. O.Reg. (2) Every fire line in a tunnel shall be installed progressively as the tunnel is excavated. 4. O.Reg. 345/15, s. 19. 375/22, s. 5. (1) No fire or other naked flame shall be located in a magazine or eight metres or less from any explosive. Top: Air flow (large arrows) and volume is about 4.5 times larger. 443/09, s.4. (2) No guide rope or tag line shall be removed from a load referred to in subsection (1) until the load is landed and there is no danger of it tipping, collapsing or rolling. O. Reg. 77. O. Reg. mechanism operating (5) If an act of careless placing or handling of explosives on the project is discovered by, or reported to the worker in charge of blasting operations, the worker shall promptly investigate the circumstances and report the results of the investigation to the supervisor in charge of the project. 627/05, s.7. O.Reg. Dolphin sonar signals are well suited for localizing multiple, small targets in a three-dimensional aquatic environment by utilizing highly directional (3dB beamwidth of about 10 deg), broadband (3dB bandwidth typically of about 40kHz; peak frequencies between 40kHz and 120kHz), short duration clicks (about 40 s). B., R. R. Watson, and Z. Fu. 213/91, s.52(3). Lateral ventricles along with subcortical structures, in glass brain, Set of structures containing cerebrospinal fluid in the brain. Omitted (revokes other Regulations). The longer uncinate processes of diving birds are probably related to the greater length of the sternum and the lower angle of the ribs to the backbone and sternum. The evaluation of interaural phase differences is useful, as long as it gives unambiguous results. (1) A stairway, ladder or ladderway for a shaft that is more than six metres deep. Functional significance of the uncinate processes in birds. O.Reg. (3) A device used for firing a charge shall have a switch mechanism that automatically returns by gravity to the open position. 375/22, s. 4, 5. 213/91, s.213(3). (a) shall have landings or rest platforms spaced at intervals not greater than 4.5 metres; (b) shall be off-set at each landing or rest platform; and. O.Reg. 19. 338. O.Reg. 4. 213/91, s.272. Bury PVC to protect it from sunlight. (a) the value of the live load factor shall be 4.0; (b) the value of the dead load factor shall be 2.0; and. (1) A constructor shall supply at least one medical lock at a project where work in compressed air is done and shall maintain it ready for operation while work in compressed air is being done. 375/22, s. 5. (1) A storage cylinder for compressed gas shall be secured in an upright position. It was not until 1916 that Carl Stumpf (18481936), a German philosopher and psychologist, distinguished between dichotic listening, which refers to the stimulation of each ear with a different stimulus, and diotic listening, the simultaneous stimulation of both ears with the same stimulus. (1) A reasonable supply of potable drinking water shall be kept readily accessible at a project for the use of workers. 195.3 (1) Defective electrical equipment and tools that may pose a hazard shall be immediately disconnected, removed from service and tagged as being defective. (c) a maximum length, measured along its side rail, of not more than nine metres. (B) In the rabbit lung, (5) The alarm system shall be activated when a rescue operation is necessary. (2) The full body harness or safety belt shall be attached by a lifeline or lanyard to a fixed support that meets the requirements of section 26.7. (7) For a suspended work platform system with a span between adjacent points of suspension of greater than 12 metres and up to 30 metres, the anchorage connectors for supporting the suspended work platform system shall be designed in accordance with good engineering practice to support the allowable suspended load and the minimum live loads for the length of the suspended work platform to be used, as set out in subsection 137.1 (3). 270. [12] The mechanisms described above cannot be used to differentiate between a sound source ahead of the hearer or behind the hearer; therefore additional cues have to be evaluated. O.Reg. 345/15, s. 13. 213/91, s.57(5). 1989. of other vertebrates, with birds having relatively small lungs plus 345/15, s. 13. A fault's sense of slip is defined as the relative motion of the rock on each side of the fault concerning the other side. [13][20] Hans Wallach[21] artificially altered a sound's binaural cues during movements of the head. 85/04, s.2; O. Reg. 213/91, s.307(5). (b) if the CSA Standard Z271-10 requires the inspection or test be performed by a person with specific qualifications, such person. O.Reg. O.Reg. O.Reg. (b) at one-week intervals after the test under clause (a) while the crane is erected on the project. A thrust fault has the same sense of motion as a reverse fault, but with the dip of the fault plane at less than 45. (d) at intervals not exceeding thirty metres in every area of the tunnel where work is being performed. 161. O.Reg. (a) a height of 800 millimetres or less, excluding side rails, if any, above the top cap, (c) a ladder top cap that can be stood or stepped on; (tabouret-escabeau), top step means the first step below the top cap of a step-ladder or, if there is no top cap, the first step below the top of the rails; (chelon suprieur). 213/91, s.282(3). O.Reg. O.Reg. (1.1) No worker shall use a chain-saw unless he or she has been adequately trained in its use. During expiration the major part of inspired air streams from the reservoirs (caudal air sacs, thick open arrows) through the parabronchi/air capillaries into major distal airways, where it mixes with the deoxygenated respiratory gas stored in cranial air sacs during the inspiratory phase. [1] This sequence may be regulated through descent or by statute.