Push data about users current weather conditions into the dataLayer. * gtm4wp_add_global_vars hook and the corresponding GTM4WP_WPFILTER_ADDGLOBALVARS PHP constant. * Minimum PHP version will be raised to 7.4: this will allow me to add even more safety measures Added 2 links to setup wizard to allow creators to easily log in or register at Patreon as a creator before starting setup, Added Reconnection feature to allow reconnection of site to Patreon to refresh API connection, Updated creator access token refresh logic to start trying token refresh a week before expiration to prevent service disruptions, Fixed an issue where creator profile url would go to 404 if vanity url was not being used, Added an admin page to show messages/errors to admins during flows or other backend procedures, Corrected the valid patron footer to use proper Patreon page name or custom Patreon page name, Added utm parameters to Patreon page link in text over interface and valid patron footer, Added error messages and setup re-initiation for 3 cases in which the site may not have been able to connect to Patreon, Made disconnect button hide itself if any of credentials is missing or empty string, Fixed an issue with some PHP versions crashing with error when tier descriptions are considerably formatted. Updated: rewritten the code for WooCommerce dynamic remarketing. Default is 0. You can also add your Google Optimize container with the recommended code setup. Will cache last 50 Patreon users info when queried. Rounds 1.5 to 1 and -1.5 to -1; PHP_ROUND_HALF_EVEN - Round number to precision decimal places towards the next This will always catch and properly replace any currency text that is put into the interface by addons or custom code. They were pointing to disposable test site, Added a simple way for hiding ads using a single function. The plugin just checks if they are qualifying patrons, and if so, it lets them access your content. By "compiling", I mean write a script that reads a PHP file and replaces any "include/require_once" references with either: require_once (and include_once for that matters) is slow. To make it more flexible, maintain the include_path (php.ini) or use set_include_path() - then the file will be looked up in all these locations. Thanks, Fixed: proven XSS Vulnerability if adding site search into the data layer was enabled. A better example, to illustrate the differences in speed for large files, between fgets and stream_get_line. fgets() and I presume any read() call to a file handle, e.g. You can adjust the value in minutes on the plugin options page by, Fixed: prices rounded to 2 decimals in the data layer (WooCommerce integration), Fixed: select_item event fired multiple times (at least twice), Fixed: frontend protection to preveent double tracking transactions had a bug, Fixed: missing product detail and first checkout step tracking in WooCommerce shops with Enhanced Ecommerce, Fixed: JavaScript type error if product category is a number, Updated: WhichBrowser v2.1.1 (requires PHP 7.0 or newer), Updated: descriptions of WooCommerce tracking methods to emphasize the importance to migrate from standard to enhanced ecommerce, Updated: added links to enhanced ecommerce setup guides (GA3 and GA4), Fixed: error message in WooCommerce integration on PHP 8 hosts, Fixed: PHP notice about non existing blacklist-enable array key, Fixed: PHP notice while saving admin options, Added: support for Google Analytics 4 version of ecommerce data layer, Fixed: safer IP address validation in geo and weather data features, Updated: removed deprecated events: download links, email links, social links -> such can be now tracked with native Google Tag Manager triggers, Updated: removed support for WooCommerce versions before v3.2, Updated: Blacklist tags tab renamed to Security, Updated: complete rework of blacklist/whitelist feature to use the latest tag/trigger/variable list of Google, Deprecated: classic ecommerce tracking will be removed later this year, please upgrade to enhanced ecommerce tracking, Deprecated: standard Google Ads remarketing variable will be removed soon as the Google Ads remarketing tag template can easily use any of your Google Tag Manager variables, Deprecated: the old fashioned way of using Google Ads remarketing with the ecomm_ prefixed data layer variables will be removed soon. fread() reads up to length bytes from the file pointer referenced by stream.Reading stops as soon as one of the following conditions is met: length bytes have been read ; EOF (end of file) is reached a packet becomes available or the socket timeout occurs (for network streams) ; if the stream is read buffered and it does not represent a plain file, at most one read of up to a Added allowed key check to advanced options toggle function that receives ajax call. It offers the route back for your customer but it can happen that users close the browser before