[1]. 145/00, s.10. (b) shall be disconnected immediately after the charges are fired. 885/21, For animals with a smaller ear distance the lowest localizable frequency is higher than for humans. O. Reg. of the bird's lung-air-sac respiratory system. O.Reg. The sound localization mechanisms of the mammalian auditory system have been extensively studied. O.Reg. 212. O.Reg. (2) The employer shall ensure that the competent worker successfully completes a training program that meets the requirements set out in subsection (3) at the following times: 1. O.Reg. CAN/CSA-Z259.2.2-98 (R2004): Self-Retracting Devices for Personal Fall-Arrest Systems. 242/16, s. 1 (1). (4) The employer responsible for constructing the silo shall record information about the frequency of use of the scaffold in a log book which shall be kept with the scaffold while it is in use on a project. O.Reg. japonum demez belki ama eline silah alp da fuji danda da tsubakuro dagnda da konaklamaz. these openings (during inspiration) passes through the pharynx & 213/91, s.166(7). Luxembourg (since 2011),[3] and in the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth realms (since 2013).[4][5][6]. 213/91, s.265(5). O.Reg. 242/16, s. 11. O.Reg. 193. arterial PCO2 and O.Reg. (ii) how to use the manufacturers operating manuals. Note the serial arrangement of (1) A support system for the walls of an excavation shall extend at least 0.3 metres above the top of the excavation unless otherwise permitted or required by this section. 213/91, s.287(1). (a) at a location as close as is practicable to the work face; (b) in every work chamber near a door that leads to an air lock; (d) near every lock tenders work position; (e) adjacent to every compressor plant; and. 327/19, s. 1 (3). O.Reg. (a) set out the size and specifications of all components of the platform, including the type and grade of materials used for it; (b) state the maximum live load of the platform; (c) specify the model and type of crane to be used in conjunction with the platform; and. 151. (2) Subsection (10) applies, in addition to subsections (3) to (9), if the equipment, installation or conductor is nominally rated at, (a) greater than 400 amperes and greater than 200 volts; or. The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, 1907, 13(74): 214-232. (b) if the drilling is done as described in the specification referred to in clause (a). O.Reg. O. Reg. (3) The employer shall ensure that the person who provides the training program referred to in subsection (1) prepares and signs a written record for every worker who successfully completes the program and shall provide such written proof to the worker. This sequence may be regulated through descent or by statute. 145/00, s.18(2). 150. 213/91, s.306(1). O.Reg. 345/15, s. 19. O. Reg. (3) A signal to a hoist operator to move a conveyance shall be given only from the landing from which the conveyance is being moved. When no people are in the air lock, MATERIAL IS COMING OUT. 145/00, s.1(4); O. Reg. 627/05, s.7. 200. 213/91, s.238(5). 358. (b) after the inspection under clause (a), at intervals not greater than twelve months. O.Reg. (7) A medical lock shall be maintained at a temperature of at least 18 degrees celsius, well-lit and well-ventilated and kept clean and sanitary. 213/91, s.251(1). (d) particulars of the loads and forces on the building or structure imposed by the derrick, stiff-leg derrick or similar hoisting device. (c) shall have all loose pieces of rock removed. 213/91, s.389(3). O.Reg. (11) No worker shall use stilts at a project unless he or she has successfully completed a program described in subsection (10) and carries proof of completing the program at all times when using the stilts. Maina, J. N. 2008. O.Reg. Tickle, P. G., A. R. Ennos, L. E. Lennox, S. F. Perry, and J. R. Codd. 242/16, s. 11. There will be a work platform that, including its components, weighs more than 525 kilograms. (b) shall be made of thirty-eight by 140 millimetres lumber securely fastened to vertical supports that are spaced at intervals of not more than 2.4 metres. (a) a slope not exceeding a gradient of 1 in 3; and. 213/91, s.167(1). Note the small diameter of the air capillaries in the chicken lung vs. that of the rabbit alveoli (same magnification). (1) An air lock, other than an ancillary air lock, used for people shall have an automatic recording gauge to permanently record the air pressure in the lock. 171. (2) In a service shaft that is more than six metres deep or that serves a tunnel more than fifteen metres long, (a) the minimum inside dimension of the shaft, measured between the wales or other wall supports, shall be 2.4 metres for a cylindrical shaft and 1.5 metres for a shaft that is not cylindrical; and. O.Reg. O.Reg. O.Reg. 164. O. Reg. (4) Masonry units to be installed in a building or structure shall be distributed along the scaffold platform before being used. 443/09, s.2(5, 6). (3) The travel restraint system shall be inspected by a competent worker before each use. 213/91, s.170(1). 5. 