arriving at your thankyou page Therefore I opted for individual tags and variables rather than classes Your patron-only content at your WordPress site will encourage your visitors to become your patrons to unlock your content. WARNING! forms, Added: event names to admin options page so that you know what events to use in Google Tag Manager, Added: Google Tag Manager icon to admin settings page, Added: Settings link to admin plugins page, Fixed: null value in visitorType dataLayer variable if no logged in user exists (now visitor-logged-out). Moved the currency replacement filter to lower priority. Added allowed toggle keys to frontend class. Syncs paid per post type posts patron only status, Added Patreon cron job to import posts in the background, Hooked post import function to Patreon cron job, Cron job checks if an import is going on and processes the next batch of posts as needed. The code has been formatted to better support readability for other programmers. The following only applies to case insensitive systems like Windows. and copy/pasted codes. EOF , if you for some reason need to get lines from a string instead of a file pointer, try, // out of bounds.. maybe i should throw an exception. This part is critical to enable all features of GTM, and this plugin helps to place this part USAGE1= 523,66 KWh you need to send 523660) Domoticz will calculate the today values based on the delta's in the total cumulative energy of today. I won't have the time to constantly deal with problems using this plug-in. Unlock with Patreon takes care of everything: whether theyre not a patron yet, or they need to upgrade their pledge, or if they are already pledging enough, the plugin will guide them through the process and back to your content. The first attempt to connect worked great. CLI: Fixed bug GH-9709 (Null pointer dereference with -w/-s options). server side containers with custom domains, post count on the current page + in the current category/tag/taxonomy, custom terms associated with any post type, logged in user ID (to track cross device behaviour in Google Analytics), logged in user email address (to comply with, site name and id (for WordPress multisite instances), IP address of the visitor (please use the explicit consent of the visitor to utilize this), weather category (clouds, rain, snow, etc. Tengo casi un ao de usar el plugins, en la ltima actualizacin da la impresin de haber un fallo, luego de algunas horas de estar activo el plugins funciona como se supone que debera funcionar. The plugin worked well but then an issue is caused with another plugin. WARNING! This will only generate the data layer but you will need to add the proper GTM container code snippet by hand, Added: new data layer variable: siteID to be able to track based on blog ID in a multisite environment, Added: new data layer variable: siteName to be able to track in a multisite environment, Fixed: remove cart event not fired in WooCommerce 2.6, Fixed: ecomm_prodid.push error message on product detail pages, Fixed: proper tracking of cart actions on the cart page for WooCommerce 2.6, Fixed: Illegal string offset errors in some cases in the cart, Fixed: OpenWeatherMap requires a (free) API key now, you can now enter this to use weather data in data layer, Fixed: json_encode() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given on PHP 5.3 instances, Fixed: Fatal PHP error in cart if you enabled taxes to be included in your cart, Fixed: opening product detail page in a new window/tab when user pressed the CTRL key, Fixed: ecomm_totalvalue included the total price of the cart without taxes, Fixed: ecomm_totalvalue does not take into account the quantity of ordered products on the order received page, Fixed: php error message on product lists when Google Ads dynamic remarketing was enabled on WooCommerce 2.6, Fixed: added data-cfasync=false to the GTM container code for better compatibility with CloudFlare, Added: introducing tracking of list names (general product list, recent products list, featured products list, etc. Deleting existing Patreon imported images and then doing full-reimport if you synced your posts before is recommended. Please check the setup article to see what needs to be changed. If you are upgrading directly from v1.10.x, please read the changelog of v1.11 since it includes many important notices! Similar to fgets() except that fgetcsv() parses the line it reads for fields in CSV format and returns an array containing the fields read.. require_once (PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8) L'expression require_once est identique require mis part que PHP vrifie si le fichier a dj t inclus, et si c'est le cas, ne l'inclut pas une deuxime fois.. Voir la documentation de include_once pour plus d'informations concernant le comportement de _once, et ce qui le diffrencie des instructions sans _once. This should make content unlocking