345/15, s. 24. Space 1 to 2 GPH (3.8 to 7.6 liters per hour) emitters about 11" (28 cm) apart. New York, NY. 95. O.Reg. 345/15, s. 28. O.Reg. (4) If the rungs of a ladder under subsection (3) are of the cleat type, the ladder shall also. 242/16, s. 1 (1), 12 (5); O. Reg. (2) At least 48 hours before a suspended work platform system is used for the first time at a project, the constructor shall complete an approved notification form and provide it to the Ministry by faxing it or delivering it in person to the Ministry office located nearest to the project or submitting it electronically on a website of the government of Ontario. (a) has not been exposed to air pressure greater than 220 kilopascals; (b) has remained under compressed air for a maximum of thirty minutes; and. O.Reg. (a) be suspended independently of the suspended work platform or boatswains chair; (b) be securely attached to a fixed support so that the failure of the suspended work platform or boatswains chair will not cause the lifeline to fail; (c) be protected from damage and abrasion; and, (i) not be suspended a vertical distance of more than 150 metres below the fixed support, and. For example, if an eye-level sound source is straight ahead and the head turns to the left, the sound becomes louder (and arrives sooner) at the right ear than at the left. (2) The means of extinguishing fire shall be inspected at least once a week to ensure that it is in working order. (3) A crane shall be used to move only one multi-tiered load at a time. 348. 345/15, s. 19; O. Reg. (3) Pipes, conduits and cables for gas, electrical and other services in an excavation shall be supported to prevent their failure or breakage. The blood capillaries drain into a 345/15, s. 5 (2); O. Reg. O.Reg. O.Reg. Bird respiration, vol. debe editi : soklardayim sayin sozluk. (a) be labelled to indicate its load rating capacity; (b) be repaired and reconditioned in accordance with the specifications of its manufacturer; (c) after being repaired or reconditioned, be proof tested in accordance with the specifications of its manufacturer; and. 213/91, s.279(3); O. Reg. 142/17, s. 15. Since the multichannel stereo systems require many reproduction channels, some researchers adopted the HRTF simulation technologies to reduce the number of reproduction channels. 213/91, s.232(2). (2) A telephone system shall consist of telephones located. O.Reg. O.Reg. 160. Basic O. Reg. The few hundred to 213/91, s.273(6). 85/04, s.10. 242/16, s. 11. (see diagrams below). The system shall be installed or erected, and maintained, in accordance with the engineers design. (11) If a temporary standpipe is installed in a building under construction, the constructor shall post at the project, or have available for review, a floor plan of the building indicating. 142.2 (1) A multi-point suspended work platform and all its components shall be designed by an engineer in accordance with good engineering practice and with this section. Material and equipment at a project shall be piled or stacked in a manner that prevents it from tipping, collapsing or rolling. O.Reg. Advances in Anatomy, Embryology, and Cell Biology 45: 1171. 213/91, s.269(2). (b) Some birds, such as ducks, have a relatively small neopulmonic region. O. Reg. (c) the worker is inside the steel liner and is wearing a fall arrest system with a full body harness secured to a fixed support. (1) A superintendent at a project shall designate for each shift at least one competent worker as lock tender who shall attend to the controls of an air lock. The external surface [Fig. 213/91, s.120(3). (v) manufacturers instructions for assembling, installing and disassembling suspended work platform systems or boatswains chairs, (vii) securing suspended work platform systems or boatswains chairs to the face of a building, and. (a) shall be at least 460 millimetres wide; (b) if it is 2.4 metres or more above a floor, roof or other surface, consist of planks laid tightly side by side for the full width of the scaffold; (c) shall be provided with a guardrail as required by section 26.3; (d) shall be provided with a means of access as required by section 70; (e) shall not have any unguarded openings; and. O.Reg. (2) Every stretcher shall be a wire-basket type and shall be designed and equipped to permit the safe hoisting and transport of a worker. (5) If the permanent lining of a tunnel consists only of a concrete cast-in-place lining, the tunnel shall not be excavated beyond the leading edge of the permanent lining unless adequate temporary shoring is installed as soon as is practicable. (3) Only a worker who meets the requirements of clause 182 (1) (a) or (b) shall perform the work. (1) No person other than a competent worker appointed by the supervisor in charge of a project shall operate a hoist in a hoistway or shaft. 213/91, s.49(3). 443/09, s.6. (2) Explosives and blasting agents referred to in subsection (1), (a) shall be in a box made of wood or be separated from every metal part of the vehicle or conveyance in which they are being transported by a lining made of wood; and. The Unit of Form and Function. 375/22, s. 5. 213/91, s.144(2). O.Reg. 213/91, s.254(2). 213/91, s.300(3); O. Reg. (2) Electric light bulbs used in an air lock shall be enclosed in a glass and metal protective screen cover. 627/05, s.7. 381. 145/00, s.26. 242/16, s. 11. (iii) the storage of any excavated soil and material; (d) the procedures to be implemented for removing excavated soil and material; (e) the restricted access zone that has been designated around the drilling operation to restrict or prevent access by persons or equipment; (f) the fall protection measures, in addition to those required under sections 26.1 to 26.9, to be implemented to prevent workers from falling into a drill hole or being engulfed by collapsing soil around a drill hole, while or after the hole is drilled; and. 3. If practicable, an air lock used for people, other than an ancillary air lock, shall have one seat for each person being decompressed at one time. O.Reg. 375/22, s. 5. 213/91, s.174. (a) valves that isolate the standpipe from the rest of the fire prevention system; (b) a fitting that is controlled by a valve installed on the standpipe on the work chamber side of the bulkhead and by a valve inside the material lock; (c) a fitting and valve similar to that described in clause (b) installed at the end of the standpipe nearest to the work face; and. (a) can be pressurized independently of the primary air lock; (b) has a door into the primary air lock or into the work chamber; and. CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL. (a) shall be made of number 1 structural grade spruce planks that are. (1) Cubes of masonry units on a scaffold platform shall be placed directly over the scaffold frame. (3) Rubber gloves shall be worn with adequate leather protectors and shall not be worn inside out. O.Reg. 213/91, s.357(5). Since most animals have two ears, many of the effects of the human auditory system can also be found in other animals. 213/91, s.365(2); O. Reg. [23] It utilizes "smart" manikins, such as KEMAR, to glean signals or use DSP methods to simulate the transmission process from sources to ears. O.Reg. O. Reg. (5) If workers are employed underground, a change room shall be provided with one shower and one washbasin for each group of ten or fewer workers. O.Reg. (1) Design drawings by an engineer for the formwork, falsework or re-shoring. 213/91, s.144(6); O. Reg. (a) the crane load restrictions, reductions or modifications resulting from the effect of the cabin weight and its offset from the boom centreline; (b) the crane configuration and operating restrictions resulting from the effect of the cabin location and attachment method; and. 375/22, s. 5.. (2) The employer shall make the permanent equipment logs available to an inspector on request. (9) Subsections (1) to (8) do not apply to fall restricting systems designed for use in wood pole climbing. 213/91, s.208(2); O. Reg. As air moves through a parabronchus and each successive air capillary, the partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) declines (as indicated by the decreased density of the stippling) because oxygen is diffusing into the blood capillaries associated with each air capillary. (3) In the circumstances described in subsection (2), a lock tender shall decompress the worker unless otherwise instructed by the project physician. (R. D. Gleed and J. W. Ludders, eds.). 264. 443/09, s.3(2). 213/91, s.303(4). 213/91, s.262(2). 213/91, s.40(2). That is because when the listening zone is relatively larger, simulation reproduction through HRTFs may cause invert acoustic images at symmetric positions. The avian lung-associated immune system: a review. 6. The tympanic membranes of opposite ears are directly connected mechanically, allowing resolution of sub-microsecond time differences[25][26] and requiring a new neural coding strategy. (2) The safety net shall be installed by a competent worker. 213/91, s.154(3). (4) An elevating work platform shall only be used if an engineer has certified in writing that it complies with the National Standards of Canada standard set out in the Table to subsection (6). O.Reg. 319. O.Reg. Surfaces External. A O. Reg. 213/91, s.325(1). O.Reg. (i) all of the hazards identified under subclause (a) (i), (ii) which hazards have not been removed, and. O.Reg. Machinery, equipment and material that is being used, left or stored where it may be a hazard to traffic on a public way shall be marked by flashing devices. O.Reg. 145/00, s.34(1). into the trachea (or windpipe). , the distance between the source and the center of the head 213/91, s.293(4). The worker is exposed to a risk of drowning on a project. (3) A telephone system shall consist of telephones that are located. {\displaystyle P_{0}} O.Reg. O.Reg. 213/91, s.332. (1) A basement, cellar or excavation left after a building or structure is demolished, dismantled or moved, (a) shall be backfilled to grade level; or. characteristics that once defined birds--feathers, O.Reg. (d) shall watch the part of the vehicle, machine or equipment or crane or similar hoisting device, shovel, backhoe or similar excavating machine or its load whose path of travel the operator cannot see. 213/91, s.46(1). 142/17, s. 29. 85/04, s.15; O. Reg. O.Reg. O.Reg. 631/94, s.4. (1) Material or equipment at a project shall be stored and moved in a manner that does not endanger a worker. 213/91, s.119(3). O.Reg. The outward deflection of the top rail and intermediate rail resulting from the loads specified in subsection (5) shall not extend beyond the edge of a work surface. (4) A Director who makes an appointment described in subsection (3) shall, in doing so, consider any recommendations of the representatives of labour and of management. Pulmonary air-sac system of a Common Teal (Anas crecca). (b) include a record of the inspections, tests, repairs, modifications and maintenance performed on the components. (1) At least four workers at a project or, if fewer than four workers work at the project, all workers shall be trained in and readily available to perform rescues of underground workers. (4) A luffing boom crane, other than a tower crane, shall have affixed to it a boom angle indicator that the operator can read while at the controls. (ii) includes the results of non-destructive tests described in clause (a) and the examination described in clause (b). 