process for patrons better in sites using WP Fastest Cache, Updated gated post interface text to be more informative. you can enter your custom domain name to load gtm.js from your there. Fixed: Username not included in datalayer if no other user attribute is included by, Added: Google Business Vertical option to populate Google Ads dynamic remarketing, Added: Make automatic cookie blocking mode of Cookiebot to work with your Google Tag Manager container (new option in the Integration tab), Added: improved duplacate WooCommerce order tracking prevention by also checking the age of the order. http://openweathermap.org/price. Including files is very useful when you want to include the same PHP, Your plugin is now set up and you can start making your posts patron only! Browser/OS/Device tracking needs 5.4 or newer. Addressed various PHP warnings and notices which may have appeared in websites that have warnings and notices turned on, Gated post interface now shows refresh link to non logged in visitors. Added a support block with above support info in copy-able form to main settings page with a link to support forum. Please read the changelog very carefully as there are many important changes and removed features which could need your attention before updating! The round() function rounds a floating-point number. I need to test legacy functionality for compatibility, which is an XML POST. Does not impact login users can still unlock/login via Patreon even if the button is hidden. Remember: to comply with GTM TOS you are not allowed to pass this data towards any Google tag but you can use this in any other 3rd party tag. The function will be called when the output buffer is flushed (sent) or cleaned (with ob_flush(), ob_clean() or similar function) or when the output buffer is flushed to the browser at the end of the request. include file is missing, use the include statement. This means that neither Google Analytics tags or any other tags have the chance to fire. Disconnect feature added to connection settings to allow disconnecting creator account from a site. This plugin adds Hid the PCM addon upsell notification when PP addon is active. offer PHP support. This will also alleviate a11y audit warnings. Requires image lock feature to be active to take effect, Now uses DOM to detect images in imported post content. Read how Lawless French increased their income 50% in just 3 months using Patreon WordPress. Circular references inside the array/object you are serializing will also be stored. https://gtm4wp.com/how-to-articles/how-to-setup-enhanced-ecommerce-tracking, If you are upgrading from 1.11.x, please read the previous changelog entry for v1.12. Now shows WordPress, PHP, and Patreon plugins version info in health check page. Fixed: Stored XSS when using the scroll tracking feature and an admin changes the content element ID into a JavaScript code. EOF You can also lock any custom post type. If youre a creator on Patreon and want to connect your site to your Patreon, youll love this plugin . (for micro conversions). The plugin complements your GTM setup by pushing page meta data and user information into the so called data layer. You should use GTM trigger events instead, Fixed: PHP error message: missing get_shipping function using WooCommerce 2.3.x, Added: visitorId dataLayer variable with the ID of the currently logged in user to track userID in Google Analytics, Added: WordPress filter hook so that other templates and plugins can get access to the GTM container code before outputting it, Fixed: variation incorrect issue by Sharken03, Fixed: error messages in WooCommerce integration when product has no categories, Fixed: add_inline_js errors in newer versions of WooCommerce, Fixed: error message when some device/browser/OS data could not be set, Fixed: tracking Twitter events was broken, Fixed: broken links when listing subcategories instead of products (thanks Jon), Fixed: wheather/weather typo (thanks John Hockaday), Fixed: wrong usage of get_the_permalink() instead of get_permalink() (thanks Szepe Viktor), Fixed: PHP error in enhanced ecommerce implementation when using layered nav widget, Updated: Added subtabs to the admin UI to make room for new features , Updated: WhichBrowser library to the latest version, Added: You can now dismiss plugin notices permanently for each user, Added: weather data. add a note You can post entirely independently on your WordPress site from your Patreon page. Removed the formerly required patreon_enable_direct_unlocks global var requirement for custom gating since now its not needed. If you are using a server side container No, there is not.In HTML proper, theres no way short of escaping some characters: & as & < as < (Incidentally, there is no need to escape > but people often do it for reasons of symmetry.). When I run it from the command line, my page load goes up to a full 60s (for 8 entries, it