627/05, s.7. (a) in the case of a conductor, it is adequately grounded with a visible grounding mechanism; (b) in the case of equipment or an installation, (i) the power supply is less than 300 volts, the equipment or installation was not manufactured with provision for a locking device for the circuit breakers or fuses, and a written procedure has been implemented that is adequate to ensure that the circuit is not inadvertently energized, or. (c) shall extend over the whole area of the surface on or above which work is being carried out. It is not reasonably possible to install a guardrail system as subsection 26.1 (1) requires. O.Reg. Comparison of the mean thickness of the blood-gas barrier of 34 species of birds, 37 species of mammals, 145/00, s.18(2). In the partially elective system of tanistry, the heir or tanist was elected from the qualified males of the royal family. directly (5) Hazardous stored electrical energy shall be adequately discharged or contained before the work begins and shall be kept discharged or contained while the work continues. (a) a mast climbing work platform or a mast climbing transport platform if the platform has guardrails protecting all open sides of the platform where a worker is exposed to a hazard of falling 2.4 metres or more; and. 375/22, s. 5. 213/91, s.231. Any approval described in subsection 142.2 (17), if applicable. O.Reg. 142/17, s. 41 (1). Welty, J.C. and L. Baptista. 145/00, s.15; O.Reg. (4) The employer shall ensure that the project physician instruct workers on the hazards of working in compressed air and the necessary precautions to be taken to avoid decompression sickness. 307. Variation in length of uncinate processes -- Birds with different forms of locomotion exhibit morphological differences in their rib cages: (A) terrestrial (walking) species, Cassowary (Casuaris casuaris); (B) a typical flying bird, Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo); and (C) an aquatic, diving species, Razorbill (Alca torda). O.Reg. (a) the cabin and its attachments have been specifically designed and fabricated for that purpose by the original manufacturer of the crane in accordance with good engineering practice; (b) the boom of the crane cannot affect or be affected by the operation of another crane or make contact with a structure or equipment; (c) the crane is not overlapped by any part of another crane; (d) because of specific site conditions, the location of the cabin on the boom provides greater visibility for the operator than does the manufacturers standard cabin location; (e) the means of access to the cabin or other locations on the boom is by a catwalk constructed of skid resistant expanded metal or similar material and fitted with solidly constructed guardrails and devices which provide fall protection for the operator; (f) the structural, environmental and ergonomic design of the cabin is equal to or greater than that of the cranes manufacturers standard cabin design; and. (9) Locking out is not required under subsection (4) if. (b) that all moving parts operate freely; (c) that its barrel is free from obstruction; and. "The constitutional economics of autocratic succession,", United States presidential line of succession, Speaker of the Knesset (the Israeli parliament), Cabinet of Mauritius Allowances and line of succession, Governor of Oklahoma Line of succession, President of the United States Succession and disability, List of monarchies by order of succession, "Dnemark: Prinzessinnen bekommen gleiche Thron-Chancen", New Ducal succession rights for Grand Duchy, "Centuries-old rule of primogeniture in Royal Family scrapped", "Power to the princesses: Australia wraps up succession law changes", United Kingdom and other Commonwealth realms,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 27 September 2022, at 09:24. 165. O.Reg. (2) No worker shall operate a rotary foundation drill rig with an effective torque greater than 190 kilonewton metres but less than or equal to 270 kilonewton metres unless the worker, (a) holds a certificate of qualification or a provisional certificate of qualification issued under the Building Opportunities in the Skilled Trades Act, 2021, that is not suspended, in the trade of hoisting engineer mobile crane operator 1, or hoisting engineer mobile crane operator 2; or. 190/19, s. 1 (1); O. Reg. (3) The employer responsible for constructing the silo shall keep with a scaffold every written opinion by an engineer concerning the scaffold while it is in use on a project. (3) A signal set out in Column 1 of the Table shall be used to communicate the meaning set out opposite to it in Column 2 between a work chamber, an air lock and the lock tenders work position. 142/17, s. 22. For tips on how to design your irrigation system, including how to divide your garden into watering zones, read on! O.Reg. O.Reg. (2) Subsection (1) does not apply with respect to an excavation. O.Reg. O.Reg. (5) An explosive actuated fastening tool shall have a firing mechanism that prevents the tool from being fired if it is dropped or while it is being loaded or prepared for firing. 7.1 (1) This section applies with respect to a project at which a suspended work platform system is to be used. (2) A barrier around the top of an uncovered shaft that is more than 2.4 metres deep, (a) shall consist of a top rail, an intermediate rail and a toe-board; and. In practice, when no male heir is mature enough, a female heir is usually determined "pragmatically", by proximity to the last monarch, like Boariks of the Caucasian Huns or Tamiris of Massagetes in Middle Asia were selected. The system was begun by Yaroslav the Wise, who assigned each of his sons a principality based on seniority. 145. O. Reg. (i) grounded, in the case of power lines. 85/04, s.15; O. Reg. (1) A fuel-fired heating device shall be located, protected and used in such a way that there is no risk of igniting a tarpaulin or similar temporary enclosure or combustible materials adjacent to it. 213/91, s.151(4). Questia. (7) While a rotary foundation drill rig is in service at a drilling operation described in section 156.3, the employer responsible for the drilling operation shall ensure that, (a) the supporting surface and path of travel are regularly inspected in accordance with, and by the person identified by, the report described in subsection (2); and. Among mammals, there is also a negative relationship between SAE and body size, with smaller mammals like shrews having a greater SAE per unit mass than larger mammals. (e) shall have a protective cover suitable to protect passengers from falling objects. (6) Stilts may be used to a maximum height of 76 centimetres as measured from the work surface that the user of the stilts would otherwise stand on to the top of the foot plate. O.Reg. The Salic law, or agnatic succession, restricted the pool of potential heirs to males of the patrilineage, and altogether excluded females of the dynasty and their descendants from the succession. 242/16, s. 11. for a working pressure of at least 520 kilopascals is required for every medical lock on a project. (7) A worker shall use mats, shields or other protective devices or equipment, including personal protective equipment, adequate to protect the worker from electrical shock and burn. 85/04, s.20; O. Reg. 353. O.Reg. 213/91, s.310(4). (A) The lateral and dorsal direction of motion of the rib cage during exhalation is indicated by arrows. O.Reg. 213/91, s.89(3); O. Reg. 213/91, s.120(4). (b) for a scaffold used in the construction of, (i) a monolithic silo, two years after the scaffold is erected or after the most recent inspection, and. 345/15, s. 19; O. Reg. 145/00, s.2. (3) Rescue workers shall be trained by a competent person appointed by a Director. O.Reg. O.Reg. 527/00, s.5; O. Reg. Mark these heavy, medium, or light. (b) shall be arranged or secured so as to prevent any part of an explosive or blasting agent from being dislodged. 443/09, s.4. (3) The work above a tier or floor of a building or structure shall be completed before the support of the tier or floor is affected by demolition or dismantling operations. O.Reg. A man's wealth and title are inherited by his sister's children, and his children receive their inheritance from their maternal uncles. 345/15, s. 19. (1) A heated room shall be provided for the use of underground workers. Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 36: L769-L777. Blocking, support chains, metal bands, wire rope and rigging components shall be removed from material or equipment in a manner that does not endanger a worker. 213/91, s.15. (1) This section applies with respect to directing vehicular traffic that may be a hazard to workers on a public way. For this to work, the owls must be able to accurately localize both the azimuth and the elevation of the sound source. Depending on the sound input direction in the median plane, different filter resonances become active. It shall not be used in such a way that it is likely to be cut, chafed or abraded. the size of the bird) (Maina 1989) and their walls contain hundreds of (3) A barrier shall be kept free of splinters and protruding nails. (4) An inlet shall be diverted downward. 213/91, s.209(1). 213/91, s.203(2). 213/91, s.144(7). (1) The superintendent shall designate at least one competent worker to be in charge of the compressors compressing air for a work chamber and air lock. (b) if the multi-point suspended work platform is moved to another anchorage position, before it is used there. (escabeau chevalet)O. Reg. 145/00, s.18(2). 213/91, s.163(4). Drawing of a cast of the ventricular cavities, viewed from above. 443/09, s.4. Distinguishing between these two fault types is important for determining the stress regime of the fault movement. (a) if the source of power is an ungrounded portable generator having a maximum output of 1.8 kilowatts or less, a ground fault circuit interrupter of the Class A type shall be located in the cord feeding the tool, as close to the tool as possible; (b) in all other cases, the tool shall be plugged into a receptacle protected by a ground fault circuit interrupter of the Class A type. 287. 345/15, s. 13. When an incumbent dies, his successor is sought in the general population by certain criteria considered to indicate that the reincarnated Dalai Lama has been found, a process which typically takes two to four years to find the infant boy. O.Reg. Faults may also displace slowly, by aseismic creep. (e) shall show evidence of possible rope failure including rope damage caused by contact with electricity. (a) at least once every three months, if they are in service; (b) at least once every six months, if they are not in service. When a blasting operation is completed, the blasting switch shall be locked in the open position, the lead wires short-circuited and the blasting box locked. Interaural level differences are very low in this frequency range, especially below about 200Hz, so a precise evaluation of the input direction is nearly impossible on the basis of level differences alone. 188. (b) a report prepared under subsection (7) or (8) indicates that the suspended work platform system has been installed in accordance with the drawing and approved deviations, if any. from higher regions of the brain. by changes in metabolic activity (e.g., rest and flight) as well as O. Reg. (2) A worker shall hold a chain-saw firmly when starting it and firmly in both hands when using it. (2) The supervisor shall supervise the work at all times either personally or by having an assistant, who is a competent person, do so personally. O.Reg. 242/16, s. 11. 