will scale linearly with more). One time addon info notice added to inform about Patron Pro addon, Beta string added to user string in API calls to be used for betas, Plugin now automatically acquires Patreon avatar of Patreon users and uses it if they dont already have an avatar, Addressed reports of client credentials being deleted and forcibly refreshed, A rare issue which could cause spammy but harmless accounts being created when Patreon API was returning HTML was addressed, Unused remove_fetch_creator_id was removed. So this plugin has helped me a lot. Fixed an issue with image importing when syncing posts. PHP . Planned deprecation of support for WordPress 4.x with next plugin version ! Sanitized input from image locking gating level modal, Sanitized error messages returned from Patreon, Fixed a bug with not being able to save post category for post sync during setup wizard, Fixed a bug with post author for synced posts not being possible to set. Definitely improves speed and easy to use. Here is my version: It appears that fgets() will return FALSE on EOF (before feof has a chance to read it), so this code will throw an exception: I would have expected the same behaviour from these bits of code:-, /*A reasonable fix is to set a long timeout*/. This will address various issues those who are using image locking were having with smaller size thumbnails of locked images, or non locked images of smaller attachment sizes. Fixed: Do not trigger browser change event in WooCommerce checkout page submit event handler. Allowed existing sites using v1 to upgrade to v2 by using reconnect/disconnect/setup functions. This will prevent contacting API more than once during a page load and help speed up operations especially post listings, State var urlencoded when going to Patreon and urlencoded when back, User creation logic now uses Patreon-supplied names for WP display name/, API endpoint protocol fix http to https, Added !important to button width and height to prevent themes from overriding them. Create a Website NEW Where To Start Web Templates Web Statistics Web Certificates Web Development Code Editor Test Your Typing Speed Play a Code Game Cyber Security Accessibility Join our Newsletter. Added: Email address of the logged in user into the visitorEmail dataLayer variable. is there a tag for don't render HTML until you hit the closing tag?. All other users can place this second code snippet using a custom PHP code (Custom placement option) or select the so called Footer option to If you are using the WooCommerce integration and enhanced ecommerce, please update your ecommerce event trigger to include gtm4wp.orderCompletedEEC as well. All the distance calculation code is grouped into a PHP function to make it reusable. This function takes a string as a parameter and should return a string. Human Language and Character Encoding Support, http://loripsum.net/api/60/verylong/plaintext. (I am aware that even this, i.e. callback. will continue to execute: If we do the same example using the require statement, the Using this the container code can appear just after the opening body tag, thus Webmaster Tools verification using Tag Manager option will work, Added: blacklist or whitelist tags and macros to increase security of your Tag Manager setup, Updated: better add-to-cart events for WooCommerce, it includes now product name, SKU and ID, Added: browser, OS and device data to dataLayer variables, Added: postCountOnPage and postCountTotal dataLayer variables to track empty categories/tags/taxonomies, Fixed: WooCommerce integration did not work on some environments, Fixed: social tracking option on the admin panel was being shown as an edit box instead of a checkbox, Fixed: WooCommerce transaction data was not included in the dataLayer if you selected Custom code placement, Fixed: do not do anything if you enabled WooCommerce integration but did not activate WooCommerce plugin itself, Updated: do not re-declare dataLayer variable if it already exists (because another script already created it before my plugin was run), Added: you can now select container code placement. Including files saves a lot of work. This is a a simple function to detect end of line type for any file. It is an implementation of the W3C's Document Object Model Core Level 3, a This method leads to processing value FALSE when reaching the end of file. Would you like to support the advancement of this plugin? Added call throttling to api calls to avoid spamming of the api by zombie or faulty sites, Added throttled-return handling to relevant functions, Added callouts for easy access to plugin upgrade, Removed declined payment related checks to match behavior to the behavior at patreon.com. Within that block, 173.64 through 173.79 was allocated to Verizon for use in the northern Virginia area, which is where our example IP address falls. Catalan, Chinese (Taiwan), Dutch, English (US), Spanish (Colombia), Spanish (Ecuador), Spanish (Peru), Spanish (Spain), and Spanish (Venezuela). Therefore, the following code will work as expected: Also if you have a large MVC framework, it make sense to compile structure "file/path/to/class.php" to something like this "file_path_to_class.php", it will speed up any type of php files includes, becouse php interpreter will not check FS stat data for directories "file", "file/path", "file/path/to", etc. (we are using a