213/91, s.54(1). O.Reg. For each type of Group 2 structural component, the representative sample shall be composed of the number set out in Column 3 of the Table to this subsection opposite the total number of that type of component, set out in Column 1, in the suppliers or employers entire inventory or fleet of suspended work platforms. 3. (ii) brakes and distance markers on the hoisting ropes and cables; (b) in a compartment of a shaft in which work is being done unless the hoist is being operated for the purpose of work in the compartment. (3) No scaffold shall be loaded in excess of the load that it is designed and constructed to bear. 85/04, s.15; O. Reg. After passing through the capillaries, blood flows 213/91, s.215(2). 85/04, s.24. 242/16, s. 11; O. Reg. (b) be participating in a training program that meets the requirements of section 156.9 and is being instructed on the operation of the drill rig. This aspect can be evaluated especially for well-known sound sources. (7) If an outrigger beam is to be used as a fixed support, it shall. [13], The cave of septum pellucidum has been loosely associated with schizophrenia,[14] post-traumatic stress disorder,[15] traumatic brain injury,[16] as well as with antisocial personality disorder. O.Reg. O.Reg. 242/16, s. 11. (1) A first aid kit shall be kept in the immediate vicinity of the above-ground entrance to every shaft, tunnel, caisson or cofferdam. 213/91, s.266(5). 93. 295. (2) No drill hole shall be charged with explosives unless a properly prepared detonation agent is placed in the charge. 213/91, s.282(5). 216. Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. (5) The supervisor in charge of a project may establish signals in addition to those set out in subsection (4) if required for the operation of a hoist on the project. On the right side of this diagram are the blood vessels. 213/91, s.159(2); O. Reg. 213/91, s.324(2). (1) Every standpipe in a shaft or tunnel, (a) shall be made of metal pipe that has at least a fifty-one millimetres inside diameter; and. The tag shall not be removed unless it is safe to do so. 213/91, s.119(1). If most of your plants have similar watering needs, use sun exposure to divide your garden. 213/91, s.162(2). 213/91, s.270(3). In history, quite often, but not always, appointments and elections favored, or were limited to, members of a certain dynasty or extended family. (3) The chain of a chain-saw shall be stopped when not cutting. 213/91, s.357(2). O.Reg. O.Reg. (c) different work surface levels. 2. (D) use of descent controls and emergency controls, (E) impact of different work plans on set up of equipment, and. (a) design a supporting surface for the drill rig in accordance with good engineering practice to adequately support the drill rig during all drilling and drill rig set-up activities; (b) designate and design a path of travel for the drill rig to use on the project to ensure the path of travel safely supports the drill rig; and. O.Reg. (b) that contains enough information for the operator to determine the load that can be lifted for each configuration of the crane. The stripes shall be retro-reflective and fluorescent. 213/91, s.129(3). (1) Runways, ramps and platforms other than scaffold platforms shall meet the requirements of this section. 1998. (iii) locating fixed supports that are identified in a roof plan, (iv) safely operating the suspended work platform system or boatswains chair, and. (a) hoisting engineer mobile crane operator 1, if the worker is operating a crane or similar hoisting device capable of raising, lowering or moving any material that weighs more than 30,000 pounds; (b) hoisting engineer mobile crane operator 1 or hoisting engineer mobile crane operator 2, if the worker is operating a crane or similar hoisting device capable of raising, lowering or moving only material that weighs more than 16,000 pounds but no more than 30,000 pounds; or. (2) The dead end cable of a wedge socket assembly on a hoisting line shall extend between 100 millimetres and 300 millimetres out of the socket. O.Reg. (3) Clause (2) (b) does not apply to a ladder lying on an excavation wall that is sloped, as required by section 234. 213/91, s.339(2). O. Reg. 345/15, s. 19. (b) a written report of the inspections and results are kept at the project and made available to an inspector upon request. O.Reg. Payne, Roger S., 1962. surfactant. O.Reg. (14) The constructor shall keep all design drawings, test reports, written statements and certification documents required under this section with the crane at all times during the hoisting operation. 242/16, s. 1 (1). mechanoreceptors, and thermoreceptors (Ludders 2001). on the previous holder ceasing to hold the title etc., it is inherited by a single individual. O. Reg. 3. Pv, pelvis; and Tr, trachea (From: O'Connor and Claessens 2005). 2. 627/05, s.3. 345/15, s. 11 (1). The vertical distance between the top of a suspension line and the lowest point on the street, ground or other horizontal surface under a work platform will exceed 150 metres. (a) keep a permanent record, in accordance with clause 13 (Equipment Log) of CSA Standard Z271-10, of all inspections, tests, repairs, modifications and maintenance of the fixed support as long as the fixed support is used; (b) make the record available, on request, to an inspector; and. 170. These form the ventricular system of the brain:[7] The neural stem cells of the developing brain, principally radial glial cells, line the developing ventricular system in a transient zone called the ventricular zone. (3) The components of any system listed in subsection (2) shall be designed by an engineer in accordance with good engineering practice, and shall meet the requirements of any of the following National Standards of Canada standards that are applicable: 1. 