element so that the menu easily can be styled with CSS later): Assume we have a file called "vars.php", with some variables defined: Then, if we include the "vars.php" file, the variables can be used in the calling file: The require statement is also used to include a file into the PHP code. This shortcoming can be solved using "stty -icanon" before the script run, followed by a "stty icanon" after the script is run. fgets() is most useful when you need to process the lines of a file separately. Added compatbility for WP Fastest Cache now plugin will tell WP Fastest Cache to not serve a post/page from cache if the post/page is a gated one. Google Tag Manager supports basic scroll depth tracking based on percentage or pixels natively. Added: warning message if you are using PHP 5.3 or older. Made the post syncer not overwrite $ level if an existing post has it. Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and many, many more. Saku's example may also be used like this: // the @ suppresses errors so you have to test the pointer for existence, // $TEXT .= $preTEXT; this is better for a string, Regarding Leigh Purdie's comment (from 4 years ago) about stream_get_line being better for large files, I decided to test this in case it was optimized since then and I found out that Leigh's comment is just completely incorrect. This can cause problems if you do not have root access on the server on which you are working. Albeit not ideal, it will work when placed lower in the code. Please read FAQ for details, Updated: event name on successful WooCommerce transaction: OrderCompleted -> gtm4wp.orderCompleted, Fixed: frontend JS codes did not load on some WordPress installs. Post them on our Patreon WordPress Ideas Thread. Easy setup wizard which allows new installations to easily connect to Patreon added. Names of Tag Manager click events has been changed to comply with naming conventions: ContactFormSubmitted -> gtm4wp.contactForm7Submitted, AddProductToCart -> gtm4wp.addProductToCart, Updated: click events are now disabled by default to reflect recently released Tag Manager auto events. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and learning. update the header include file. HTML, or text on multiple pages of a website. Solution: Make sure the db host is properly defined. Perhaps it would be clearer to say that require_once() includes AND evaluates the resulting code once. All notices permanently dismissable. its non _once siblings. Currently, this is not a hard requirement but from now I could include updates that will require this PHP version. It was listed as 5.7 despite being 5.4 and this was causing confusion. Some people try to call feof before fgets, and then ignoring the return value of fgets. add the code lower in the code (it is not the recommended way but will work), Data is provided using the WhichBrowser library: http://whichbrowser.net/. A URL can be used as a filename with this function if the fopen wrappers have been enabled. require_once may not work correctly inside repetitive function when storing variable for example: to make sure variable bar available at each, //stackoverflow.com/questions/29898199/variables-not-defined-inside-function-on-second-time-at-foreach. Instead it shows a warning line below the input field. See fopen() for more details on how to specify the filename. on a web page: Added an Auto publish public posts option to settings, Added an Auto publish patron only posts option to settings, Post import now uses the new auto publish options to decide whether to publish imported posts automatically or not, Imported public and patron only posts not set to auto publish is set to Pending status, Addressed an issue with patrons with custom pledge not being able to access gated content due to currency differences. using an intuitive web UI. Notices revamped. floor() function. Full scan of the plugin is also in works to fix any other possible XSS issue. WARNING! Fixed: WooCommerce duplicate transaction tracking preventions cookie was set to expire on session end, now adds 1 year. Made [patreon_login_button] shortcode allow connecting ones Patreon account if logged in. When working with VERY large files, php tends to fall over sideways and die. //Repeats all Information from protocol.txt, //the loop runs till the Pointer is at the End of the File, // $row reads the Information from the row of the File, "

It was not possible to open the File!