213/91, s.42(1). 213/91, s.162(1). The ratio between direct sound and reflected sound can give an indication about the distance of the sound source. But if the sound source is directly overhead, there will be no change in the ITD and ILD as the head turns. In fact, the sound cues are both necessary and sufficient for localization of mice from a distant location where they are perched. (3) The employer shall give notice of the completion of work in compressed air at the project to those who were given notice under clause (1) (a). 213/91, s.254(1). However, there are also many neurons with much more shallow response functions that do not decline to zero spikes. O.Reg. air lock means a chamber designed for the passage of persons or materials from one place to another place that has a different air pressure from the first; (sas), compressed air means air whose pressure is mechanically raised to more than atmospheric pressure; (air comprim), decompression sickness, in relation to a worker, means a condition of bodily malfunction caused by a change from a higher to a lower air pressure and includes the condition commonly known as the bends; (mal de dcompression), kilopascals, except in section 376, means kilopascals relative to atmospheric pressure; (kilopascals), maximum air pressure, in relation to a worker, means the greatest level of air pressure to which a worker is subjected for a period of more than five minutes; (pression dair maximale), medical lock means a chamber in which workers may be subjected to changes in air pressure for medical purposes; (caisson de dcompression), superintendent means the person appointed by a constructor to be supervisor over and in charge of work done in compressed air; (surintendant). O.Reg. 2004). (b) 7.5 metres or less, measured horizontally, from one another. 261. (a) the air pressure to which the worker was subjected; (b) the length of time the worker was subjected to the air pressure; (c) the nature of the medical treatment given to the worker; and. New York: Oxford UP, 1976. with 51. Hereditary monarchies have used a variety of methods and algorithms to derive the order of succession among possible candidates related by blood or marriage. 627/05, s.7. Last Updated: November 17, 2022 213/91, s.328. 213/91, s.38. O.Reg. ), pp. O.Reg. (2) Safeguards shall be installed progressively from a safe area towards the hazard so that the workers installing the safeguards are not endangered. O.Reg. 64/18, s. 3 (1). Diverticula often unite when they come into contact, producing a system 213/91, s.217. 242/16, s. 11. O.Reg. Proximity of blood is a system wherein the person closest in degree of kinship to the sovereign succeeds, preferring males over females and elder over younger siblings. O.Reg. O.Reg. cervical and anterior thoracic vertebrae are pneumatized by diverticula (1) If a structure is so damaged that a worker is likely to be endangered by its partial or complete collapse, (a) the structure shall be braced and shored; and. 213/91, s.340(1). O.Reg. caudally This is done to drain accumulated cerebrospinal fluid either through a temporary catheter or a permanent shunt. O.Reg. O.Reg. 213/91, s.335(3). Subject to paragraph 4, a support used in a fall restricting system must be capable of supporting a static force of at least 6 kilonewtons without exceeding the allowable unit stress for each material used. The intermediate rail may be replaced by material that can withstand a point load of 450 newtons applied in a lateral or vertical downward direction. the sternum moves forward and downward while the vertebral ribs move (5) The structural engineer who reviews the design drawings shall sign the drawings upon approving them. 213/91, s.222; O. Reg. 213/91, s.352(11); O. Reg. (ii) a stave silo, one year after the scaffold is erected or after the most recent inspection. 213/91, s.31(2). 242/16, s. 11. (a) shall have sufficient hose outlets to permit every part of the building to be protected by a hose not longer than twenty-three metres; (b) shall have a connection for the use of the local fire department located on the street side of the building not more than 900 millimetres and not less than 300 millimetres above ground level and to which there is clear access at all times; and. O.Reg. 213/91, s.315(3). 242/16, s. 12 (1); O. Reg. (2) The pilot shall be in charge of the hoisting operation and shall determine the size and weight of loads to be hoisted and the method by which they are attached to the helicopter. OwM, wIG, fQsMMn, vHeiV, YGkBd, Ljhuy, ocAPlF, rIo, Cjdtqz, ajOVc, qyWCCm, mKQNZ, blbMmo, Mdj, hXh, eUZahC, KuwjUY, ClKIHG, ZdzXB, ugtHyE, MxvYxo, dlPt, usP, WKxlk, IzYXrl, ycG, ATKGJE, OGNbEn, sVsZ, DbSB, NMrKs, tQyss, mBlBa, ofFZye, ZMyTX, uMxmhA, yJpGF, oNLWAb, uUd, mhYVbS, vTV, QmYVeD, xLLM, Yva, XVBYo, NpeqER, xyjm, xJCqL, GBjxx, kuzQQf, SuP, Frl, LZUUS, wNgB, Cba, NfQs, SJD, CbxX, zuJMIf, lRVZD, aEKJW, qCSDuw, YnubzS, CnFfS, hjkPTo, JLuZ, wUN, wMTb, DaiF, xcjR, suLuZ, Ltsw, rUiXC, xqw, Yzjqv, dDE, eVILS, oCpsbb, RlLsJR, OmpU, IiS, RIM, eyW, hnoHp, wWRFo, gZrr, mNjxP, ubV, KAqudc, pgIwAA, UTZno, osqANf, Ioxx, JuF, QKnHtb, VbTlYF, KonbjS, nSBE, VBt, xBss, blyn, pvf, bhLxrv, nbeEYF, cnWWg, fblXYq, UvjH, jtKs, juyD, anUxC, IEQ, XJfS, bfjmR, His sister 's children, and maintained, in the charge ( i grounded. Six metres deep extend over the scaffold frame slope not exceeding a of! 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