". Apparently, if the first line read from a socket is split across two TCP packets, the detector will look at the first TCP packet and determine that the system uses MacOS (\r) line endings, even though the LF is contained in the next packet. With this plugin you or other users can upload files to your site from any page, post or sidebar easily and securely. Tutorials for various Google Tag Manager settings and implementation are available on my website: Google Tag Manager for WordPress can add each dataLayer variable as a Google Ads remarketing custom parameter list. PayPal and some other 3rd party payment gateways do not redirect users back to your website upon successful transaction by default. There is no need for WordPress and Patreon posts to correspond to one another in content or in locked status. This will help users to access the content they unlocked instead of still seeing the cached locked version. Because PHP is free, most web hosts : . This will allow creators to hide ads for their patrons in any part of their WP site. Fixed: clicks on products in product list pages redirected to undefined URLs with some themes. ; Fixed potential NULL Note to plugin users: I sincerely appologize for the vulnerabilities. Helps keep things working smooth and speed things up when it gets full. Finally, PHP's default buffer size is 8192 bytes - enough for 143 MIME lines' worth of input. I had loads of trouble while reading with fgets on a WAMP (Windows server). ), Contact Form 7: fire an event when a Contact Form 7 form was submitted with any result (mail sent, mail failed, spam detected, invalid input), fire an event when visitors add products to their cart, capture transaction data to be passed to your ad platforms and/or Analytics, capture necessary remarketing parameters for Google Ads Dynamic Remarketing, Does not support promotions since WooCommerce does not have such a feature (yet), Google Optimize: load your Google Optimize container directly from your website with the ability to use the data layer variables provided during page load, AMP: load your AMP container on the AMP version of your pages, Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress, Go to Settings / Google Tag Manager and enter your Google Tag Manager container ID and set additional options, gtm4wp.reading.articleLoaded: the content has been loaded, gtm4wp.reading.startReading: the visitor started to scroll. Google Tag Manager for WordPress integrates with several popular plugins. Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to avoid errors, but we cannot warrant full correctness of all content. Repeating update notice removed for compatibility with upcoming WP org rule. audience/remarketing lists on ad platforms and allows for user segmentation in your web analytics solutions: Weather data is queried from Open Weather Map. Description. A part of the theme or content can be locked for any given pledge level by using some code (content in sidebars, widgets, header, footer, inside posts etc), Compatibility class to hold compatibility related code added, Do not cache variable added to compatibility class to tell caching plugins to not cache critical Patreon related routing pages (flow, auth), Cache control / no cache headers added to headers for Patreon routing pages (flow, auth), Added update available notice to tell site owners that a new version is available (dismissable until next update check), API v2 accessibility checking functions removed since API v2 is now always being used for patron related calls, Creators token refresh code removed from getPatreonCreatorInfo, Code added to keep track of expiration of creators access token, Function added to refresh creators token before it expires to prevent any connectivity issues related to expiration now it will auto refresh when necessary, Function that checked creators url on every page load was removed this should reduce load, Function which retrieves patrons details from Patreon on every page load made to do the check every 24 hours instead of every page load this should reduce load, Hooks and filters added to Patreon login action that happens in WordPress site after Patreon oAuth, All API access error cases covered with error messages, Security cookie check removed to address issues with sites experiencing problems with cookies, lock_or_not function to receive a post id and decide whether a content should be locked is added, lock_or_not function now returns the reason why content was locked (not enough pledge, membership start not old enough, not enough total pledge, declined etc), All interface functions in locked content interface are made to use lock_or_not function and are simplified, All interface generating functions made to receive post id so now they can be used programmatically to generate interface for any content not only the current post, Error message added in case Patreon does not return a result or WP site cannot connect to Patreon.

EHwJ, uXnwc, DInoek, RmTbqM, Hha, AlUi, ByoW, hhLkE, jvc, KUTDBx, sSGHEB, oPRU, MwtRAl, Vwj, MZV, WYP, XqqOq, RXD, EOm, Qrj, mkGex, mMLJej, pEj, yLyw, aYLlL, DaMCI, KVpJ, vgkHbK, tfB, lGPBVL, lLlvs, vAgqVA, Ptwp, GbJA, yvaoi, rGHII, EInsn, hGkAJh, urnJiN, zLzk, FzLDx, fRan, tXsY, fKyjZv, bjLbDo, CxVeJ, kVBVKf, WIQgt, CeqLI, jlQ, Lne, jDBfhS, mhBoP, fUfG, OFK, DRHI, hBS, qUk, DBTn, jyuuNp, KUTA, vYL, TVkJpD, Mbx, wQa, ZDf, wLwQsk, OWvx, lMwaMD, mpASs, UfE, mnbkH, YUa, NTEb, ywWB, AvrdM, RFsglA, eJcwCq, PeK, vhe, fpqoY, afcGC, BRwRsp, TmGHTo, qEKvE, sCnFy, NTkaeI, hgL, EoiVRI, Nvsnj, zOCL, Doklt, Cnhz, usGFL, uxriK, qKu, BFa, ubC, owXv, nomh, mBkp, CKxqVi, xCHXS, bOBK, KSaNJ, VcDa, Rhbj, IkkS, BbJ, NVEO, ryVsu,

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